* The different matrices are initialized with the correct size, such that in
* the derived (concrete) finite element classes, their entries must only be
* filled in; no resizing is needed.
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
template <int dim>
struct FiniteElementBase : public FiniteElementData<dim> {
* degree of freedom to other degrees of freedom which are themselves
* constrained. Only one level of indirection is allowed. It is not known
* at the time of this writing whether this is a constraint itself.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Notes on extending the finite element library}
+ *
+ * The #deal.II# library was mainly made to use lagrange elements of arbitrary
+ * order. For this reason, there may be places in the library where it uses
+ * features of finite elements which may not be as general as desirable as may
+ * be. Most of these restrictions don't come to mind and may cause problems
+ * if someone wanted to implement a finite element which does not satisfy these
+ * restrictions, leading to strange problems in places one does not expect.
+ *
+ * This section tries to collect some of these restrictions which are known.
+ * There is no guarantee that this list is complete; in fact, doubts are in
+ * place that that be so.
+ *
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item Lagrange elements: at several places in the library, use is made of the
+ * assumption that the basis functions of a finite element corresponds to a
+ * function value (as opposed to derivatives or the like, as used in the
+ * Hermitean finite element class or in the quintic Argyris element). It is
+ * further assumed that a basis function takes its nominal value at a
+ * certain point (e.g. linear ansatz functions take their value in the
+ * corners of the element; this restriction rules out spectral elements for
+ * the present library).
+ *
+ * Both these assumptions are used when interpolation of a continuous
+ * function to the finite element space is applied. At present, only two
+ * places where this is used in the library come to mind to the author,
+ * namely the treating of boundary values in the #ProblemBase# class and
+ * the interpolation in the #VectorCreator# collection. You should also
+ * look out for other places where explicit use of the ansatz points is
+ * made if you want to use elements of other classes. A hint may be the
+ * use of the #get_ansatz_points# and #get_face_ansatz_points# functions
+ * of this class.
+ * \end{itemize}
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
template <int dim>
class FiniteElement : public FiniteElementBase<dim> {
const Boundary<dim> &boundary) const;
+ * Compute the off-points of the finite
+ * element basis functions on the given
+ * cell.
+ *
+ * This function implements a subset of
+ * the information delivered by the
+ * #fill_fe_values# function to the
+ * #FEValues# class. However, since it
+ * is useful to use information about
+ * off-points without using #FEValues#
+ * objects (e.g. in interpolating functions
+ * to the finite element space), this
+ * function is excluded from the
+ * abovementioned one.
+ *
+ * The function assumes that the
+ * #ansatz_points# array already has the
+ * right size. The order of points in
+ * the array matches that returned by
+ * the #face->get_dof_indices# function.
+ *
+ * For one space dimension there is a
+ * standard implementation assuming
+ * equidistant off-points on the unit
+ * line. For all other dimensions, an
+ * overwritten function has to be provided.
+ */
+ virtual void get_ansatz_points (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Boundary<dim> &boundary,
+ vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points) const;
+ /**
+ * Compute the off-points of the finite
+ * element basis functions located on the
+ * face. It only returns the off-points
+ * of the ansatz functions which are
+ * located on the face, rather than of
+ * all basis functions, which is done by
+ * the #get_ansatz_points# function.
+ *
* This function produces a subset of
* the information provided by the
- * #fill_fe_face_values()# function,
- * namely the ansatz function off-points
- * of those ansatz functions located on
- * the face. However, you should not try
+ * #fill_fe_face_values()# function.
+ * However, you should not try
* to implement this function using the
* abovementioned function, since usually
* that function uses this function to
* compute information.
- * This function is excluded from the
+ * The function is excluded from the
* abovementioned one, since no information
* about the neighboring cell is needed,
* such that loops over faces alone are
* to interpolate boundary values to the
* finite element functions. If integration
* along faces is needed, we still need
- * the #fill_fe_values# function.
+ * the #fill_fe_face_values# function.
* The function assumes that the
* #ansatz_points# array already has the
const bool compute_q_points,
const Boundary<dim> &boundary) const;
+ /**
+ * Refer to the base class for detailed
+ * information on this function.
+ */
+ virtual void get_ansatz_points (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Boundary<dim> &boundary,
+ vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points) const;
* Refer to the base class for detailed
* information on this function.
const bool compute_q_points,
const Boundary<dim> &boundary) const;
+ /**
+ * Refer to the base class for detailed
+ * information on this function.
+ */
+ virtual void get_ansatz_points (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Boundary<dim> &boundary,
+ vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points) const;
* Refer to the base class for detailed
* information on this function.
const bool compute_q_points,
const Boundary<dim> &boundary) const;
+ /**
+ * Refer to the base class for detailed
+ * information on this function.
+ */
+ virtual void get_ansatz_points (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Boundary<dim> &boundary,
+ vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points) const;
* Refer to the base class for detailed
* information on this function.