--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+In this first example, we don't actually do very much, but show two
+techniques: what is the syntax to generate triangulation objects, and
+some elements of simple loops over all cells. We create two grids, one
+which is a regularly refined square (not very exciting, but a common
+starting grid for some problems), and one more geometric attempt: a
+ring-shaped domain, which is refined towards the inner edge. The
+latter is certainly not very useful and is probably only rarely used
+in numerical analysis for PDEs (although, to everyone's surprise, it
+has actually found its way into the literature, see the paper by M. Mu
+titled "PDE.MART: A network-based problem-solving environment", ACM
+Trans. Math. Software, vol. 31, pp. 508-531, 2005 :-), but looks nice
+and illustrates how loops over cells are written and some of the
+things you can do with cells.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+The program has, after having been run, produced two grids, which look
+like this:
+<TABLE WIDTH="60%" ALIGN="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td ALIGN="center">
+ @image html step-1.grid-1.png
+ </td>
+ <td ALIGN="center">
+ @image html step-1.grid-2.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+The left one, well, is not very exciting. The right one is — at least
+— unconventional.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+This is a rather short example which only shows some aspects of using
+higher order mappings. By <em>mapping</em> we mean the transformation
+between the unit cell (i.e. the unit line, square, or cube) to the
+cells in real space. In all the previous examples, we have implicitly
+used linear or d-linear mappings; you will not have noticed this at
+all, since this is what happens if you do not do anything
+special. However, if your domain has curved boundaries, there are
+cases where the piecewise linear approximation of the boundary
+(i.e. by straight line segments) is not sufficient, and you want that
+your computational domain is an approximation to the real domain using
+curved boundaries as well. If the boundary approximation uses
+piecewise quadratic parabolas to approximate the true boundary, then
+we say that this is a quadratic or $Q_2$ approximation. If we
+use piecewise graphs of cubic polynomials, then this is a $Q_3$
+approximation, and so on.
+For some differential equations, it is known that piecewise linear
+approximations of the boundary, i.e. $Q_1$ mappings, are not
+sufficient if the boundary of the domain is curved. Examples are the
+biharmonic equation using $C^1$ elements, or the Euler
+equation on domains with curved reflective boundaries. In these cases,
+it is necessary to compute the integrals using a higher order
+mapping. The reason, of course, is that if we do not use a higher
+order mapping, the order of approximation of the boundary dominates
+the order of convergence of the entire numerical scheme, irrespective
+of the order of convergence of the discretization in the interior of
+the domain.
+Rather than demonstrating the use of higher order mappings with one of
+these more complicated examples, we do only a brief computation:
+calculating the value of $\pi=3.141592653589793238462643\ldots$ by two
+different methods.
+The first method uses a triangulated approximation of the circle with
+unit radius and integrates the unit function over it. Of course, if
+the domain were the exact unit circle, then the area would be pi, but
+since we only use an approximation by piecewise polynomial segments,
+the value of the area is not exactly pi. However, it is known that as
+we refine the triangulation, a $Q_p$ mapping approximates the boundary
+with an order $h^{p+1}$, where $h$ is the mesh
+width. We will check the values of the computed area of the circle and
+their convergence towards pi under mesh refinement for different
+mappings. We will also find a convergence behavior that is surprising
+at first, but has a good explanation.
+The second method works similarly, but this time does not use the area
+of the triangulated unit circle, but rather its perimeter. Pi is then
+approximated by half of the perimeter, as the radius is equal to one.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+The program performs two tasks, the first being to generate a
+visualization of the mapped domain, the second to compute pi by the
+two methods described. Let us first take a look at the generated
+graphics. They are generated in Gnuplot format, and can be viewed with
+the commands
+set data style lines
+set size 0.721, 1
+set nokey
+plot [-1:1][-1:1] "ball0_mapping_q1.dat"
+or using one of the other filenames. The second line makes sure that
+the aspect ratio of the generated output is actually 1:1, i.e. a
+circle is drawn as a circle on your screen, rather than as an
+ellipse. The third line switches off the key in the graphic, as that
+will only print information (the filename) which is not that important
+right now.
+The following table shows the triangulated computational domain for
+Q1, Q2, and Q3 mappings, for the original coarse grid (left), and a
+once uniformly refined grid (right). If your browser does not display
+these pictures in acceptable quality, view them one by one.
+<table "width=80%" align="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-10.ball_mapping_q1_ref0.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-10.ball_mapping_q1_ref1.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-10.ball_mapping_q2_ref0.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-10.ball_mapping_q2_ref1.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-10.ball_mapping_q3_ref0.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-10.ball_mapping_q3_ref1.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+These pictures show the obvious advantage of higher order mappings:
+they approximate the true boundary quite well also on rather coarse
+meshes. To demonstrate this a little further, the following table
+shows the upper right quarter of the circle of the coarse mesh, and
+with dashed lines the exact circle:
+<table "width=80%" align="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-10.quarter-q1.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-10.quarter-q2.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-10.quarter-q3.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+Obviously the quadratic mapping approximates the boundary quite well,
+while for the cubic mapping the difference between approximated domain
+and true one is hardly visible already for the coarse grid. You can
+also see that the mapping only changes something at the outer
+boundaries of the triangulation. In the interior, all lines are still
+represented by linear functions, resulting in additional computations
+only on cells at the boundary. Higher order mappings are therefore
+usually not noticably slower than lower order ones, because the
+additional computations are only performed on a small subset of all
+The second purpose of the program was to compute the value of pi to
+good accuracy. This is the output of this part of the program:
+Computation of Pi by the area:
+Degree = 1
+cells eval.pi error
+5 1.9999999999999998 1.1416e+00 -
+20 2.8284271247461898 3.1317e-01 1.87
+80 3.0614674589207178 8.0125e-02 1.97
+320 3.1214451522580520 2.0148e-02 1.99
+1280 3.1365484905459389 5.0442e-03 2.00
+5120 3.1403311569547521 1.2615e-03 2.00
+Degree = 2
+cells eval.pi error
+5 3.1045694996615869 3.7023e-02 -
+20 3.1391475703122276 2.4451e-03 3.92
+80 3.1414377167038303 1.5494e-04 3.98
+320 3.1415829366419019 9.7169e-06 4.00
+1280 3.1415920457576907 6.0783e-07 4.00
+5120 3.1415926155921126 3.7998e-08 4.00
+Degree = 3
+cells eval.pi error
+5 3.1465390309173475 4.9464e-03 -
+20 3.1419461263297386 3.5347e-04 3.81
+80 3.1416154689089382 2.2815e-05 3.95
+320 3.1415940909713274 1.4374e-06 3.99
+1280 3.1415927436051230 9.0015e-08 4.00
+5120 3.1415926592185492 5.6288e-09 4.00
+Degree = 4
+cells eval.pi error
+5 3.1418185737113964 2.2592e-04 -
+20 3.1415963919525050 3.7384e-06 5.92
+80 3.1415927128397780 5.9250e-08 5.98
+320 3.1415926545188264 9.2903e-10 5.99
+1280 3.1415926536042722 1.4479e-11 6.00
+5120 3.1415926535899668 1.7343e-13 6.38
+Computation of Pi by the perimeter:
+Degree = 1
+cells eval.pi error
+5 2.8284271247461903 3.1317e-01 -
+20 3.0614674589207183 8.0125e-02 1.97
+80 3.1214451522580524 2.0148e-02 1.99
+320 3.1365484905459393 5.0442e-03 2.00
+1280 3.1403311569547525 1.2615e-03 2.00
+5120 3.1412772509327729 3.1540e-04 2.00
+Degree = 2
+cells eval.pi error
+5 3.1248930668550599 1.6700e-02 -
+20 3.1404050605605454 1.1876e-03 3.81
+80 3.1415157631807014 7.6890e-05 3.95
+320 3.1415878042798613 4.8493e-06 3.99
+1280 3.1415923498174538 3.0377e-07 4.00
+5120 3.1415926345932004 1.8997e-08 4.00
+Degree = 3
+cells eval.pi error
+5 3.1442603311164286 2.6677e-03 -
+20 3.1417729561193588 1.8030e-04 3.89
+80 3.1416041192612365 1.1466e-05 3.98
+320 3.1415933731961760 7.1961e-07 3.99
+1280 3.1415926986118001 4.5022e-08 4.00
+5120 3.1415926564043946 2.8146e-09 4.00
+Degree = 4
+cells eval.pi error
+5 3.1417078926581086 1.1524e-04 -
+20 3.1415945317216001 1.8781e-06 5.94
+80 3.1415926832497720 2.9660e-08 5.98
+320 3.1415926540544636 4.6467e-10 6.00
+1280 3.1415926535970535 7.2602e-12 6.00
+5120 3.1415926535899010 1.0805e-13 6.07
+One of the immediate observations from the output is that in all cases
+the values converge quickly to the true value of
+$\pi=3.141592653589793238462643$. Note that for the $Q_4$ mapping, the last
+number is correct to 13 digits in both computations, which is already
+quite a lot. However, also note that for the $Q_1$ mapping, even on the
+finest grid the accuracy is significantly worse than on the coarse
+grid for a $Q_4$ mapping!
+The last column of the output shows the convergence order, in powers
+of the mesh width $h$. In the introduction, we had stated that
+the convergence order for a $Q_p$ mapping should be
+$h^{p+1}$. However, in the example shown, the $Q_2$ and $Q_4$
+mappings show a convergence order of $h^{p+2}$! This at
+first surprising fact is readily explained by the particular boundary
+we have chosen in this example. In fact, the circle is described by the function
+$\sqrt{1-x^2}$, which has the series expansion
+around $x=0$. Thus, for the quadratic mapping where the
+truncation error of the quadratic approximation should be cubic, there
+is no such term but only a quartic one, which raises the convergence
+order to 4, instead of 3. The same happens for the $Q_4$ mapping.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+The problem we will be considering is the solution of Laplace's problem with
+Neumann boundary conditions only:
+ -\Delta u &=& f \qquad \mathrm{in}\ \Omega,
+ \\
+ \partial_n u &=& g \qquad \mathrm{on}\ \partial\Omega.
+It is well known that if this problem is to have a solution, then the forces
+need to satisfy the compatibility condition
+ \int_\Omega f\; dx + \int_{\partial\Omega} g\; ds = 0.
+We will consider the special case that $\Omega$ is the circle of radius 1
+around the origin, and $f=-2$, $g=1$. This choice satisfies the compatibility
+The compatibility condition allows a solution of the above equation, but it
+nevertheless retains an ambiguity: since only derivatives of the solution
+appear in the equations, the solution is only determined up to a constant. For
+this reason, we have to pose another condition for the numerical solution,
+which fixes this constant.
+For this, there are various possibilities:
+<li> Fix one node of the discretization to zero or any other fixed value.
+ This amounts to an additional condition $u_h(x_0)=0$. Although this is
+ common practice, it is not necessarily a good idea, since we know that the
+ solutions of Laplace's equation are only in $H^1$, which does not allow for
+ the definition of point values because it is not a subset of the continuous
+ functions. Therefore, even though fixing one node is allowed for
+ discretitized functions, it is not for continuous functions, and one can
+ often see this in a resulting error spike at this point in the numerical
+ solution.
+<li> Fixing the mean value over the domain to zero or any other value. This
+ is allowed on the continuous level, since $H^1(\Omega)\subset L^1(\Omega)$
+ by Sobolev's inequality, and thus also on the discrete level since we
+ there only consider subsets of $H^1$.
+<li> Fixing the mean value over the boundary of the domain to zero or any
+ other value. This is also allowed on the continuous level, since
+ $H^{1/2}(\partial\Omega)\subset L^1(\partial\Omega)$, again by Sobolev's
+ inequality.
+We will choose the last possibility, since we want to demonstrate another
+technique with it.
+While this describes the problem to be solved, we still have to figure out how
+to implement it. Basically, except for the additional mean value constraint,
+we have solved this problem several times, using Dirichlet boundary values,
+and we only need to drop the treatment of Dirichlet boundary nodes. The use of
+higher order mappings is also rather trivial and will be explained at the
+various places where we use it; in almost all conceivable cases, you will only
+consider the objects describing mappings as a black box which you need not
+worry about, because their only uses seem to be to be passed to places deep
+inside the library where functions know how to handle them (i.e. in the
+<code>FEValues</code> classes and their descendents).
+The tricky point in this program is the use of the mean value
+constraint. Fortunately, there is a class in the library which knows how to
+handle such constraints, and we have used it quite often already, without
+mentioning its generality. Note that if we assume that the boundary nodes are
+spaced equally along the boundary, then the mean value constraint
+ \int_{\partial \Omega} u(x) \; ds = 0
+can be written as
+ \sum_{i\in\partial\Omega_h} u_i = 0,
+where the sum shall run over all degree of freedom indices which are located
+on the boundary of the computational domain. Let us denote by $i_0$ that index
+on the boundary with the lowest number (or any other conveniently chosen
+index), then the constraint can also be represented by
+ u_{i_0} = \sum_{i\in\partial\Omega_h\backslash i_0} -u_i.
+This, luckily, is exactly the form of constraints for which the
+<code>ConstraintMatrix</code> class was designed. Note that we have used this
+class in several previous examples for the representation of hanging nodes
+constraints, which also have this form: there, the middle vertex shall have
+the mean of the values of the adjacent vertices. In general, the
+<code>ConstraintMatrix</code> class is designed to handle homogeneous constraints
+of the form
+ CU = 0
+where $C$ denotes a matrix, and $U$ the vector of nodal values.
+In this example, the mean value along the boundary allows just such a
+representation, with $C$ being a matrix with just one row (i.e. there is only
+one constraint). In the implementation, we will create a
+<code>ConstraintMatrix</code> object, add one constraint (i.e. add another row to
+the matrix) referring to the first boundary node $i_0$, and insert the weights
+with which all the other nodes contribute, which in this example happens to be
+just $-1$.
+Later, we will use this object to eliminate the first boundary node from the
+linear system of equations, reducing it to one which has a solution without
+the ambiguity of the constant shift value. One of the problems of the
+implementation will be that the explicit elimination of this node results in a
+number of additional elements in the matrix, of which we do not know in
+advance where they are located and how many additional entries will be in each
+of the rows of the matrix. We will show how we can use an intermediate object
+to work around this problem.
+But now on to the implementation of the program solving this problem...
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+This is what the program outputs:
+Using mapping with degree 1:
+cells |u|_1 error
+ 5 0.680402 0.572912
+ 20 1.085518 0.167796
+ 80 1.208981 0.044334
+ 320 1.242041 0.011273
+ 1280 1.250482 0.002832
+ 5120 1.252605 0.000709
+Using mapping with degree 2:
+cells |u|_1 error
+ 5 1.050963 0.202351
+ 20 1.199642 0.053672
+ 80 1.239913 0.013401
+ 320 1.249987 0.003327
+ 1280 1.252486 0.000828
+ 5120 1.253108 0.000206
+Using mapping with degree 3:
+cells |u|_1 error
+ 5 1.086161 0.167153
+ 20 1.204349 0.048965
+ 80 1.240502 0.012812
+ 320 1.250059 0.003255
+ 1280 1.252495 0.000819
+ 5120 1.253109 0.000205
+As we expected, the convergence order for each of the different
+mappings is clearly quadratic in the mesh size. What <em>is</em>
+interesting, though, is that the error for a bilinear mapping
+(i.e. degree 1) is more than three times larger than that for the
+higher order mappings; it is therefore clearly advantageous in this
+case to use a higher order mapping, not because it improves the order
+of convergence but just to reduce the constant before the convergence
+order. On the other hand, using a cubic mapping only improves the
+result further insignicantly, except for the case of very coarse
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+This example is devoted to the <em>discontinuous Galerkin method</em>, or
+in short: DG method. It includes the following topics.
+<li> Discretization of the linear transport equation with the DG method
+<li> Two different assembling routines for the system matrix based on
+ face terms given as a sum of integrals that
+<li> loops over all cell and all their faces, or that
+<li> loops over all faces, whereas each face is treated only once.
+<li> Time comparison of the two assembling routines.
+The DG method was first introduced to discretize simple transport
+equations. Over the past years DG methods have been applied to a
+variety of problems and many different schemes were introduced
+employing a big zoo of different convective and diffusive fluxes. As
+this example's purpose is to illustrate some implementational issues
+of the DG discretization only, here we simply consider the linear
+transport equation
+<a name="step-12.transport-equation">@f[
+ \nabla\cdot \left\{{\mathbf \beta} u\right\}=f \qquad\mbox{in }\Omega,
+subject to the boundary conditions
+u=g\quad\mbox{on }\Gamma_-,
+on the inflow part $\Gamma_-$ of the boundary $\Gamma=\partial\Omega$
+of the domain. Here, ${\mathbf \beta}={\mathbf \beta}(x)$ denotes a
+vector field, $f$ a source function, $u$ the (scalar) solution
+function, $g$ a boundary value function,
+\Gamma_-:=\{x\in\Gamma, {\mathbf \beta}(x)\cdot{\bf n}(x)<0\}
+the inflow part of the boundary of the domain and ${\bf n}$ denotes
+the unit outward normal to the boundary $\Gamma$. Equation
+<a href="#step-12.transport-equation">[transport-equation]</a> is the conservative version of the
+transport equation already considered in step 9 of this tutorial.
+In particular, we consider problem <a href="#step-12.transport-equation">[transport-equation]</a> on
+$\Omega=[0,1]^2$ with ${\mathbf \beta}=\frac{1}{|x|}(-x_2, x_1)$
+representing a circular counterclockwise flow field, $f=0$ and $g=1$
+on $x\in\Gamma_-^1:=[0,0.5]\times\{0\}$ and $g=0$ on $x\in
+\Gamma_-\setminus \Gamma_-^1$.
+Following the general paradigm of deriving DG discretizations for
+purely hyperbolic equations, we first consider the general hyperbolic
+ \nabla\cdot {\mathcal F}(u)=f \qquad\mbox{in }\Omega,
+subject to appropriate boundary conditions. Here ${\mathcal F}$
+denotes the flux function of the equation under consideration that in
+our case, see equation <a href="#step-12.transport-equation">[transport-equation]</a>, is represented by
+${\mathcal F}(u)={\mathbf \beta} u$. For deriving the DG
+discretization we start with a variational, mesh-dependent
+formulation of the problem,
+ \sum_\kappa\left\{-({\mathcal F}(u),\nabla v)_\kappa+({\mathcal
+ F}(u)\cdot{\bf n}, v)_{\partial\kappa}\right\}=(f,v)_\Omega,
+that originates from <a href="#step-12.transport-equation">[transport-equation]</a> by multiplication with
+a test function $v$ and integration by parts on each cell $\kappa$ of
+the triangulation. Here $(\cdot, \cdot)_\kappa$ and $(\cdot,
+\cdot)_{\partial\kappa}$ simply denote the integrals over the cell
+$\kappa$ and the boundary $\partial\kappa$ of the cell,
+respectively. To discretize the problem, the functions $u$ and $v$ are
+replaced by discrete functions $u_h$ and $v_h$ that in the case of
+discontinuous Galerkin methods belong to the space $V_h$ of
+discontinuous piecewise polynomial functions of some degree $p$. Due
+to the discontinuity of the discrete function $u_h$ on interelement
+faces, the flux ${\mathcal F}(u)\cdot{\bf n}$ must be replaced by a
+<em>numerical flux</em> function ${\mathcal H}(u_h^+, u_h^-, {\bf n})$,
+where $u_h^+|_{\partial\kappa}$ denotes the inner trace (w.r.t. the
+cell $\kappa$) of $u_h$ and $u_h^-|_{\partial\kappa}$ the outer trace,
+i.e. the value of $u_h$ on the neighboring cell. Furthermore the
+numerical flux function ${\mathcal H}$, among other things, must be
+consistent, i.e.
+{\mathcal H}(u,u,{\bf n})={\mathcal F}(u)\cdot{\bf n},
+and conservative, i.e.
+<a name="step-12.conservative">@f[
+{\mathcal H}(v,w,{\bf n})=-{\mathcal H}(w,v,-{\bf n}).
+This yields the following <em>discontinuous Galerkin
+ discretization</em>: find $u_h\in V_h$ such that
+<a name="step-12.dg-scheme">@f[
+ \sum_\kappa\left\{-({\mathcal F}(u_h),\nabla v_h)_\kappa+({\mathcal H}(u_h^+,u_h^-,{\bf n}), v_h)_{\partial\kappa}\right\}=(f,v_h)_\Omega, \quad\forall v_h\in V_h.
+Boundary conditions are realized by replacing $u_h^-$ on the inflow boundary $\Gamma_-$ by the boundary function $g$.
+In the special case of the transport equation
+<a href="#step-12.transport-equation">[transport-equation]</a> the numerical flux in its simplest form
+is given by
+<a name="step-12.flux-transport-equation">@f[
+ {\mathcal H}(u_h^+,u_h^-,{\bf n})(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{ll}
+ ({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h^-)(x),&\mbox{for } {\mathbf \beta}(x)\cdot{\bf n}(x)<0,\\
+ ({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h^+)(x),&\mbox{for } {\mathbf \beta}(x)\cdot{\bf n}(x)\geq 0,
+where on the inflow part of the cell the value is taken from the
+neighboring cell, $u_h^-$, and on the outflow part the value is
+taken from the current cell, $u_h^+$. Hence, the discontinuous Galerkin
+scheme for the transport equation <a href="#step-12.transport-equation">[transport-equation]</a> is given
+by: find $u_h\in V_h$ such that for all $v_h\in V_h$ following
+equation holds:
+<a name="step-12.dg-transport">@f[
+ \sum_\kappa\left\{-(u_h,{\mathbf \beta}\cdot\nabla v_h)_\kappa
+ +({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h, v_h)_{\partial\kappa_+}
+ +({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h^-, v_h)_{\partial\kappa_-\setminus\Gamma}\right\}
+ =(f,v_h)_\Omega-({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, g, v_h)_{\Gamma_-},
+where $\partial\kappa_-:=\{x\in\partial\kappa,
+{\mathbf \beta}(x)\cdot{\bf n}(x)<0\}$ denotes the inflow boundary
+and $\partial\kappa_+=\partial\kappa\setminus \partial \kappa_-$ the
+outflow part of cell $\kappa$. Below, this equation will be referred
+to as <em>first version</em> of the DG method. We note that after a
+second integration by parts, we obtain: find $u_h\in V_h$ such that
+ \sum_\kappa\left\{(\nabla\cdot\{{\mathbf \beta} u_h\},v_h)_\kappa
+ -({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n} [u_h], v_h)_{\partial\kappa_-}\right\}
+ =(f,v_h)_\Omega, \quad\forall v_h\in V_h,
+where $[u_h]=u_h^+-u_h^-$ denotes the jump of the discrete function
+between two neighboring cells and is defined to be $[u_h]=u_h^+-g$ on
+the boundary of the domain. This is the discontinuous Galerkin scheme
+for the transport equation given in its original notation.
+Nevertheless, we will base the implementation of the scheme on the
+form given by <a href="#step-12.dg-scheme">[dg-scheme]</a> and <a href="#step-12.flux-transport-equation">[flux-transport-equation]</a>,
+or <a href="#step-12.dg-transport">[dg-transport]</a>, respectively.
+Finally, we rewrite <a href="#step-12.dg-scheme">[dg-scheme]</a> in terms of a summation over all
+faces where each face $e=\partial \kappa\cap\partial \kappa'$
+between two neighboring cells $\kappa$ and $\kappa'$ occurs twice:
+Find $u_h\in V_h$ such that
+<a name="step-12.dg-scheme-faces-long">@f[
+ -\sum_\kappa({\mathcal F}(u_h),\nabla v_h)_\kappa+\sum_e\left\{({\mathcal H}(u_h^+,u_h^-,{\bf n}), v_h)_e+({\mathcal H}(u_h^-, u_h^+,-{\bf n}), v_h^-)_{e\setminus\Gamma}\right\}=(f,v_h)_\Omega \quad\forall v_h\in V_h,
+By employing conservativity <a href="#step-12.conservative">[conservative]</a> of the numerical flux
+this equation simplifies to: find $u_h\in V_h$ such that
+<a name="step-12.dg-scheme-faces">@f[
+ -\sum_\kappa({\mathcal F}(u_h),\nabla v_h)_\kappa+\sum_e({\mathcal H}(u_h^+,u_h^-,{\bf n}), [v_h])_{e\setminus\Gamma}+({\mathcal H}(u_h,g,{\bf n}), v_h)_{\Gamma}=(f,v_h)_\Omega \quad\forall v_h\in V_h.
+Whereas the outer unit normal ${\bf n}|_{\partial\kappa}$ is uniquely
+defined this is not so for ${\bf n}_e$ as the latter might be the
+normal from either side of the face. Hence, we need to fix the normal
+${\bf n}$ on the face to be one of the two normals and denote the
+other normal by $-{\bf n}$. This way we get $-{\bf n}$ in the second
+face term in <a href="#step-12.dg-scheme-faces-long">[dg-scheme-faces-long]</a> that finally produces the
+minus sign in the jump $[v_h]$ in equation <a href="#step-12.dg-scheme-faces">[dg-scheme-faces]</a>.
+For the linear transport equation <a href="#step-12.transport-equation">[transport-equation]</a>
+equation <a href="#step-12.dg-scheme-faces">[dg-scheme-faces]</a> simplifies to
+<a name="step-12.dg-transport-gamma">@f[
+ -\sum_\kappa(u_h,{\mathbf \beta}\cdot\nabla v_h)_\kappa+\sum_e\left\{({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h, [v_h])_{e_+\setminus\Gamma}+({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, u_h^-, [v_h])_{e_-\setminus\Gamma}\right\}=(f,v_h)_\Omega-({\mathbf \beta}\cdot{\bf n}\, g, v_h)_{\Gamma_-},
+which will be refered to as <em>second version</em> of the DG method.
+As already mentioned at the beginning of this example we will
+implement assembling the system matrix in two different ways.
+The first one will be based on the first version <a href="#step-12.dg-transport">[dg-transport]</a>
+of the DG method that includes a sum of integrals over all cell
+boundaries $\partial\kappa$. This is realized by a loop over all cells and
+a nested loop over all faces of each cell. Thereby each inner face
+$e=\partial\kappa\cap\partial \kappa'$ is treated twice, the first
+time when the outer loop treats cell $\kappa$ and the second time when it
+treats cell $\kappa'$. This way some values like the shape function
+values at quadrature points on faces need to be computed twice.
+To overcome this overhead and for comparison, we implement
+assembling of matrix also in a second and different way. This will
+be based on the second version <a href="#step-12.dg-transport-gamma">[dg-transport-gamma]</a> that
+includes a sum of integrals over all faces $e$. Here, several
+difficulties occurs.
+<li> As degrees of freedom are associated with cells (and not to faces)
+ and as a normal is only defined w.r.t. a cell adjacent to the face we
+ cannot simply run over all faces of the triangulation but need to
+ perform the nested loop over all cells and all faces of each cell
+ like in the first implementation. This, because in <code>deal.II</code>
+ faces are accessible from cells but not visa versa.
+<li> Due to the nested loop we arrive twice at each face. In order to
+ assemble face terms only once we either need to track which
+ faces we have treated before, or we introduce a simple rule that decides
+ which of the two adjacent cells the face should be accessed and
+ treated from. Here, we employ the second approach and define the
+ following rule:
+ <ol>
+ <li> If the two cells adjacent to a face are of the same refinement level we access and treat the face from the cell with lower index on this level.
+ <li> If the two cells are of different refinement levels we access
+ and treat the face from the coarser cell.
+ </ol>
+Before we start with the description of the code we first introduce
+its main ingredients. The main class is called
+<code>DGMethod</code>. It comprises all basic objects like the
+triangulation, the dofhandler, the system matrix and solution vectors.
+Furthermore it has got some member functions, the most prominent of
+which are the <code>assemble_system1</code> and <code>assemble_system2</code>
+functions that implement the two different ways mentioned above for
+assembling the system matrix. Within these assembling routines several
+different cases must be distinguished while performing the nested
+loops over all cells and all faces of each cell and assembling the
+respective face terms. While sitting on the current cell and looking
+at a specific face there are the cases
+<li> face is at boundary,
+<li> neighboring cell is finer,
+<li> neighboring cell is of the same refinement level, and
+<li> neighboring cell is coarser
+where the `neighboring cell' and the current cell have the mentioned
+faces in common. In last three cases the assembling of the face terms
+are almost the same. Hence, we can implement the assembling of the
+face terms either by `copy and paste' (the lazy way, whose
+disadvantages come up when the scheme or the equation might want to be
+changed afterwards) or by calling a separate function that covers all
+three cases. To be kind of educational within this tutorial we perform
+the latter approach, of course. We go even further and encapsulate
+this function and everything that is needed for assembling the
+specific equation under consideration within a class called
+<code>DGTransportEquation</code>. This class includes objects of all
+equation--specific functions, the <code>RHS</code> and the
+<code>BoundaryValues</code> class, both derived from the <code>Function</code>
+class, and the <code>Beta</code> class representing the vector field.
+Furthermore, the <code>DGTransportEquation</code> class comprises member
+functions <code>assemble_face_terms1</code> and
+<code>assemble_face_terms2</code> that are invoked by the
+<code>assemble_system1</code> and <code>assemble_system2</code> functions of the
+<code>DGMethod</code>, respectively, and the functions
+<code>assemble_cell_term</code> and <code>assemble_boundary_term</code> that
+are the same for both assembling routines. Due to the encapsulation of
+all equation- and scheme-specific functions, the
+<code>DGTransportEquation</code> class can easily be replaced by a similar
+class that implements a different equation and a different DG method.
+Indeed, the implementation of the <code>assemble_system1</code> and
+<code>assemble_system2</code> functions of the <code>DGMethod</code> class will
+be general enough to serve for different DG methods, different
+equations, even for systems of equations (!) and, under small
+modifications, for nonlinear problems. Finally, we note that the
+program is dimension independent, i.e. after replacing
+<code>DGMethod<2></code> by <code>DGMethod<3></code> the code runs in 3d.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+The output of this program consist of the console output, the eps
+files including the grids, and the solutions given in gnuplot format.
+Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 64
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 256
+Time of assemble_system1: 0.05
+Time of assemble_system2: 0.04
+solution1 and solution2 coincide.
+Writing grid to <grid-0.eps>...
+Writing solution to <sol-0.gnuplot>...
+Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 112
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 448
+Time of assemble_system1: 0.09
+Time of assemble_system2: 0.07
+solution1 and solution2 coincide.
+Writing grid to <grid-1.eps>...
+Writing solution to <sol-1.gnuplot>...
+Cycle 2:
+ Number of active cells: 214
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 856
+Time of assemble_system1: 0.17
+Time of assemble_system2: 0.14
+solution1 and solution2 coincide.
+Writing grid to <grid-2.eps>...
+Writing solution to <sol-2.gnuplot>...
+Cycle 3:
+ Number of active cells: 415
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 1660
+Time of assemble_system1: 0.32
+Time of assemble_system2: 0.28
+solution1 and solution2 coincide.
+Writing grid to <grid-3.eps>...
+Writing solution to <sol-3.gnuplot>...
+Cycle 4:
+ Number of active cells: 796
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 3184
+Time of assemble_system1: 0.62
+Time of assemble_system2: 0.52
+solution1 and solution2 coincide.
+Writing grid to <grid-4.eps>...
+Writing solution to <sol-4.gnuplot>...
+Cycle 5:
+ Number of active cells: 1561
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 6244
+Time of assemble_system1: 1.23
+Time of assemble_system2: 1.03
+solution1 and solution2 coincide.
+Writing grid to <grid-5.eps>...
+Writing solution to <sol-5.gnuplot>...
+We see that, as expected, on each refinement step the two solutions
+coincide. The difference measured in time of treating each face only
+once (second version of the DG method) in comparison with treating
+each face twice within a nested loop over all cells and all faces of
+each cell (first version), is much less than one might have
+expected. The gain is less than 20% on the last few refinement steps.
+ First we show the solutions on the initial mesh, the mesh after two
+and after five adaptive refinement steps.
+@image html step-12.sol-0.png
+@image html step-12.sol-2.png
+@image html step-12.sol-5.png
+Then we show the final grid (after 5 refinement steps). The
+grid is largely concentrated in the vicinity of the jump of the
+@image html step-12.grid-5.png
+And finally we show a plot of a 3d computation.
+@image html step-12.sol-5-3d.png
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+<h3>Background and purpose</h3>
+In this example program, we will not so much be concerned with
+describing new ways how to use deal.II and its facilities, but rather
+with presenting methods of writing modular and extensible finite
+element programs. The main reason for this is the size and complexity
+of modern research software: applications implementing modern error
+estimation concepts and adaptive solution methods tend to become
+rather large. For example, the three largest applications by the main
+authors of deal.II, are at the time of writing of this example
+<li> a program for solving conservation hyperbolic equations by the
+ Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element method: 33,775 lines of
+ code;
+<li> a parameter estimation program: 28,980 lines of code;
+<li> a wave equation solver: 21,020 lines of code.
+(The library proper - without example programs and
+test suite - has slightly more than 150,000 lines of code as of spring 2002.)
+In the opinion of the author of this example program, the sizes of these
+applications are at the edge of what one person, even an experienced
+programmer, can manage.
+The numbers above make one thing rather clear: monolithic programs that
+are not broken up into smaller, mostly independent pieces have no way
+of surviving, since even the author will quickly lose the overview of
+the various dependencies between different parts of a program. Only
+data encapsulation, for example using object oriented programming
+methods, and modularization by defining small but fixed interfaces can
+help structure data flow and mutual interdependencies. It is also an
+absolute prerequisite if more than one person is developing a program,
+since otherwise confusion will quickly prevail as one developer
+would need to know if another changed something about the internals of
+a different module if they were not cleanly separated.
+In previous examples, you have seen how the library itself is broken
+up into several complexes each building atop the underying ones, but
+relatively independent of the other ones:
+<li>the triangulation class complex, with associated iterator classes;
+<li>the finite element classes;
+<li>the DoFHandler class complex, with associated iterators, built on
+ the triangulation and finite element classes;
+<li>the classes implementing mappings between unit and real cells;
+<li>the FEValues class complex, built atop the finite elements and
+ mappings.
+Besides these, and a large number of smaller classes, there are of
+course the following ``tool'' modules:
+<li>output in various graphical formats;
+<li>linear algebra classes.
+The goal of this program is now to give an example of how a relatively
+simple finite element program could be structured such that we end up
+with a set of modules that are as independent of each other as
+possible. This allows to change the program at one end, without having to
+worry that it might break at the other, as long as we do not touch the
+interface through which the two ends communicate. The interface in
+C++, of course, is the declaration of abstract base classes.
+Here, we will implement (again) a Laplace solver, although with a
+number of differences compared to previous example programs:
+<li>The classes that implement the process of numerically solving the
+ equation are no more responsible for driving the process of
+ ``solving-estimating error-refining-solving again'', but we delegate
+ this to external functions. This allows first to use it as a
+ building block in a larger context, where the solution of a
+ Laplace equation might only be one part (for example, in a
+ nonlinear problem, where Laplace equations might have to be solved
+ in each nonlinear step). It would also allow to build a framework
+ around this class that would allow using solvers for other
+ equations (but with the same external interface) instead, in case
+ some techniques shall be evaluated for different types of partial
+ differential equations.
+<li>It splits the process of evaluating the computed solution to a
+ separate set of classes. The reason is that one is usually not
+ interested in the solution of a PDE per se, but rather in certain
+ aspects of it. For example, one might wish to compute the traction
+ at a certain boundary in elastic computations, or in the signal of
+ a seismic wave at a receiver position at a given
+ location. Sometimes, one might have an interest in several of
+ these aspects. Since the evaluation of a solution is something
+ that does not usually affect the process of solution, we split it
+ off into a separate module, to allow for the development of such
+ evaluation filters independently of the development of the solver
+ classes.
+<li>Separate the classes that implement mesh refinement from the
+ classes that compute the solution.
+<li>Separate the description of the test case with which we will
+ present the program, from the rest of the program.
+The things the program does are not new. In fact, this is more like a
+melange of previous programs, cannibalizing various parts and
+functions from earlier examples. It is the way they are arranged in
+this program that should be the focus of the reader, i.e. the software
+design techniques used in the program to achieve the goal of
+implementing the desired mathematical method. However, we must
+stress that software design is in part also a subjective matter:
+different persons have different programming backgrounds and have
+different opinions about the ``right'' style of programming; this
+program therefore expresses only what the author considers useful
+practice, and is not necessarily a style that you have to adopt in
+order to write successful numerical software if you feel uncomfortable
+with the chosen ways. It should serve as a case study, however,
+inspiring the reader with ideas to the desired end.
+Once you have worked through the program, you will remark that it is
+already somewhat complex in its structure. Nevertheless, it
+only has about 850 lines of code, without comments. In real
+applications, there would of course be comments and class
+documentation, which would bring that to maybe 1200 lines. Yet, compared to
+the applications listed above, this is still small, as they are 20 to
+25 times as large. For programs as large, a proper design right from
+the start is thus indispensible. Otherwise, it will have to be
+redesigned at one point in its life, once it becomes too large to be
+Despite of this, all three programs listed above have undergone major
+revisions, or even rewrites. The wave program, for example, was once
+entirely teared to parts when it was still significantly smaller, just
+to assemble it again in a more modular form. By that time, it had
+become impossible to add functionality without affecting older parts
+of the code (the main problem with the code was the data flow: in time
+dependent application, the major concern is when to store data to disk
+and when to reload it again; if this is not done in an organized
+fashion, then you end up with data released too early, loaded too
+late, or not released at all). Although the present example program
+thus draws from sevelar years of experience, it is certainly not
+without flaws in its design, and in particular might not be suited for
+an application where the objective is different. It should serve as an
+inspiration for writing your own application in a modular way, to
+avoid the pitfalls of too closely coupled codes.
+<h3>What the program does</h3>
+What the program actually does is not even the main point of this
+program, the structure of the program is more important. However, in a
+few words, a description would be: solve the Laplace equation for a
+given right hand side such that the solution is the function
+$u(x,t)=\exp(x+\sin(10y+5x^2))$. The goal of the
+computation is to get the value of the solution at the point
+$x_0=(0.5,0.5)$, and to compare the accuracy with
+which we resolve this value for two refinement criteria, namely global
+refinement and refinement by the error indicator by Kelly et al. which
+we have already used in previous examples.
+The results will, as usual, be discussed in the respective section of
+this document. In doing so, we will find a slightly irritating
+observation about the relative performance of the two refinement
+criteria. In a later example program, building atop this one, we will
+devise a different method that should hopefully perform better than
+the techniques discussed here.
+So much now for all the theoretical and anecdotal background. The best
+way of learning about a program is to look at it, so here it is:
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+The results of this program are not that interesting - after all
+its purpose was not to demonstrate some new mathematical idea, and
+also not how to program with deal.II, but rather to use the material
+which we have developed in the previous examples to form something
+which demonstrates a way to build modern finite element software in a
+modular and extensible way.
+Nevertheless, we of course show the results of the program. Of
+foremost interest is the point value computation, for which we had
+implemented the corresponding evaluation class. The results (i.e. the
+output) of the program looks as follows:
+ Running tests with "global" refinement criterion:
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ Refinement cycle: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
+ DoFs u(x_0)
+ 25 1.2868
+ 81 1.6945
+ 289 1.4658
+ 1089 1.5679
+ 4225 1.5882
+ 16641 1.5932
+ 66049 1.5945
+ Running tests with "kelly" refinement criterion:
+ ------------------------------------------------
+ Refinement cycle: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
+ DoFs u(x_0)
+ 25 1.2868
+ 47 0.8775
+ 89 1.5365
+ 165 1.2974
+ 316 1.6442
+ 589 1.5221
+ 1090 1.5724
+ 2035 1.5622
+ 3754 1.5916
+ 7100 1.5876
+ 13059 1.5942
+ 24749 1.5933
+What surprises here is that the the exact value is 1.59491554..., and that
+it is obviously suprisingly complicated to compute the solution even to
+only one per cent accuracy, although the solution is smooth (in fact
+infinite often differentiable). This smoothness is shown in the
+graphical output generated by the program, here coarse grid and the
+first 9 refinement steps of the Kelly refinement indicator:
+<table width="80%" align="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-13.solution-kelly-0.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-13.solution-kelly-1.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-13.solution-kelly-2.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-13.solution-kelly-3.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-13.solution-kelly-4.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-13.solution-kelly-5.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-13.solution-kelly-6.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-13.solution-kelly-7.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-13.solution-kelly-8.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-13.solution-kelly-9.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+While we're already at watching pictures, this is the eighth grid, as
+viewed from top:
+@image html step-13.grid-kelly-8.png
+However, we are not yet finished with evaluation the point value
+computation. In fact, plotting the error
+$e=|u(x_0)-u_h(x_0)|$ for the two
+refinement criteria yields the following picture:
+@image html step-13.error.png
+What <em>is</em> disturbing about this picture is that not only is the
+adaptive mesh refinement not better than global refinement as one
+would usually expect, it is even significantly worse since its
+convergence is irregular, preventing all extrapolation techniques when
+using the values of subsequent meshes! On the other hand, global
+refinement provides a perfect $1/N$ or $h^{-2}$
+convergence history and provides every opportunity to even improve on
+the point values by extrapolation. Global mesh refinement must
+therefore be considered superior in this example! This is even more
+surprising as the evaluation point is not somewhere in the left part
+where the mesh is coarse, but rather to the right and the adaptive
+refinement should refine the mesh around the evaluation point as well.
+We thus close the discussion of this example program with a question:
+<p align="center">
+ <strong><em>What is wrong with adaptivity if it is not better than
+ global refinement?</em></strong>
+<em>Exercise at the end of this example:</em> There is a simple reason
+for the bad and irregular behavior of the adapted mesh solutions. It
+is simple to find out by looking at the mesh around the evaluation
+point in each of the steps - the data for this is in the output files
+of the program. An exercise would therefore be to modify the mesh
+refinement routine such that the problem (once you remark it) is
+avoided. The second exercise is to check whether the results are then
+better than global refinement, and if so if even a better order of
+convergence (in terms of the number of degrees of freedom) is
+achieved, or only by a better constant.
+(<em>Very brief answers for the impatient:</em> at steps with larger
+errors, the mesh is not regular at the point of evaluation, i.e. some
+of the adjacent cells have hanging nodes; this destroys some
+superapproximation effects of which the globally refined mesh can
+profit. Answer 2: this quick hack
+ bool refinement_indicated = false;
+ typename Triangulation<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell;
+ for (cell=triangulation->begin_active();
+ cell!=triangulation->end(); ++cell)
+ for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
+ if (cell->vertex(v) == Point<dim>(.5,.5))
+ {
+ cell->clear_coarsen_flag();
+ refinement_indicated |= cell->refine_flag_set();
+ };
+ if (refinement_indicated)
+ for (cell=triangulation->begin_active();
+ cell!=triangulation->end(); ++cell)
+ for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
+ if (cell->vertex(v) == Point<dim>(.5,.5))
+ cell->set_refine_flag ();
+in the refinement function of the Kelly refinement class right before
+executing refinement would improve the results (exercise: what does
+the code do?), making them consistently better than global
+refinement. Behavior is still irregular, though, so no results about
+an order of convergence are possible.)
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+<h3>The maths</h3>
+The Heidelberg group of Professor Rolf Rannacher, to which the three main
+authors of the deal.II library belonged during their PhD time and partly also
+afterwards, has been involved with adaptivity and error estimation for finite
+element discretizations since the mid-90ies. The main achievement is the
+development of error estimates for arbitrary functionals of the solution, and
+of optimal mesh refinement for its computation.
+We will not discuss the derivation of these concepts in too great detail, but
+will implement the main ideas in the present example program. For a thorough
+introduction into the general idea, we refer to the seminal work of Becker and
+Rannacher @ref step_14_BR95 "[BR95]",@ref step_14_BR96r "[BR96r]", and the overview article of the same authors in
+Acta Numerica @ref step_14_BR01 "[BR01]"; the first introduces the concept of error
+estimation and adaptivity for general functional output for the Laplace
+equation, while the second gives many examples of applications of these
+concepts to a large number of other, more complicated equations. For
+applications to individual types of equations, see also the publications by
+Becker @ref step_14_Bec95 "[Bec95]", @ref step_14_Bec98 "[Bec98]",
+Kanschat @ref step_14_Kan96 "[Kan96]", @ref step_14_FK97 "[FK97]",
+Suttmeier @ref step_14_Sut96 "[Sut96]", @ref step_14_RS97 "[RS97]", @ref step_14_RS98c "[RS98c]",
+@ref step_14_RS99 "[RS99]",
+Bangerth @ref step_14_BR99b "[BR99b]", @ref step_14_Ban00w "[Ban00w]",
+@ref step_14_BR01a "[BR01a]", @ref step_14_Ban02 "[Ban02]", and
+Hartmann @ref step_14_Har02 "[Har02]", @ref step_14_HH01 "[HH01]",
+@ref step_14_HH01b "[HH01b]".
+All of these works, from the original introduction by Becker and Rannacher to
+individual contributions to particular equations, have later been summarized
+in a book by Bangerth and Rannacher that covers all of these topics, see
+@ref step_14_BR03 "[BR03]".
+The basic idea is the following: in applications, one is not usually
+interested in the solution per se, but rather in certain aspects of it. For
+example, in simulations of flow problems, one may want to know the lift or
+drag of a body immersed in the fluid; it is this quantity that we want to know
+to best accuracy, and whether the rest of the solution of the describing
+equations is well resolved is not of primary interest. Likewise, in elasticity
+one might want to know about values of the stress at certain points to guess
+whether maximal load values of joints are safe, for example. Or, in radiative
+transfer problems, mean flux intensities are of interest.
+In all the cases just listed, it is the evaluation of a functional $J(u)$ of
+the solution which we are interested in, rather than the values of $u$
+everywhere. Since the exact solution $u$ is not available, but only its
+numerical approximation $u_h$, it is sensible to ask whether the computed
+value $J(u_h)$ is within certain limits of the exact value $J(u)$, i.e. we
+want to bound the error with respect to this functional, $J(u)-J(u_h)$.
+For simplicity of exposition, we henceforth assume that both the quantity of
+interest $J$, as well as the equation are linear, and we will in particular
+show the derivation for the Laplace equation with homogeneous Dirichlet
+boundary conditions, although the concept is much more general. For this
+general case, we refer to the references listed above. The goal is to obtain
+bounds on the error, $J(e)=J(u)-J(u_h)$. For this, let us denote by $z$ the
+solution of a dual problem, defined as follows:
+ a(\varphi,z) = J(\varphi) \qquad \forall \varphi,
+where $a(\cdot,\cdot)$ is the bilinear form associated with the differential
+equation, and the test functions are chosen from the corresponding solution
+space. Then, taking as special test function $\varphi=e$ the error, we have
+ J(e) = a(e,z)
+and we can, by Galerkin orthogonality, rewrite this as
+ J(e) = a(e,z-\varphi_h)
+for all possible functions $\varphi_h$ from the discrete test space.
+Concretely, for Laplace's equation, the error identity reads
+ J(e) = (\nabla e, \nabla(z-\varphi_h)).
+For reasons that we will not explain, we do not want to use this formula as
+is, but rather split the scalar products into terms on all cells, and
+integrate by parts on each of them:
+ J(e)
+ &=&
+ \sum_K (\nabla (u-u_h), \nabla (z-\varphi_h))_K
+ \\
+ &=&
+ \sum_K (-\Delta (u-u_h), z-\varphi_h)_K
+ + (\partial_n (u-u_h), z-z_h)_{\partial K}.
+Next we use that $-\Delta u=f$, and that $\partial_n u$ is a quantity that is
+continuous almost everywhere, so the terms involving $\partial_n u$ on one
+cell cancels with that on its neighbor, where the normal vector has the
+opposite sign. At the boundary of the domain, where there is no neighbor cell
+with which this term could cancel, the weight $z-\varphi_h$ can be chosen as
+zero, since $z$ has zero boundary values, and $\varphi_h$ can be chosen to
+have the same.
+Thus, we have
+ J(e)
+ &=&
+ \sum_K (f+\Delta u_h, z-\varphi_h)_K
+ - (\partial_n u_h, z-\varphi_h)_{\partial K\backslash \partial\Omega}.
+In a final step, note that when taking the normal derivative of $u_h$, we mean
+the value of this quantity as taken from this side of the cell (for the usual
+Lagrange elements, derivatives are not continuous across edges). We then
+rewrite the above formula by exchanging half of the edge integral of cell $K$
+with the neighbor cell $K'$, to obtain
+ J(e)
+ &=&
+ \sum_K (f+\Delta u_h, z-\varphi_h)_K
+ - \frac 12 (\partial_n u_h|_K + \partial_{n'} u_h|_{K'},
+ z-\varphi_h)_{\partial K\backslash \partial\Omega}.
+Using that for the normal vectors $n'=-n$ holds, we define the jump of the
+normal derivative by
+ [\partial_n u_h] := \partial_n u_h|_K + \partial_{n'} u_h|_{K'}
+ =
+ \partial_n u_h|_K - \partial_n u_h|_{K'},
+and get the final form after setting the discrete function $\varphi_h$, which
+is by now still arbitrary, to the point interpolation of the dual solution,
+$\varphi_h=I_h z$:
+ J(e)
+ &=&
+ \sum_K (f+\Delta u_h, z-I_h z)_K
+ - \frac 12 ([\partial_n u_h],
+ z-I_h z)_{\partial K\backslash \partial\Omega}.
+With this, we have obtained an exact representation of the error of the finite
+element discretization with respect to arbitrary (linear) functionals
+$J(\cdot)$. Its structure is a weighted form of a residual estimator, as both
+$f+\Delta u_h$ and $[\partial_n u_h]$ are cell and edge residuals that vanish
+on the exact solution, and $z-I_h z$ are weights indicating how important the
+residuals on a certain cell is for the evaluation of the given functional.
+Furthermore, it is a cell-wise quantity, so we can use it as a mesh refinement
+criterion. The question, is: how to evaluate it? After all, the evaluation
+requires knowledge of the dual solution $z$, which carries the information
+about the quantity we want to know to best accuracy.
+In some, very special cases, this dual solution is known. For example, if the
+functional $J(\cdot)$ is the point evaluation, $J(\varphi)=\varphi(x_0)$, then
+the dual solution has to satisfy
+ -\Delta z = \delta(x-x_0),
+with the Dirac delta function on the right hand side, and the dual solution is
+the Green's function with respect to the point $x_0$. For simple geometries,
+this function is analytically known, and we could insert it into the error
+representation formula.
+However, we do not want to restrict ourselves to such special cases. Rather,
+we will compute the dual solution numerically, and approximate $z$ by some
+numerically obtained $\tilde z$. We note that it is not sufficient to compute
+this approximation $\tilde z$ using the same method as used for the primal
+solution $u_h$, since then $\tilde z-I_h \tilde z=0$, and the overall error
+estimate would be zero. Rather, the approximation $\tilde z$ has to be from a
+larger space than the primal finite element space. There are various ways to
+obtain such an approximation (see the cited literature), and we will choose to
+compute it with a higher order finite element space. While this is certainly
+not the most efficient way, it is simple since we already have all we need to
+do that in place, and it also allows for simple experimenting. For more
+efficient methods, again refer to the given literature, in particular
+@ref step_14_BR95 "[BR95]", @ref step_14_BR03 "[BR03]".
+With this, we end the discussion of the mathematical side of this program and
+turn to the actual implementation.
+<h3>The software</h3>
+The step-14 example program builds heavily on the techniques already used in
+the @ref step_13 "step-13" program. Its implementation of the dual weighted residual error
+estimator explained above is done by deriving a second class, properly called
+<code>DualSolver</code>, from the <code>Solver</code> base class, and having a class
+(<code>WeightedResidual</code>) that joins the two again and controls the solution
+of the primal and dual problem, and then uses both to compute the error
+indicator for mesh refinement.
+The program continues the modular concept of the previous example, by
+implementing the dual functional, describing quantity of interest, by an
+abstract base class, and providing two different functionals which implement
+this interface. Adding a different quantity of interest is thus simple.
+One of the more fundamental differences is the handling of data. A common case
+is that you develop a program that solves a certain equation, and test it with
+different right hand sides, different domains, different coefficients and
+boundary values, etc. Usually, these have to match, so that exact solutions
+are known, or that their combination makes sense at all.
+We demonstrate a way how this can be achieved in a simple, yet very flexible
+way. We will put everything that belongs to a certain setup into one class,
+and provide a little C++ mortar around it, so that entire setups (domains,
+coefficients, right hand sides, etc.) can be exchanged by only changing
+something in <em>one</em> place.
+Going this way a little further, we have also centralized all the other
+parameters that describe how the program is to work in one place, such as the
+order of the finite element, the maximal number of degrees of freedom, the
+evaluation objects that shall be executed on the computed solutions, and so
+on. This allows for simpler configuration of the program, and we will show in
+a later program how to use a library class that can handle setting these
+parameters by reading an input file. The general aim is to reduce the places
+within a program where one may have to look when wanting to change some
+parameter, as it has turned out in practice that one forgets where they are as
+programs grow. Furthermore, putting all options describing what the program
+does in a certain run into a file (that can be stored with the results) helps
+repeatability of results more than if the various flags were set somewhere in
+the program, where their exact values are forgotten after the next change to
+this place.
+Unfortunately, the program has become rather long. While this admittedly
+reduces its usefulness as an example program, we think that it is a very good
+starting point for development of a program for other kinds of problems,
+involving different equations than the Laplace equation treated here.
+Furthermore, it shows everything that we can show you about our way of a
+posteriori error estimation, and its structure should make it simple for you
+to adjust this method to other problems, other functionals, other geometries,
+coefficients, etc.
+The author believes that the present program is his masterpiece among the
+example programs, regarding the mathematical complexity, as well as the
+simplicity to add extensions. If you use this program as a basis for your own
+programs, we would kindly like to ask you to state this fact and the name of
+the author of the example program, Wolfgang Bangerth, in publications that
+arise from that, of your program consists in a considerable part of the
+example program.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_Ban00w [Ban00w]</dt>
+<dd>Wolfgang Bangerth.
+<br> Mesh adaptivity and error control for a finite element approximation
+ of the elastic wave equation.
+<br> In Alfredo Bermudez, Dolores Gomez, Christophe Hazard, Patrick
+ Joly, and Jean E. Roberts, editors, <em>Proceedings of the Fifth
+ International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave
+ Propagation (Waves2000), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2000</em>, pages
+ 725–729. SIAM, 2000.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_Ban02 [Ban02]</dt>
+<dd>Wolfgang Bangerth.
+<br> <em>Adaptive Finite Element Methods for the Identification of
+ Distributed Coefficient in Partial Differential Equations</em>.
+<br> PhD thesis, University of Heidelberg, 2002.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_BR99b [BR99b]</dt>
+<dd>Wolfgang Bangerth and Rolf Rannacher.
+<br> Finite element approximation of the acoustic wave equation: Error
+ control and mesh adaptation.
+<br> <em>East–West J. Numer. Math.</em>, 7(4):263–282, 1999.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_BR03 [BR03]</dt>
+<dd>Wolfgang Bangerth and Rolf Rannacher.
+<br> <em>Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Differential Equations</em>.
+<br> Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2003.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_BR01a [BR01a]</dt>
+<dd>Wolfgang Bangerth and Rolf Rannacher.
+<br> Adaptive finite element techniques for the acoustic wave equation.
+<br> <em>J. Comput. Acoustics</em>, 9(2):575–591, 2001.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_BR01 [BR01]</dt>
+<dd>R. Becker and R. Rannacher.
+<br> An optimal control approach to error estimation and mesh adaptation
+ in finite element methods.
+<br> <em>Acta Numerica</em>, 10:1–102, 2001.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_Bec95 [Bec95]</dt>
+<dd>Roland Becker.
+<br> <em>An Adaptive Finite Element Method for the Incompressible
+ Navier-Stokes Equations on Time-dependent Domains</em>.
+<br> Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 1995.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_Bec98 [Bec98]</dt>
+<dd>Roland Becker.
+<br> Weighted error estimators for finite element approximations of the
+ incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.
+<br> Preprint 98-20, SFB 359, Universität Heidelberg, 1998.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_BR96r [BR96r]</dt>
+<dd>Roland Becker and Rolf Rannacher.
+<br> A feed-back approach to error control in finite element methods:
+ Basic analysis and examples.
+<br> <em>East–West J. Numer. Math.</em>, 4:237–264, 1996.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_BR95 [BR95]</dt>
+<dd>Roland Becker and Rolf Rannacher.
+<br> Weighted a posteriori error control in FE methods.
+<br> In H. G. Bock et al., ed.s, <em>ENUMATH 95</em>, pages 621–637,
+ Paris, September 1998. World Scientific Publ., Singapure.
+<br> in @ref step_14_enumath97 "[enumath97]".
+<dt> @anchor step_14_enumath97 [enumath97]</dt>
+<dd>Hans Georg Bock, Franco Brezzi, Roland Glowinsky, Guido Kanschat, Yuri A.
+ Kuznetsov, Jacques Periaux, and Rolf Rannacher, editors.
+<br> <em>ENUMATH 97, Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on
+ Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications</em>, Singapore, 1998. World
+ Scientific.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_FK97 [FK97]</dt>
+<dd>Christian Führer and Guido Kanschat.
+<br> A posteriori error control in radiative transfer.
+<br> <em>Computing</em>, 58(4):317–334, 1997.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_Har02 [Har02]</dt>
+<dd>Ralf Hartmann.
+<br> <em>Adaptive Finite Element Methods for the Compressible Euler Equations</em>.
+<br> PhD thesis, University of Heidelberg, 2002.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_HH01 [HH01]</dt>
+<dd>Ralf Hartmann and Paul Houston.
+<br> Adaptive discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for
+ nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws.
+<br> <em>SIAM J. Sci. Comput.</em>, 24 (2002), pp. 979-1004.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_HH01b [HH01b]</dt>
+<dd>Ralf Hartmann and Paul Houston.
+<br> Adaptive discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for the
+ compressible Euler equations.
+<br> J. Comput. Phys. 183 (2002), pp. 508-532.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_Kan96 [Kan96]</dt>
+<dd>Guido Kanschat.
+<br> <em>Parallel and Adaptive Galerkin Methods for Radiative Transfer
+ Problems</em>.
+<br> Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 1996.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_RS97 [RS97]</dt>
+<dd>Rolf Rannacher and Franz-Theo Suttmeier.
+<br> A feed-back approach to error control in finite element methods:
+ Application to linear elasticity.
+<br> <em>Comp. Mech.</em>, 19(5):434–446, 1997.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_RS98c [RS98c]</dt>
+<dd>Rolf Rannacher and Franz-Theo Suttmeier.
+<br> A posteriori error control in finite element methods via duality
+ techniques: Application to perfect plasticity.
+<br> <em>Comp. Mech.</em>, 21(2):123–133, 1998.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_RS99 [RS99]</dt>
+<dd>Rolf Rannacher and Franz-Theo Suttmeier.
+<br> A posteriori error control and mesh adaptation for finite element
+ models in elasticity and elasto-plasticity.
+<br> <em>Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.</em>, pages 333–361, 1999.
+<dt> @anchor step_14_Sut96 [Sut96]</dt>
+<dd>Franz-Theo Suttmeier.
+<br> <em>Adaptive Finite Element Approximation of Problems in
+ Elasto-Plasticity Theory</em>.
+<br> Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg, 1996.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+<h2>Point values</h2>
+This program offers a lot of possibilities to play around. We can thus
+only show a small part of all possible results that can be obtained
+with the help of this program. However, you are encouraged to just try
+it out, by changing the settings in the main program. Here, we start
+by simply letting it run, unmodified:
+Refinement cycle: 0
+ Number of degrees of freedom=72
+ Point value=0.03243
+ Estimated error=0.000702385
+Refinement cycle: 1
+ Number of degrees of freedom=67
+ Point value=0.0324827
+ Estimated error=0.000888953
+Refinement cycle: 2
+ Number of degrees of freedom=130
+ Point value=0.0329619
+ Estimated error=0.000454606
+Refinement cycle: 3
+ Number of degrees of freedom=307
+ Point value=0.0331934
+ Estimated error=0.000241254
+Refinement cycle: 4
+ Number of degrees of freedom=718
+ Point value=0.0333675
+ Estimated error=7.4912e-05
+Refinement cycle: 5
+ Number of degrees of freedom=1691
+ Point value=0.0334104
+ Estimated error=3.47976e-05
+Refinement cycle: 6
+ Number of degrees of freedom=4065
+ Point value=0.0334315
+ Estimated error=1.49476e-05
+Refinement cycle: 7
+ Number of degrees of freedom=9113
+ Point value=0.0334407
+ Estimated error=6.23712e-06
+Refinement cycle: 8
+ Number of degrees of freedom=22303
+ Point value=0.0334445
+First let's look what the program actually computed. On the fifth
+grid, primal and dual numerical solutions look like this:
+<table align="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_value/solution-5.gif"
+ target="_top"><img alt="Primal solution" width="318"
+ src="step-14.data/point_value/solution-5.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_value/solution-5-dual.gif"
+ target="_top"><img alt="Dual solution" width="318"
+ src="step-14.data/point_value/solution-5-dual.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+Obviously, the region at the bottom left is so unimportant for the
+point value evaluation at the top right that the grid is left entirely
+unrefined there, even though the solution has singularities there! Due
+to the symmetry in right hand side and domain, the solution should
+actually look like at the top right in all four corners, but the mesh
+refinement criterion involving the dual solution chose to refine them
+Looking at the grids that are produced in the course of subsequent
+refinement, these are some of them:
+<table align="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_value/grid-0.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Grid 0"
+ src="step-14.data/point_value/grid-0.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_value/grid-2.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Grid 2"
+ src="step-14.data/point_value/grid-2.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_value/grid-4.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Grid 4"
+ src="step-14.data/point_value/grid-4.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_value/grid-5.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Grid 5"
+ src="step-14.data/point_value/grid-5.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_value/grid-7.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Grid 7"
+ src="step-14.data/point_value/grid-7.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_value/grid-8.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Grid 8"
+ src="step-14.data/point_value/grid-8.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+Note the subtle interplay between resolving the corner singularities,
+and resolving around the point of evaluation. It will be rather
+difficult to generate such a mesh by hand, as this would involve to
+judge quantitatively how much which of the four corner singularities
+shall be resolved, and to set the weight compared to the vicinity of
+the evaluation point.
+The program prints the point value and the estimated error in this
+quantity. From extrapolating it, we can guess that the exact value is
+somewhat like 0.0334473, plus or minus 0.0000001 (note that we get
+almost 6 valid digits from only 22,000 (primal) degrees of
+freedom. This number cannot be obtained from the value of the
+functional alone, but I have used the assumption that the error
+estimator is mostly exact, and extrapolated the computed value plus
+the estimated error, to get an approximation of the true
+value. Computing with more degrees of freedom shows that this
+assumption is indeed valid.
+From the computed results, we can generate two graphs: one that shows
+the convergence of the error J(u)-J(u<sub>h</sub>) (taking the
+extrapolated value as correct) in the point value, and the value that
+we get by adding up computed value J(u<sub>h</sub>) and estimated
+error eta (if the error estimator eta were exact, then the value
+J(u<sub>h</sub>)+eta would equal the exact point value, and the error
+in this quantity would always be zero; however, since the error
+estimator is only a - good - approximation to the true error, we can
+by this only reduce the size of the error). In this graph, we also
+indicate the complexity <em>O(1/N)</em> to show that mesh refinement
+acts optimal in this case. The second chart compares
+true and estimated error, and shows that the two are actually very
+close to each other, even for such a complicated quantity as the point
+<table align="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_value/error.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Error in point value" width="318"
+ src="step-14.data/point_value/error.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_value/error-estimation.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Error in point value" width="318"
+ src="step-14.data/point_value/error-estimation.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+<h2>Comparing refinement criteria</h2>
+Since we have accepted quite some effort when using the mesh
+refinement driven by the dual weighted error estimator (for solving
+the dual problem, and for evaluating the error representation), it is
+worth while asking whether that effort was successful. To this end, we
+first compare the achieved error levels for different mesh refinement
+criteria. To generate this data, simply change the value of the mesh
+refinement criterion variable in the main program. The results are
+thus (for the weight in the Kelly indicator, we have chosen the
+function <em>1/(r<sup>2</sup>+0.1<sup>2</sup>)</em>, where <em>r</em>
+is the distance to the evaluation point; it can be shown that this is
+the optimal weight if we neglect the effects of boundaries):
+<p align="center">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_value/error-comparison.gif"
+ target="_top"><img alt="Error comparison"
+ src="step-14.data/point_value/error-comparison.gif">
+ </img></a>
+Checking these numbers, we see that for global refinement, the error
+is proportional to <em>O(1/(sqrt(N) log(N)))</em>, and for the dual
+estimator <em>O(1/N)</em>. Generally speaking, we see that the dual
+weighted error estimator is better than the other refinement
+indicators, at least when compared with those that have a similarly
+regular behavior. The Kelly indicator produces smaller errors, but
+jumps about the picture rather irregularly, with the error also
+changing signs sometimes. Therefore, its behavior does not allow to
+extrapolate the results to larger values of N. Furthermore, if we
+trust the error estimates of the dual weighted error estimator, the
+results can be improved by adding the estimated error to the computed
+values. In terms of reliability, the weighted estimator is thus better
+than the Kelly indicator, although the latter sometimes produces
+smaller errors.
+<h2>Evaluation of point stresses</h2>
+Besides evaluating the values of the solution at a certain point, the
+program also offers the possibility to evaluate the x-derivatives at a
+certain point, and also to tailor mesh refinement for this. To let the
+program compute these quantities, simply replace the two occurences of
+<code>PointValueEvaluation</code> in the main function by
+<code>PointXDerivativeEvaluation</code>, and let the program run:
+Refinement cycle: 0
+ Number of degrees of freedom=72
+ Point x-derivative=-0.0719397
+ Estimated error=-0.0126173
+Refinement cycle: 1
+ Number of degrees of freedom=61
+ Point x-derivative=-0.0707956
+ Estimated error=-0.00774316
+Refinement cycle: 2
+ Number of degrees of freedom=131
+ Point x-derivative=-0.0568671
+ Estimated error=-0.00313426
+Refinement cycle: 3
+ Number of degrees of freedom=247
+ Point x-derivative=-0.053033
+ Estimated error=-0.00136114
+Refinement cycle: 4
+ Number of degrees of freedom=541
+ Point x-derivative=-0.0526461
+ Estimated error=-0.000555479
+Refinement cycle: 5
+ Number of degrees of freedom=1286
+ Point x-derivative=-0.0526896
+ Estimated error=-0.0002261
+Refinement cycle: 6
+ Number of degrees of freedom=2924
+ Point x-derivative=-0.0527503
+ Estimated error=-9.38035e-05
+Refinement cycle: 7
+ Number of degrees of freedom=6578
+ Point x-derivative=-0.0527877
+ Estimated error=-3.94139e-05
+Refinement cycle: 8
+ Number of degrees of freedom=14780
+ Point x-derivative=-0.0528047
+ Estimated error=-1.85456e-05
+Refinement cycle: 9
+ Number of degrees of freedom=31438
+ Point x-derivative=-0.0528145
+The solution looks roughly the same as before (the exact solution of
+course <em>is</em> the same, only the grid changed a little), but the
+dual solution is now different. A close-up around the point of
+evaluation shows this:
+<table align="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_derivative/solution-5-dual.gif"
+ target="_top"><img alt="Dual solution" width="318"
+ src="step-14.data/point_derivative/solution-5-dual.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+This time, the grids in refinement cycles 0, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 look
+like this:
+<table align="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_derivative/grid-0.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Grid 0"
+ src="step-14.data/point_derivative/grid-0.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_derivative/grid-5.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Grid 5"
+ src="step-14.data/point_derivative/grid-5.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_derivative/grid-6.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Grid 6"
+ src="step-14.data/point_derivative/grid-6.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_derivative/grid-7.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Grid 7"
+ src="step-14.data/point_derivative/grid-7.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_derivative/grid-8.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Grid 8"
+ src="step-14.data/point_derivative/grid-8.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_derivative/grid-9.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Grid 9"
+ src="step-14.data/point_derivative/grid-9.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+Note the assymetry of the grids compared with those we obtained for
+the point evaluation, which is due to the directionality of the
+x-derivative for which we tailored the refinement criterion.
+Then, it is interesting to compare actually computed values of the
+quantity of interest (i.e. the x-derivative of the solution at one
+point) with a reference value of -0.0528223... plus or minus
+0.0000005. We get this reference value by computing on finer grid after
+some more mesh refinements, with approximately 130,000 cells.
+Recall that if the error is <em>O(1/N)</em> in the optimal case, then
+taking a mesh with ten times more cells gives us one additional digit
+in the result.
+In the left part of the following chart, you again see the convergence
+of the error towards this extrapolated value, while on the right you
+see a comparison of true and estimated error:
+<table align="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_derivative/error.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Error in point derivative" width="318"
+ src="step-14.data/point_derivative/error.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/point_derivative/error-estimation.gif" target="_top">
+ <img alt="Error in point derivative" width="318"
+ src="step-14.data/point_derivative/error-estimation.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+After an initial phase where the true error changes its sign, the
+estimated error matches it quite well, again. Also note the dramatic
+improvement in the error when using the estimated error to correct the
+computed value of J(u<sub>h</sub>).
+<h2>Step-13 revisited</h2>
+If instead of the <code>Exercise_2_3</code> data set, we choose
+<code>CurvedRidges</code> in the main function, we can redo the
+computations of the previous example program, to compare whether the
+results obtained with the help of the dual weighted error estimator
+are better than those we had previously.
+First, the meshes after 9 and 10 adaptive refinement cycles,
+respectively, look like this:
+<table align="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/step-13/grid-9.gif"
+ target="_top"><img alt="Grid 9"
+ src="step-14.data/step-13/grid-9.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ <td width="50%">
+ <a href="step-14.data/step-13/grid-10.gif"
+ target="_top"><img alt="Grid 10"
+ src="step-14.data/step-13/grid-10.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+The features of the solution can still be seen slightly, but since the
+solution is smooth, the roughness of the dual solution entirely
+dominates the mesh refinement criterion, and leads to strongly
+concentrated meshes. The solution after the seventh refinement step is
+like so:
+<table align="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td width="50%" align="center">
+ <a href="step-14.data/step-13/solution-7.gif"
+ target="_top"><img alt="Solution 7"
+ src="step-14.data/step-13/solution-7.gif">
+ </img></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+Obviously, the solution is worse at some places, but the mesh
+refinement process should have taken care that these places are not
+important for computing the point value.
+The next point is to compare the new (duality based) mesh refinement
+criterion with the old ones. These are the results:
+<p align="center">
+ <a href="step-14.data/step-13/error-comparison.gif"
+ target="_top"><img alt="Error comparison"
+ src="step-14.data/step-13/error-comparison.gif">
+ </img></a>
+The results are, well, somewhat mixed. First, the Kelly indicator
+disqualifies itself by its unsteady behavior, changing the sign of the
+error several times, and with increasing errors under mesh
+refinement. The dual weighted error estimator has a monotone decrease
+in the error, and is better than the weighted Kelly and global
+refinement, but the margin is not as large as expected. This is, here,
+due to the fact the global refinement can exploit the regular
+structure of the meshes around the point of evaluation, which leads to
+a better order of convergence for the point error. However, if we had
+a mesh that is not locally rectangular, for example because we had to
+approximate curved boundaries, or if the coefficients were not
+constant, then this advantage of globally refinement meshes would
+vanish, while the good performance of the duality based estimator
+would remain.
+<h2>Conclusions and outlook</h2>
+The results here are not too clearly indicating the superiority of the
+dual weighted error estimation approach for mesh refinement over other
+mesh refinement criteria, such as the Kelly indicator. This is due to
+the relative simplicity of the shown applications. If you are not
+convinced yet that this approach is indeed superior, you are invited
+to browse through the literature indicated in the introduction, where
+plenty of examples are provided where the dual weighted approach can
+reduce the necessary numerical work by orders of magnitude, making
+this the only way to compute certain quantities to reasonable
+accuracies at all.
+Besides the objections you may raise against its use as a mesh
+refinement criterion, consider that accurate knowledge of the error in
+the quantity one might want to compute is of great use, since we can
+stop computations when we are satisfied with the accuracy. Using more
+traditional approaches, it is very difficult to get accurate estimates
+for arbitrary quantities, except for, maybe, the error in the energy
+norm, and we will then have no guarantee that the result we computed
+satisfies any requirements on its accuracy. Also, as was shown for the
+evaluation of point values and derivatives, the error estimate can be
+used to extrapolate the results, yielding much higher accuracy in the
+quantity we want to know.
+Leaving these mathematical considerations, we tried to write the
+program in a modular way, such that implementing another test case, or
+another evaluation and dual functional is simple. You are encouraged
+to take the program as a basis for your own experiments, and to play a
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+This program demonstrates a number of techniques that have not been shown in
+previous example programs. In particular, it shows how to program for
+one-dimensional problems, and some aspects of what to do with nonlinear
+problems, in particular how to transfer the solution from one grid to the next
+finer one. Apart from this, however, the program does not attempt to do much
+more than to entertain those who sometimes like to play with maths.
+The application we chose is, as you will see, not even very well suited for
+anything, since it is rather impossible to solve. When I started to write the
+program, I was not aware of this, and it only turned out later that the
+optimization problem we are looking at here is severely plagued by many,
+likely even degenerate minima, and that we cannot really hope to find a global
+one. What we do instead is to rather start the optimization from many initial
+guesses (which is cheap since the problem is 1d), and hope that we can get a
+reasonable best solution for some of them. While the whole thing, as an
+application, is not very satisfactory, keep in mind that solving particular
+applications is not the goal of the tutorial programs; rather, we would like
+to demonstrate techniques of programming with deal.II, which is indeed the
+focus here.
+<h3>The problem</h3>
+Now for a description of the problem. In the book by Dacorogna on the
+Calculus of Variations, I found the following statement, which confused me
+tremendously at first (see Section 3.4.3, ``Lavrentiev Phenomenon'', very
+slightly edited):
+@par Theorem 4.6:
+ <em>
+ Let
+ @f[
+ I(u)=\int_0^1 (x-u^3)^2 (u')^6\; dx.
+ @f]
+ Let
+ @f[
+ {\cal W}_1 = \{ u\in W^{1,\infty}(0,1) : u(0)=0, u(1)=1 \}
+ @f]
+ @f[
+ {\cal W}_2 = \{ u\in W^{1,1}(0,1) : u(0)=0, u(1)=1 \}
+ @f]
+ </em>
+ <em>
+ Then
+ @f[
+ \inf_{u\in {\cal W}_1} I(u) \ge c_0 > 0 = \inf_{u\in {\cal W}_2} I(u).
+ @f]
+ Moreover the minimum of $I(u)$ over ${\cal W}_2$ is attained by
+ $u(x)=x^{1/3}$.
+ </em>
+@par Remarks.
+ [...]
+ <em>
+ ii) it is interesting to note that if one uses the usual finite element
+ methods (by taking piecewise affine functions, which are in $W^{1,\infty}$)
+ one will not be able to detect the minimum of some integrals such as the one
+ in the theorem.
+ </em>
+In other words: minimizing the energy functional over one space
+($W^{1,\infty}$) does not give the same value as when minimizing over a larger
+space ($W^{1,1}$). Furthermore, they give a rough estimate of the value of the
+constant $c_0$, which is $c_0=\frac{7^23^5}{2^{18}5^5}\approx 1.61\cdot
+10^{-6}$ (although by their calculation it is obvious that this estimate is
+far too small, but the point of course is just to show that it is strictly
+larger than zero).
+While the theorem was not surprising, the remark stunned me at first. After
+all, we know that we can approximate functions in $W^{1,1}$ to arbitrary
+accuracy. Also, although it is true that finite element functions are in
+$W^{1,\infty}$, this statement is not really accurate: if the function itself
+is bounded pointwise by, say, a constant $C$, then its gradient is bounded by
+$2C/h$, and thus $\|u_h\|_{1,\infty} \le 2C/h$. That means that we should be
+able to lift this limit just by mesh refinement. Finite element functions are
+therefore only in $W^{1,\infty}$ if one considers them on a fixed grid, not on
+a sequence of successively finer grids. (Note, we can only lift the
+boundedness in $W^{1,1}$ in the same way by considering functions that
+oscillate at cell frequency; these, however, do not converge in any reasonable
+So it took me a while to see where the problem lies. Here it is: While we are
+able to approximate functions to arbitrary accuracies in <em>Sobolev
+ norms</em>, this does not necessarily also hold with respect to the functional
+$I(u)$! After all, this functional was made to show exactly these
+What happens in this case is actually not so difficult to understand. Let us
+look at what happens if we plug the lowest-order (piecewise linear)
+interpolant $i_hu$ of the optimal solution $u=x^{1/3}$ into the functional
+$I(u)$: on the leftmost cell, the left end of $i_hu$ is tagged to zero by the
+boundary condition, and the right end has the value $i_hu(h)=u(h)=h^{1/3}$. So
+let us only consider the contribution of this single cell to $I(u)$:
+ \int_0^h (x-(i_hu)^3)^2 ((i_hu)')^6 dx
+ &=&
+ \int_0^h (x-(h^{1/3}x)^3)^2 ((h^{1/3}/h)')^6 dx
+ \\
+ &=&
+ h^{-4} \int_0^h (x^2-2hx^4+h^2x^6) dx
+ \\
+ &=&
+ h^{-4} (h^3/3-2h^5/5+h^9/7)
+ \\
+ &=& {\cal O}(h^{-1}).
+Ups, even the contribution of the first cell blows up under mesh refinement,
+and we have not even summed up the contributions of the other cells!
+It turns out, that the other cells are not really problematic (since the
+gradient is bounded there by a constant independent of $h$), but we cannot
+really avoid the trouble with the first cell: if instead of the interpolant we
+choose some other finite element function that is closer on average to
+$x^{1/3}$ than the interpolant above, then we have to increase the slope of
+this function, since we have to obey the boundary condition at the left
+end. But then we are hit by the weight $(u')^6$. This weight is simply too
+On the other hand, the interpolation of the linear function $\varphi(x)=x$
+connecting the boundary values has the finite energy $I(i_h\varphi)=1/10$,
+independent of the mesh size. Thus, $i_hx^{1/3}$ cannot be the minimizer of the
+energy as $h\rightarrow 0$. This is also easy to see by noting that
+the minimal value of $I$ cannot increase under mesh
+refinement: if it is finite for some function on some mesh, then it must be
+smaller or equal to that value on a finer mesh, since the original function is
+still in the space spanned by the shape functions on the finer grid, as finite
+element spaces are nested. However, the computation above shows that we should
+not be surprised if the value of the functional does not converge to zero, but
+rather some finite value.
+There is one more conclusion to be drawn from the blow-up lesson above: we
+cannot expect the finite dimensional approximation to be close to the root
+function at the left end of the domain, for any mesh we choose! Because, if it
+would, then its energy would have to blow up. And we will see exactly this
+in the results section below.
+<h3>What to do?</h3>
+After this somewhat theoretical introduction, let us just once in our life
+have fun with pure mathematics, and actually see what happens in this problem
+when we run the finite element method on it. So here it goes: to find the
+minimum of $I(u)$, we have to find its stationary point. The condition for
+this reads
+ I'(u,\varphi)
+ =
+ \int_0^1 6 (x-u^3) (u')^5 \{ (x-u^3)\varphi' - u^2 u' \varphi\}\ dx,
+for all test functions $\varphi$ from the same space as that from which we
+take $u$, but with zero boundary conditions. If this space allows us to
+integrate by parts, then we could associate this with a two point boundary
+value problem
+ -(x-u^3) u^2(u')^6
+ - \frac{d}{dx} \left\{(x-u^3)^2 (u')^5\right\} = 0,
+ \qquad\qquad u(0)=0,
+ \quad u(1)=1.
+Note that this equation degenerates wherever $u^3=x$, which is at least the
+case at $x\in\{0,1\}$ due to the prescribed boundary values for $u$, but
+possibly at other places as well. However, for finite elements, we will want
+to have the equation in weak form anyway. Since the equation is still
+nonlinear, one may be tempted to compute iterates
+$u_{k+1}=u_k+\alpha_k\delta u_k$ using a Newton method for updates $\delta
+u_k$, like in
+ I''(u_k,\delta u_k,\varphi)
+ =
+ -I'(u_k, \varphi).
+However, since $I''(u_k,\cdot,\cdot)$ may be an indefinite operator (and, as
+numerical experiments indicate, is in fact during typical computations), we
+don't want to use this. Instead, we use a gradient method, for which we
+compute updates according to the following scheme:
+ \left<\delta u_k,\varphi\right>
+ =
+ -I'(u_k, \varphi).
+For the scalar product on the left hand side, there are multiple valid ways;
+we choose the mesh dependent definition $\left<u,v\right> = \int_\Omega (uv +
+h(x)^2 \nabla u\cdot \nabla v)\; dx$, where the weight $h(x)^2$, i.e. using
+the local mesh width, is chosen so that the definition is dimensionally
+consistent. It also yields a matrix on the left hand side that is simple to
+invert, as it is the sum of the well-conditioned mass matrix, and a Laplace
+matrix times a factor that counters the growth of condition number of the
+Laplace matrix.
+The step length $\alpha_k$ is then computed using a one-dimensional line search
+ \alpha_k = \arg\min_\alpha I(u_k+\alpha\delta u_k),
+or at least an approximation to this using a one-dimensional Newton method
+which itself has a line search. The details of this can be found in the code.
+We iterate the updates and line searches until the change in energy $I(u_k)$
+becomes too small to warrant any further iterations.
+The basic idea that you should get in all this is that we formulate the
+optimization method in a function space, and will only discretize each step
+separately. A number of subsequent steps will be done on the same mesh, before
+we refine it and go on to do the same on the next finer mesh.
+As for mesh refinement, it is instructional to recall how residual based error
+estimates like the one used in the Kelly et al.~error estimator are usually
+derived (the Kelly estimator is the one that we have used in most of the
+previous example programs). In a similar way, by looking at the residual of
+the strong form of the nonlinear equation we attempt here to solve, we may be
+tempted to consider the following expression for refinement of cell $K$:
+ \eta_K^2 &=&
+ h^2 \left\|
+ (x-u_h^3) (u_h')^4 \left\{ u_h^2 (u_h')^2 + 5(x-u_h^3)u_h'' + 2u_h'(1-3u_h^2u_h') \right\}
+ \right\|^2_K
+ \\
+ && +
+ h \left| (x-u_h^3)^2 [(u_h')^5] \right|^2_{\partial K},
+where $[\cdot]$ is the jump of a quantity across an intercell boundary, and
+$|\cdot|_{\partial K}$ is the sum of the quantity evaluated at the two end
+points of a cell. Note that in the evaluation of the jump, we have made use of
+the fact that $x-u_h^3$ is a continuous quantity, and can therefore be taken
+out of the jump operator.
+All these details actually matter -- while writing the program I have played
+around with many settings and different versions of the code, and the result
+is that if you don't have a good line search, good stopping criteria, the
+right metric (scalar product) for the gradient method, good initial values,
+and a good refinement criterion, then the nonlinear solver gets stuck quite
+readily for this highly nonlinear problem. Initially, I was hardly able to
+find solutions for which the energy dropped below 0.005, while the energy
+after the final iteration of the program as it is is usually around 0.0003,
+and occasionally down to less than 3e-5.
+However, this is not enough. In the program, we start the solver on the coarse
+mesh many times, with randomly perturbed starting values, and while it
+converges it yields a different solution, with a different energy every
+time. One can therefore not say that the solver converges to a certain energy,
+and we can't answer the question what the smallest value of $I(u)$ might be in
+$W^{1,\infty}$. This is unsatisfactory, but maybe to be expected for such a
+contrived and pathological problem. Consider it an example in programming with
+deal.II then, and not an example in solving this particular problem.
+The program implements all the steps mentioned above, and we will discuss them
+in the commented code below. In general, however, note that formulating the
+Newton method in function spaces, and only discretizing afterwards has
+consequences: we have to linearize around $u_k$ when we want to compute
+$\delta u_k$, and we have to sum up these two functions afterwards. However,
+they may be living on different grids, if we have refined the grid before this
+step, so we will have to present a way to actually get a function from one
+grid to another. The <code>SolutionTransfer</code> class will help us here. On the
+other hand, discretizing every nonlinear step separately has the advantage
+that we can do the initial steps, when we are still far away from the
+solution, on a coarse mesh, and only go on to more expensive computations when
+we home in on an solution. We will use a
+very simplistic strategy for when we refine the mesh (every fifth nonlinear
+step), though. Realistic programs solving nonlinear problems will have to be more
+clever in this respect, but it suffices for the purposes of this program.
+We will show some of the things that are really simple in 1d (but sometimes
+different from what we are used to in 2d or 3d). Apart from this, the program
+does not contain much new stuff, but if it explains a few of the techniques
+that are available for nonlinear problems and in particular 1d problems, then
+this is not so bad, after all.
+<em>Note:</em> As shown below, the program starts the nonlinear solver from 10 different
+initial values, and outputs the results. This is not actually too many, but we
+did so to keep run-time short (around 1:30 minutes on my laptop). If you want to
+increase the number of realizations, you may want to switch to optimized mode
+(by setting the ``debug-mode'' flag in the Makefile to ``off''), and increase
+the number of realizations to a larger value. On the same machine as above, I
+can compute 100 realizations in optimized mode in about 2 minutes. For
+this particular program, the difference between debug and optimized mode is
+thus about a factor of 7-8, which can be explained by the fact that we ask the
+compiler to do optimizations on the code only in the latter mode, but in most
+part due to the fact that in optimized mode all the ``Assert'' checks are
+thrown out that make sure that function arguments are correct, and that check
+the internal consistency of the library. The library contains several
+thousands of these checks, and they significantly slow down debug
+computations, but we feel that the benefit of finding programming errors
+earlier and including where the problem exactly appeared to be of significantly
+greater value than faster run-time. After all, all production runs of programs
+should be done in optimized mode anyway.
+A slowdown of a factor of 7-8 is unusual, however. For 2d and 3d applications,
+a typical value is around 4.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+If run, the program generates output like this:
+Realization 0:
+ Energy: 0.00377302
+ Energy: 0.00106138
+ Energy: 0.000514363
+ Energy: 0.000382105
+ Energy: 0.000339017
+ Energy: 0.000327948
+ Energy: 0.000320299
+ Energy: 0.000318016
+ Energy: 0.000316735
+ Energy: 0.000316536
+ Energy: 0.000316463
+ Energy: 0.000316285
+ Energy: 0.000316227
+ Energy: 0.000316221
+ Energy: 0.00031622
+Realization 1:
+ Energy: 0.00279316
+ Energy: 0.000896516
+ Energy: 0.000504609
+ Energy: 0.000392703
+ Energy: 0.000317725
+ Energy: 0.000291881
+ Energy: 0.000288243
+ Energy: 0.000283541
+ Energy: 0.000282406
+ Energy: 0.000281842
+ Energy: 0.000281752
+ Energy: 0.000281743
+ Energy: 0.000281743
+Realization 9:
+ Energy: 0.0103729
+ Energy: 0.0082121
+ Energy: 0.00733742
+ Energy: 0.00728154
+ Energy: 0.00725198
+ Energy: 0.00724302
+ Energy: 0.00724019
+ Energy: 0.00723837
+ Energy: 0.00723783
+ Energy: 0.00723772
+ Energy: 0.00690564
+ Energy: 0.00690562
+The lowest energy yet seen is in this run (you only get this by increasing the
+number of runs):
+Realization 18:
+ Energy: 0.00200645
+ Energy: 0.000638519
+ Energy: 0.00022749
+ Energy: 9.18962e-05
+ Energy: 5.42442e-05
+ Energy: 3.94415e-05
+ Energy: 3.42307e-05
+ Energy: 3.30727e-05
+ Energy: 3.19998e-05
+ Energy: 3.18104e-05
+ Energy: 2.97091e-05
+ Energy: 3.5011e-05
+Apparently something went wrong in the last step (the energy increased, which
+it shouldn't - but then this is a strongly nonlinear problem), which is also
+why the program aborted after this iteration. Apart from this, the iterations
+shown above demonstrate that our program indeed is able to reduce the energy
+in the solution in each iteration, as should be.
+Since the program did not really deliver the goal we had originally intended
+for (the computation of the minimal energy of finite element spaces), the
+graphical output is also not very exciting. Here are plots of five of the
+first 10 solutions (clicking on a picture gives the unscaled version of the
+@image html step-15.solution-1.png
+And here are the first 100 solutions, where each node in each solution is
+represented as a dot. As can be seen, all the solutions cluster somewhat
+around the $x^{1/3}$ curve, here shown in turquoise:
+@image html step-15.solution-2.png
+Note that this behavior is mostly independent of the choice of starting data
+(which we have chosen to be close to this curve), which a posteriori justfies
+our choice. Some of the curves actually show a linear behavior of the solution
+close to the origin; this is particularly obvious when the curves are viewed
+in a log-log plot (not shown here, but rather left as an exercise to the
+Given the almost complete absence of interesting results of this program, we
+hope that at least its source code provided some information with respect to
+programming with deal.II
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+This example shows the basic usage of the multilevel functions in
+deal.II. It solves the Helmholtz equation with Neumann boundary conditions
+to avoid additional complications due to Dirichlet boundary conditions (there,
+some library functions are missing). Therefore, the solution is the constant
+function with value unity. In all other respects, it is similar to step 5.
+ In order to allow sufficient flexibility in conjunction with systems of
+differential equations and block preconditioners, quite a few different objects
+have to be created before starting the multilevel method. These are
+<li>MGTransfer, the object handling transfer between grids
+<li>MGCoarse, the solver on the coarsest level
+<li>MGSmoother, the smoother on all other levels
+<li>MGMatrix, the matrix object having a special level multiplication, i.e. we
+basically store one matrix per grid level and allow multiplication with it.
+These objects are combined in an object of type Multigrid, containing the
+implementation of the V-cycle, which is in turn used by the preconditioner
+PreconditionMG, ready for plug-in into a linear solver of the LAC library.
+The multilevel method in deal.II follows in many respects the outlines
+of the various publications by James Bramble, Joseph Pasciak and Jinchao Xu. In
+order to understand many of the options, a rough familiarity with their work is
+quite helpful.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+This program does not introduce any new mathematical ideas; in fact, all it
+does is to do the exact same computations that @ref step_8 "step-8"
+already does, but it does so in a different manner: instead of using deal.II's
+own linear algebra classes, we build everything on top of classes deal.II
+provides that wrap around the linear algebra implementation of the <a
+href="http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/" target="_top">PETSc</a> library. And
+since PETSc allows to distribute matrices and vectors across several computers
+within an MPI network, the resulting code will even be able to solve the
+problem in parallel. If you don't know what PETSc is, then this would be a
+good time to take a quick glimpse at their homepage.
+As a prerequisite of this program, you need to have PETSc installed, and if
+you want to run in parallel on a cluster, you also need <a
+target="_top">METIS</a> to partition meshes. The installation of deal.II
+together with these two additional libraries is described in the <a
+href="../../readme.html" target="body">README</a> file.
+Now, for the details: as mentioned, the program does not compute anything new,
+so the use of finite element classes etc. is exactly the same as before. The
+difference to previous programs is that we have replaced almost all uses of
+classes <code>Vector</code> and <code>SparseMatrix</code> by their
+near-equivalents <code>PETScWrappers::Vector</code> and
+<code>PETScWrappers::SparseMatrix</code> (for sequential vectors and matrices,
+i.e. objects for which all elements are stored locally on one machine), and
+<code>PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector</code> and
+<code>PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix</code> for versions of these classes
+where only a part of the matrix or vector is stored on each machine within an
+MPI network. These classes provide an interface that is very similar to that
+of the deal.II linear algebra classes, but instead of implementing this
+functionality themselves, they simply pass on to their corresponding PETSc
+functions. The wrappers are therefore only used to give PETSc a more modern,
+object oriented interface, and to make the use of PETSc and deal.II objects as
+interchangable as possible.
+While the sequential PETSc wrappers classes do not have any advantage over
+their deal.II counterparts, the main point of using PETSc is that it can run
+in parallel. We will make use of this by partitioning the domain into as many
+blocks (``subdomains'') as there are processes in the MPI network. At the same
+time, PETSc provides dummy MPI stubs that allow to run the same program on a
+single machine if so desired, without any changes.
+Note, however, that the only data structures we parallelize are matrices and
+vectors. We do, in particular, not split up the <code>Triangulation</code> and
+<code>DoFHandler</code> classes: each process still has a complete copy of
+these objects, and all processes have exact copies of what the other processes
+have. Parallelizing the data structures used in hierarchic and unstructured
+triangulations is a very hard problem, and we do not attempt to do so at
+present. It also requires that many more aspects of the application program
+have to be changed, since for example loops over all cells can only include
+locally available cells. We thus went for the path of least resistance and
+only parallelized the linear algebra part.
+The techniques this program demonstrates are: how to use the PETSc wrapper
+classes; how to parallelize operations for jobs running on an MPI network; and
+how to partition the domain into subdomains to parallelize up the work. Since
+all this can only be demonstrated using actual code, let us go straight to the
+code without much further ado.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+If the program above is compiled and run on a single processor machine, it
+should generate results that are very similar to those that we already got
+with step-8. However, it becomes more interesting if we run it on a cluster of
+computers. Most clusters have some kind of scheduling system, all of which
+have different calling syntaxes - on my system, I have to use the command
+<code>bsub</code> with a whole host of options to run a job in parallel - so
+that the exact command line syntax varies. If you have found out how to run a
+job on your system, you should get output like this for a job on 8 processors,
+and with a few more refinement cycles than in the code above:
+Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 64
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 162 (by partition: 22+22+20+20+18+16+20+24)
+ Solver converged in 23 iterations.
+Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 124
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 302 (by partition: 38+42+36+34+44+44+36+28)
+ Solver converged in 35 iterations.
+Cycle 2:
+ Number of active cells: 238
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 570 (by partition: 68+80+66+74+58+68+78+78)
+ Solver converged in 46 iterations.
+Cycle 3:
+ Number of active cells: 454
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 1046 (by partition: 120+134+124+130+154+138+122+124)
+ Solver converged in 55 iterations.
+Cycle 4:
+ Number of active cells: 868
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 1926 (by partition: 232+276+214+248+230+224+234+268)
+ Solver converged in 77 iterations.
+Cycle 5:
+ Number of active cells: 1654
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 3550 (by partition: 418+466+432+470+442+474+424+424)
+ Solver converged in 93 iterations.
+Cycle 6:
+ Number of active cells: 3136
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 6702 (by partition: 838+796+828+892+866+798+878+806)
+ Solver converged in 127 iterations.
+Cycle 7:
+ Number of active cells: 5962
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 12446 (by partition: 1586+1484+1652+1552+1556+1576+1560+1480)
+ Solver converged in 158 iterations.
+Cycle 8:
+ Number of active cells: 11320
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 23586 (by partition: 2988+2924+2890+2868+2864+3042+2932+3078)
+ Solver converged in 225 iterations.
+Cycle 9:
+ Number of active cells: 21424
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 43986 (by partition: 5470+5376+5642+5450+5630+5470+5416+5532)
+ Solver converged in 282 iterations.
+Cycle 10:
+ Number of active cells: 40696
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 83754 (by partition: 10660+10606+10364+10258+10354+10322+10586+10604)
+ Solver converged in 392 iterations.
+Cycle 11:
+ Number of active cells: 76978
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 156490 (by partition: 19516+20148+19390+19390+19336+19450+19730+19530)
+ Solver converged in 509 iterations.
+Cycle 12:
+ Number of active cells: 146206
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 297994 (by partition: 37462+37780+37000+37060+37232+37328+36860+37272)
+ Solver converged in 705 iterations.
+Cycle 13:
+ Number of active cells: 276184
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 558766 (by partition: 69206+69404+69882+71266+70348+69616+69796+69248)
+ Solver converged in 945 iterations.
+Cycle 14:
+ Number of active cells: 523000
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 1060258 (by partition: 132928+132296+131626+132172+132170+133588+132252+133226)
+ Solver converged in 1282 iterations.
+Cycle 15:
+ Number of active cells: 987394
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 1994226 (by partition: 253276+249068+247430+248402+248496+251380+248272+247902)
+ Solver converged in 1760 iterations.
+Cycle 16:
+ Number of active cells: 1867477
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 3771884 (by partition: 468452+474204+470818+470884+469960+
+ Solver converged in 2251 iterations.
+As can be seen, we can easily get to almost four million unknowns. In fact, the
+code's runtime with 8 processes was less than 7 minutes up to (and including)
+cycle 14, and 14 minutes including the second to last step. I lost the timing
+information for the last step, though, but you get the idea. All this is if
+the debug flag in the Makefile was changed to "off", i.e. "optimized", and
+with the generation of graphical output switched off for the reasons stated in
+the program comments above. The biggest 2d computations we did had roughly 7.1
+million unknowns, and were done on 32 processes. It took about 40 minutes.
+Not surprisingly, the limiting factor for how far one can go is how much memory
+one has, since every process has to hold the entire mesh and DoFHandler objects,
+although matrices and vectors are split up. For the 7.1M computation, the memory
+consumption was about 600 bytes per unknown, which is not bad, but one has to
+consider that this is for every unknown, whether we store the matrix and vector
+entries locally or not.
+Here is some output generated in the 12th cycle of the program, i.e. with roughly
+300,000 unknowns:
+@image html step-17.12-ux.png
+@image html step-17.12-uy.png
+As one would hope for, the x- (left) and y-displacements (right) shown here
+closely match what we already saw in step-8. What may be more interesting,
+though, is to look at the mesh and partition at this step (to see the picture
+in its original size, simply click on it):
+@image html step-17.12-grid.png
+@image html step-17.12-partition.png
+Again, the mesh (left) shows the same refinement pattern as seen
+previously. The right panel shows the partitioning of the domain across the 8
+processes, each indicated by a different color. The picture shows that the
+subdomains are smaller where mesh cells are small, a fact that needs to be
+expected given that the partitioning algorithm tries to equilibrate the number
+of cells in each subdomain; this equilibration is also easily identified in
+the output shown above, where the number of degrees per subdomain is roughly
+the same.
+It is worth noting that if we ran the same program with a different number of
+processes, that we would likely get slightly different output: a different
+mesh, different number of unknowns and iterations to convergence. The reason
+for this is that while the matrix and right hand side are the same independent
+of the number of processes used, the preconditioner is not: it performs an
+ILU(0) on the chunk of the matrix of <em>each processor separately</em>. Thus,
+it's effectiveness as a preconditioner diminishes as the number of processes
+increases, which makes the number of iterations increase. Since a different
+preconditioner leads to slight changes in the computed solution, this will
+then lead to slightly different mesh cells tagged for refinement, and larger
+differences in subsequent steps. The solution will always look very similar,
+Finally, here are some results for a 3d simulation. You can repeat these by
+first changing
+ ElasticProblem<2> elastic_problem;
+ ElasticProblem<3> elastic_problem;
+in the main function, and then in the Makefile, change the reference to the 2d
+libraries to their 3d counterparts. If you then run the program in parallel,
+you get something similar to this (this is for a job with 16 processes):
+Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 512
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 2187 (by partition: 114+156+150+114+114+210+105+102+120+120+96+123+141+183+156+183)
+ Solver converged in 27 iterations.
+Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 1604
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 6549 (by partition: 393+291+342+354+414+417+570+366+444+288+543+525+345+387+489+381)
+ Solver converged in 42 iterations.
+Cycle 2:
+ Number of active cells: 4992
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 19167 (by partition: 1428+1266+1095+1005+1455+1257+1410+1041+1320+1380+1080+1050+963+1005+1188+1224)
+ Solver converged in 65 iterations.
+Cycle 3:
+ Number of active cells: 15485
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 56760 (by partition: 3099+3714+3384+3147+4332+3858+3615+3117+3027+3888+3942+3276+4149+3519+3030+3663)
+ Solver converged in 96 iterations.
+Cycle 4:
+ Number of active cells: 48014
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 168762 (by partition: 11043+10752+9846+10752+9918+10584+10545+11433+12393+11289+10488+9885+10056+9771+11031+8976)
+ Solver converged in 132 iterations.
+Cycle 5:
+ Number of active cells: 148828
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 492303 (by partition: 31359+30588+34638+32244+30984+28902+33297+31569+29778+29694+28482+28032+32283+30702+31491+28260)
+ Solver converged in 179 iterations.
+Cycle 6:
+ Number of active cells: 461392
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 1497951 (by partition: 103587+100827+97611+93726+93429+88074+95892+88296+96882+93000+87864+90915+92232+86931+98091+90594)
+ Solver converged in 261 iterations.
+The last step, going up to 1.5 million unknowns, takes about 55 minutes with
+16 processes on 8 dual-processor machines. The graphical output generated by
+this job is rather large (cycle 5 already prints around 82 MB of GMV data), so
+we contend ourselves with showing output from cycle 4 (again, clicking on the
+picture gives a version in original size):
+@image html step-17.4-3d-partition.png
+@image html step-17.4-3d-ux.png
+The left picture shows the partitioning of the cube into 16 processes, whereas
+the right one shows the x-displacement along two cutplanes through the cube.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+[A higher quality version of the introduction is available as a PDF
+file by <a href="step-18.data/intro.pdf">clicking here</a>]
+This tutorial program is another one in the series on the elasticity problem
+that we have already started with step-8 and step-17. It extends it into two
+different directions: first, it solves the quasistatic but time dependent
+elasticity problem for large deformations with a Lagrangian mesh movement
+approach. Secondly, it shows some more techniques for solving such problems
+using parallel processing with PETSc's linear algebra. In addition to this, we
+show how to work around the main bottleneck of step-17, namely that we
+generated graphical output from only one process, and that this scaled very
+badly with larger numbers of processes and on large problems. Finally, a good
+number of assorted improvements and techniques are demonstrated that have not
+been shown yet in previous programs.
+As before in step-17, the program runs just as fine on a single sequential
+machine as long as you have PETSc installed. Information on how to tell
+deal.II about a PETSc installation on your system can be found in the deal.II
+README file, which is linked to from the main documentation page
+<TT>doc/index.html</TT> in your installation of deal.II, or on the deal.II
+webpage <TT>http://www.dealii.org/</TT>.
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION00001000000000000000">
+Quasistatic elastic deformation</A>
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION00001100000000000000">
+Motivation of the model</A>
+In general, time-dependent small elastic deformations are described by the
+elastic wave equation
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img1.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \rho \frac{\partial^2 \vec u}{\partial t^2} + c \frac{\partial \vec u}{\partial t} - \div ( C \varepsilon(\vec u)) = \vec f$"> in <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img2.png"
+ ALT="$ \Omega$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img3.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle ,$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+where <!-- MATH
+ $\vec u=\vec u (\vec x,t)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img4.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec u=\vec u (\vec x,t)$">
+ is the deformation of the body, <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img5.png"
+ ALT="$ \rho$">
+and <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img6.png"
+ ALT="$ c$">
+ the density and attenuation coefficient, and <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img7.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec f$">
+ external forces.
+In addition, initial conditions
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img8.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \vec u(\cdot, 0) = \vec u_0(\cdot)$"> on <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img2.png"
+ ALT="$ \Omega$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img3.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle ,$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+and Dirichlet (displacement) or Neumann (traction) boundary conditions need
+to be specified for a unique solution:
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img9.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \vec u(\vec x,t)$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img10.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle = \vec d(\vec x,t) \qquad$"></TD>
+<TD> </TD>
+ $\Gamma_D\subset\partial\Omega$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img11.png"
+ ALT="$ \Gamma_D\subset\partial\Omega$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img3.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle ,$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img12.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \vec n \ C \varepsilon(\vec u(\vec x,t))$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img13.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle = \vec b(\vec x,t) \qquad$"></TD>
+<TD> </TD>
+ $\Gamma_N=\partial\Omega\backslash\Gamma_D$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img14.png"
+ ALT="$ \Gamma_N=\partial\Omega\backslash\Gamma_D$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img15.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle .$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+In above formulation, <!-- MATH
+ $\varepsilon(\vec u)= \tfrac 12 (\nabla \vec u + \nabla
+\vec u^T)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img16.png"
+ ALT="$ \varepsilon(\vec u)= \tfrac 12 (\nabla \vec u + \nabla
+\vec u^T)$">
+ is the symmetric gradient of the displacement, also called the
+<I>strain</I>. <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img17.png"
+ ALT="$ C$">
+ is a tensor of rank 4, called the <I>stress-strain
+ tensor</I> that contains knowledge of the elastic strength of the material; its
+symmetry properties make sure that it maps symmetric tensors of rank 2
+(``matrices'' of dimension <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img18.png"
+ ALT="$ d$">
+, where <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img18.png"
+ ALT="$ d$">
+ is the spatial dimensionality) onto
+symmetric tensors of the same rank. We will comment on the roles of the strain
+and stress tensors more below. For the moment it suffices to say that we
+interpret the term <!-- MATH
+ $\div ( C \varepsilon(\vec u))$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img19.png"
+ ALT="$ \div ( C \varepsilon(\vec u))$">
+ as the vector with
+components <!-- MATH
+ $\tfrac \partial{\partial x_j} C_{ijkl} \varepsilon(\vec u)_{kl}$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img20.png"
+ ALT="$ \tfrac \partial{\partial x_j} C_{ijkl} \varepsilon(\vec u)_{kl}$">
+where summation over indices <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img21.png"
+ ALT="$ j,k,l$">
+ is implied.
+The quasistatic limit of this equation is motivated as follows: each small
+perturbation of the body, for example by changes in boundary condition or the
+forcing function, will result in a corresponding change in the configuration
+of the body. In general, this will be in the form of waves radiating away from
+the location of the disturbance. Due to the presence of the damping term,
+these waves will be attenuated on a time scale of, say, <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img22.png"
+ ALT="$ \tau$">
+. Now, assume
+that all changes in external forcing happen on times scales that are
+much larger than <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img22.png"
+ ALT="$ \tau$">
+. In that case, the dynamic nature of the change is
+unimportant: we can consider the body to always be in static equilibrium,
+i.e. we can assume that at all times the body satisfies
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img23.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle - \div ( C \varepsilon(\vec u))$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img24.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle = \vec f$"></TD>
+<TD> </TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img2.png"
+ ALT="$ \Omega$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img3.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle ,$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img9.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \vec u(\vec x,t)$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img10.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle = \vec d(\vec x,t) \qquad$"></TD>
+<TD> </TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img25.png"
+ ALT="$ \Gamma_D$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img3.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle ,$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img12.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \vec n \ C \varepsilon(\vec u(\vec x,t))$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img13.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle = \vec b(\vec x,t) \qquad$"></TD>
+<TD> </TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img26.png"
+ ALT="$ \Gamma_N$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img15.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle .$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+Note that the differential equation does not contain any time derivatives any
+more - all time dependence is introduced through boundary conditions and a
+possibly time-varying force function <!-- MATH
+ $\vec f(\vec x,t)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img27.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec f(\vec x,t)$">
+. The changes in
+configuration can therefore be considered as being stationary
+instantaneously. An alternative view of this is that <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img28.png"
+ ALT="$ t$">
+ is not really a time
+variable, but only a time-like parameter that governs the evolution of the
+While these equations are sufficient to describe small deformations, computing
+large deformations is a little more complicated. To do so, let us first
+introduce a tensorial stress variable <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img29.png"
+ ALT="$ \sigma$">
+, and write the differential
+equations in terms of the stress:
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img30.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle - \div\sigma$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img24.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle = \vec f$"></TD>
+<TD> </TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img31.png"
+ ALT="$ \Omega(t)$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img3.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle ,$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img9.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \vec u(\vec x,t)$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img10.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle = \vec d(\vec x,t) \qquad$"></TD>
+<TD> </TD>
+ $\Gamma_D\subset\partial\Omega(t)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img32.png"
+ ALT="$ \Gamma_D\subset\partial\Omega(t)$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img3.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle ,$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img12.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \vec n \ C \varepsilon(\vec u(\vec x,t))$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img13.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle = \vec b(\vec x,t) \qquad$"></TD>
+<TD> </TD>
+ $\Gamma_N=\partial\Omega(t)\backslash\Gamma_D$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img33.png"
+ ALT="$ \Gamma_N=\partial\Omega(t)\backslash\Gamma_D$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img15.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle .$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+Note that these equations are posed on a domain <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img31.png"
+ ALT="$ \Omega(t)$">
+ that
+changes with time, with the boundary moving according to the
+displacements <!-- MATH
+ $\vec u(\vec x,t)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img34.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec u(\vec x,t)$">
+ of the points on the boundary. To
+complete this system, we have to specify the incremental relationship between
+the stress and the strain, as follows:
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img35.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \dot\sigma = C \varepsilon (\dot{\vec u}),$"></TD>
+<A NAME="eq:stress-strain">(11)</A></TD></TR>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+where a dot indicates a time derivative. Both the stress <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img29.png"
+ ALT="$ \sigma$">
+ and the
+strain <!-- MATH
+ $\varepsilon(\vec u)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img36.png"
+ ALT="$ \varepsilon(\vec u)$">
+ are symmetric tensors of rank 2.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION00001200000000000000">
+Time discretization</A>
+Numerically, this system is solved as follows: first, we discretize
+the time component using a backward Euler scheme. This leads to a
+discrete equilibrium of force at time step <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img37.png"
+ ALT="$ n$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img38.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle -\div\sigma^n = f^n,$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img39.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \sigma^n = \sigma^{n-1} + C \varepsilon (\Delta \vec u^n),$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+and <!-- MATH
+ $\Delta \vec u^n$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img40.png"
+ ALT="$ \Delta \vec u^n$">
+ the incremental displacement for time step
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img37.png"
+ ALT="$ n$">
+. In addition, we have to specify initial data <!-- MATH
+ $\vec u(\cdot,0)=\vec u_0$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img41.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec u(\cdot,0)=\vec u_0$">
+This way, if we want to solve for the displacement increment, we
+have to solve the following system:
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img42.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle - \div C \varepsilon(\Delta\vec u^n)$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img43.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle = \vec f + \div\sigma^{n-1}$"></TD>
+<TD> </TD>
+ $\Omega(t_{n-1})$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img44.png"
+ ALT="$ \Omega(t_{n-1})$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img3.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle ,$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img45.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \Delta \vec u^n(\vec x,t)$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img46.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle = \vec d(\vec x,t_n) - \vec d(\vec x,t_{n-1}) \qquad$"></TD>
+<TD> </TD>
+ $\Gamma_D\subset\partial\Omega(t_{n-1})$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img47.png"
+ ALT="$ \Gamma_D\subset\partial\Omega(t_{n-1})$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img3.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle ,$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img48.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \vec n \ C \varepsilon(\Delta \vec u^n(\vec x,t))$"></TD>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img49.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle = \vec b(\vec x,t_n)-\vec b(\vec x,t_{n-1}) \qquad$"></TD>
+<TD> </TD>
+ $\Gamma_N=\partial\Omega(t_{n-1})\backslash\Gamma_D$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img50.png"
+ ALT="$ \Gamma_N=\partial\Omega(t_{n-1})\backslash\Gamma_D$">
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img15.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle .$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+The weak form of this set of equations, which as usual is the basis for the
+finite element formulation, reads as follows: find <!-- MATH
+ $\Delta \vec u^n \in
+\{v\in H^1(\Omega(t_{n-1}))^d: v|_{\Gamma_D}=\vec d(\cdot,t_n) - \vec d(\cdot,t_{n-1})\}$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img51.png"
+ ALT="$ \Delta \vec u^n \in
+\{v\in H^1(\Omega(t_{n-1}))^d: v\vert _{\Gamma_D}=\vec d(\cdot,t_n) - \vec d(\cdot,t_{n-1})\}$">
+such that
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img52.png"
+ ALT="\begin{gather*}\begin{split}(C \varepsilon(\Delta\vec u^n), \varepsilon(\varphi)...
+...in H^1(\Omega(t_{n-1}))^d: \vec v\vert _{\Gamma_D}=0\}. \end{split}\end{gather*}"></TD>
+<A NAME="eq:linear-system">(17)</A></TD></TR>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+We note that, for simplicity, in the program we will always assume that there
+are no boundary forces, i.e. <!-- MATH
+ $\vec b = 0$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img53.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec b = 0$">
+, and that the deformation of the
+body is driven by body forces <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img7.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec f$">
+ and prescribed boundary displacements
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img54.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec d$">
+ alone. It is also worth noting that when integrating by parts, we
+would get terms of the form <!-- MATH
+ $(C \varepsilon(\Delta\vec u^n), \nabla \varphi
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img55.png"
+ ALT="$ (C \varepsilon(\Delta\vec u^n), \nabla \varphi
+, but that we replace it with the term involving the
+symmetric gradient <!-- MATH
+ $\varepsilon(\varphi)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img56.png"
+ ALT="$ \varepsilon(\varphi)$">
+ instead of <!-- MATH
+ $\nabla\varphi$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img57.png"
+ ALT="$ \nabla\varphi$">
+. Due to
+the symmetry of <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img17.png"
+ ALT="$ C$">
+, the two terms are equivalent, but the symmetric version
+avoids a potential for round-off to render the resulting matrix slightly
+The system at time step <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img37.png"
+ ALT="$ n$">
+, to be solved on the old domain
+<!-- MATH
+ $\Omega(t_{n-1})$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img44.png"
+ ALT="$ \Omega(t_{n-1})$">
+, has exactly the form of a stationary elastic
+problem, and is therefore similar to what we have already implemented
+in previous example programs. We will therefore not comment on the
+space discretization beyond saying that we again use lowest order
+continuous finite elements.
+There are differences, however:
+<LI>We have to move (update) the mesh after each time step, in order to be
+ able to solve the next time step on a new domain;
+<LI>We need to know <!-- MATH
+ $\sigma^{n-1}$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img58.png"
+ ALT="$ \sigma^{n-1}$">
+ to compute the next incremental
+ displacement, i.e. we need to compute it at the end of the time step
+ to make sure it is available for the next time step. Essentially,
+ the stress variable is our window to the history of deformation of
+ the body.
+These two operations are done in the functions <TT>move_mesh</TT> and
+<TT>update_quadrature_point_history</TT> in the program. While moving
+the mesh is only a technicality, updating the stress is a little more
+complicated and will be discussed in the next section.
+<H3><A NAME="SECTION00001300000000000000">
+Updating the stress variable</A>
+As indicated above, we need to have the stress variable <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img59.png"
+ ALT="$ \sigma^n$">
+ available
+when computing time step <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img60.png"
+ ALT="$ n+1$">
+, and we can compute it using
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img61.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \sigma^n = \sigma^{n-1} + C \varepsilon (\Delta \vec u^n).$"></TD>
+<A NAME="eq:stress-update">(18)</A></TD></TR>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+There are, despite the apparent simplicity of this equation, two questions
+that we need to discuss. The first concerns the way we store <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img59.png"
+ ALT="$ \sigma^n$">
+: even
+if we compute the incremental updates <!-- MATH
+ $\Delta\vec u^n$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img40.png"
+ ALT="$ \Delta \vec u^n$">
+ using lowest-order
+finite elements, then its symmetric gradient <!-- MATH
+ $\varepsilon(\Delta\vec u^n)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img62.png"
+ ALT="$ \varepsilon(\Delta\vec u^n)$">
+ is
+in general still a function that is not easy to describe. In particular, it is
+not a piecewise constant function, and on general meshes (with cells that are
+not rectangles parallel to the coordinate axes) or with non-constant
+stress-strain tensors <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img17.png"
+ ALT="$ C$">
+ it is not even a bi- or trilinear function. Thus, it
+is a priori not clear how to store <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img59.png"
+ ALT="$ \sigma^n$">
+ in a computer program.
+To decide this, we have to see where it is used. The only place where we
+require the stress is in the term
+<!-- MATH
+ $(\sigma^{n-1},\varepsilon(\varphi))_{\Omega(t_{n-1})}$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img63.png"
+ ALT="$ (\sigma^{n-1},\varepsilon(\varphi))_{\Omega(t_{n-1})}$">
+. In practice, we of
+course replace this term by numerical quadrature:
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img64.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle (\sigma^{n-1},\varepsilon(\varphi))_{\Omega(t_{n-1})} = \sum_{K\s...
+...athbb{T}}} \sum_q w_q \ \sigma^{n-1}(\vec x_q) : \varepsilon(\varphi(\vec x_q),$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+where <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img65.png"
+ ALT="$ w_q$">
+ are the quadrature weights and <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img66.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec x_q$">
+ the quadrature points on
+cell <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img67.png"
+ ALT="$ K$">
+. This should make clear that what we really need is not the stress
+<!-- MATH
+ $\sigma^{n-1}$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img58.png"
+ ALT="$ \sigma^{n-1}$">
+ in itself, but only the values of the stress in the quadrature
+points on all cells. This, however, is a simpler task: we only have to provide
+a data structure that is able to hold one symmetric tensor of rank 2 for each
+quadrature point on all cells (or, since we compute in parallel, all
+quadrature points of all cells that the present MPI process ``owns''). At the
+end of each time step we then only have to evaluate <!-- MATH
+ $\varepsilon(\Delta \vec u^n(\vec x_q))$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img68.png"
+ ALT="$ \varepsilon(\Delta \vec u^n(\vec x_q))$">
+, multiply it by the stress-strain tensor <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img17.png"
+ ALT="$ C$">
+, and use the
+result to update the stress <!-- MATH
+ $\sigma^n(\vec x_q)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img69.png"
+ ALT="$ \sigma^n(\vec x_q)$">
+ at quadrature point <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img70.png"
+ ALT="$ q$">
+The second complication is not visible in our notation as chosen above. It is
+due to the fact that we compute <!-- MATH
+ $\Delta u^n$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img71.png"
+ ALT="$ \Delta u^n$">
+ on the domain <!-- MATH
+ $\Omega(t_{n-1})$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img44.png"
+ ALT="$ \Omega(t_{n-1})$">
+and then use this displacement increment to both update the stress as well as
+move the mesh nodes around to get to <!-- MATH
+ $\Omega(t_n)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img72.png"
+ ALT="$ \Omega(t_n)$">
+ on which the next increment
+is computed. What we have to make sure, in this context, is that moving the
+mesh does not only involve moving around the nodes, but also making
+corresponding changes to the stress variable: the updated stress is a variable
+that is defined with respect to the coordinate system of the material in the
+old domain, and has to be transferred to the new domain. The reason for this
+can be understood as follows: locally, the incremental deformation <!-- MATH
+ $\Delta\vec u$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img73.png"
+ ALT="$ \Delta\vec u$">
+ can be decomposed into three parts, a linear translation (the constant part
+of the displacement increment field in the neighborhood of a point), a
+component (that part of the gradient of the displacement field that has a
+nonzero divergence), and a rotation. A linear translation of the material does
+not affect the stresses that are frozen into it - the stress values are
+simply translated along. The dilational or compressional change produces a
+corresponding stress update. However, the rotational component does not
+necessarily induce a nonzero stress update (think, in 2d, for example of the
+situation where <!-- MATH
+ $\Delta\vec u=(y, -x)^T$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img74.png"
+ ALT="$ \Delta\vec u=(y, -x)^T$">
+, with which <!-- MATH
+ $\varepsilon(\Delta \vec u)=0$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img75.png"
+ ALT="$ \varepsilon(\Delta \vec u)=0$">
+). Nevertheless, if the the material was pre-stressed in a certain
+direction, then this direction will be rotated along with the material. To
+this end, we have to define a rotation matrix <!-- MATH
+ $R(\Delta \vec u^n)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img76.png"
+ ALT="$ R(\Delta \vec u^n)$">
+ that
+describes, in each point the rotation due to the displacement increments. It
+is not hard to see that the actual dependence of <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img77.png"
+ ALT="$ R$">
+ on <!-- MATH
+ $\Delta \vec u^n$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img40.png"
+ ALT="$ \Delta \vec u^n$">
+ can
+only be through the curl of the displacement, rather than the displacement
+itself or its full gradient (as mentioned above, the constant components of
+the increment describe translations, its divergence the dilational modes, and
+the curl the rotational modes). Since the exact form of <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img77.png"
+ ALT="$ R$">
+ is cumbersome, we
+only state it in the program code, and note that the correct updating formula
+for the stress variable is then
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img78.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \sigma^n = R(\Delta \vec u^n)^T [\sigma^{n-1} + C \varepsilon (\Delta \vec u^n)] R(\Delta \vec u^n).$"></TD>
+<A NAME="eq:stress-update+rot">(20)</A></TD></TR>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+Both stress update and rotation are implemented in the function
+<TT>update_quadrature_point_history</TT> of the example program.
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION00002000000000000000">
+Parallel graphical output</A>
+In the step-17 example program, the main bottleneck for parallel computations
+was that only the first processor generated output for the entire domain.
+Since generating graphical output is expensive, this did not scale well when
+large numbers of processors were involved. However, no viable ways around this
+problem were implemented in the library at the time, and the problem was
+deferred to a later version.
+This functionality has been implemented in the meantime, and this is the time
+to explain its use. Basically, what we need to do is let every process
+generate graphical output for that subset of cells that it owns, write them
+into separate files and have a way to merge them later on. At this point, it
+should be noted that none of the graphical output formats known to the author
+of this program allows for a simple way to later re-read it and merge it with
+other files corresponding to the same simulation. What deal.II therefore
+offers is the following: When you call the <TT>DataOut::build_patches</TT>
+function, an intermediate format is generated that contains all the
+information for the data on each cell. Usually, this intermediate format is
+then further processed and converted into one of the graphical formats that we
+can presently write, such as gmv, eps, ucd, gnuplot, or a number of other
+ones. Once written in these formats, there is no way to reconstruct the
+necessary information to merge multiple blocks of output. However, the base
+classes of <TT>DataOut</TT> also allow to simply dump the intermediate format
+to a file, from which it can later be recovered without loss of information.
+This has two advantages: first, simulations may just dump the intermediate
+format data during run-time, and the user may later decide which particular
+graphics format she wants to have. This way, she does not have to re-run the
+entire simulation if graphical output is requested in a different format. One
+typical case is that one would like to take a quick look at the data with
+gnuplot, and then create high-quality pictures using GMV or OpenDX. Since both
+can be generated out of the intermediate format without problem, there is no
+need to re-run the simulation.
+In the present context, of more interest is the fact that in contrast to any
+of the other formats, it is simple to merge multiple files of intermediate
+format, if they belong to the same simulation. This is what we will do here:
+we will generate one output file in intermediate format for each processor
+that belongs to this computation (in the sequential case, this will simply be
+a single file). They may then later be read in and merged so that we can
+output a single file in whatever graphical format is requested.
+The way to do this is to first instruct the <TT>DataOutBase</TT> class to
+write intermediate format rather than in gmv or any other graphical
+format. This is simple: just use
+<TT>data_out.write_deal_II_intermediate</TT>. We will write to a file
+called <TT>solution-TTTT.TTTT.d2</TT> if there is only one processor, or
+files <TT>solution-TTTT.TTTT.NNN.d2</TT> if this is really a parallel
+job. Here, <TT>TTTT.TTTT</TT> denotes the time for which this output has
+been generated, and <TT>NNN</TT> the number of the MPI process that did this.
+The next step is to convert this file or these files into whatever
+format you like. The program that does this is the step-19 tutorial program:
+for example, for the first time step, call it through
+<TT>../step-19/step-19 solution-0001.0000.*.d2 solution-0001.0000.gmv</TT>
+to merge all the intermediate format files into a single file in GMV
+format. More details on the parameters of this program and what it can do for
+you can be found in the documentation of the step-19 tutorial program.
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION00003000000000000000">
+Overall structure of the program</A>
+The overall structure of the program can be inferred from the <TT>run()</TT>
+function that first calls <TT>do_initial_timestep()</TT> for the first time
+step, and then <TT>do_timestep()</TT> on all subsequent time steps. The
+difference between these functions is only that in the first time step we
+start on a coarse mesh, solve on it, refine the mesh adaptively, and then
+start again with a clean state on that new mesh. This procedure gives us a
+better starting mesh, although we should of course keep adapting the mesh as
+iterations proceed - this isn't done in this program, but commented on below.
+The common part of the two functions treating time steps is the following
+sequence of operations on the present mesh:
+<LI><TT>assemble_system ()</TT> [via <TT>solve_timestep ()</TT>]:
+ This first function is also the most interesting one. It assembles the
+ linear system corresponding to the discretized version of equation
+ (<A HREF="#eq:linear-system"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/file:/home/bangerth/bin/share/lib/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A>). This leads to a system matrix <!-- MATH
+ $A_{ij} = \sum_K
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img79.png"
+ ALT="$ A_{ij} = \sum_K
+ built up of local contributions on each cell <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img67.png"
+ ALT="$ K$">
+ with entries
+ <P></P>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img80.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle A^K_{ij} = (C \varepsilon(\varphi_j), \varepsilon(\varphi_i))_K;$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+In practice, <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img81.png"
+ ALT="$ A^K$">
+ is computed using numerical quadrature according to the
+ formula
+ <P></P>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img82.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle A^K_{ij} = \sum_q w_q [\varepsilon(\varphi_i(\vec x_q)) : C : \varepsilon(\varphi_j(\vec x_q))],$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+with quadrature points <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img66.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec x_q$">
+ and weights <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img65.png"
+ ALT="$ w_q$">
+. We have built these
+ contributions before, in step-8 and step-17, but in both of these cases we
+ have done so rather clumsily by using knowledge of how the rank-4 tensor <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img17.png"
+ ALT="$ C$">
+ is composed, and considering individual elements of the strain tensors
+ <!-- MATH
+ $\varepsilon(\varphi_i),\varepsilon(\varphi_j)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img83.png"
+ ALT="$ \varepsilon(\varphi_i),\varepsilon(\varphi_j)$">
+. This is not really
+ convenient, in particular if we want to consider more complicated elasticity
+ models than the isotropic case for which <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img17.png"
+ ALT="$ C$">
+ had the convenient form
+ <!-- MATH
+ $C_{ijkl} = \lambda \delta_{ij} \delta_{kl} + \mu (\delta_{ik} \delta_{jl}
++ \delta_{il} \delta_{jk})$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img84.png"
+ ALT="$ C_{ijkl} = \lambda \delta_{ij} \delta_{kl} + \mu (\delta_{ik} \delta_{jl}
++ \delta_{il} \delta_{jk})$">
+. While we in fact do not use a more complicated
+ form than this in the present program, we nevertheless want to write it in a
+ way that would easily allow for this. It is then natural to introduce
+ classes that represent symmetric tensors of rank 2 (for the strains and
+ stresses) and 4 (for the stress-strain tensor <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img17.png"
+ ALT="$ C$">
+). Fortunately, deal.II
+ provides these: the <TT>SymmetricTensor<rank,dim></TT> class template
+ provides a full-fledged implementation of such tensors of rank <TT>rank</TT>
+ (which needs to be an even number) and dimension <TT>dim</TT>.
+What we then need is two things: a way to create the stress-strain rank-4
+ tensor <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img17.png"
+ ALT="$ C$">
+ as well as to create a symmetric tensor of rank 2 (the strain
+ tensor) from the gradients of a shape function <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img85.png"
+ ALT="$ \varphi_i$">
+ at a quadrature
+ point <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img66.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec x_q$">
+ on a given cell. At the top of the implementation of this
+ example program, you will find such functions. The first one,
+ <TT>get_stress_strain_tensor</TT>, takes two arguments corresponding to
+ the Lamé constants <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img86.png"
+ ALT="$ \lambda$">
+ and <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img87.png"
+ ALT="$ \mu$">
+ and returns the stress-strain tensor
+ for the isotropic case corresponding to these constants (in the program, we
+ will choose constants corresponding to steel); it would be simple to replace
+ this function by one that computes this tensor for the anisotropic case, or
+ taking into account crystal symmetries, for example. The second one,
+ <TT>get_strain</TT> takes an object of type <TT>FEValues</TT> and indices
+ <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img88.png"
+ ALT="$ i$">
+ and <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img70.png"
+ ALT="$ q$">
+ and returns the symmetric gradient, i.e. the strain,
+ corresponding to shape function <!-- MATH
+ $\varphi_i(\vec x_q)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img89.png"
+ ALT="$ \varphi_i(\vec x_q)$">
+, evaluated on the cell
+ on which the <TT>FEValues</TT> object was last reinitialized.
+Given this, the innermost loop of <TT>assemble_system</TT> computes the
+ local contributions to the matrix in the following elegant way (the variable
+ <TT>stress_strain_tensor</TT>, corresponding to the tensor <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img17.png"
+ ALT="$ C$">
+, has
+ previously been initialized with the result of the first function above):
+ <PRE>
+for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points;
+ ++q_point)
+ {
+ const SymmetricTensor<2,dim>
+ eps_phi_i = get_strain (fe_values, i, q_point),
+ eps_phi_j = get_strain (fe_values, j, q_point);
+ cell_matrix(i,j)
+ += (eps_phi_i * stress_strain_tensor * eps_phi_j
+ *
+ fe_values.JxW (q_point));
+ }
+ It is worth noting the expressive power of this piece of code, and to
+ compare it with the complications we had to go through in previous examples
+ for the elasticity problem. (To be fair, the <TT>SymmetricTensor</TT> class
+ template did not exist when these previous examples were written.) For
+ simplicity, <TT>operator*</TT> provides for the (double summation) product
+ between symmetric tensors of even rank here.
+Assembling the local contributions
+ <P></P>
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img90.png"
+ ALT="\begin{gather*}\begin{split}f^K_i &= (\vec f, \varphi_i)_K -(\sigma^{n-1},\varep...
+...gma^{n-1}_q : \varepsilon(\varphi_i(\vec x_q)) \right\} \end{split}\end{gather*}"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+to the right hand side of (<A HREF="#eq:linear-system"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/file:/home/bangerth/bin/share/lib/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A>) is equally
+ straightforward (note that we do not consider any boundary tractions <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img91.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec b$">
+ here). Remember that we only had to store the old stress in the
+ quadrature points of cells. In the program, we will provide a variable
+ <TT>local_quadrature_points_data</TT> that allows to access the stress
+ <!-- MATH
+ $\sigma^{n-1}_q$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img92.png"
+ ALT="$ \sigma^{n-1}_q$">
+ in each quadrature point. With this the code for the right
+ hand side looks as this, again rather elegant:
+ <PRE>
+for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int
+ component_i = fe.system_to_component_index(i).first;
+ for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
+ {
+ const SymmetricTensor<2,dim> &old_stress
+ = local_quadrature_points_data[q_point].old_stress;
+ cell_rhs(i) += (body_force_values[q_point](component_i) *
+ fe_values.shape_value (i,q_point)
+ -
+ old_stress *
+ get_strain (fe_values,i,q_point))
+ *
+ fe_values.JxW (q_point);
+ }
+ }
+ Note that in the multiplication <!-- MATH
+ $\vec f(\vec x_q) \cdot \varphi_i(\vec x_q)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img93.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec f(\vec x_q) \cdot \varphi_i(\vec x_q)$">
+, we have made use of the fact that for the chosen finite element, only
+ one vector component (namely <TT>component_i</TT>) of <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img85.png"
+ ALT="$ \varphi_i$">
+ is
+ nonzero, and that we therefore also have to consider only one component of
+ <!-- MATH
+ $\vec f(\vec x_q)$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img94.png"
+ ALT="$ \vec f(\vec x_q)$">
+This essentially concludes the new material we present in this function. It
+ later has to deal with boundary conditions as well as hanging node
+ constraints, but this parallels what we had to do previously in other
+ programs already.
+<LI><TT>solve_linear_problem ()</TT> [via <TT>solve_timestep ()</TT>]:
+ Unlike the previous one, this function is not really interesting, since it
+ does what similar functions have done in all previous tutorial programs -
+ solving the linear system using the CG method, using an incomplete LU
+ decomposition as a preconditioner (in the parallel case, it uses an ILU of
+ each processor's block separately). It is virtually unchanged
+ from step-17.
+<LI><TT>update_quadrature_point_history ()</TT> [via
+ <TT>solve_timestep ()</TT>]: Based on the displacement field <!-- MATH
+ $\Delta \vec u^n$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img40.png"
+ ALT="$ \Delta \vec u^n$">
+ computed before, we update the stress values in all quadrature points
+ according to (<A HREF="#eq:stress-update"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/file:/home/bangerth/bin/share/lib/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A>) and (<A HREF="#eq:stress-update+rot"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/file:/home/bangerth/bin/share/lib/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A>),
+ including the rotation of the coordinate system.
+<LI><TT>move_mesh ()</TT>: Given the solution computed before, in this
+ function we deform the mesh by moving each vertex by the displacement vector
+ field evaluated at this particular vertex.
+<LI><TT>output_results ()</TT>: This function simply outputs the solution
+ based on what we have said above, i.e. every processor computes output only
+ for its own portion of the domain, and this can then be later merged by an
+ external program. In addition to the solution, we also compute the norm of
+ the stress averaged over all the quadrature points on each cell.
+With this general structure of the code, we only have to define what case we
+want to solve. For the present program, we have chosen to simulate the
+quasistatic deformation of a vertical cylinder for which the bottom boundary
+is fixed and the top boundary is pushed down at a prescribed vertical
+velocity. However, the horizontal velocity of the top boundary is left
+unspecified - one can imagine this situation as a well-greased plate pushing
+from the top onto the cylinder, the points on the top boundary of the cylinder
+being allowed to slide horizontally along the surface of the plate, but forced
+to move downward by the plate. The inner and outer boundaries of the cylinder
+are free and not subject to any prescribed deflection or traction. In
+addition, gravity acts on the body.
+The program text will reveal more about how to implement this situation, and
+the results section will show what displacement pattern comes out of this
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION00004000000000000000">
+Possible directions for extensions</A>
+The program as is does not really solve an equation that has many applications
+in practice: quasi-static material deformation based on a purely elastic law
+is almost boring. However, the program may serve as the starting point for
+more interesting experiments, and that indeed was the initial motivation for
+writing it. Here are some suggestions of what the program is missing and in
+what direction it may be extended:
+<H4><A NAME="SECTION00004010000000000000">
+Plasticity models.</A>
+</H4> The most obvious extension is to use a more
+realistic material model for large-scale quasistatic deformation. The natural
+choice for this would be plasticity, in which a nonlinear relationship between
+stress and strain replaces equation (<A HREF="#eq:stress-strain"><IMG ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="1" ALT="[*]"
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/file:/home/bangerth/bin/share/lib/latex2html/icons/crossref.png"></A>). Plasticity
+models are usually rather complicated to program since the stress-strain
+dependence is generally non-smooth. The material can be thought of being able
+to withstand only a maximal stress (the yield stress) after which it starts to
+``flow''. A mathematical description to this can be given in the form of a
+variational inequality, which alternatively can be treated as minimizing the
+elastic energy
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img95.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle E(\vec u) = (\varepsilon(\vec u), C\varepsilon(\vec u))_{\Omega} - (\vec f, \vec u)_{\Omega} - (\vec b, \vec u)_{\Gamma_N},$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+subject to the constraint
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img96.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle f(\sigma(\vec u)) \le 0$"></TD>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+on the stress. This extension makes the problem to be solved in each time step
+nonlinear, so we need another loop within each time step.
+Without going into further details of this model, we refer to the excellent
+book by Simo and Hughes on ``Computational Inelasticity'' for a
+comprehensive overview of computational strategies for solving plastic
+models. Alternatively, a brief but concise description of an algorithm for
+plasticity is given in an article by S. Commend, A. Truty, and Th. Zimmermann,
+titled ``Stabilized finite elements applied to
+elastoplasticity: I. Mixed displacement-pressure formulation''
+(Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 193,
+pp. 3559-3586, 2004).
+<H4><A NAME="SECTION00004020000000000000">
+Stabilization issues.</A>
+</H4> The formulation we have chosen, i.e. using
+piecewise (bi-, tri-)linear elements for all components of the displacement
+vector, and treating the stress as a variable dependent on the displacement is
+appropriate for most materials. However, this so-called displacement-based
+formulation becomes unstable and exhibits spurious modes for incompressible or
+nearly-incompressible materials. While fluids are usually not elastic (in most
+cases, the stress depends on velocity gradients, not displacement gradients,
+although there are exceptions such as electro-rheologic fluids), there are a
+few solids that are nearly incompressible, for example rubber. Another case is
+that many plasticity models ultimately let the material become incompressible,
+although this is outside the scope of the present program.
+Incompressibility is characterized by Poisson's ratio
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img97.png"
+ ALT="$\displaystyle \nu = \frac{\lambda}{2(\lambda+\mu)},$"></TD>
+ </TD></TR>
+<BR CLEAR="ALL"><P></P>
+where <!-- MATH
+ $\lambda,\mu$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img98.png"
+ ALT="$ \lambda,\mu$">
+ are the Lamé constants of the material.
+Physical constraints indicate that <!-- MATH
+ $-1\le \nu\le \tfrac 12$
+ -->
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img99.png"
+ ALT="$ -1\le \nu\le \tfrac 12$">
+ (the condition
+also follows from mathematical stability considerations). If <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img100.png"
+ ALT="$ \nu$">
+approaches <IMG
+ SRC="step-18.data/intro/img101.png"
+ ALT="$ \tfrac 12$">
+, then the material becomes incompressible. In that
+case, pure displacement-based formulations are no longer appropriate for the
+solution of such problems, and stabilization techniques have to be employed
+for a stable and accurate solution. The book and paper cited above give
+indications as to how to do this, but there is also a large volume of
+literature on this subject; a good start to get an overview of the topic can
+be found in the references of the paper by
+H.-Y. Duan and Q. Lin on ``Mixed finite elements of least-squares type for
+elasticity'' (Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 194,
+pp. 1093-1112, 2005).
+<H4><A NAME="SECTION00004030000000000000">
+Refinement during timesteps.</A>
+</H4> In the present form, the program
+only refines the initial mesh a number of times, but then never again. For any
+kind of realistic simulation, one would want to extend this so that the mesh
+is refined and coarsened every few time steps instead. This is not hard to do,
+in fact, but has been left for future tutorial programs or as an exercise, if
+you wish. The main complication one has to overcome is that one has to
+transfer the data that is stored in the quadrature points of the cells of the
+old mesh to the new mesh, preferably by some sort of projection scheme. This
+is only slightly messy in the sequential case; in fact, the functions
+<TT>FETools</TT> <TT>::</TT> <TT>get_projection_from_quadrature_points_matrix</TT> will do
+the projection, and the <TT>FiniteElement</TT> <TT>::</TT> <TT>get_restriction_matrix</TT> and
+<TT>FiniteElement</TT> <TT>::</TT> <TT>get_prolongation_matrix</TT> functions will do the
+transfer between mother and child cells. However, it becomes complicated
+once we run the program in parallel, since then each process only stores this
+data for the cells it owned on the old mesh, and it may need to know the
+values of the quadrature point data on other cells if the corresponding cells
+on the new mesh are assigned to this process after subdividing the new mesh. A
+global communication of these data elements is therefore necessary, making the
+entire process a little more unpleasant.
+<H4><A NAME="SECTION00004040000000000000">
+Ensuring mesh regularity.</A>
+</H4> At present, the program makes no attempt
+to make sure that a cell, after moving its vertices at the end of the time
+step, still has a valid geometry (i.e. that its Jacobian determinant is
+positive and bounded away from zero everywhere). It is, in fact, not very hard
+to set boundary values and forcing terms in such a way that one gets distorted
+and inverted cells rather quickly. Certainly, in some cases of large
+deformation, this is unavoidable with a mesh of finite mesh size, but in some
+other cases this should be preventable by appropriate mesh refinement and/or a
+reduction of the time step size. The program does not do that, but a more
+sophisticated version definitely should employ some sort of heuristic defining
+what amount of deformation of cells is acceptable, and what isn't.
+<H2><A NAME="SECTION00005000000000000000">
+Compiling the program</A>
+Finally, just to remind everyone: the program runs in 3d (see the definition
+of the <TT>elastic_problem</TT> variable in <TT>main()</TT>, unlike almost
+all of the other example programs. While the compiler doesn't care what
+dimension it compiles for, the linker has to know which library to link with.
+And as explained in other places, this requires slight changes to the Makefile
+compared to the other tutorial programs. In particular, everywhere where the
+2d versions of libraries are mentioned, one needs to change this to 3d,
+although this is already done in the distributed version of the Makefile.
+Conversely, if you want to run the program in 2d (after making the necessary
+changes to accommodate for a 2d geometry), you have to change the Makefile
+back to allow for 2d.
--- /dev/null
+\renewcommand{\div}{\mathrm{div}\ }
+This tutorial program is another one in the series on the elasticity problem
+that we have already started with step-8 and step-17. It extends it into two
+different directions: first, it solves the quasistatic but time dependent
+elasticity problem for large deformations with a Lagrangian mesh movement
+approach. Secondly, it shows some more techniques for solving such problems
+using parallel processing with PETSc's linear algebra. In addition to this, we
+show how to work around the main bottleneck of step-17, namely that we
+generated graphical output from only one process, and that this scaled very
+badly with larger numbers of processes and on large problems. Finally, a good
+number of assorted improvements and techniques are demonstrated that have not
+been shown yet in previous programs.
+As before in step-17, the program runs just as fine on a single sequential
+machine as long as you have PETSc installed. Information on how to tell
+deal.II about a PETSc installation on your system can be found in the deal.II
+README file, which is linked to from the main documentation page
+\texttt{doc/index.html} in your installation of deal.II, or on the deal.II
+webpage \texttt{http://www.dealii.org/}.
+\subsection*{Quasistatic elastic deformation}
+\subsubsection*{Motivation of the model}
+In general, time-dependent small elastic deformations are described by the
+elastic wave equation
+ \rho \frac{\partial^2 \vec u}{\partial t^2}
+ + c \frac{\partial \vec u}{\partial t}
+ - \div ( C \varepsilon(\vec u)) = \vec f
+ \qquad
+ \text{in $\Omega$},
+where $\vec u=\vec u (\vec x,t)$ is the deformation of the body, $\rho$
+and $c$ the density and attenuation coefficient, and $\vec f$ external forces.
+In addition, initial conditions
+ \vec u(\cdot, 0) = \vec u_0(\cdot)
+ \qquad
+ \text{on $\Omega$},
+and Dirichlet (displacement) or Neumann (traction) boundary conditions need
+to be specified for a unique solution:
+ \vec u(\vec x,t) &= \vec d(\vec x,t)
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_D\subset\partial\Omega$},
+ \\
+ \vec n \ C \varepsilon(\vec u(\vec x,t)) &= \vec b(\vec x,t)
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_N=\partial\Omega\backslash\Gamma_D$}.
+In above formulation, $\varepsilon(\vec u)= \tfrac 12 (\nabla \vec u + \nabla
+\vec u^T)$ is the symmetric gradient of the displacement, also called the
+\textit{strain}. $C$ is a tensor of rank 4, called the \textit{stress-strain
+ tensor} that contains knowledge of the elastic strength of the material; its
+symmetry properties make sure that it maps symmetric tensors of rank 2
+(``matrices'' of dimension $d$, where $d$ is the spatial dimensionality) onto
+symmetric tensors of the same rank. We will comment on the roles of the strain
+and stress tensors more below. For the moment it suffices to say that we
+interpret the term $\div ( C \varepsilon(\vec u))$ as the vector with
+components $\tfrac \partial{\partial x_j} C_{ijkl} \varepsilon(\vec u)_{kl}$,
+where summation over indices $j,k,l$ is implied.
+The quasistatic limit of this equation is motivated as follows: each small
+perturbation of the body, for example by changes in boundary condition or the
+forcing function, will result in a corresponding change in the configuration
+of the body. In general, this will be in the form of waves radiating away from
+the location of the disturbance. Due to the presence of the damping term,
+these waves will be attenuated on a time scale of, say, $\tau$. Now, assume
+that all changes in external forcing happen on times scales that are
+much larger than $\tau$. In that case, the dynamic nature of the change is
+unimportant: we can consider the body to always be in static equilibrium,
+i.e.~we can assume that at all times the body satisfies
+ - \div ( C \varepsilon(\vec u)) &= \vec f
+ &&\text{in $\Omega$},
+ \\
+ \vec u(\vec x,t) &= \vec d(\vec x,t)
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_D$},
+ \\
+ \vec n \ C \varepsilon(\vec u(\vec x,t)) &= \vec b(\vec x,t)
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_N$}.
+Note that the differential equation does not contain any time derivatives any
+more -- all time dependence is introduced through boundary conditions and a
+possibly time-varying force function $\vec f(\vec x,t)$. The changes in
+configuration can therefore be considered as being stationary
+instantaneously. An alternative view of this is that $t$ is not really a time
+variable, but only a time-like parameter that governs the evolution of the
+While these equations are sufficient to describe small deformations, computing
+large deformations is a little more complicated. To do so, let us first
+introduce a tensorial stress variable $\sigma$, and write the differential
+equations in terms of the stress:
+ - \div \sigma &= \vec f
+ &&\text{in $\Omega(t)$},
+ \\
+ \vec u(\vec x,t) &= \vec d(\vec x,t)
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_D\subset\partial\Omega(t)$},
+ \\
+ \vec n \ C \varepsilon(\vec u(\vec x,t)) &= \vec b(\vec x,t)
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_N=\partial\Omega(t)\backslash\Gamma_D$}.
+Note that these equations are posed on a domain $\Omega(t)$ that
+changes with time, with the boundary moving according to the
+displacements $\vec u(\vec x,t)$ of the points on the boundary. To
+complete this system, we have to specify the incremental relationship between
+the stress and the strain, as follows:
+ \label{eq:stress-strain}
+ \dot\sigma = C \varepsilon (\dot{\vec u}),
+where a dot indicates a time derivative. Both the stress $\sigma$ and the
+strain $\varepsilon(\vec u)$ are symmetric tensors of rank 2.
+\subsubsection*{Time discretization}
+Numerically, this system is solved as follows: first, we discretize
+the time component using a backward Euler scheme. This leads to a
+discrete equilibrium of force at time step $n$:
+ -\div \sigma^n = f^n,
+ \sigma^n = \sigma^{n-1} + C \varepsilon (\Delta \vec u^n),
+and $\Delta \vec u^n$ the incremental displacement for time step
+$n$. In addition, we have to specify initial data $\vec u(\cdot,0)=\vec u_0$.
+This way, if we want to solve for the displacement increment, we
+have to solve the following system:
+ - \div C \varepsilon(\Delta\vec u^n) &= \vec f + \div \sigma^{n-1}
+ &&\text{in $\Omega(t_{n-1})$},
+ \\
+ \Delta \vec u^n(\vec x,t) &= \vec d(\vec x,t_n) - \vec d(\vec x,t_{n-1})
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_D\subset\partial\Omega(t_{n-1})$},
+ \\
+ \vec n \ C \varepsilon(\Delta \vec u^n(\vec x,t)) &= \vec b(\vec x,t_n)-\vec b(\vec x,t_{n-1})
+ \qquad
+ &&\text{on $\Gamma_N=\partial\Omega(t_{n-1})\backslash\Gamma_D$}.
+The weak form of this set of equations, which as usual is the basis for the
+finite element formulation, reads as follows: find $\Delta \vec u^n \in
+\{v\in H^1(\Omega(t_{n-1}))^d: v|_{\Gamma_D}=\vec d(\cdot,t_n) - \vec d(\cdot,t_{n-1})\}$
+such that
+ \begin{split}
+ \label{eq:linear-system}
+ (C \varepsilon(\Delta\vec u^n), \varepsilon(\varphi) )_{\Omega(t_{n-1})}
+ =
+ (\vec f, \varphi)_{\Omega(t_{n-1})}
+ -(\sigma^{n-1},\varepsilon(\varphi))_{\Omega(t_{n-1})}
+ \\
+ +(\vec b(\vec x,t_n)-\vec b(\vec x,t_{n-1}), \varphi)_{\Gamma_N}
+ \\
+ \forall \varphi \in \{\vec v\in H^1(\Omega(t_{n-1}))^d: \vec
+ v|_{\Gamma_D}=0\}.
+ \end{split}
+We note that, for simplicity, in the program we will always assume that there
+are no boundary forces, i.e.~$\vec b = 0$, and that the deformation of the
+body is driven by body forces $\vec f$ and prescribed boundary displacements
+$\vec d$ alone. It is also worth noting that when integrating by parts, we
+would get terms of the form $(C \varepsilon(\Delta\vec u^n), \nabla \varphi
+)_{\Omega(t_{n-1})}$, but that we replace it with the term involving the
+symmetric gradient $\varepsilon(\varphi)$ instead of $\nabla\varphi$. Due to
+the symmetry of $C$, the two terms are equivalent, but the symmetric version
+avoids a potential for round-off to render the resulting matrix slightly
+The system at time step $n$, to be solved on the old domain
+$\Omega(t_{n-1})$, has exactly the form of a stationary elastic
+problem, and is therefore similar to what we have already implemented
+in previous example programs. We will therefore not comment on the
+space discretization beyond saying that we again use lowest order
+continuous finite elements.
+There are differences, however:
+ \item We have to move (update) the mesh after each time step, in order to be
+ able to solve the next time step on a new domain;
+ \item We need to know $\sigma^{n-1}$ to compute the next incremental
+ displacement, i.e.~we need to compute it at the end of the time step
+ to make sure it is available for the next time step. Essentially,
+ the stress variable is our window to the history of deformation of
+ the body.
+These two operations are done in the functions \texttt{move\_mesh} and
+\texttt{update\_\-quadrature\_\-point\_history} in the program. While moving
+the mesh is only a technicality, updating the stress is a little more
+complicated and will be discussed in the next section.
+\subsubsection*{Updating the stress variable}
+As indicated above, we need to have the stress variable $\sigma^n$ available
+when computing time step $n+1$, and we can compute it using
+ \label{eq:stress-update}
+ \sigma^n = \sigma^{n-1} + C \varepsilon (\Delta \vec u^n).
+There are, despite the apparent simplicity of this equation, two questions
+that we need to discuss. The first concerns the way we store $\sigma^n$: even
+if we compute the incremental updates $\Delta\vec u^n$ using lowest-order
+finite elements, then its symmetric gradient $\varepsilon(\Delta\vec u^n)$ is
+in general still a function that is not easy to describe. In particular, it is
+not a piecewise constant function, and on general meshes (with cells that are
+not rectangles parallel to the coordinate axes) or with non-constant
+stress-strain tensors $C$ it is not even a bi- or trilinear function. Thus, it
+is a priori not clear how to store $\sigma^n$ in a computer program.
+To decide this, we have to see where it is used. The only place where we
+require the stress is in the term
+$(\sigma^{n-1},\varepsilon(\varphi))_{\Omega(t_{n-1})}$. In practice, we of
+course replace this term by numerical quadrature:
+ (\sigma^{n-1},\varepsilon(\varphi))_{\Omega(t_{n-1})}
+ =
+ \sum_{K\subset {\mathbb{T}}}
+ (\sigma^{n-1},\varepsilon(\varphi))_K
+ \approx
+ \sum_{K\subset {\mathbb{T}}}
+ \sum_q
+ w_q \ \sigma^{n-1}(\vec x_q) : \varepsilon(\varphi(\vec x_q),
+where $w_q$ are the quadrature weights and $\vec x_q$ the quadrature points on
+cell $K$. This should make clear that what we really need is not the stress
+$\sigma^{n-1}$ in itself, but only the values of the stress in the quadrature
+points on all cells. This, however, is a simpler task: we only have to provide
+a data structure that is able to hold one symmetric tensor of rank 2 for each
+quadrature point on all cells (or, since we compute in parallel, all
+quadrature points of all cells that the present MPI process ``owns''). At the
+end of each time step we then only have to evaluate $\varepsilon(\Delta \vec
+u^n(\vec x_q))$, multiply it by the stress-strain tensor $C$, and use the
+result to update the stress $\sigma^n(\vec x_q)$ at quadrature point $q$.
+The second complication is not visible in our notation as chosen above. It is
+due to the fact that we compute $\Delta u^n$ on the domain $\Omega(t_{n-1})$,
+and then use this displacement increment to both update the stress as well as
+move the mesh nodes around to get to $\Omega(t_n)$ on which the next increment
+is computed. What we have to make sure, in this context, is that moving the
+mesh does not only involve moving around the nodes, but also making
+corresponding changes to the stress variable: the updated stress is a variable
+that is defined with respect to the coordinate system of the material in the
+old domain, and has to be transferred to the new domain. The reason for this
+can be understood as follows: locally, the incremental deformation $\Delta\vec
+u$ can be decomposed into three parts, a linear translation (the constant part
+of the displacement increment field in the neighborhood of a point), a
+component (that part of the gradient of the displacement field that has a
+nonzero divergence), and a rotation. A linear translation of the material does
+not affect the stresses that are frozen into it -- the stress values are
+simply translated along. The dilational or compressional change produces a
+corresponding stress update. However, the rotational component does not
+necessarily induce a nonzero stress update (think, in 2d, for example of the
+situation where $\Delta\vec u=(y, -x)^T$, with which $\varepsilon(\Delta \vec
+u)=0$). Nevertheless, if the the material was pre-stressed in a certain
+direction, then this direction will be rotated along with the material. To
+this end, we have to define a rotation matrix $R(\Delta \vec u^n)$ that
+describes, in each point the rotation due to the displacement increments. It
+is not hard to see that the actual dependence of $R$ on $\Delta \vec u^n$ can
+only be through the curl of the displacement, rather than the displacement
+itself or its full gradient (as mentioned above, the constant components of
+the increment describe translations, its divergence the dilational modes, and
+the curl the rotational modes). Since the exact form of $R$ is cumbersome, we
+only state it in the program code, and note that the correct updating formula
+for the stress variable is then
+ \label{eq:stress-update+rot}
+ \sigma^n
+ =
+ R(\Delta \vec u^n)^T
+ [\sigma^{n-1} + C \varepsilon (\Delta \vec u^n)]
+ R(\Delta \vec u^n).
+Both stress update and rotation are implemented in the function
+\texttt{update\_\-quadrature\_\-point\_history} of the example program.
+\subsection*{Parallel graphical output}
+In the step-17 example program, the main bottleneck for parallel computations
+was that only the first processor generated output for the entire domain.
+Since generating graphical output is expensive, this did not scale well when
+large numbers of processors were involved. However, no viable ways around this
+problem were implemented in the library at the time, and the problem was
+deferred to a later version.
+This functionality has been implemented in the meantime, and this is the time
+to explain its use. Basically, what we need to do is let every process
+generate graphical output for that subset of cells that it owns, write them
+into separate files and have a way to merge them later on. At this point, it
+should be noted that none of the graphical output formats known to the author
+of this program allows for a simple way to later re-read it and merge it with
+other files corresponding to the same simulation. What deal.II therefore
+offers is the following: When you call the \texttt{DataOut::build\_patches}
+function, an intermediate format is generated that contains all the
+information for the data on each cell. Usually, this intermediate format is
+then further processed and converted into one of the graphical formats that we
+can presently write, such as gmv, eps, ucd, gnuplot, or a number of other
+ones. Once written in these formats, there is no way to reconstruct the
+necessary information to merge multiple blocks of output. However, the base
+classes of \texttt{DataOut} also allow to simply dump the intermediate format
+to a file, from which it can later be recovered without loss of information.
+This has two advantages: first, simulations may just dump the intermediate
+format data during run-time, and the user may later decide which particular
+graphics format she wants to have. This way, she does not have to re-run the
+entire simulation if graphical output is requested in a different format. One
+typical case is that one would like to take a quick look at the data with
+gnuplot, and then create high-quality pictures using GMV or OpenDX. Since both
+can be generated out of the intermediate format without problem, there is no
+need to re-run the simulation.
+In the present context, of more interest is the fact that in contrast to any
+of the other formats, it is simple to merge multiple files of intermediate
+format, if they belong to the same simulation. This is what we will do here:
+we will generate one output file in intermediate format for each processor
+that belongs to this computation (in the sequential case, this will simply be
+a single file). They may then later be read in and merged so that we can
+output a single file in whatever graphical format is requested.
+The way to do this is to first instruct the \texttt{DataOutBase} class to
+write intermediate format rather than in gmv or any other graphical
+format. This is simple: just use
+\texttt{data\_out.write\_deal\_II\_intermediate}. We will write to a file
+called \texttt{solution-TTTT.TTTT.d2} if there is only one processor, or
+files \texttt{solution-TTTT.TTTT.NNN.d2} if this is really a parallel
+job. Here, \texttt{TTTT.TTTT} denotes the time for which this output has
+been generated, and \texttt{NNN} the number of the MPI process that did this.
+The next step is to convert this file or these files into whatever
+format you like. The program that does this is the step-19 tutorial program:
+for example, for the first time step, call it through
+ \texttt{../step-19/step-19 solution-0001.0000.*.d2 solution-0001.0000.gmv}
+to merge all the intermediate format files into a single file in GMV
+format. More details on the parameters of this program and what it can do for
+you can be found in the documentation of the step-19 tutorial program.
+\subsection*{Overall structure of the program}
+The overall structure of the program can be inferred from the \texttt{run()}
+function that first calls \texttt{do\_initial\_timestep()} for the first time
+step, and then \texttt{do\_timestep()} on all subsequent time steps. The
+difference between these functions is only that in the first time step we
+start on a coarse mesh, solve on it, refine the mesh adaptively, and then
+start again with a clean state on that new mesh. This procedure gives us a
+better starting mesh, although we should of course keep adapting the mesh as
+iterations proceed -- this isn't done in this program, but commented on below.
+The common part of the two functions treating time steps is the following
+sequence of operations on the present mesh:
+\item \texttt{assemble\_system ()} [via \texttt{solve\_timestep ()}]:
+ This first function is also the most interesting one. It assembles the
+ linear system corresponding to the discretized version of equation
+ \eqref{eq:linear-system}. This leads to a system matrix $A_{ij} = \sum_K
+ A^K_{ij}$ built up of local contributions on each cell $K$ with entries
+ \begin{gather}
+ A^K_{ij} = (C \varepsilon(\varphi_j), \varepsilon(\varphi_i))_K;
+ \end{gather}
+ In practice, $A^K$ is computed using numerical quadrature according to the
+ formula
+ \begin{gather}
+ A^K_{ij} = \sum_q w_q [\varepsilon(\varphi_i(\vec x_q)) : C :
+ \varepsilon(\varphi_j(\vec x_q))],
+ \end{gather}
+ with quadrature points $\vec x_q$ and weights $w_q$. We have built these
+ contributions before, in step-8 and step-17, but in both of these cases we
+ have done so rather clumsily by using knowledge of how the rank-4 tensor $C$
+ is composed, and considering individual elements of the strain tensors
+ $\varepsilon(\varphi_i),\varepsilon(\varphi_j)$. This is not really
+ convenient, in particular if we want to consider more complicated elasticity
+ models than the isotropic case for which $C$ had the convenient form
+ $C_{ijkl} = \lambda \delta_{ij} \delta_{kl} + \mu (\delta_{ik} \delta_{jl}
+ + \delta_{il} \delta_{jk})$. While we in fact do not use a more complicated
+ form than this in the present program, we nevertheless want to write it in a
+ way that would easily allow for this. It is then natural to introduce
+ classes that represent symmetric tensors of rank 2 (for the strains and
+ stresses) and 4 (for the stress-strain tensor $C$). Fortunately, deal.II
+ provides these: the \texttt{SymmetricTensor<rank,dim>} class template
+ provides a full-fledged implementation of such tensors of rank \texttt{rank}
+ (which needs to be an even number) and dimension \texttt{dim}.
+ What we then need is two things: a way to create the stress-strain rank-4
+ tensor $C$ as well as to create a symmetric tensor of rank 2 (the strain
+ tensor) from the gradients of a shape function $\varphi_i$ at a quadrature
+ point $\vec x_q$ on a given cell. At the top of the implementation of this
+ example program, you will find such functions. The first one,
+ \texttt{get\_stress\_strain\_tensor}, takes two arguments corresponding to
+ the Lam\'e constants $\lambda$ and $\mu$ and returns the stress-strain tensor
+ for the isotropic case corresponding to these constants (in the program, we
+ will choose constants corresponding to steel); it would be simple to replace
+ this function by one that computes this tensor for the anisotropic case, or
+ taking into account crystal symmetries, for example. The second one,
+ \texttt{get\_strain} takes an object of type \texttt{FEValues} and indices
+ $i$ and $q$ and returns the symmetric gradient, i.e. the strain,
+ corresponding to shape function $\varphi_i(\vec x_q)$, evaluated on the cell
+ on which the \texttt{FEValues} object was last reinitialized.
+ Given this, the innermost loop of \texttt{assemble\_system} computes the
+ local contributions to the matrix in the following elegant way (the variable
+ \texttt{stress\_strain\_tensor}, corresponding to the tensor $C$, has
+ previously been initialized with the result of the first function above):
+ \begin{verbatim}
+for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points;
+ ++q_point)
+ {
+ const SymmetricTensor<2,dim>
+ eps_phi_i = get_strain (fe_values, i, q_point),
+ eps_phi_j = get_strain (fe_values, j, q_point);
+ cell_matrix(i,j)
+ += (eps_phi_i * stress_strain_tensor * eps_phi_j
+ *
+ fe_values.JxW (q_point));
+ }
+ \end{verbatim}
+ It is worth noting the expressive power of this piece of code, and to
+ compare it with the complications we had to go through in previous examples
+ for the elasticity problem. (To be fair, the \texttt{SymmetricTensor} class
+ template did not exist when these previous examples were written.) For
+ simplicity, \texttt{operator*} provides for the (double summation) product
+ between symmetric tensors of even rank here.
+ Assembling the local contributions
+ \begin{gather}
+ \begin{split}
+ f^K_i &=
+ (\vec f, \varphi_i)_K -(\sigma^{n-1},\varepsilon(\varphi_i))_K
+ \\
+ &\approx
+ \sum_q
+ w_q \left\{
+ \vec f(\vec x_q) \cdot \varphi_i(\vec x_q) -
+ \sigma^{n-1}_q : \varepsilon(\varphi_i(\vec x_q))
+ \right\}
+ \end{split}
+ \end{gather}
+ to the right hand side of \eqref{eq:linear-system} is equally
+ straightforward (note that we do not consider any boundary tractions $\vec
+ b$ here). Remember that we only had to store the old stress in the
+ quadrature points of cells. In the program, we will provide a variable
+ \texttt{local\_quadrature\_points\_data} that allows to access the stress
+ $\sigma^{n-1}_q$ in each quadrature point. With this the code for the right
+ hand side looks as this, again rather elegant:
+ \begin{verbatim}
+for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int
+ component_i = fe.system_to_component_index(i).first;
+ for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
+ {
+ const SymmetricTensor<2,dim> &old_stress
+ = local_quadrature_points_data[q_point].old_stress;
+ cell_rhs(i) += (body_force_values[q_point](component_i) *
+ fe_values.shape_value (i,q_point)
+ -
+ old_stress *
+ get_strain (fe_values,i,q_point))
+ *
+ fe_values.JxW (q_point);
+ }
+ }
+ \end{verbatim}
+ Note that in the multiplication $\vec f(\vec x_q) \cdot \varphi_i(\vec
+ x_q)$, we have made use of the fact that for the chosen finite element, only
+ one vector component (namely \texttt{component\_i}) of $\varphi_i$ is
+ nonzero, and that we therefore also have to consider only one component of
+ $\vec f(\vec x_q)$.
+ This essentially concludes the new material we present in this function. It
+ later has to deal with boundary conditions as well as hanging node
+ constraints, but this parallels what we had to do previously in other
+ programs already.
+\item \texttt{solve\_linear\_problem ()} [via \texttt{solve\_timestep ()}]:
+ Unlike the previous one, this function is not really interesting, since it
+ does what similar functions have done in all previous tutorial programs --
+ solving the linear system using the CG method, using an incomplete LU
+ decomposition as a preconditioner (in the parallel case, it uses an ILU of
+ each processor's block separately). It is virtually unchanged
+ from step-17.
+\item \texttt{update\_quadrature\_point\_history ()} [via
+ \texttt{solve\_timestep ()}]: Based on the displacement field $\Delta \vec
+ u^n$ computed before, we update the stress values in all quadrature points
+ according to \eqref{eq:stress-update} and \eqref{eq:stress-update+rot},
+ including the rotation of the coordinate system.
+\item \texttt{move\_mesh ()}: Given the solution computed before, in this
+ function we deform the mesh by moving each vertex by the displacement vector
+ field evaluated at this particular vertex.
+\item \texttt{output\_results ()}: This function simply outputs the solution
+ based on what we have said above, i.e. every processor computes output only
+ for its own portion of the domain, and this can then be later merged by an
+ external program. In addition to the solution, we also compute the norm of
+ the stress averaged over all the quadrature points on each cell.
+With this general structure of the code, we only have to define what case we
+want to solve. For the present program, we have chosen to simulate the
+quasistatic deformation of a vertical cylinder for which the bottom boundary
+is fixed and the top boundary is pushed down at a prescribed vertical
+velocity. However, the horizontal velocity of the top boundary is left
+unspecified -- one can imagine this situation as a well-greased plate pushing
+from the top onto the cylinder, the points on the top boundary of the cylinder
+being allowed to slide horizontally along the surface of the plate, but forced
+to move downward by the plate. The inner and outer boundaries of the cylinder
+are free and not subject to any prescribed deflection or traction. In
+addition, gravity acts on the body.
+The program text will reveal more about how to implement this situation, and
+the results section will show what displacement pattern comes out of this
+\subsection*{Possible directions for extensions}
+The program as is does not really solve an equation that has many applications
+in practice: quasi-static material deformation based on a purely elastic law
+is almost boring. However, the program may serve as the starting point for
+more interesting experiments, and that indeed was the initial motivation for
+writing it. Here are some suggestions of what the program is missing and in
+what direction it may be extended:
+\paragraph*{Plasticity models.} The most obvious extension is to use a more
+realistic material model for large-scale quasistatic deformation. The natural
+choice for this would be plasticity, in which a nonlinear relationship between
+stress and strain replaces equation \eqref{eq:stress-strain}. Plasticity
+models are usually rather complicated to program since the stress-strain
+dependence is generally non-smooth. The material can be thought of being able
+to withstand only a maximal stress (the yield stress) after which it starts to
+``flow''. A mathematical description to this can be given in the form of a
+variational inequality, which alternatively can be treated as minimizing the
+elastic energy
+ E(\vec u) =
+ (\varepsilon(\vec u), C\varepsilon(\vec u))_{\Omega}
+ - (\vec f, \vec u)_{\Omega} - (\vec b, \vec u)_{\Gamma_N},
+subject to the constraint
+ f(\sigma(\vec u)) \le 0
+on the stress. This extension makes the problem to be solved in each time step
+nonlinear, so we need another loop within each time step.
+Without going into further details of this model, we refer to the excellent
+book by Simo and Hughes on ``Computational Inelasticity'' for a
+comprehensive overview of computational strategies for solving plastic
+models. Alternatively, a brief but concise description of an algorithm for
+plasticity is given in an article by S. Commend, A. Truty, and Th. Zimmermann,
+titled ``Stabilized finite elements applied to
+elastoplasticity: I. Mixed displacement-pressure formulation''
+(Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 193,
+pp. 3559--3586, 2004).
+\paragraph*{Stabilization issues.} The formulation we have chosen, i.e. using
+piecewise (bi-, tri-)linear elements for all components of the displacement
+vector, and treating the stress as a variable dependent on the displacement is
+appropriate for most materials. However, this so-called displacement-based
+formulation becomes unstable and exhibits spurious modes for incompressible or
+nearly-incompressible materials. While fluids are usually not elastic (in most
+cases, the stress depends on velocity gradients, not displacement gradients,
+although there are exceptions such as electro-rheologic fluids), there are a
+few solids that are nearly incompressible, for example rubber. Another case is
+that many plasticity models ultimately let the material become incompressible,
+although this is outside the scope of the present program.
+Incompressibility is characterized by Poisson's ratio
+ \nu = \frac{\lambda}{2(\lambda+\mu)},
+where $\lambda,\mu$ are the Lam\'e constants of the material.
+Physical constraints indicate that $-1\le \nu\le \tfrac 12$ (the condition
+also follows from mathematical stability considerations). If $\nu$
+approaches $\tfrac 12$, then the material becomes incompressible. In that
+case, pure displacement-based formulations are no longer appropriate for the
+solution of such problems, and stabilization techniques have to be employed
+for a stable and accurate solution. The book and paper cited above give
+indications as to how to do this, but there is also a large volume of
+literature on this subject; a good start to get an overview of the topic can
+be found in the references of the paper by
+H.-Y. Duan and Q. Lin on ``Mixed finite elements of least-squares type for
+elasticity'' (Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 194,
+pp. 1093--1112, 2005).
+\paragraph*{Refinement during timesteps.} In the present form, the program
+only refines the initial mesh a number of times, but then never again. For any
+kind of realistic simulation, one would want to extend this so that the mesh
+is refined and coarsened every few time steps instead. This is not hard to do,
+in fact, but has been left for future tutorial programs or as an exercise, if
+you wish. The main complication one has to overcome is that one has to
+transfer the data that is stored in the quadrature points of the cells of the
+old mesh to the new mesh, preferably by some sort of projection scheme. This
+is only slightly messy in the sequential case; in fact, the functions
+\texttt{FETools} \texttt{::} \texttt{get\_projection\_from\_quadrature\_points\_matrix} will do
+the projection, and the \texttt{FiniteElement} \texttt{::} \texttt{get\_restriction\_matrix} and
+\texttt{FiniteElement} \texttt{::} \texttt{get\_prolongation\_matrix} functions will do the
+transfer between mother and child cells. However, it becomes complicated
+once we run the program in parallel, since then each process only stores this
+data for the cells it owned on the old mesh, and it may need to know the
+values of the quadrature point data on other cells if the corresponding cells
+on the new mesh are assigned to this process after subdividing the new mesh. A
+global communication of these data elements is therefore necessary, making the
+entire process a little more unpleasant.
+\paragraph*{Ensuring mesh regularity.} At present, the program makes no attempt
+to make sure that a cell, after moving its vertices at the end of the time
+step, still has a valid geometry (i.e. that its Jacobian determinant is
+positive and bounded away from zero everywhere). It is, in fact, not very hard
+to set boundary values and forcing terms in such a way that one gets distorted
+and inverted cells rather quickly. Certainly, in some cases of large
+deformation, this is unavoidable with a mesh of finite mesh size, but in some
+other cases this should be preventable by appropriate mesh refinement and/or a
+reduction of the time step size. The program does not do that, but a more
+sophisticated version definitely should employ some sort of heuristic defining
+what amount of deformation of cells is acceptable, and what isn't.
+\subsection*{Compiling the program}
+Finally, just to remind everyone: the program runs in 3d (see the definition
+of the \texttt{elastic\_problem} variable in \texttt{main()}, unlike almost
+all of the other example programs. While the compiler doesn't care what
+dimension it compiles for, the linker has to know which library to link with.
+And as explained in other places, this requires slight changes to the Makefile
+compared to the other tutorial programs. In particular, everywhere where the
+2d versions of libraries are mentioned, one needs to change this to 3d,
+although this is already done in the distributed version of the Makefile.
+Conversely, if you want to run the program in 2d (after making the necessary
+changes to accommodate for a 2d geometry), you have to change the Makefile
+back to allow for 2d.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+Running the program takes a good while if one doesn't change the flags
+in the Makefile: in debug mode (the default) and on only a single
+machine, it takes about 3h45min on my Athlon XP 2GHz. Fortunately, but
+setting <code>debug-mode = off</code> in the Makefile, this can be
+reduced significantly, to about 23 minutes, a much more reasonable time.
+If run, the program prints the following output, explaining what it is
+doing during all that time:
+examples/step-18> time make run
+============================ Running step-18
+Timestep 1 at time 1
+ Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 3712 (by partition: 3712)
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 17226 (by partition: 17226)
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 2.34224e+10
+ Solver converged in 117 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 12812 (by partition: 12812)
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 51726 (by partition: 51726)
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 2.34227e+10
+ Solver converged in 130 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 2 at time 2
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 2.30852e+10
+ Solver converged in 131 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 3 at time 3
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 2.27792e+10
+ Solver converged in 126 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 4 at time 4
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 2.25107e+10
+ Solver converged in 124 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 5 at time 5
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 2.22883e+10
+ Solver converged in 122 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 6 at time 6
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 2.21272e+10
+ Solver converged in 118 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 7 at time 7
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 2.20652e+10
+ Solver converged in 117 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 8 at time 8
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 2.22501e+10
+ Solver converged in 127 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 9 at time 9
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 2.32742e+10
+ Solver converged in 144 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 10 at time 10
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 2.55929e+10
+ Solver converged in 149 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+In other words, it is computing on 12,000 cells and with some 52,000
+unknowns. Not a whole lot, but enough for a coupled three-dimensional
+problem to keep a computer busy for a while. At the end of the day,
+this is what we have for output:
+examples/step-18> ls -l *.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 8797414 May 25 09:10 solution-0001.0000.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 8788500 May 25 09:32 solution-0002.0000.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 8763718 May 25 09:55 solution-0003.0000.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 8738940 May 25 10:17 solution-0004.0000.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 8710104 May 25 10:39 solution-0005.0000.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 8685388 May 25 11:01 solution-0006.0000.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 8649088 May 25 11:23 solution-0007.0000.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 8585146 May 25 11:45 solution-0008.0000.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 8489764 May 25 12:07 solution-0009.0000.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 8405388 May 25 12:29 solution-0010.0000.d2
+Let us convert these files in deal.II intermediate format to gmv
+format (this assumes that you have already compiled the <a
+href="step-19.html" target="body">step-19</a> example program):
+examples/step-18> ../step-19/step-19
+Converter from deal.II intermediate format to other graphics formats.
+Usage: ./step-19 [-p parameter_file] list_of_input_files [-x output_format] output_file
+examples/step-18> ../step-19/step-19 solution-0001.0000.d2 -x gmv solution-0001.0000.gmv
+examples/step-18> ../step-19/step-19 solution-0002.0000.d2 -x gmv solution-0002.0000.gmv
+Of course, since we have run the program only in sequential mode, we
+do have only one intermediate file for each time step that we have to
+take as input.
+If we visualize these files with GMV, we get to see the full picture
+of the disaster our forced compression wreaks on the cylinder (click
+on the images for a larger version; colors in the images encode the
+norm of the stress in the material):
+<table width="100%">
+ <tr width="100%">
+ <td width="33%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/solution-0002.0000.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/solution-0002.0000.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ Time = 2
+ </td>
+ <td width="33%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/solution-0005.0000.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/solution-0005.0000.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ Time = 5
+ </td>
+ <td width="33%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/solution-0007.0000.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/solution-0007.0000.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ Time = 7
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr width="100%">
+ <td width="33%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/solution-0008.0000.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/solution-0008.0000.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ Time = 8
+ </td>
+ <td width="33%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/solution-0009.0000.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/solution-0009.0000.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ Time = 9
+ </td>
+ <td width="33%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/solution-0010.0000.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/solution-0010.0000.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ Time = 10
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+As is clearly visible, as we keep compressing the cylinder, it starts
+to buckle and ultimately collapses. Towards the end of the simulation,
+the deflection pattern becomes nonsymmetric (the cylinder top slides
+to the right). The model clearly does not provide for this (all our
+forces and boundary deflections are symmetric) but the effect is
+probably physically correct anyway: in reality, small inhomogeneities
+in the body's material properties would lead it to buckle to one side
+to evade the forcing; in numerical simulations, small perturbations
+such as numerical round-off or an inexact solution of a linear system
+by an iterative solver could have the same effect. Another typical source for
+asymmetries in adaptive computations is that only a certain fraction of cells
+is refined in each step, which may lead to asymmetric meshes even if the
+original coarse mesh was symmetric.
+Whether the computation is fully converged is a different matter. In order to
+see whether it is, we ran the program again with one more global refinement at
+the beginning and with the time step halved. This would have taken a very long
+time on a single machine, so we used our cluster again and ran it on 16
+processors (8 dual-processor machines) in parallel. The beginning of the output
+now looks like this:
+Timestep 1 at time 0.5
+ Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 29696 (by partition: 1862+1890+1866+1850+1864+1850+1858+1842+1911+1851+1911+1804+1854+1816+1839+1828)
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 113100 (by partition: 7089+7218+6978+6972+7110+6840+7119+7023+7542+7203+7068+6741+6921+6759+7464+7053)
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 1.05874e+10
+ Solver converged in 289 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 102097 (by partition: 6346+6478+6442+6570+6370+6483+6413+6376+6403+6195+6195+6195+6494+6571+6371+6195)
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 358875 (by partition: 22257+22161+22554+22482+21759+23361+23040+21609+22347+20937+21801+21678+24126+25149+21321+22293)
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 3.46364e+10
+ Solver converged in 249 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 2 at time 1
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 3.42269e+10
+ Solver converged in 248 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 3 at time 1.5
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 3.38229e+10
+ Solver converged in 247 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 4 at time 2
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 3.34247e+10
+ Solver converged in 247 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+Timestep 20 at time 10
+ Assembling system... norm of rhs is 3.2449e+10
+ Solver converged in 493 iterations.
+ Updating quadrature point data...
+ Moving mesh...
+That's quite a good number of unknowns, given that we are in 3d. The output of
+this program are 16 files for each time step:
+examples/step-18> ls -l solution-0001.000*
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4325219 Aug 11 09:44 solution-0001.0000-000.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4454460 Aug 11 09:44 solution-0001.0000-001.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4485242 Aug 11 09:43 solution-0001.0000-002.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4517364 Aug 11 09:43 solution-0001.0000-003.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4462829 Aug 11 09:43 solution-0001.0000-004.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4482487 Aug 11 09:43 solution-0001.0000-005.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4548619 Aug 11 09:43 solution-0001.0000-006.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4522421 Aug 11 09:43 solution-0001.0000-007.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4337529 Aug 11 09:43 solution-0001.0000-008.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4163047 Aug 11 09:43 solution-0001.0000-009.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4288247 Aug 11 09:43 solution-0001.0000-010.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4350410 Aug 11 09:43 solution-0001.0000-011.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4458427 Aug 11 09:43 solution-0001.0000-012.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4466037 Aug 11 09:43 solution-0001.0000-013.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4505679 Aug 11 09:44 solution-0001.0000-014.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 4340488 Aug 11 09:44 solution-0001.0000-015.d2
+We merge and convert these 16 intermediate files into a single gmv file as
+examples/step-18> time ../step-19/step-19 solution-0001.0000-* -x gmv -o solution-0001.0000.gmv
+real 0m45.929s
+user 0m41.290s
+sys 0m0.990s
+examples/step-18> ls -l solution-0001.0000.gmv
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth mfw 68925360 Aug 11 17:04 solution-0001.0000.gmv
+Doing so for all time steps, we obtain gmv files that we can visualize (albeit
+with some difficulty, due to their size gmv isn't exactly fast when plotting
+them). Here are first the mesh on which we compute as well as the partitioning
+for the 16 processors:
+<table width="100%">
+ <tr width="100%">
+ <td width="49%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/parallel/solution-000mesh.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/parallel/solution-000mesh.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ </td>
+ <td width="49%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0002.p.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0002.p.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+Finally, here is the same output as we have shown before for the much smaller
+sequential case:
+<table width="100%">
+ <tr width="100%">
+ <td width="33%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0002.s.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0002.s.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ Time = 2
+ </td>
+ <td width="33%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0005.s.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0005.s.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ Time = 5
+ </td>
+ <td width="33%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0007.s.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0007.s.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ Time = 7
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr width="100%">
+ <td width="33%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0008.s.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0008.s.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ Time = 8
+ </td>
+ <td width="33%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0009.s.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0009.s.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ Time = 9
+ </td>
+ <td width="33%">
+ <a href="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0010.s.png" target="_top">
+ <img src="step-18.data/parallel/solution-0010.s.png"
+ width="100%"></a>
+ Time = 10
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+If one compares this with the previous run, the results are qualitatively
+similar, but quantitatively definitely different. The previous computation was
+therefore certainly not converged, though we can't say for sure anything about
+the present one. One would need an even finer computation to find out. However,
+the point may be moot: looking at the last picture in detail (click on it to
+see it in larger), it is pretty obvious that not only is the linear small
+deformation model we chose completely inadequate, but for a realistic
+simulation we would also need to make sure that the body does not intersects
+itself during deformation. Without such a formulation we cannot expect anything
+that make sense, even if it produces nice pictures!
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+In @ref step_18 "step-18", we saw a need to write
+output files in an intermediate format: in a parallel program, it doesn't scale
+well if all processors participate in computing a result, and then only a
+single processor generates the graphical output. Rather, each of them should
+generate output for its share of the domain, and later on merge all these
+output files into a single one.
+Thus was the beginning of step-19: it is the program that reads a number of
+files written in intermediate format, and merges and converts them into the
+final format that one would like to use for visualization. It can also be used
+for the following purpose: if you are unsure at the time of a computation what
+graphics program you would like to use, write your results in intermediate
+format; it can later be converted, using the present program, to any other
+format you may want.
+While this in itself was not interesting enough to make a tutorial program, we
+have used the opportunity to introduce one class that has proven to be
+extremely help- and useful in real application programs, but had not been
+covered by any of the previous tutorial programs: the
+<code>ParameterHandler</code> class. This class is used in applications that
+want to have some of their behavior determined at run time, using input
+files. For example, one may want to specify the geometry, or specifics of the
+equation to be solved, at run time. Other typical parameters are the number of
+nonlinear iterations, the name of output files, or the names of input files
+specifying material properties or boundary conditions.
+Working with such parameter files is not rocket science. However, it is rather
+tedious to write the parsers for such files, in particular if they should be
+extensible, be able to group parameters into subsections, perform some error
+checks such as that parameters can have only certain kinds of values (for
+example, it should only be allowed to have integer values in an input file for
+parameters that denote a number of iteration), and similar requirements. The
+<code>ParameterHandler</code> class allows for all this: an application program
+will declare the parameters it expects (or call a function in the library that
+declares a number of parameters for you), the <code>ParameterHandler</code>
+class then reads an input file with all these parameters, and the application
+program can then get their values back from this class.
+In order to perform these three steps, the <code>ParameterHandler</code> offers
+three sets of functions: first, the
+<code>ParameterHandler::declare_entry</code> function is used to declare the
+existence of a named parameter in the present section of the input file (one
+can enter and leave subsections in a parameter file just like you would
+navigate through a directory tree in a file system, with the functions
+<code>ParameterHandler::enter_subsection</code> and
+<code>ParameterHandler::leave_subsection</code> taking on the roles of the
+commands <code>cd dir</code> and <code>cd ..</code>; the only difference being
+that if you enter a subsection that has never been visited before, it is
+created: it isn't necessary to "create" subsections explicitly). When declaring
+a parameter, one has to specify its name and default value, in case the
+parameter isn't later listed explicitly in the parameter file. In addition to
+that, there are optional arguments indicating a pattern that a parameter has to
+satisfy, such as being an integer (see the discussion above), and a help text
+that might later give an explanation of what the parameter stands for.
+Once all parameters have been declared, parameters can be read, using the
+<code>ParameterHandler::read_input</code> family of functions. There are
+versions of this function that can read from a file stream, that take a file
+name, or that simply take a string and parse it. When reading parameters, the
+class makes sure that only parameters are listed in the input that have been
+declared before, and that the values of parameters satisfy the pattern that has
+been given to describe the kind of values a parameter can have. Input that uses
+undeclared parameters or values for parameters that do not conform to the
+pattern are rejected by raising an exception.
+A typical input file will look like this:
+set Output format = dx
+set Output file = my_output_file.dx
+set Maximal number of iterations = 13
+subsection Application
+ set Color of output = blue
+ set Generate output = false
+Note that subsections can be nested.
+Finally, the application program can get the values of declared parameters back
+by traversing the subsections of the parameter tree and using the
+<code>ParameterHandler::get</code> and related functions. The
+<code>ParameterHandler::get</code> simply returns the value of a parameter as a
+string, whereas <code>ParameterHandler::get_integer</code>,
+<code>ParameterHandler::get_double</code>, and
+<code>ParameterHandler::get_bool</code> already convert them to the indicated
+Using the <code>ParameterHandler</code> class therefore provides for a pretty
+flexible mechanism to handle all sorts of moderately complex input files without
+much effort on the side of the application programmer. We will use this to
+provide all sorts of options to the step-19 program in order to convert from
+intermediate file format to any other graphical file format.
+The rest of the story is probably best told by looking at the source of step-19
+itself. Let us, however, end this introduction by pointing the reader at the
+extensive class documentation of the <code>ParameterHandler</code> class for
+more information on specific details of that class.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+With all that above, here is first what we get if we just run the program
+without any parameters at all:
+examples/step-19> ./step-19
+Converter from deal.II intermediate format to other graphics formats.
+ ./step-19 [-p parameter_file] list_of_input_files
+ [-x output_format] [-o output_file]
+Parameter sequences in brackets can be omitted if a parameter file is
+specified on the command line and if it provides values for these
+missing parameters.
+The parameter file has the following format and allows the following
+values (you can cut and paste this and use it for your own parameter
+# Listing of Parameters
+# ---------------------
+# A dummy parameter asking for an integer
+set Dummy iterations = 42
+# The name of the output file to be generated
+set Output file =
+# A name for the output format to be used
+set Output format = gnuplot
+subsection DX output parameters
+ # A boolean field indicating whether neighborship information between cells
+ # is to be written to the OpenDX output file
+ set Write neighbors = true
+subsection Dummy subsection
+ # A dummy parameter that shows how one can define a parameter that can be
+ # assigned values from a finite set of values
+ set Dummy color of output = red
+ # A dummy parameter that can be fed with either 'true' or 'false'
+ set Dummy generate output = true
+subsection Eps output parameters
+ # Angle of the viewing position against the vertical axis
+ set Azimut angle = 60
+ # Name of a color function used to colorize mesh lines and/or cell
+ # interiors
+ set Color function = default
+ # Whether the interior of cells shall be shaded
+ set Color shading of interior of cells = true
+ # Whether the mesh lines, or only the surface should be drawn
+ set Draw mesh lines = true
+ # Whether only the mesh lines, or also the interior of cells should be
+ # plotted. If this flag is false, then one can see through the mesh
+ set Fill interior of cells = true
+ # Number of the input vector that is to be used to generate color
+ # information
+ set Index of vector for color = 0
+ # Number of the input vector that is to be used to generate height
+ # information
+ set Index of vector for height = 0
+ # The width in which the postscript renderer is to plot lines
+ set Line widths in eps units = 0.5
+ # Whether width or height should be scaled to match the given size
+ set Scale to width or height = width
+ # Scaling for the z-direction relative to the scaling used in x- and
+ # y-directions
+ set Scaling for z-axis = 1
+ # The size (width or height) to which the eps output file is to be scaled
+ set Size (width or height) in eps units = 300
+ # Angle of the viewing direction against the y-axis
+ set Turn angle = 30
+subsection Povray output parameters
+ # Whether camera and lightling information should be put into an external
+ # file "data.inc" or into the POVRAY input file
+ set Include external file = true
+ # Whether POVRAY should use bicubic patches
+ set Use bicubic patches = false
+ # A flag indicating whether POVRAY should use smoothed triangles instead of
+ # the usual ones
+ set Use smooth triangles = false
+subsection UCD output parameters
+ # A flag indicating whether a comment should be written to the beginning of
+ # the output file indicating date and time of creation as well as the
+ # creating program
+ set Write preamble = true
+That's a lot of output for such a little program, but then that's also a lot of
+output formats that deal.II supports. You will realize that the output consists
+of first entries in the top-level section (sorted alphabetically), then a
+sorted list of subsections. Most of the parameters have been declared by the
+<code>DataOutBase</code> class, but there are also the dummy entries and
+sections we have added in the <code>declare_parameters()</code> function, along
+with their default values and documentations.
+Let us try to run this program on a set of input files generated by a modified
+@ref step_18 "step-18" run on 32 nodes of a
+cluster. The computation was rather big, with more
+than 350,000 cells and some 1.2M unknowns. That makes for 32 rather big
+intermediate files that we will try to merge using the present program. Here is
+the list of files, totaling some 245MB of data:
+examples/step-19> ls -l *d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7982085 Aug 12 10:11 solution-0005.0000-000.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7888316 Aug 12 10:13 solution-0005.0000-001.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7715984 Aug 12 10:09 solution-0005.0000-002.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7887648 Aug 12 10:06 solution-0005.0000-003.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7833291 Aug 12 10:09 solution-0005.0000-004.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7536394 Aug 12 10:07 solution-0005.0000-005.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7817551 Aug 12 10:06 solution-0005.0000-006.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7996660 Aug 12 10:07 solution-0005.0000-007.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7761545 Aug 12 10:06 solution-0005.0000-008.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7754027 Aug 12 10:07 solution-0005.0000-009.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7607545 Aug 12 10:11 solution-0005.0000-010.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7728039 Aug 12 10:07 solution-0005.0000-011.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7577293 Aug 12 10:14 solution-0005.0000-012.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7735626 Aug 12 10:10 solution-0005.0000-013.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7629075 Aug 12 10:10 solution-0005.0000-014.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7314459 Aug 12 10:09 solution-0005.0000-015.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7414738 Aug 12 10:10 solution-0005.0000-016.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7330518 Aug 12 10:05 solution-0005.0000-017.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7418213 Aug 12 10:11 solution-0005.0000-018.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7508715 Aug 12 10:08 solution-0005.0000-019.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7747143 Aug 12 10:06 solution-0005.0000-020.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7563548 Aug 12 10:05 solution-0005.0000-021.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7846767 Aug 12 10:12 solution-0005.0000-022.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7479576 Aug 12 10:12 solution-0005.0000-023.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7925060 Aug 12 10:12 solution-0005.0000-024.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7842034 Aug 12 10:13 solution-0005.0000-025.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7585448 Aug 12 10:13 solution-0005.0000-026.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7609698 Aug 12 10:10 solution-0005.0000-027.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7576053 Aug 12 10:08 solution-0005.0000-028.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7682418 Aug 12 10:08 solution-0005.0000-029.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7544141 Aug 12 10:05 solution-0005.0000-030.d2
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 7348899 Aug 12 10:04 solution-0005.0000-031.d2
+So let's see what happens if we attempt to merge all these files into a single
+examples/step-19> time ./step-19 solution-0005.0000-*.d2 -x gmv -o solution-0005.gmv
+real 2m08.35s
+user 1m26.61s
+system 0m05.74s
+examples/step-19> ls -l solution-0005.gmv
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 240680494 Sep 9 11:53 solution-0005.gmv
+So in roughly two minutes we have merged 240MB of data. Counting reading and
+writing, that averages a throughput of 3.8MB per second, not so bad.
+If visualized, the output looks very much like that shown for
+@ref step_18 "step-18". But that's not quite as
+important for the moment, rather we are interested in showing how to use the
+parameter file. To this end, remember that if no parameter file is given, or if
+it is empty, all the default values listed above are used. However, whatever we
+specify in the parameter file is used, unless overridden again by
+parameters found later on the command line.
+For example, let us use a simple parameter file named
+<code>solution-0005.prm</code> that contains only one line:
+set Output format = gnuplot
+If we run step-19 with it again, we obtain this (for simplicity, and because we
+don't want to visualize 240MB of data anyway, we only convert the one, the
+twelfth, intermediate file to gnuplot format):
+examples/step-19> ./step-19 solution-0005.0000-012.d2 -p solution-0005.prm -o solution-0005.gnuplot
+examples/step-19> ls -l solution-0005.gnuplot
+-rw-r--r-- 1 bangerth wheeler 20281669 Sep 9 12:15 solution-0005.gnuplot
+We can then visualize this one file with gnuplot, obtaining something like
+@image html step-19.solution-0005.png
+That's not particularly exciting, but the file we're looking at has only one
+32nd of the entire domain anyway, so we can't expect much.
+In more complicated situations, we would use parameter files that set more of
+the values to non-default values. A file for which this is the case could look
+like this, generating output for the OpenDX visualization program:
+set Output format = dx
+set Output file = my_output_file.dx
+set Dummy iterations = -13
+subsection Dummy subsection
+ set Dummy color of output = blue
+ set Dummy generate output = false
+If one wanted to, one could write comments into the file using the
+same format as used above in the help text, i.e. everything on a line
+following a hashmark (<code>#</code>) is considered a comment.
+If one runs step-19 with this input file, this is what is going to happen:
+examples/step-19> ./step-19 solution-0005.0000-012.d2 -p solution-0005.prm
+Line 4:
+ The entry value
+ -13
+ for the entry named
+ Dummy iterations
+ does not match the given pattern
+ [Integer range 1...1000 (inclusive)]
+Ah, right: valid values for the iteration parameter needed to be within the
+range [1...1000]. We would fix that, then go back to run the program with
+correct parameters.
+This program should have given some insight into the input parameter file
+handling that deal.II provides. The <code>ParameterHandler</code> class has a
+few more goodies beyond what has been shown in this program, for those who want
+to use this class, it would be useful to read the documentation of that class
+to get the full picture.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+After we have created a grid in the previous example, we now show how
+to define degrees of freedom on this mesh. For this example, we
+will use the lowest order (Q1) finite elements, for which the degrees
+of freedom are associated with the vertices of the mesh. Later
+examples will demonstrate higher order elements where degrees of freedom are
+not necessarily associated with vertices any more, but can be associated
+with edges, faces, or cells.
+Defining degrees of freedom ("DoF"s in short) on a mesh is a rather
+simple task, since the library does all the work for you. However, for
+some algorithms, especially for some linear solvers, it is
+advantageous to have the degrees of freedom numbered in a certain
+order, and we will use the algorithm of Cuthill and McKee to do
+so. The results are written to a file and visualized using GNUPLOT.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+The program has, after having been run, produced two sparsity
+patterns. We can visualize them using GNUPLOT:
+examples/step-2> gnuplot
+ G N U P L O T
+ Version 3.7 patchlevel 3
+ last modified Thu Dec 12 13:00:00 GMT 2002
+ System: Linux
+ Copyright(C) 1986 - 1993, 1998 - 2002
+ Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others
+ Type `help` to access the on-line reference manual
+ The gnuplot FAQ is available from
+ http://www.gnuplot.info/gnuplot-faq.html
+ Send comments and requests for help to <info-gnuplot@dartmouth.edu>
+ Send bugs, suggestions and mods to <bug-gnuplot@dartmouth.edu>
+Terminal type set to 'x11'
+gnuplot> set data style points
+gnuplot> plot "sparsity_pattern.1"
+The results then look like this (every cross denotes an entry which
+might be nonzero; of course the fact whether the entry actually is
+zero or not depends on the equation under consideration, but the
+indicated positions in the matrix tell us which shape functions can
+and which can't couple, if the equation is a local, i.e. differential
+<TABLE WIDTH="60%" ALIGN="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td ALIGN="center">
+ @image html step-2.sparsity-1.png
+ </td>
+ <td ALIGN="center">
+ @image html step-2.sparsity-2.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+The different regions in the left picture represent the degrees of
+freedom on the different refinement levels of the triangulation. As
+can be seen in the right picture, the sparsity pattern is much better
+clustered around the main diagonal of the matrix after
+renumbering. Although this might not be apparent, the number of
+nonzero entries is the same in both pictures, of course.
+A common observation is that the more refined the grid is, the better
+the clustering around the diagonal will get.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+This program is devoted to two aspects: the use of mixed finite elements -- in
+particular Raviart-Thomas elements -- and using block matrices to define
+solvers, preconditioners, and nested versions of those that use the
+substructure of the system matrix. The equation we are going to solve is again
+the Laplace equation, though with a matrix-valued coefficient:
+ -\nabla \cdot K({\mathbf x}) \nabla p &=& f \qquad {\textrm{in}\ } \Omega, \\
+ p &=& g \qquad {\textrm{on}\ }\partial\Omega.
+$K({\mathbf x})$ is assumed to be uniformly positive definite, i.e. there is
+$\alpha>0$ such that the eigenvalues $\lambda_i({\mathbf x})$ of $K(x)$ satisfy
+$\lambda_i({\mathbf x})\ge \alpha$. The use of the symbol $p$ instead of the usual
+$u$ for the solution variable will become clear in the next section.
+After discussing the equation and the formulation we are going to use to solve
+it, this introduction will cover the use of block matrices and vectors, the
+definition of solvers and preconditioners, and finally the actual test case we
+are going to solve.
+<h3>Formulation, weak form, and discrete problem</h3>
+In the form above, the Laplace equation is considered a good model equation
+for fluid flow in porous media. In particular, if flow is so slow that all
+dynamic effects such as the acceleration terms in the Navier-Stokes equation
+become irrelevant, and if the flow pattern is stationary, then the Laplace
+equation models the pressure that drives the flow reasonable well. Because the
+solution variable is a pressure, we here use the name $p$ instead of the
+name $u$ more commonly used for the solution of partial differential equations.
+Typical applications of this view of the Laplace equation are then modeling
+groundwater flow, or the flow of hydrocarbons in oil reservoirs. In these
+applications, $K$ is then the permeability tensor, i.e. a measure for how much
+resistance the soil or rock matrix asserts on the fluid flow. In the
+applications just named, a desirable feature is that the numerical scheme is
+locally conservative, i.e. that whatever flows into a cell also flows out of
+it (or the difference is equal to the integral over the source terms over each
+cell, if the sources are nonzero). However, as it turns out, the usual
+discretizations of the Laplace equation do not satisfy this property. On the
+other hand, one can achieve this by choosing a different formulation.
+To this end, one first introduces a second variable, called the flux,
+${\mathbf u}=-K\nabla p$. By its definition, the flux is a vector in the
+direction of the pressure gradient, multiplied by the permeability tensor. If
+the permeability tensor is proportional to the unit matrix, this equation is
+easy to understand and intuitive: the higher the permeability, the higher the
+flux; and the flux is proportional to the gradient of the pressure, going from
+areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure.
+With this second variable, one then finds an alternative version of the
+Laplace equation, called the mixed formulation:
+ K^{-1} {\mathbf u} - \nabla p &=& 0 \qquad {\textrm{in}\ } \Omega, \\
+ -{\textrm{div}}\ {\mathbf u} &=& 0 \qquad {\textrm{in}\ }\Omega, \\
+ p &=& g \qquad {\textrm{on}\ } \partial\Omega.
+The weak formulation of this problem is found by multiplying the two
+equations with test functions and integrating some terms by parts:
+ A(\{{\mathbf u},p\},\{{\mathbf v},q\}) = F(\{{\mathbf v},q\}),
+ A(\{{\mathbf u},p\},\{{\mathbf v},q\})
+ &=&
+ ({\mathbf v}, K^{-1}{\mathbf u})_\Omega - ({\textrm{div}}\ {\mathbf v}, p)_\Omega
+ - (q,{\textrm{div}}\ {\mathbf u})_\Omega
+ \\
+ F(\{{\mathbf v},q\}) &=& -(g,{\mathbf v}\cdot {\mathbf n})_{\partial\Omega} - (f,q)_\Omega.
+Here, ${\mathbf n}$ is the outward normal vector at the boundary. Note how in this
+formulation, Dirichlet boundary values of the original problem are
+incorporated in the weak form.
+To be well-posed, we have to look for solutions and test functions in the
+space $H({\textrm{div}})=\{{\mathbf w}\in L^2(\Omega)^d:\ {\textrm{div}}\ {\mathbf w}\in L^2\}$
+for $\mathbf u$,$\mathbf v$, and $L^2$ for $p,q$. It is a well-known fact stated in
+almost every book on finite element theory that if one chooses discrete finite
+element spaces for the approximation of ${\mathbf u},p$ inappropriately, then the
+resulting discrete saddle-point problem is instable and the discrete solution
+will not converge to the exact solution.
+To overcome this, a number of different finite element pairs for ${\mathbf u},p$
+have been developed that lead to a stable discrete problem. One such pair is
+to use the Raviart-Thomas spaces $RT(k)$ for the velocity ${\mathbf u}$ and
+discontinuous elements of class $DQ(k)$ for the pressure $p$. For details
+about these spaces, we refer in particular to the book on mixed finite element
+methods by Brezzi and Fortin, but many other books on the theory of finite
+elements, for example the classic book by Brenner and Scott, also state the
+relevant results.
+<h3>Assembling the linear system</h3>
+The deal.II library (of course) implements Raviart-Thomas elements $RT(k)$ of
+arbitrary order $k$, as well as discontinuous elements $DG(k)$. If we forget
+about their particular properties for a second, we then have to solve a
+discrete problem
+ A(x_h,w_h) = F(w_h),
+with the bilinear form and right hand side as stated above, and $x_h=\{{\mathbf u}_h,p_h\}$, $w_h=\{{\mathbf v}_h,q_h\}$. Both $x_h$ and $w_h$ are from the space
+$X_h=RT(k)\times DQ(k)$, where $RT(k)$ is itself a space of $dim$-dimensional
+functions to accommodate for the fact that the flow velocity is vector-valued.
+The necessary question then is: how do we do this in a program?
+Vector-valued elements have already been discussed in previous tutorial
+programs, the first time and in detail in @ref step_8 "step-8". The main difference there
+was that the vector-valued space $V_h$ is uniform in all its components: the
+$dim$ components of the displacement vector are all equal and from the same
+function space. What we could therefore do was to build $V_h$ as the outer
+product of the $dim$ times the usual $Q(1)$ finite element space, and by this
+make sure that all our shape functions have only a single non-zero vector
+component. Instead of dealing with vector-valued shape functions, all we did
+in @ref step_8 "step-8" was therefore to look at the (scalar) only non-zero component and
+use the <code>fe.system_to_component_index(i).first</code> call to figure out
+which component this actually is.
+This doesn't work with Raviart-Thomas elements: following from their
+construction to satisfy certain regularity properties of the space
+$H({\textrm{div}})$, the shape functions of $RT(k)$ are usually nonzero in all
+their vector components at once. For this reason, were
+<code>fe.system_to_component_index(i).first</code> applied to determine the only
+nonzero component of shape function $i$, an exception would be generated. What
+we really need to do is to get at <em>all</em> vector components of a shape
+function. In deal.II diction, we call such finite elements
+<em>non-primitive</em>, whereas finite elements that are either scalar or for
+which every vector-valued shape function is nonzero only in a single vector
+component are called <em>primitive</em>.
+So what do we have to do for non-primitive elements? To figure this out, let
+us go back in the tutorial programs, almost to the very beginnings. There, we
+learned that we use the <code>FEValues</code> class to determine the values and
+gradients of shape functions at quadrature points. For example, we would call
+<code>fe_values.shape_value(i,q_point)</code> to obtain the value of the
+<code>i</code>th shape function on the quadrature point with number
+<code>q_point</code>. Later, in @ref step_8 "step-8" and other tutorial programs, we learned
+that this function call also works for vector-valued shape functions (of
+primitive finite elements), and that it returned the value of the only
+non-zero component of shape function <code>i</code> at quadrature point
+For non-primitive shape functions, this is clearly not going to work: there is
+no single non-zero vector component of shape function <code>i</code>, and the call
+to <code>fe_values.shape_value(i,q_point)</code> would consequently not make
+much sense. However, deal.II offers a second function call,
+<code>fe_values.shape_value_component(i,q_point,comp)</code> that returns the
+value of the <code>comp</code>th vector component of shape function <code>i</code> at
+quadrature point <code>q_point</code>, where <code>comp</code> is an index between
+zero and the number of vector components of the present finite element; for
+example, the element we will use to describe velocities and pressures is going
+to have $dim+1$ components. It is worth noting that this function call can
+also be used for primitive shape functions: it will simply return zero for all
+components except one; for non-primitive shape functions, it will in general
+return a non-zero value for more than just one component.
+We could now attempt to rewrite the bilinear form above in terms of vector
+components. For example, in 2d, the first term could be rewritten like this
+(note that $u_0=x_0, u_1=x_1, p=x_2$):
+ ({\mathbf u}_h^i, K^{-1}{\mathbf u}_h^j)
+ =
+ &\left((x_h^i)_0, K^{-1}_{00} (x_h^j)_0\right) +
+ \left((x_h^i)_0, K^{-1}_{01} (x_h^j)_1\right) + \\
+ &\left((x_h^i)_1, K^{-1}_{10} (x_h^j)_0\right) +
+ \left((x_h^i)_1, K^{-1}_{11} (x_h^j)_1\right).
+If we implemented this, we would get code like this:
+ for (unsigned int q=0; q<n_q_points; ++q)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ local_matrix(i,j) += (k_inverse_values[q][0][0] *
+ fe_values.shape_value_component(i,q,0) *
+ fe_values.shape_value_component(j,q,0)
+ +
+ k_inverse_values[q][0][1] *
+ fe_values.shape_value_component(i,q,0) *
+ fe_values.shape_value_component(j,q,1)
+ +
+ k_inverse_values[q][1][0] *
+ fe_values.shape_value_component(i,q,1) *
+ fe_values.shape_value_component(j,q,0)
+ +
+ k_inverse_values[q][1][1] *
+ fe_values.shape_value_component(i,q,1) *
+ fe_values.shape_value_component(j,q,1)
+ )
+ *
+ fe_values.JxW(q);
+This is, at best, tedious, error prone, and not dimension independent. There
+are obvious ways to make things dimension independent, but in the end, the
+code is simply not pretty. What would be much nicer is if we could simply
+extract the ${\mathbf u}$ and $p$ components of a shape function $x_h^i$. In the
+program we do that, by writing functions like this one:
+template <int dim>
+extract_u (const FEValuesBase<dim> &fe_values,
+ const unsigned int i,
+ const unsigned int q)
+ Tensor<1,dim> tmp;
+ for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
+ tmp[d] = fe_values.shape_value_component (i,q,d);
+ return tmp;
+What this function does is, given an <code>fe_values</code> object, to extract
+the values of the first $dim$ components of shape function <code>i</code> at
+quadrature points <code>q</code>, that is the velocity components of that shape
+function. Put differently, if we write shape functions $x_h^i$ as the tuple
+$\{{\mathbf u}_h^i,p_h^i\}$, then the function returns the velocity part of this
+tuple. Note that the velocity is of course a <code>dim</code>-dimensional tensor, and
+that the function returns a corresponding object.
+Likewise, we have a function that extracts the pressure component of a shape
+template <int dim>
+double extract_p (const FEValuesBase<dim> &fe_values,
+ const unsigned int i,
+ const unsigned int q)
+ return fe_values.shape_value_component (i,q,dim);
+Finally, the bilinear form contains terms involving the gradients of the
+velocity component of shape functions. To be more precise, we are not really
+interested in the full gradient, but only the divergence of the velocity
+components, i.e. ${\textrm{div}}\ {\mathbf u}_h^i = \sum_{d=0}^{dim-1}
+\frac{\partial}{\partial x_d} ({\mathbf u}_h^i)_d$. Here's a function that returns
+this quantity:
+template <int dim>
+extract_div_u (const FEValuesBase<dim> &fe_values,
+ const unsigned int i,
+ const unsigned int q)
+ double divergence = 0;
+ for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
+ divergence += fe_values.shape_grad_component (i,q,d)[d];
+ return divergence;
+With these three functions, all of which are completely dimension independent
+and will therefore also work in 3d, assembling the local matrix and right hand
+side contributions becomes a charm:
+for (unsigned int q=0; q<n_q_points; ++q)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1,dim> phi_i_u = extract_u (fe_values, i, q);
+ const double div_phi_i_u = extract_div_u (fe_values, i, q);
+ const double phi_i_p = extract_p (fe_values, i, q);
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1,dim> phi_j_u = extract_u (fe_values, j, q);
+ const double div_phi_j_u = extract_div_u (fe_values, j, q);
+ const double phi_j_p = extract_p (fe_values, j, q);
+ local_matrix(i,j) += (phi_i_u * k_inverse_values[q] * phi_j_u
+ - div_phi_i_u * phi_j_p
+ - phi_i_p * div_phi_j_u)
+ * fe_values.JxW(q);
+ }
+ local_rhs(i) += -(phi_i_p *
+ rhs_values[q] *
+ fe_values.JxW(q));
+ }
+This very closely resembles the form we have originally written down the
+bilinear form and right hand side.
+There is one final term that we have to take care of: the right hand side
+contained the term $(g,{\mathbf v}\cdot {\mathbf n})_{\partial\Omega}$, constituting the
+weak enforcement of pressure boundary conditions. We have already seen in
+@ref step_7 "step-7" how to deal with face integrals: essentially exactly the same as with
+domain integrals, except that we have to use the <code>FEFaceValues</code> class
+instead of <code>FEValues</code>. To compute the boundary term we then simply have
+to loop over all boundary faces and integrate there. If you look closely at
+the definitions of the <code>extract_*</code> functions above, you will realize
+that it isn't even necessary to write new functions that extract the velocity
+and pressure components of shape functions from <code>FEFaceValues</code> objects:
+both <code>FEValues</code> and <code>FEFaceValues</code> are derived from a common
+base class, <code>FEValuesBase</code>, and the extraction functions above can
+therefore deal with both in exactly the same way. Assembling the missing
+boundary term then takes on the following form:
+for (unsigned int face_no=0;
+ face_no<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+ ++face_no)
+ if (cell->at_boundary(face_no))
+ {
+ fe_face_values.reinit (cell, face_no);
+ pressure_boundary_values
+ .value_list (fe_face_values.get_quadrature_points(),
+ boundary_values);
+ for (unsigned int q=0; q<n_face_q_points; ++q)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1,dim>
+ phi_i_u = extract_u (fe_face_values, i, q);
+ local_rhs(i) += -(phi_i_u *
+ fe_face_values.normal_vector(q) *
+ boundary_values[q] *
+ fe_face_values.JxW(q));
+ }
+ }
+You will find the exact same code as above in the sources for the present
+program. We will therefore not comment much on it below.
+<h3>Linear solvers and preconditioners</h3>
+After assembling the linear system we are faced with the task of solving
+it. The problem here is: the matrix has a zero block at the bottom right
+(there is no term in the bilinear form that couples the pressure $p$ with the
+pressure test function $q$), and it is indefinite. At least it is
+symmetric. In other words: the Conjugate Gradient method is not going to
+work. We would have to resort to other iterative solvers instead, such as
+MinRes, SymmLQ, or GMRES, that can deal with indefinite systems. However, then
+the next problem immediately surfaces: due to the zero block, there are zeros
+on the diagonal and none of the usual preconditioners (Jacobi, SSOR) will work
+as they require division by diagonal elements.
+<h4>Solving using the Schur complement</h4>
+In view of this, let us take another look at the matrix. If we sort our
+degrees of freedom so that all velocity come before all pressure variables,
+then we can subdivide the linear system $AX=B$ into the following blocks:
+ \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ M & B^T \\ B & 0
+ \end{array}\right)
+ \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ U \\ P
+ \end{array}\right)
+ =
+ \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ F \\ G
+ \end{array}\right),
+where $U,P$ are the values of velocity and pressure degrees of freedom,
+respectively, $M$ is the mass matrix on the velocity space, $B$ corresponds to
+the negative divergence operator, and $B^T$ is its transpose and corresponds
+to the negative gradient.
+By block elimination, we can then re-order this system in the following way
+(multiply the first row of the system by $BM^{-1}$ and then subtract the
+second row from it):
+ BM^{-1}B^T P &=& BM^{-1} F - G, \\
+ MU &=& F - B^TP.
+Here, the matrix $S=BM^{-1}B^T$ (called the <em>Schur complement</em> of $A$)
+is obviously symmetric and, owing to the positive definiteness of $M$ and the
+fact that $B^T$ has full column rank, $S$ is also positive
+Consequently, if we could compute $S$, we could apply the Conjugate Gradient
+method to it. However, computing $S$ is expensive, and $S$ is most
+likely also a full matrix. On the other hand, the CG algorithm doesn't require
+us to actually have a representation of $S$, it is sufficient to form
+matrix-vector products with it. We can do so in steps: to compute $Sv$, we
+ <li> form $w = B^T v$;
+ <li> solve $My = w$ for $y=M^{-1}w$, using the CG method applied to the
+ positive definite and symmetric mass matrix $M$;
+ <li> form $z=By$ to obtain $Sv=z$.
+We will implement a class that does that in the program. Before showing its
+code, let us first note that we need to multiply with $M^{-1}$ in several
+places here: in multiplying with the Schur complement $S$, forming the right
+hand side of the first equation, and solving in the second equation. From a
+coding viewpoint, it is therefore appropriate to relegate such a recurring
+operation to a class of its own. We call it <code>InverseMatrix</code>. As far as
+linear solvers are concerned, this class will have all operations that solvers
+need, which in fact includes only the ability to perform matrix-vector
+products; we form them by using a CG solve (this of course requires that the
+matrix passed to this class satisfies the requirements of the CG
+solvers). Here are the relevant parts of the code that implements this:
+class InverseMatrix
+ public:
+ InverseMatrix (const SparseMatrix<double> &m);
+ void vmult (Vector<double> &dst,
+ const Vector<double> &src) const;
+ private:
+ const SmartPointer<const SparseMatrix<double> > matrix;
+ // ...
+void InverseMatrix::vmult (Vector<double> &dst,
+ const Vector<double> &src) const
+ SolverControl solver_control (src.size(), 1e-8*src.l2_norm());
+ SolverCG<> cg (solver_control, vector_memory);
+ cg.solve (*matrix, dst, src, PreconditionIdentity());
+Once created, objects of this class can act as matrices: they perform
+matrix-vector multiplications. How this is actually done is irrelevant to the
+outside world.
+Using this class, we can then write a class that implements the Schur
+complement in much the same way: to act as a matrix, it only needs to offer a
+function to perform a matrix-vector multiplication, using the algorithm
+above. Here are again the relevant parts of the code:
+class SchurComplement
+ public:
+ SchurComplement (const BlockSparseMatrix<double> &A,
+ const InverseMatrix &Minv);
+ void vmult (Vector<double> &dst,
+ const Vector<double> &src) const;
+ private:
+ const SmartPointer<const BlockSparseMatrix<double> > system_matrix;
+ const SmartPointer<const InverseMatrix> m_inverse;
+ mutable Vector<double> tmp1, tmp2;
+void SchurComplement::vmult (Vector<double> &dst,
+ const Vector<double> &src) const
+ system_matrix->block(0,1).vmult (tmp1, src);
+ m_inverse->vmult (tmp2, tmp1);
+ system_matrix->block(1,0).vmult (dst, tmp2);
+In this code, the constructor takes a reference to a block sparse matrix for
+the entire system, and a reference to an object representing the inverse of
+the mass matrix. It stores these using <code>SmartPointer</code> objects (see
+@ref step_7 "step-7"), and additionally allocates two temporary vectors <code>tmp1</code> and
+<code>tmp2</code> for the vectors labeled $w,y$ in the list above.
+In the matrix-vector multiplication function, the product $Sv$ is performed in
+exactly the order outlined above. Note how we access the blocks $B^T$ and $B$
+by calling <code>system_matrix->block(0,1)</code> and
+<code>system_matrix->block(1,0)</code> respectively, thereby picking out
+individual blocks of the block system. Multiplication by $M^{-1}$ happens
+using the object introduced above.
+With all this, we can go ahead and write down the solver we are going to
+use. Essentially, all we need to do is form the right hand sides of the two
+equations defining $P$ and $U$, and then solve them with the Schur complement
+matrix and the mass matrix, respectively:
+template <int dim>
+void MixedLaplaceProblem<dim>::solve ()
+ const InverseMatrix m_inverse (system_matrix.block(0,0));
+ Vector<double> tmp (solution.block(0).size());
+ {
+ Vector<double> schur_rhs (solution.block(1).size());
+ m_inverse.vmult (tmp, system_rhs.block(0));
+ system_matrix.block(1,0).vmult (schur_rhs, tmp);
+ schur_rhs -= system_rhs.block(1);
+ SolverControl solver_control (system_matrix.block(0,0).m(),
+ 1e-6*schur_rhs.l2_norm());
+ SolverCG<> cg (solver_control);
+ cg.solve (SchurComplement(system_matrix, m_inverse),
+ solution.block(1),
+ schur_rhs,
+ PreconditionIdentity());
+ }
+ {
+ system_matrix.block(0,1).vmult (tmp, solution.block(1));
+ tmp *= -1;
+ tmp += system_rhs.block(0);
+ m_inverse.vmult (solution.block(0), tmp);
+ }
+This code looks more impressive than it actually is. At the beginning, we
+declare an object representing $M^{-1}$ and a temporary vector (of the size of
+the first block of the solution, i.e. with as many entries as there are
+velocity unknowns), and the two blocks surrounded by braces then solve the two
+equations for $P$ and $U$, in this order. Most of the code in each of the two
+blocks is actually devoted to constructing the proper right hand sides. For
+the first equation, this would be $BM^{-1}F-G$, and $-B^TP+G$ for the second
+one. The first hand side is then solved with the Schur complement matrix, and
+the second simply multiplied with $M^{-1}$. The code as shown uses no
+preconditioner (i.e. the identity matrix as preconditioner) for the Schur
+<h4>A preconditioner for the Schur complement</h4>
+One may ask whether it would help if we had a preconditioner for the Schur
+complement $S=BM^{-1}B^T$. The general answer, as usual, is: of course. The
+problem is only, we don't know anything about this Schur complement matrix. We
+do not know its entries, all we know is its action. On the other hand, we have
+to realize that our solver is expensive since in each iteration we have to do
+one matrix-vector product with the Schur complement, which means that we have
+to do invert the mass matrix once in each iteration.
+There are different approaches to preconditioning such a matrix. On the one
+extreme is to use something that is cheap to apply and therefore has no real
+impact on the work done in each iteration. The other extreme is a
+preconditioner that is itself very expensive, but in return really brings down
+the number of iterations required to solve with $S$.
+We will try something along the second approach, as much to improve the
+performance of the program as to demonstrate some techniques. To this end, let
+us recall that the ideal preconditioner is, of course, $S^{-1}$, but that is
+unattainable. However, how about
+ \tilde S^{-1} = [B^T ({\textrm{diag}\ }M)^{-1}B]^{-1}
+as a preconditioner? That would mean that every time we have to do one
+preconditioning step, we actually have to solve with $\tilde S$. At first,
+this looks almost as expensive as solving with $S$ right away. However, note
+that in the inner iteration, we do not have to calculate $M^{-1}$, but only
+the inverse of its diagonal, which is cheap.
+To implement something like this, let us first generalize the
+<code>InverseMatrix</code> class so that it can work not only with
+<code>SparseMatrix</code> objects, but with any matrix type. This looks like so:
+template <class Matrix>
+class InverseMatrix
+ public:
+ InverseMatrix (const Matrix &m);
+ void vmult (Vector<double> &dst,
+ const Vector<double> &src) const;
+ private:
+ const SmartPointer<const Matrix> matrix;
+ //...
+template <class Matrix>
+void InverseMatrix<Matrix>::vmult (Vector<double> &dst,
+ const Vector<double> &src) const
+ SolverControl solver_control (src.size(), 1e-8*src.l2_norm());
+ SolverCG<> cg (solver_control, vector_memory);
+ dst = 0;
+ cg.solve (*matrix, dst, src, PreconditionIdentity());
+Essentially, the only change we have made is the introduction of a template
+argument that generalizes the use of <code>SparseMatrix</code>.
+The next step is to define a class that represents the approximate Schur
+complement. This should look very much like the Schur complement class itself,
+except that it doesn't need the object representing $M^{-1}$ any more:
+class ApproximateSchurComplement : public Subscriptor
+ public:
+ ApproximateSchurComplement (const BlockSparseMatrix<double> &A);
+ void vmult (Vector<double> &dst,
+ const Vector<double> &src) const;
+ private:
+ const SmartPointer<const BlockSparseMatrix<double> > system_matrix;
+ mutable Vector<double> tmp1, tmp2;
+void ApproximateSchurComplement::vmult (Vector<double> &dst,
+ const Vector<double> &src) const
+ system_matrix->block(0,1).vmult (tmp1, src);
+ system_matrix->block(0,0).precondition_Jacobi (tmp2, tmp1);
+ system_matrix->block(1,0).vmult (dst, tmp2);
+Note how the <code>vmult</code> function differs in simply doing one Jacobi sweep
+(i.e. multiplying with the inverses of the diagonal) instead of multiplying
+with the full $M^{-1}$.
+With all this, we already have the preconditioner: it should be the inverse of
+the approximate Schur complement, i.e. we need code like this:
+ ApproximateSchurComplement
+ approximate_schur_complement (system_matrix);
+ InverseMatrix<ApproximateSchurComplement>
+ preconditioner (approximate_schur_complement)
+That's all!
+Taken together, the first block of our <code>solve()</code> function will then
+look like this:
+ Vector<double> schur_rhs (solution.block(1).size());
+ m_inverse.vmult (tmp, system_rhs.block(0));
+ system_matrix.block(1,0).vmult (schur_rhs, tmp);
+ schur_rhs -= system_rhs.block(1);
+ SchurComplement
+ schur_complement (system_matrix, m_inverse);
+ ApproximateSchurComplement
+ approximate_schur_complement (system_matrix);
+ InverseMatrix<ApproximateSchurComplement>
+ preconditioner (approximate_schur_complement);
+ SolverControl solver_control (system_matrix.block(0,0).m(),
+ 1e-6*schur_rhs.l2_norm());
+ SolverCG<> cg (solver_control);
+ cg.solve (schur_complement, solution.block(1), schur_rhs,
+ preconditioner);
+Note how we pass the so-defined preconditioner to the solver working on the
+Schur complement matrix.
+Obviously, applying this inverse of the approximate Schur complement is a very
+expensive preconditioner, almost as expensive as inverting the Schur
+complement itself. We can expect it to significantly reduce the number of
+outer iterations required for the Schur complement. In fact it does: in a
+typical run on 5 times refined meshes using elements of order 0, the number of
+outer iterations drops from 164 to 12. On the other hand, we now have to apply
+a very expensive preconditioner 12 times. A better measure is therefore simply
+the run-time of the program: on my laptop, it drops from 28 to 23 seconds for
+this test case. That doesn't seem too impressive, but the savings become more
+pronounced on finer meshes and with elements of higher order. For example, a
+six times refined mesh and using elements of order 2 yields an improvement of
+318 to 12 outer iterations, at a runtime of 338 seconds to 229 seconds. Not
+earth shattering, but significant.
+<h4>A remark on similar functionality in deal.II</h4>
+As a final remark about solvers and preconditioners, let us note that a
+significant amount of functionality introduced above is actually also present
+in the library itself. It probably even is more powerful and general, but we
+chose to introduce this material here anyway to demonstrate how to work with
+block matrices and to develop solvers and preconditioners, rather than using
+black box components from the library.
+For those interested in looking up the corresponding library classes: the
+<code>InverseMatrix</code> is roughly equivalent to the
+<code>PreconditionLACSolver</code> class in the library. Likewise, the Schur
+complement class corresponds to the <code>SchurMatrix</code> class.
+<h3>Definition of the test case</h3>
+In this tutorial program, we will solve the Laplace equation in mixed
+formulation as stated above. Since we want to monitor convergence of the
+solution inside the program, we choose right hand side, boundary conditions,
+and the coefficient so that we recover a solution function known to us. In
+particular, we choose the pressure solution
+ p = -\left(\frac \alpha 2 xy^2 + \beta x - \frac \alpha 6 x^2\right),
+and for the coefficient we choose the unit matrix $K_{ij}=\delta_{ij}$ for
+simplicity. Consequently, the exact velocity satisfies
+ {\mathbf u} =
+ \left(\begin{array}{cc}
+ \frac \alpha 2 y^2 + \beta - \frac \alpha 2 x^2 \\
+ \alpha xy
+ \end{array}\right).
+This solution was chosen since it is exactly divergence free, making it a
+realistic test case for incompressible fluid flow. By consequence, the right
+hand side equals $f=0$, and as boundary values we have to choose
+For the computations in this program, we choose $\alpha=0.3,\beta=1$. You can
+find the resulting solution in the ``Results'' section below, after the
+commented program.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+<h3>Output of the program and graphical visualization</h3>
+If we run the program as is, we get this output:
+examples/step-20> make run
+============================ Remaking Makefile.dep
+==============debug========= step-20.cc
+============================ Linking step-20
+============================ Running step-20
+Number of active cells: 64
+Total number of cells: 85
+Number of degrees of freedom: 208 (144+64)
+10 CG Schur complement iterations to obtain convergence.
+Errors: ||e_p||_L2 = 0.178055, ||e_u||_L2 = 0.0433435
+The fact that the number of iterations is so small, of course, is due to good
+(but expensive!) preconditioner we have developed. To get confidence in the
+solution, let us take a look at it. The following three images show (from left
+to right) the x-velocity, the y-velocity, and the pressure (click on the images
+for larger versions):
+@image html step-20.u.png
+@image html step-20.v.png
+@image html step-20.p.png
+Let us start with the pressure: it is highest at the left and lowest at the
+right, so flow will be from left to right. In addition, though hardly visible
+in the graph, we have chosen the pressure field such that the flow left-right
+flow first channels towards the center and then outward again. Consequently,
+the x-velocity has to increase to get the flow through the narrow part,
+something that can easily be seen in the left image. The middle image
+represents inward flow in y-direction at the left end of the domain, and
+outward flow in y-directino at the right end of the domain.
+As an additional remark, note how the x-velocity in the left image is only
+continuous in x-direction, whereas the y-velocity is continuous in
+y-direction. The flow fields are discontinuous in the other directions. This
+very obviously reflects the continuity properties of the Raviart-Thomas
+elements, which are, in fact, only in the space H(div) and not in the space
+$H^1$. Finally, the pressure field is completely discontinuous, but
+that should not surprise given that we have chosen <code>FE_DGQ(0)</code> as
+the finite element for that solution component.
+The program offers two obvious places where playing and observing convergence
+is in order: the degree of the finite elements used (passed to the constructor
+of the <code>MixedLaplaceProblem</code> class from <code>main()</code>), and
+the refinement level (determined in
+<code>MixedLaplaceProblem::make_grid_and_dofs</code>). What one can do is to
+change these values and observe the errors computed later on in the course of
+the program run.
+If one does this, one finds the following pattern for the $L_2$ error
+in the pressure variable:
+<table align="center" border="1" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td colspan="3" align="center">Finite element order</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Refinement level</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>0</td> <td>1.45344</td> <td>0.0831743</td> <td>0.0235186</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>1</td> <td>0.715099</td> <td>0.0245341</td> <td>0.00293983</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>2</td> <td>0.356383</td> <td>0.0063458</td> <td>0.000367478</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>3</td> <td>0.178055</td> <td>0.00159944</td> <td>4.59349e-05</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>4</td> <td>0.0890105</td> <td>0.000400669</td> <td>5.74184e-06</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>5</td> <td>0.0445032</td> <td>0.000100218</td> <td>7.17799e-07</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>6</td> <td>0.0222513</td> <td>2.50576e-05</td> <td>9.0164e-08</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td> <td>$O(h)$</td> <td>$O(h^2)$</td> <td>$O(h^3)$</td>
+ </tr>
+The theoretically expected convergence orders are very nicely reflected by the
+experimentally observed ones indicated in the last row of the table.
+One can make the same experiment with the $L_2$ error
+in the velocity variables:
+<table align="center" border="1" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
+ <tr>
+ <td></td>
+ <td colspan="3" align="center">Finite element order</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Refinement level</td>
+ <td>0</td>
+ <td>1</td>
+ <td>2</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>0</td> <td>0.367423</td> <td>0.127657</td> <td>5.10388e-14</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>1</td> <td>0.175891</td> <td>0.0319142</td> <td>9.04414e-15</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>2</td> <td>0.0869402</td> <td>0.00797856</td> <td>1.23723e-14</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>3</td> <td>0.0433435</td> <td>0.00199464</td> <td>1.86345e-07</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>4</td> <td>0.0216559</td> <td>0.00049866</td> <td>2.72566e-07</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>5</td> <td>0.010826</td> <td>0.000124664</td> <td>3.57141e-07</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>6</td> <td>0.00541274</td> <td>3.1166e-05</td> <td>4.46124e-07</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td></td> <td>$O(h)$</td> <td>$O(h^2)$</td> <td>$O(h^3)$</td>
+ </tr>
+The result concerning the convergence order is the same here.
+<a name="extensions"></a>
+<h3>Possibilities for extensions</h3>
+Realistic flow computations for ground water or oil reservoir simulations will
+not use a constant permeability. Here's a first, rather simple way to change
+this situation: we use a permeability that decays very rapidly away from a
+central flowline until it hits a background value of 0.001. This is to mimick
+the behavior of fluids in sandstone: in most of the domain, the sandstone is
+homogenous and, while permeably to fluids, not overly so; on the other stone,
+the stone has cracked, or faulted, along one line, and the fluids flow much
+easier along this large crask. Here is how we could implement something like
+template <int dim>
+KInverse<dim>::value_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
+ std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > &values) const
+ Assert (points.size() == values.size(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch (points.size(), values.size()));
+ for (unsigned int p=0; p<points.size(); ++p)
+ {
+ values[p].clear ();
+ const double distance_to_flowline
+ = std::fabs(points[p][1]-0.2*std::sin(10*points[p][0]));
+ const double permeability = std::max(std::exp(-(distance_to_flowline*
+ distance_to_flowline)
+ / (0.1 * 0.1)),
+ 0.001);
+ for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
+ values[p][d][d] = 1./permeability;
+ }
+Remember that the function returns the inverse of the permeability tensor.
+With a significantly higher mesh resolution, we can visualize this, here with
+x- and y-velocity:
+@image html step-20.u-wiggle.png
+@image html step-20.v-wiggle.png
+It is obvious how fluids flow essentially only along the middle line, and not
+anywhere else.
+Another possibility would be to use a random permeability field. A simple way
+to achieve this would be to scatter a number of centers around the domain and
+then use a permeability field that is the sum of (negative) exponentials for
+each of these centers. Flow would then try to hop from one center of high
+permeability to the next one. This is an entirely unscientific attempt at
+describing a random medium, but one possibility to implement this behavior
+would look like this:
+template <int dim>
+class KInverse : public TensorFunction<2,dim>
+ public:
+ KInverse ();
+ virtual void value_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
+ std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > &values) const;
+ private:
+ std::vector<Point<dim> > centers;
+template <int dim>
+KInverse<dim>::KInverse ()
+ const unsigned int N = 40;
+ centers.resize (N);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
+ centers[i][d] = 2.*rand()/RAND_MAX-1;
+template <int dim>
+KInverse<dim>::value_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
+ std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > &values) const
+ Assert (points.size() == values.size(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch (points.size(), values.size()));
+ for (unsigned int p=0; p<points.size(); ++p)
+ {
+ values[p].clear ();
+ double permeability = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<centers.size(); ++i)
+ permeability += std::exp(-(points[p]-centers[i]).square()
+ / (0.1 * 0.1));
+ const double normalized_permeability
+ = std::max(permeability, 0.005);
+ for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
+ values[p][d][d] = 1./normalized_permeability;
+ }
+With a permeability field like this, we would get x-velocities and pressures as
+@image html step-20.u-random.png
+@image html step-20.p-random.png
--- /dev/null
+gmvinput ascii
+nodes 256
+-1 -0.75 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.75 -0.5 -1 -0.75 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.75 -0.5 -0.5 -0.25 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 0 -0.25 0 -0.5 -0.25 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 0 -0.25 0 -1 -0.75 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.75 -0.5 -1 -0.75 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.75 -0.5 -0.5 -0.25 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 0 -0.25 0 -0.5 -0.25 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 0 -0.25 0 0 0.25 0 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0 0.25 0 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.5 0.75 0.75 1 0.75 1 0.5 0.75 0.5 0.75 0.75 1 0.75 1 0 0.25 0 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0 0.25 0 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.5 0.75 0.75 1 0.75 1 0.5 0.75 0.5 0.75 0.75 1 0.75 1 -1 -0.75 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.75 -0.5 -1 -0.75 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.75 -0.5 -0.5 -0.25 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 0 -0.25 0 -0.5 -0.25 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 0 -0.25 0 -1 -0.75 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.75 -0.5 -1 -0.75 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.75 -0.5 -0.5 -0.25 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 0 -0.25 0 -0.5 -0.25 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 0 -0.25 0 0 0.25 0 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0 0.25 0 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.5 0.75 0.75 1 0.75 1 0.5 0.75 0.5 0.75 0.75 1 0.75 1 0 0.25 0 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0 0.25 0 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.5 0.75 0.75 1 0.75 1 0.5 0.75 0.5 0.75 0.75 1 0.75 1
+-1 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -1 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.5 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -1 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.5 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 -0.5 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 -0.5 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 -1 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -1 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.5 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.5 -1 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -1 -1 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.5 -0.75 -0.75 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 -0.5 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 -0.5 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 -0.5 -0.5 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 -0.25 -0.25 0 0 0 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1 1 0.75 0.75 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1 1 0.75 0.75 1 1 0 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1 1 0.75 0.75 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1 1 0.75 0.75 1 1
+0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
+cells 64
+quad 4
+1 2 4 3
+quad 4
+5 6 8 7
+quad 4
+9 10 12 11
+quad 4
+13 14 16 15
+quad 4
+17 18 20 19
+quad 4
+21 22 24 23
+quad 4
+25 26 28 27
+quad 4
+29 30 32 31
+quad 4
+33 34 36 35
+quad 4
+37 38 40 39
+quad 4
+41 42 44 43
+quad 4
+45 46 48 47
+quad 4
+49 50 52 51
+quad 4
+53 54 56 55
+quad 4
+57 58 60 59
+quad 4
+61 62 64 63
+quad 4
+65 66 68 67
+quad 4
+69 70 72 71
+quad 4
+73 74 76 75
+quad 4
+77 78 80 79
+quad 4
+81 82 84 83
+quad 4
+85 86 88 87
+quad 4
+89 90 92 91
+quad 4
+93 94 96 95
+quad 4
+97 98 100 99
+quad 4
+101 102 104 103
+quad 4
+105 106 108 107
+quad 4
+109 110 112 111
+quad 4
+113 114 116 115
+quad 4
+117 118 120 119
+quad 4
+121 122 124 123
+quad 4
+125 126 128 127
+quad 4
+129 130 132 131
+quad 4
+133 134 136 135
+quad 4
+137 138 140 139
+quad 4
+141 142 144 143
+quad 4
+145 146 148 147
+quad 4
+149 150 152 151
+quad 4
+153 154 156 155
+quad 4
+157 158 160 159
+quad 4
+161 162 164 163
+quad 4
+165 166 168 167
+quad 4
+169 170 172 171
+quad 4
+173 174 176 175
+quad 4
+177 178 180 179
+quad 4
+181 182 184 183
+quad 4
+185 186 188 187
+quad 4
+189 190 192 191
+quad 4
+193 194 196 195
+quad 4
+197 198 200 199
+quad 4
+201 202 204 203
+quad 4
+205 206 208 207
+quad 4
+209 210 212 211
+quad 4
+213 214 216 215
+quad 4
+217 218 220 219
+quad 4
+221 222 224 223
+quad 4
+225 226 228 227
+quad 4
+229 230 232 231
+quad 4
+233 234 236 235
+quad 4
+237 238 240 239
+quad 4
+241 242 244 243
+quad 4
+245 246 248 247
+quad 4
+249 250 252 251
+quad 4
+253 254 256 255
+u 1
+0.967187 1.03281 0.967187 1.03281 1.03281 1.07969 1.03281 1.07969 0.910939 0.976562 0.910939 0.976562 0.976562 1.02344 0.976562 1.02344 1.07969 1.10781 1.07969 1.10781 1.10781 1.11719 1.10781 1.11719 1.02344 1.05156 1.02344 1.05156 1.05156 1.06094 1.05156 1.06094 0.873438 0.939061 0.873438 0.939061 0.939061 0.985939 0.939061 0.985939 0.854685 0.920313 0.854685 0.920313 0.920313 0.967189 0.920313 0.967189 0.985939 1.01406 0.985939 1.01406 1.01406 1.02344 1.01406 1.02344 0.967189 0.995314 0.967189 0.995314 0.995314 1.00468 0.995314 1.00468 1.11719 1.10781 1.11719 1.10781 1.10781 1.07969 1.10781 1.07969 1.06094 1.05156 1.06094 1.05156 1.05156 1.02344 1.05156 1.02344 1.07969 1.03281 1.07969 1.03281 1.03281 0.967187 1.03281 0.967187 1.02344 0.976562 1.02344 0.976562 0.976562 0.910939 0.976562 0.910939 1.02344 1.01406 1.02344 1.01406 1.01406 0.985939 1.01406 0.985939 1.00468 0.995314 1.00468 0.995314 0.995314 0.967189 0.995314 0.967189 0.985939 0.939061 0.985939 0.939061 0.939061 0.873438 0.939061 0.873438 0.967189 0.920313 0.967189 0.920313 0.920313 0.854685 0.920313 0.854685 0.854685 0.920313 0.854685 0.920313 0.920313 0.967189 0.920313 0.967189 0.873438 0.939061 0.873438 0.939061 0.939061 0.985939 0.939061 0.985939 0.967189 0.995314 0.967189 0.995314 0.995314 1.00468 0.995314 1.00468 0.985939 1.01406 0.985939 1.01406 1.01406 1.02344 1.01406 1.02344 0.910939 0.976562 0.910939 0.976562 0.976562 1.02344 0.976562 1.02344 0.967187 1.03281 0.967187 1.03281 1.03281 1.07969 1.03281 1.07969 1.02344 1.05156 1.02344 1.05156 1.05156 1.06094 1.05156 1.06094 1.07969 1.10781 1.07969 1.10781 1.10781 1.11719 1.10781 1.11719 1.00468 0.995314 1.00468 0.995314 0.995314 0.967189 0.995314 0.967189 1.02344 1.01406 1.02344 1.01406 1.01406 0.985939 1.01406 0.985939 0.967189 0.920313 0.967189 0.920313 0.920313 0.854685 0.920313 0.854685 0.985939 0.939061 0.985939 0.939061 0.939061 0.873438 0.939061 0.873438 1.06094 1.05156 1.06094 1.05156 1.05156 1.02344 1.05156 1.02344 1.11719 1.10781 1.11719 1.10781 1.10781 1.07969 1.10781 1.07969 1.02344 0.976562 1.02344 0.976562 0.976562 0.910939 0.976562 0.910939 1.07969 1.03281 1.07969 1.03281 1.03281 0.967187 1.03281 0.967187
+v 1
+0.2625 0.2625 0.196876 0.196876 0.187501 0.187501 0.140625 0.140625 0.196876 0.196876 0.131249 0.131249 0.140625 0.140625 0.0937485 0.0937485 0.1125 0.1125 0.0843746 0.0843746 0.0374999 0.0374999 0.0281241 0.0281241 0.0843746 0.0843746 0.0562506 0.0562506 0.0281241 0.0281241 0.0187511 0.0187511 0.131249 0.131249 0.0656243 0.0656243 0.0937485 0.0937485 0.0468755 0.0468755 0.0656243 0.0656243 -8.91508e-17 -8.91508e-17 0.0468755 0.0468755 9.30948e-16 9.30948e-16 0.0562506 0.0562506 0.0281257 0.0281257 0.0187511 0.0187511 0.0093763 0.0093763 0.0281257 0.0281257 5.94649e-16 5.94649e-16 0.0093763 0.0093763 9.51602e-17 9.51602e-17 -0.0374999 -0.0374999 -0.0281241 -0.0281241 -0.1125 -0.1125 -0.0843746 -0.0843746 -0.0281241 -0.0281241 -0.0187511 -0.0187511 -0.0843746 -0.0843746 -0.0562506 -0.0562506 -0.187501 -0.187501 -0.140625 -0.140625 -0.2625 -0.2625 -0.196876 -0.196876 -0.140625 -0.140625 -0.0937485 -0.0937485 -0.196876 -0.196876 -0.131249 -0.131249 -0.0187511 -0.0187511 -0.0093763 -0.0093763 -0.0562506 -0.0562506 -0.0281257 -0.0281257 -0.0093763 -0.0093763 -2.0763e-16 -2.0763e-16 -0.0281257 -0.0281257 5.47995e-16 5.47995e-16 -0.0937485 -0.0937485 -0.0468755 -0.0468755 -0.131249 -0.131249 -0.0656243 -0.0656243 -0.0468755 -0.0468755 -9.49962e-16 -9.49962e-16 -0.0656243 -0.0656243 -7.81872e-16 -7.81872e-16 -8.91508e-17 -8.91508e-17 -0.0656243 -0.0656243 9.30948e-16 9.30948e-16 -0.0468755 -0.0468755 -0.0656243 -0.0656243 -0.131249 -0.131249 -0.0468755 -0.0468755 -0.0937485 -0.0937485 5.94649e-16 5.94649e-16 -0.0281257 -0.0281257 9.51602e-17 9.51602e-17 -0.0093763 -0.0093763 -0.0281257 -0.0281257 -0.0562506 -0.0562506 -0.0093763 -0.0093763 -0.0187511 -0.0187511 -0.131249 -0.131249 -0.196876 -0.196876 -0.0937485 -0.0937485 -0.140625 -0.140625 -0.196876 -0.196876 -0.2625 -0.2625 -0.140625 -0.140625 -0.187501 -0.187501 -0.0562506 -0.0562506 -0.0843746 -0.0843746 -0.0187511 -0.0187511 -0.0281241 -0.0281241 -0.0843746 -0.0843746 -0.1125 -0.1125 -0.0281241 -0.0281241 -0.0374999 -0.0374999 -2.0763e-16 -2.0763e-16 0.0093763 0.0093763 5.47995e-16 5.47995e-16 0.0281257 0.0281257 0.0093763 0.0093763 0.0187511 0.0187511 0.0281257 0.0281257 0.0562506 0.0562506 -9.49962e-16 -9.49962e-16 0.0468755 0.0468755 -7.81872e-16 -7.81872e-16 0.0656243 0.0656243 0.0468755 0.0468755 0.0937485 0.0937485 0.0656243 0.0656243 0.131249 0.131249 0.0187511 0.0187511 0.0281241 0.0281241 0.0562506 0.0562506 0.0843746 0.0843746 0.0281241 0.0281241 0.0374999 0.0374999 0.0843746 0.0843746 0.1125 0.1125 0.0937485 0.0937485 0.140625 0.140625 0.131249 0.131249 0.196876 0.196876 0.140625 0.140625 0.187501 0.187501 0.196876 0.196876 0.2625 0.2625
+p 1
+0.941992 0.941992 0.941992 0.941992 0.68457 0.68457 0.68457 0.68457 0.892773 0.892773 0.892773 0.892773 0.649414 0.649414 0.649414 0.649414 0.41543 0.41543 0.41543 0.41543 0.139258 0.139258 0.139258 0.139258 0.394336 0.394336 0.394336 0.394336 0.132227 0.132227 0.132227 0.132227 0.859961 0.859961 0.859961 0.859961 0.625977 0.625977 0.625977 0.625977 0.843555 0.843555 0.843555 0.843555 0.614258 0.614258 0.614258 0.614258 0.380273 0.380273 0.380273 0.380273 0.127539 0.127539 0.127539 0.127539 0.373242 0.373242 0.373242 0.373242 0.125195 0.125195 0.125195 0.125195 -0.139258 -0.139258 -0.139258 -0.139258 -0.41543 -0.41543 -0.41543 -0.41543 -0.132227 -0.132227 -0.132227 -0.132227 -0.394336 -0.394336 -0.394336 -0.394336 -0.68457 -0.68457 -0.68457 -0.68457 -0.941992 -0.941992 -0.941992 -0.941992 -0.649414 -0.649414 -0.649414 -0.649414 -0.892773 -0.892773 -0.892773 -0.892773 -0.127539 -0.127539 -0.127539 -0.127539 -0.380273 -0.380273 -0.380273 -0.380273 -0.125195 -0.125195 -0.125195 -0.125195 -0.373242 -0.373242 -0.373242 -0.373242 -0.625977 -0.625977 -0.625977 -0.625977 -0.859961 -0.859961 -0.859961 -0.859961 -0.614258 -0.614258 -0.614258 -0.614258 -0.843555 -0.843555 -0.843555 -0.843555 0.843555 0.843555 0.843555 0.843555 0.614258 0.614258 0.614258 0.614258 0.859961 0.859961 0.859961 0.859961 0.625977 0.625977 0.625977 0.625977 0.373242 0.373242 0.373242 0.373242 0.125195 0.125195 0.125195 0.125195 0.380273 0.380273 0.380273 0.380273 0.127539 0.127539 0.127539 0.127539 0.892773 0.892773 0.892773 0.892773 0.649414 0.649414 0.649414 0.649414 0.941992 0.941992 0.941992 0.941992 0.68457 0.68457 0.68457 0.68457 0.394336 0.394336 0.394336 0.394336 0.132227 0.132227 0.132227 0.132227 0.41543 0.41543 0.41543 0.41543 0.139258 0.139258 0.139258 0.139258 -0.125195 -0.125195 -0.125195 -0.125195 -0.373242 -0.373242 -0.373242 -0.373242 -0.127539 -0.127539 -0.127539 -0.127539 -0.380273 -0.380273 -0.380273 -0.380273 -0.614258 -0.614258 -0.614258 -0.614258 -0.843555 -0.843555 -0.843555 -0.843555 -0.625977 -0.625977 -0.625977 -0.625977 -0.859961 -0.859961 -0.859961 -0.859961 -0.132227 -0.132227 -0.132227 -0.132227 -0.394336 -0.394336 -0.394336 -0.394336 -0.139258 -0.139258 -0.139258 -0.139258 -0.41543 -0.41543 -0.41543 -0.41543 -0.649414 -0.649414 -0.649414 -0.649414 -0.892773 -0.892773 -0.892773 -0.892773 -0.68457 -0.68457 -0.68457 -0.68457 -0.941992 -0.941992 -0.941992 -0.941992
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+This is the first example where we actually use finite elements to compute
+something. We
+will solve a simple version of Laplace's equation with zero boundary
+values, but a nonzero right hand side. This example is still quite
+simple, but it already shows the basic structure of most finite
+element programs, which are along the following lines:
+ <li> Grid generation;
+ <li> Assembling matrices and vectors of the discrete system;
+ <li> Solving the linear system of equations;
+ <li> Writing results to disk.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+The output of the program looks as follows:
+Number of active cells: 1024
+Total number of cells: 1365
+Number of degrees of freedom: 1089
+DEAL:cg::Starting value 0.121094
+DEAL:cg::Convergence step 48 value 5.33692e-13
+The first three lines is what we wrote to <code>cout</code>. The last
+two lines were generated without our intervention by the CG
+solver. The first two lines state the residual at the start of the
+iteration, while the last line tells us that the solver needed 47
+iterations to bring the norm of the residual to 5.3e-13, i.e. below
+the threshold 1e-12 which we have set in the `solve' function. We will
+show in the next program how to suppress this output, which is
+sometimes useful for debugging purposes, but often clutters up the
+screen display.
+Apart from the output shown above, the program generated the file
+<code>solution.gpl</code>, which is in GNUPLOT format. It can be
+viewed as follows: invoke GNUPLOT and enter the following sequence of
+commands at its prompt:
+examples/step-3> gnuplot
+ G N U P L O T
+ Version 3.7 patchlevel 3
+ last modified Thu Dec 12 13:00:00 GMT 2002
+ System: Linux
+ Copyright(C) 1986 - 1993, 1998 - 2002
+ Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and many others
+ Type `help` to access the on-line reference manual
+ The gnuplot FAQ is available from
+ http://www.gnuplot.info/gnuplot-faq.html
+ Send comments and requests for help to <info-gnuplot@dartmouth.edu>
+ Send bugs, suggestions and mods to <bug-gnuplot@dartmouth.edu>
+Terminal type set to 'x11'
+gnuplot> set data style lines
+gnuplot> splot "solution.gpl"
+This produces the picture of the solution below left. Alternatively,
+you can order GNUPLOT to do some hidden line removal by the command
+gnuplot> set hidden3d
+to get the result at the right:
+<TABLE WIDTH="60%" ALIGN="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td ALIGN="center">
+ @image html step-3.solution-1.png
+ </td>
+ <td ALIGN="center">
+ @image html step-3.solution-2.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+<a name="extensions"></a>
+<h3>Possibilities for extensions</h3>
+If you want to play around a little bit with this program, here are a few
+ <li>
+ Change the geometry and mesh: In the program, we have generated a square
+ domain and mesh by using the <code>GridGenerator::hyper_cube</code>
+ function. However, the <code>GridGenerator</code> has a good number of other
+ functions as well. Try an L-shaped domain, a ring, or other domains you find
+ there.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Change the boundary condition: The code uses the <code>ZeroFunction</code>
+ function to generate zero boundary conditions. However, you may want to try
+ non-zero constant boundary values using <code>ConstantFunction<2>
+ (1)</code> instead of <code>ZeroFunction<2> ()</code> to have unit
+ Dirichlet boundary values. More exotic functions are described in the
+ documentation of the <code>Functions</code> namespace, and you may pick one
+ to describe your particular boundary values.
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ Modify the type of boundary condition: Presently, what happens is that we use
+ Dirichlet boundary values all around, since the default is that all boundary
+ parts have boundary indicator zero, and then we tell the
+ <code>VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values</code> function to interpolate
+ boundary values to zero on all boundary components with indicator zero.
+ <p>
+ We can change this behavior if we assign parts of the boundary different
+ indicators. For example, try this immediately after calling
+ <code>GridGenerator::hyper_cube</code>:
+ <code><pre>
+ triangulation.begin_active()->face(0)->set_boundary_indicator(1);
+ </pre></code>
+ What this does is it first asks the triangulation to return an iterator that
+ points to the first active cell. Of course, this being the coarse mesh for
+ the triangulation of a square, the triangulation has only a single cell at
+ this moment, and it is active. Next, we ask the cell to return an iterator to
+ its first face, and then we ask the face to reset the boundary indicator of
+ that face to 1. What then follows is this: When the mesh is refined, faces of
+ child cells inherit the boundary indicator of their parents, i.e. even on the
+ finest mesh, the faces on one side of the square have boundary indicator
+ 1. Later, when we get to interpolating boundary conditions, the
+ <code>interpolate_boundary_values</code> will only produce boundary values
+ for those faces that have zero boundary indicator, and leave those faces
+ alone that have a different boundary indicator. Keeping with the theory of
+ the Laplace equation, this will then lead to homogenous Neumann conditions on
+ this side, i.e. a zero normal derivative of the solution. You will see this
+ if you run the program.
+ <li>
+ A slight variation of the last point would be to set different boundary
+ values as above, but then use a different boundary value function for
+ boundary indicator one. In practice, what you have to do is to add a second
+ call to <code>interpolate_boundary_values</code> for boundary indicator one:
+ @code
+ VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (dof_handler,
+ 1,
+ ConstantFunction<2>(1.),
+ boundary_values);
+ @endcode
+ If you have this call immediately after the first one to this function, then
+ it will interpolate boundary values on faces with boundary indicator 1 to the
+ unit value, and merge these interpolated values with those previously
+ computed for boundary indicator 0. The result will be that we will get
+ discontinuous boundary values, zero on three sides of the square, and one on
+ the fourth.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+deal.II has a unique feature which we call
+``dimension independent programming''. You may have noticed in the
+previous examples that many classes had a number in angle brackets
+suffixed to them. This is to indicate that for example the
+triangulation in two and three space dimensions are different, but
+related data types. We could as well have called them
+<code>Triangulation2d</code> and <code>Triangulation3d</code> instead
+of <code>Triangulation@<2@></code> and
+<code>Triangulation@<3@></code> to name the two classes, but this
+has an important drawback: assume you have a function which does
+exactly the same functionality, but on 2d or 3d triangulations,
+depending on which dimension we would like to solve the equation in
+presently (if you don't believe that it is the common case that a
+function does something that is the same in all dimensions, just take
+a look at the code below - there are almost no distinctions between 2d
+and 3d!). We would have to write the same function twice, once
+working on <code>Triangulation2d</code> and once working with a
+<code>Triangulation3d</code>. This is an unnecessary obstacle in
+programming and leads to a nuisance to keep the two function in synch
+(at best) or difficult to find errors if the two versions get out of
+sync (at worst; this would probably the more common case).
+Such obstacles can be circumvented by using some template magic as
+provided by the C++ language: templatized classes and functions are
+not really classes or functions but only a pattern depending on an
+as-yet undefined data type parameter or on a numerical value which is
+also unknown at the point of definition. However, the compiler can
+build proper classes or functions from these templates if you provide
+it with the information that is needed for that. Of course, parts of
+the template can depend on the template parameters, and they will be
+resolved at the time of compilation for a specific template
+parameter. For example, consider the following piece of code:
+ template <int dim>
+ void make_grid (Triangulation<dim> &triangulation)
+ {
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube (triangulation, -1, 1);
+ };
+At the point where the compiler sees this function, it does not know
+anything about the actual value of <code>dim</code>. The only thing the compiler has is
+a template, i.e. a blueprint, to generate
+functions <code>make_grid</code> if given a particular value of
+<code>dim</code>. Since <code>dim</code> has an unknown value, there is no
+code the compiler can generate for the moment.
+However, if later down the compiler would encounter code that looks, for
+example, like this,
+ Triangulation<2> triangulation;
+ make_grid (triangulation);
+then the compiler will deduce that the function <code>make_grid</code> for
+<code>dim==2</code> was
+requested and will compile the template above into a function with dim replaced
+by 2 everywhere, i.e. it will compile the function as if it were defined
+ void make_grid (Triangulation<2> &triangulation)
+ {
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube (triangulation, -1, 1);
+ };
+However, it is worth to note that the function
+<code>GridGenerator::hyper_cube</code> depends on the dimension as
+well, so in this case, the compiler will call the function
+<code>GridGenerator::hyper_cube@<2@></code> while if dim were 3,
+it would call <code>GridGenerator::hyper_cube@<3@></code> which
+might be (and actually is) a totally unrelated function.
+The same can be done with member variables. Consider the following
+function, which might in turn call the above one:
+ template <int dim>
+ void make_grid_and_dofs (Triangulation<dim> &triangulation)
+ {
+ make_grid (triangulation);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler(triangulation);
+ ...
+ };
+This function has a member variable of type
+<code>DoFHandler@<dim@></code>. Again, the compiler can't
+compile this function until it knows for which dimension. If you call
+this function for a specific dimension as above, the compiler will
+take the template, replace all occurences of dim by the dimension for
+which it was called, and compile it. If you call the function several
+times for different dimensions, it will compile it several times, each
+time calling the right <code>make_grid</code> function and reserving the right
+amount of memory for the member variable; note that the size of a
+<code>DoFHandler</code> might, and indeed does, depend on the space dimension.
+The deal.II library is build around this concept
+of dimension-independent programming, and therefore allows you to program in
+a way that will not need to
+distinguish between the space dimensions. It should be noted that in
+only a very few places is it necessary to actually compare the
+dimension using <code>if</code>s or <code>switch</code>es. However, since the compiler
+has to compile each function for each dimension separately, even there
+it knows the value of <code>dim</code> at the time of compilation and will
+therefore be able to optimize away the <code>if</code> statement along with the
+unused branch.
+In this example program, we will show how to program dimension
+independently (which in fact is even simpler than if you had to take
+care about the dimension) and we will extend the Laplace problem of
+the last example to a program that runs in two and three space
+dimensions at the same time. Other extensions are the use of a
+non-constant right hand side function and of non-zero boundary values.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+The output of the program looks as follows (the number of iterations
+may vary by one or two, depending on your computer, since this is
+often dependent on the round-off accuracy of floating point
+operations, which differs between processors):
+Solving problem in 2 space dimensions.
+ Number of active cells: 256
+ Total number of cells: 341
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 289
+ 26 CG iterations needed to obtain convergence.
+Solving problem in 3 space dimensions.
+ Number of active cells: 4096
+ Total number of cells: 4681
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 4913
+ 30 CG iterations needed to obtain convergence.
+It is obvious that in three spatial dimensions the number of cells and
+therefore also the number of degrees of freedom is
+much higher. What cannot be seen here, is that besides this higher
+number of rows and columns in the matrix, there are also significantly
+more entries per row of the matrix in three space
+dimensions. Together, this leads to a much higher numerical effort for
+solving the system of equation, which you can feel when you actually
+run the program.
+The program produces two files: <code>solution-2d.gmv</code> and
+<code>solution-3d.gmv</code>, which can be viewed using the program
+GMV (in case you do not have that program, you can easily change the
+output format in the program to something which you can view more
+easily). From the two-dimensional output, we have produced the
+following two pictures:
+<TABLE WIDTH="60%" ALIGN="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td ALIGN="center">
+ @image html step-4.solution-2d.png
+ </td>
+ <td ALIGN="center">
+ @image html step-4.grid-2d.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+The left one shows the solution of the problem under consideration as
+a 3D plot. As can be seen, the solution is almost flat in the interior
+of the domain and has a higher curvature near the boundary. This, of
+course, is due to the fact that for Laplace's equation the curvature
+of the solution is equal to the right hand side and that was chosen as
+a quartic polynomial which is nearly zero in the interior and is only
+rising sharply when approaching the boundaries of the domain; the
+maximal values of the right hand side function are at the corners of
+the domain, where also the solution is moving most rapidly.
+It is also nice to see that the solution follows the desired quadratic
+boundary values along the boundaries of the domain.
+The right picture shows the two dimensional grid, colorized by the
+values of the solution function. This is not very exciting, but the
+colors are nice.
+In three spatial dimensions, visualization is a bit more difficult. To
+the left, you can see the solution at three of the six outer faces of
+the cube in which we solved the equation, and on a plane through the
+origin. On some of the planes, the cut through the grid is also shown.
+<TABLE WIDTH="60%" ALIGN="center">
+ <tr>
+ <td ALIGN="center">
+ @image html step-4.solution-3d.png
+ </td>
+ <td ALIGN="center">
+ @image html step-4.grid-3d.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+The right picture shows the three dimensional grid, colorized by the
+solutions values. 3D grids are difficult to visualize, which can be
+seen here already, even though the grid is not even locally refined.
+<a name="extensions"></a>
+<h3>Possibilities for extensions</h3>
+Essentially the possibilities for playing around with the program are the same
+as for the previous one, except that the will now also apply to the 3d
+case. For inspiration read up on <a href="step_3.html#extensions"
+target="body">possible extensions in the documentation of step-3</a>.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+This example does not show revolutionary new things, but it shows many
+small improvements over the previous examples, and also many small
+things that can usually be found in finite element programs. Among
+them are:
+ <li> Computations on successively refined grids. At least in the
+ mathematical sciences, it is common to compute solutions on
+ a hierarchy of grids, in order to get a feeling for the accuracy
+ of the solution; if you only have one solution on a single grid, you
+ usually can't guess the accuracy of the
+ solution. Furthermore, deal.II is designed to support adaptive
+ algorithms where iterative solution on successively refined
+ grids is at the heart of algorithms. Although adaptive grids
+ are not used in this example, the foundations for them is laid
+ here.
+ <li> In practical applications, the domains are often subdivided
+ into triangulations by automatic mesh generators. In order to
+ use them, it is important to read coarse grids from a file. In
+ this example, we will read a coarse grid in UCD (unstructured
+ cell data) format as used by AVS Explorer.
+ <li> Finite element programs usually use extensive amounts of
+ computing time, so some optimizations are sometimes
+ necessary. We will show some of them.
+ <li> On the other side, finite element programs tend to be rather
+ complex, so debugging is an important aspect. We support safe
+ programming by using assertions that check the validity of
+ parameters and internal states in a debug mode, but are removed
+ in optimized mode.
+ <li> Regarding the mathematical side, we show how to support a
+ variable coefficient in the elliptic operator and how to use
+ preconditioned iterative solvers for the linear systems of
+ equations.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+When the last block in <code>main()</code> is commented in, the output
+of the program looks as follows:
+Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 20
+ Total number of cells: 20
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 25
+ 13 CG iterations needed to obtain convergence.
+Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 80
+ Total number of cells: 100
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 89
+ 18 CG iterations needed to obtain convergence.
+Cycle 2:
+ Number of active cells: 320
+ Total number of cells: 420
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 337
+ 29 CG iterations needed to obtain convergence.
+Cycle 3:
+ Number of active cells: 1280
+ Total number of cells: 1700
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 1313
+ 52 CG iterations needed to obtain convergence.
+Cycle 4:
+ Number of active cells: 5120
+ Total number of cells: 6820
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 5185
+ 95 CG iterations needed to obtain convergence.
+Cycle 5:
+ Number of active cells: 20480
+ Total number of cells: 27300
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 20609
+ 182 CG iterations needed to obtain convergence.
+An error occurred in line <273> of file <step-5.cc> in function
+ void Coefficient<dim>::value_list(const std::vector<Point<dim>, std::allocator<Point<dim> > >&, std::vector<double, std::allocator<double> >&, unsigned int)
+ const [with int dim = 2]
+The violated condition was:
+ values.size() == points.size()
+The name and call sequence of the exception was:
+ ExcDimensionMismatch (values.size(), points.size())
+Additional Information:
+Dimension 1 not equal to 2
+#0 ./step-5: Coefficient<2>::value_list(std::vector<Point<2>, std::allocator<Point<2> > > const&, std::vector<double, std::allocator<double> >&, unsigned) const
+#1 ./step-5: main
+make: *** [run] Aborted
+Let's first focus on the things before the error:
+In each cycle, the number of cells quadruples and the number of CG
+iterations roughly doubles.
+Also, in each cycle, the program writes one output graphic file in EPS
+format. They are depicted in the following:
+<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-5.solution-0.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-5.solution-1.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-5.solution-2.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-5.solution-3.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-5.solution-4.png
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ @image html step-5.solution-5.png
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+Due to the variable coefficient (the curvature there is reduced by the
+same factor by which the coefficient is increased), the top region of
+the solution is flattened. The gradient of the solution is
+discontinuous there, although this is not very clearly visible in the
+pictures above. We will look at this in more detail in the next
+As for the error — let's look at it again:
+An error occurred in line <273> of file <step-5.cc> in function
+ void Coefficient<dim>::value_list(const std::vector<Point<dim>, std::allocator<Point<dim> > >&, std::vector<double, std::allocator<double> >&, unsigned int)
+ const [with int dim = 2]
+The violated condition was:
+ values.size() == points.size()
+The name and call sequence of the exception was:
+ ExcDimensionMismatch (values.size(), points.size())
+Additional Information:
+Dimension 1 not equal to 2
+#0 ./step-5: Coefficient<2>::value_list(std::vector<Point<2>, std::allocator<Point<2> > > const&, std::vector<double, std::allocator<double> >&, unsigned) const
+#1 ./step-5: main
+make: *** [run] Aborted
+What we see is that the error was triggered in line 273 of the
+step-5.cc file (as we modify tutorial programs over time, these line
+numbers change, so you should check what line number you actually get
+in your output). That's already good information if you want to look up
+in the code what exactly happened. But the text tells you even
+more. First, it prints the function this happens in, and then the
+plain text version of the condition that was violated. This will
+almost always be enough already to let you know what exactly went wrong.
+But that's not all yet. You get to see the name of the exception
+(<code>ExcDimensionMismatch</code>) and this exception even prints the
+values of the two array sizes. If you go back to the code in
+<code>main()</code>, you will remember that we gave the two variables
+sizes 1 and 2, which of course are the ones that you find in the
+output again.
+So now we know pretty exactly where the error happened and what went
+wrong. What we don't know yet is how exactly we got there. The
+stacktrace at the bottom actually tells us what happened: the problem
+happened in
+<code>Coefficient::value_list</code> (stackframe 0) and that it was
+called from <code>main()</code> (stackframe 1). In realistic programs,
+there would be many more functions in between these two. For example,
+we might have made the mistake in the <code>assemble_system</code>
+function, in which case stack frame 1 would be
+<code>LaplaceProblem<2>::assemble_system</code>, stack frame 2
+would be <code>LaplaceProblem<2>::run</code>, and stack frame 3
+would be <code>main()</code> — you get the idea.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+The main emphasis in this example is the handling of locally refined
+grids. The approach to adaptivity chosen in deal.II us to use grids in which
+neighboring cells may be refined a different number of times. This then
+results in nodes on the interfaces of cells which belong to one
+side, but are unbalanced on the other. The common term for these is
+“hanging nodes”.
+To guarantee that the global solution is continuous at these nodes as
+well, we have to state some additional constraints on the values of
+the solution at these nodes. In the program below, we will show how we
+can get these constraints from the library, and how to use them in the
+solution of the linear system of equations.
+The locally refined grids are produced using an error estimator class
+which estimates the energy error with respect to the Laplace
+operator. This error estimator, although developed for Laplace's
+equation has proven to be a suitable tool to generate locally refined
+meshes for a wide range of equations, not restricted to elliptic
+problems. Although it will create non-optimal meshes for other
+equations, it is often a good way to quickly produce meshes that are
+well adapted to the features of solutions, such as regions of great
+variation or discontinuities. Since it was developed by Kelly and
+co-workers, we often refer to it as the “Kelly refinement
+indicator” in the library, documentation, and mailing list. The
+class that implements it is called
+<code>KellyErrorEstimator</code>. Although the error estimator (and
+implementation in the deal.II library) is capable of handling variable
+coefficients in the equation, we will not use this feature since we
+are only interested in a quick and simple way to generate locally
+refined grids.
+Since the concepts used for locally refined grids are so important,
+we do not show much additional new stuff in this example. The most
+important exception is that we show how to use biquadratic elements
+instead of the bilinear ones which we have used in all previous
+examples. In fact, The use of higher order elements is accomplished by
+only replacing three lines of the program, namely the declaration of
+the <code>fe</code> variable, and the use of an appropriate quadrature formula
+in two places. The rest of the program is unchanged.
+The only other new thing is a method to catch exceptions in the
+<code>main</code> function in order to output some information in case the
+program crashes for some reason.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+The main emphasis in this example is the handling of locally refined
+grids. The approach to adaptivity chosen in deal.II us to use grids in which
+neighboring cells may be refined a different number of times. This then
+results in nodes on the interfaces of cells which belong to one
+side, but are unbalanced on the other. The common term for these is
+“hanging nodes”.
+To guarantee that the global solution is continuous at these nodes as
+well, we have to state some additional constraints on the values of
+the solution at these nodes. In the program below, we will show how we
+can get these constraints from the library, and how to use them in the
+solution of the linear system of equations.
+The locally refined grids are produced using an error estimator class
+which estimates the energy error with respect to the Laplace
+operator. This error estimator, although developed for Laplace's
+equation has proven to be a suitable tool to generate locally refined
+meshes for a wide range of equations, not restricted to elliptic
+problems. Although it will create non-optimal meshes for other
+equations, it is often a good way to quickly produce meshes that are
+well adapted to the features of solutions, such as regions of great
+variation or discontinuities. Since it was developed by Kelly and
+co-workers, we often refer to it as the “Kelly refinement
+indicator” in the library, documentation, and mailing list. The
+class that implements it is called
+<code>KellyErrorEstimator</code>. Although the error estimator (and
+implementation in the deal.II library) is capable of handling variable
+coefficients in the equation, we will not use this feature since we
+are only interested in a quick and simple way to generate locally
+refined grids.
+Since the concepts used for locally refined grids are so important,
+we do not show much additional new stuff in this example. The most
+important exception is that we show how to use biquadratic elements
+instead of the bilinear ones which we have used in all previous
+examples. In fact, The use of higher order elements is accomplished by
+only replacing three lines of the program, namely the declaration of
+the <code>fe</code> variable, and the use of an appropriate quadrature formula
+in two places. The rest of the program is unchanged.
+The only other new thing is a method to catch exceptions in the
+<code>main</code> function in order to output some information in case the
+program crashes for some reason.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+The output of the program looks as follows:
+Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 20
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 89
+Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 44
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 209
+Cycle 2:
+ Number of active cells: 92
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 449
+Cycle 3:
+ Number of active cells: 200
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 961
+Cycle 4:
+ Number of active cells: 440
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 2033
+Cycle 5:
+ Number of active cells: 932
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 4465
+Cycle 6:
+ Number of active cells: 1916
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 9113
+Cycle 7:
+ Number of active cells: 3884
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 18401
+As intended, the number of cells roughly doubles in each cycle. The
+number of degrees is slightly more than four times the number of
+cells; one would expect a factor of exactly four in two spatial
+dimensions on an infinite grid (since the spacing between the degrees
+of freedom is half the cell width: one additional degree of freedom on
+each edge and one in the middle of each cell), but it is larger than
+that factor due to the finite size of the mesh and due to additional
+degrees of freedom which are introduced by hanging nodes and local
+The final solution, as written by the program at the end of the
+<code>run()</code> function, looks as follows:
+@image html step-6.solution.png
+In each cycle, the program furthermore writes the grid in EPS
+format. These are shown in the following:
+<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
+ @image html step-6.grid-0.png
+ @image html step-6.grid-1.png
+ @image html step-6.grid-2.png
+ @image html step-6.grid-3.png
+ @image html step-6.grid-4.png
+ @image html step-6.grid-5.png
+ @image html step-6.grid-6.png
+ @image html step-6.grid-7.png
+It is clearly visible that the region where the solution has a kink,
+i.e. the circle at radial distance 0.5 from the center, is
+refined most. Furthermore, the central region where the solution is
+very smooth and almost flat, is almost not refined at all, but this
+results from the fact that we did not take into account that the
+coefficient is large there. The region outside is refined rather
+randomly, since the second derivative is constant there and refinement
+is therefore mostly based on the size of the cells and their deviation
+from the optimal square.
+For completeness, we show what happens if the code we commented about
+in the destructor of the <code>LaplaceProblem</code> class is omitted
+from this example.
+An error occurred in line <79> of file <source/subscriptor.cc> in function
+ virtual Subscriptor::~Subscriptor()
+The violated condition was:
+ counter == 0
+The name and call sequence of the exception was:
+ ExcInUse(counter, object_info->name(), infostring)
+Additional Information:
+Object of class 4FE_QILi2EE is still used by 1 other objects.
+ from Subscriber 10DoFHandlerILi2EE
+#0 /u/bangerth/p/deal.II/1/deal.II/lib/libbase.g.so: Subscriptor::~Subscriptor()
+#1 /u/bangerth/p/deal.II/1/deal.II/lib/libdeal_II_2d.g.so: FiniteElement<2>::~FiniteElement()
+#2 ./step-6: FE_Poly<TensorProductPolynomials<2>, 2>::~FE_Poly()
+#3 ./step-6: FE_Q<2>::~FE_Q()
+#4 ./step-6: LaplaceProblem<2>::~LaplaceProblem()
+#5 ./step-6: main
+make: *** [run] Aborted
+From the above error message, we conclude that an object of type
+<code>10DoFHandlerILi2EE</code> is still using the object of type
+<code>4FE_QILi2EE</code>. These are of course "mangled" names for
+<code>DoFHandler</code> and <code>FE_Q</code>. The mangling works as
+follows: the first number indicates the number of characters of the
+template class, i.e. 10 for <code>DoFHandler</code> and 4
+for<code>FE_Q</code>; the rest of the text is then template
+arguments. From this we can already glean a little bit who's the
+culprit here, and who the victim.:
+The one object that still uses the finite element is the
+<code>dof_handler</code> object.
+The stacktrace gives an indication of where the problem happened. We
+see that the exception was triggered in the
+destructor of the <code>FiniteElement</code> class that was called
+through a few more functions from the destructor of the
+<code>LaplaceProblem</code> class, exactly where we have commented out
+the call to <code>DoFHandler::clear()</code>.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+In this program, we will mainly consider two aspects:
+ <li> Verification of correctness of the program and generation of convergence
+ tables;
+ <li> Non-homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions for the Helmholtz equation.
+Besides these topics, again a variety of improvements and tricks will be
+<h3>Verification of correctness</h3>
+There has probably never been a
+non-trivial finite element program that worked right from the start. It is
+therefore necessary to find ways to verify whether a computed solution is
+correct or not. Usually, this is done by choosing the set-up of a simulation
+such that we know the exact continuous solution and evaluate the difference
+between continuous and computed discrete solution. If this difference
+converges to zero with the right order of convergence, this is already a good
+indication of correctness, although there may be other sources of error
+persisting which have only a small contribution to the total error or are of
+higher order.
+In this example, we will not go into the theories of systematic software
+verification which is a very complicated problem. Rather we will demonstrate
+the tools which deal.II can offer in this respect. This is basically centered
+around the functionality of a single function, <code>integrate_difference</code>.
+This function computes the difference between a given continuous function and
+a finite element field in various norms on each cell. At present, the
+supported norms are the following, where $u$ denotes the continuous function
+and $u_h$ the finite element field, and $K$ is an element of the
+ {\| u-u_h \|}_{L_1(K)} &=& \int_K |u-u_h| \; dx,
+ \\
+ {\| u-u_h \|}_{L_2(K)} &=& \left( \int_K |u-u_h|^2 \; dx \right)^{1/2},
+ \\
+ {\| u-u_h \|}_{L_\infty(K)} &=& \max_{x \in K} |u(x) - u_h(x)|,
+ \\
+ {| u-u_h |}_{H^1(K)} &=& \left( \int_K |\nabla(u-u_h)|^2 \; dx \right)^{1/2},
+ \\
+ {\| u-u_h \|}_{H^1(K)} &=& \left( {\| u-u_h \|}^2_{L_2(K)}
+ +{| u-u_h |}^2_{H^1(K)} \right)^{1/2}.
+All these norms and semi-norms can also be evaluated with weighting functions,
+for example in order to exclude singularities from the determination of the
+global error. The function also works for vector-valued functions. It should
+be noted that all these quantities are evaluated using quadrature formulas;
+the choice of the right quadrature formula is therefore crucial to the
+accurate evaluation of the error. This holds in particular for the $L_\infty$
+norm, where we evaluate the maximal deviation of numerical and exact solution
+only at the quadrature points; one should then not try to use a quadrature
+rule with points only at points where super-convergence might occur.
+The function <code>integrate_difference</code> evaluates the desired norm on each
+cell $K$ of the triangulation and returns a vector which holds these
+values for each cell. From the local values, we can then obtain the global error. For
+example, if the vector $(e_i)$ contains the local $L_2$ norms, then
+ E = \| {\mathbf e} \| = \left( \sum_i e_i^2 \right)^{1/2}
+is the global $L_2$ error.
+In the program, we will show how to evaluate and use these quantities, and we
+will monitor their values under mesh refinement. Of course, we have to choose
+the problem at hand such that we can explicitly state the solution and its
+derivatives, but since we want to evaluate the correctness of the program,
+this is only reasonable. If we know that the program produces the correct
+solution for one (or, if one wants to be really sure: many) specifically
+chosen right hand sides, we can be rather confident that it will also compute
+the correct solution for problems where we don't know the exact values.
+In addition to simply computing these quantities, we will show how to generate
+nicely formatted tables from the data generated by this program that
+automatically computes convergence rates etc. In addition, we will compare
+different strategies for mesh refinement.
+<h3>Non-homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions</h3>
+The second, totally
+unrelated, subject of this example program is the use of non-homogeneous
+boundary conditions. These are included into the variational form using
+boundary integrals which we have to evaluate numerically when assembling the
+right hand side vector.
+Before we go into programming, let's have a brief look at the mathematical
+formulation. The equation which we want to solve is Helmholtz's equation
+``with the nice sign'':
+ -\Delta u + u = f,
+on the square $[-1,1]^2$, augmented by boundary conditions
+ u = g_1
+on some part $\Gamma_1$ of the boundary $\Gamma$, and
+ {\mathbf n}\cdot \nabla u = g_2
+on the rest $\Gamma_2 = \Gamma \backslash \Gamma_1$.
+We choose the right hand side function $f$ such that the exact solution is
+ u(x) = \sum_{i=1}^3 \exp\left(-\frac{|x-x_i|^2}{\sigma^2}\right)
+where the centers $x_i$ of the exponentials are
+ $x_1=(-\frac 12,\frac 12)$,
+ $x_2=(-\frac 12,-\frac 12)$, and
+ $x_3=(\frac 12,-\frac 12)$.
+The half width is set to $\sigma=\frac 13$.
+We further choose $\Gamma_1=\Gamma \cap\{\{x=1\} \cup \{y=1\}\}$, and there
+set $g_1$ such that it resembles the exact values of $u$. Likewise, we choose
+$g_2$ on the remaining portion of the boundary to be the exact normal
+derivatives of the continuous solution.
+Using the above definitions, we can state the weak formulation of the
+equation, which reads: find $u\in H^1_g=\{v\in H^1: v|_{\Gamma_1}=g_1\}$ such
+ {(\nabla u, \nabla v)}_\Omega + {(u,v)}_\Omega
+ =
+ {(f,v)}_\Omega + {(g_2,v)}_{\Gamma_2}
+for all test functions $v\in H^1_0=\{v\in H^1: v|_{\Gamma_1}=0\}$. The
+boundary term ${(g_2,v)}_{\Gamma_2}$ has appeared by integration by parts and
+using $\partial_n u=g$ on $\Gamma_2$ and $v=0$ on $\Gamma_1$. The cell
+matrices and vectors which we use to build the global matrices and right hand
+side vectors in the discrete formulation therefore look like this:
+ A_{ij}^K &=& \left(\nabla \varphi_i, \nabla \varphi_j\right)_K
+ +\left(\varphi_i, \varphi_j\right)_K,
+ \\
+ f_i^K &=& \left(f,\varphi_i\right)_K
+ +\left(g_2, \varphi_i\right)_{\partial K\cap \Gamma_2}.
+Since the generation of the domain integrals has been shown in previous
+examples several times, only the generation of the contour integral is of
+interest here. It basically works along the following lines: for domain
+integrals we have the <code>FEValues</code> class that provides values and
+gradients of the shape values, as well as Jacobian determinants and other
+information and specified quadrature points in the cell; likewise, there is a
+class <code>FEFaceValues</code> that performs these tasks for integrations on
+faces of cells. One provides it with a quadrature formula for a manifold with
+dimension one less than the dimension of the domain is, and the cell and the
+number of its face on which we want to perform the integration. The class will
+then compute the values, gradients, normal vectors, weights, etc. at the
+quadrature points on this face, which we can then use in the same way as for
+the domain integrals. The details of how this is done are shown in the
+following program.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+The program generates two kinds of output. The first are the output
+files <code>solution-adaptive-q1.gmv</code>,
+<code>solution-global-q1.gmv</code>, and
+<code>solution-global-q2.gmv</code>. We show the latter in a 3d view
+@image html step-7.solution.png
+Secondly, the program writes tables not only to disk, but also to the
+screen while running:
+examples/step-7> make run
+============================ Running step-7
+Solving with Q1 elements, adaptive refinement
+Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 4
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 9
+Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 13
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 22
+Cycle 2:
+ Number of active cells: 31
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 46
+Cycle 3:
+ Number of active cells: 64
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 87
+Cycle 4:
+ Number of active cells: 127
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 160
+Cycle 5:
+ Number of active cells: 244
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 297
+Cycle 6:
+ Number of active cells: 466
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 543
+cycle cells dofs L2 H1 Linfty
+ 0 4 9 1.198e+00 2.732e+00 1.383e+00
+ 1 13 22 8.795e-02 1.193e+00 1.816e-01
+ 2 31 46 8.147e-02 1.167e+00 1.654e-01
+ 3 64 87 7.702e-02 1.077e+00 1.310e-01
+ 4 127 160 4.643e-02 7.988e-01 6.745e-02
+ 5 244 297 2.470e-02 5.568e-01 3.668e-02
+ 6 466 543 1.622e-02 4.107e-01 2.966e-02
+Solving with Q1 elements, global refinement
+Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 4
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 9
+Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 16
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 25
+Cycle 2:
+ Number of active cells: 64
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 81
+Cycle 3:
+ Number of active cells: 256
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 289
+Cycle 4:
+ Number of active cells: 1024
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 1089
+Cycle 5:
+ Number of active cells: 4096
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 4225
+Cycle 6:
+ Number of active cells: 16384
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 16641
+cycle cells dofs L2 H1 Linfty
+ 0 4 9 1.198e+00 2.732e+00 1.383e+00
+ 1 16 25 8.281e-02 1.190e+00 1.808e-01
+ 2 64 81 8.142e-02 1.129e+00 1.294e-01
+ 3 256 289 2.113e-02 5.828e-01 4.917e-02
+ 4 1024 1089 5.319e-03 2.934e-01 1.359e-02
+ 5 4096 4225 1.332e-03 1.469e-01 3.482e-03
+ 6 16384 16641 3.332e-04 7.350e-02 8.758e-04
+n cells H1 L2
+ 0 4 2.732e+00 - 1.198e+00 - -
+ 1 16 1.190e+00 1.20 8.281e-02 14.47 3.86
+ 2 64 1.129e+00 0.08 8.142e-02 1.02 0.02
+ 3 256 5.828e-01 0.95 2.113e-02 3.85 1.95
+ 4 1024 2.934e-01 0.99 5.319e-03 3.97 1.99
+ 5 4096 1.469e-01 1.00 1.332e-03 3.99 2.00
+ 6 16384 7.350e-02 1.00 3.332e-04 4.00 2.00
+Solving with Q2 elements, global refinement
+Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 4
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 25
+Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 16
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 81
+Cycle 2:
+ Number of active cells: 64
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 289
+Cycle 3:
+ Number of active cells: 256
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 1089
+Cycle 4:
+ Number of active cells: 1024
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 4225
+Cycle 5:
+ Number of active cells: 4096
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 16641
+Cycle 6:
+ Number of active cells: 16384
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 66049
+cycle cells dofs L2 H1 Linfty
+ 0 4 25 1.433e+00 2.445e+00 1.286e+00
+ 1 16 81 7.912e-02 1.168e+00 1.728e-01
+ 2 64 289 7.755e-03 2.511e-01 1.991e-02
+ 3 256 1089 9.969e-04 6.235e-02 2.764e-03
+ 4 1024 4225 1.265e-04 1.571e-02 3.527e-04
+ 5 4096 16641 1.587e-05 3.937e-03 4.343e-05
+ 6 16384 66049 1.986e-06 9.847e-04 5.402e-06
+n cells H1 L2
+ 0 4 2.445e+00 - 1.433e+00 - -
+ 1 16 1.168e+00 1.07 7.912e-02 18.11 4.18
+ 2 64 2.511e-01 2.22 7.755e-03 10.20 3.35
+ 3 256 6.235e-02 2.01 9.969e-04 7.78 2.96
+ 4 1024 1.571e-02 1.99 1.265e-04 7.88 2.98
+ 5 4096 3.937e-03 2.00 1.587e-05 7.97 2.99
+ 6 16384 9.847e-04 2.00 1.986e-06 7.99 3.00
+One can see the error reduction upon grid refinement, and for the
+cases where global refinement was performed, also the convergence
+rates can be seen. The linear and quadratic convergence rates of Q1
+and Q2 elements in the $H^1$ norm can clearly be seen, as
+are the quadratic and cubic rates in the $L_2$ norm.
+Finally, the program generated various LaTeX tables. We show here
+the convergence table of the Q2 element with global refinement, after
+converting the format to HTML:
+n cells</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">2.445e+00</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">1.433e+00</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">1.168e+00</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">7.912e-02</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">18.11</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">2.511e-01</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">7.755e-03</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">10.20</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">6.235e-02</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">9.969e-04</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">1024</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">1.571e-02</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">1.265e-04</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">4096</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">3.937e-03</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">1.587e-05</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="RIGHT">16384</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">9.847e-04</TD>
+<TD ALIGN="CENTER">1.986e-06</TD>
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+In real life, most partial differential equations are really systems
+of equations. Accordingly, the solutions are usually
+vector-valued. The deal.II library supports such problems, and we will show
+that that is mostly rather simple. The only more complicated problems
+are in assembling matrix and right hand side, but these are easily
+understood as well.
+In the example, we will want to solve the elastic equations. They are
+an extension to Laplace's equation with a vector-valued solution that
+describes the displacement in each space direction of a rigid body
+which is subject to a force. Of course, the force is also
+vector-valued, meaning that in each point it has a direction and an
+absolute value. The elastic equations are the following:
+ -
+ \partial_j (c_{ijkl} \partial_k u_l)
+ =
+ f_i,
+ \qquad
+ i=1\ldots d,
+where the values $c_{ijkl}$ are the stiffness coefficients and
+will usually depend on the space coordinates. In
+many cases, one knows that the material under consideration is
+isotropic, in which case by introduction of the two coefficients
+$\lambda$ and $\mu$ the coefficient tensor reduces to
+ c_{ijkl}
+ =
+ \lambda \delta_{ij} \delta_{kl} +
+ \mu (\delta_{ik} \delta_{jl} + \delta_{il} \delta_{jk}).
+The elastic equations can then be rewritten in much simpler a form:
+ -
+ \nabla \lambda (\nabla\cdot {\mathbf u})
+ -
+ (\nabla \cdot \mu \nabla) {\mathbf u}
+ -
+ \nabla\cdot \mu (\nabla {\mathbf u})^T
+ =
+ {\mathbf f},
+and the respective bilinear form is then
+ a({\mathbf u}, {\mathbf v}) =
+ \left(
+ \lambda \nabla\cdot {\mathbf u}, \nabla\cdot {\mathbf v}
+ \right)_\Omega
+ +
+ \sum_{i,j}
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_i u_j, \partial_i v_j
+ \right)_\Omega,
+ +
+ \sum_{i,j}
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_i u_j, \partial_j v_i
+ \right)_\Omega,
+or also writing the first term a sum over components:
+ a({\mathbf u}, {\mathbf v}) =
+ \sum_{i,j}
+ \left(
+ \lambda \partial_l u_l, \partial_k v_k
+ \right)_\Omega
+ +
+ \sum_{k,l}
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_i u_j, \partial_i v_j
+ \right)_\Omega,
+ +
+ \sum_{i,j}
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_i u_j, \partial_j v_i
+ \right)_\Omega.
+How do we now assemble the matrix for such an equation? The first thing we
+need is some knowledge about how the shape functions work in the case of
+vector-valued finite elements. Basically, this comes down to the following:
+let $n$ be the number of shape functions for the scalar finite element of
+which we build the vector element (for example, we will use bilinear functions
+for each component of the vector-valued finite element, so the scalar finite
+element is the <code>FE_Q(1)</code> element which we have used in previous examples
+already, and $n=4$ in two space dimensions). Further, let $N$ be the number of
+shape functions for the vector element; in two space dimensions, we need $n$
+shape functions for each component of the vector, so $N=2n$. Then, the $i$th
+shape function of the vector element has the form
+ \Phi_i({\mathbf x}) = \varphi_{base(i)}({\mathbf x})\ {\mathbf e}_{comp(i)},
+where $e_l$ is the $l$th unit vector, $comp(i)$ is the function that tells
+us which component of $\Phi_i$ is the one that is nonzero (for
+each vector shape function, only one component is nonzero, and all others are
+zero). $\varphi_{base(i)}(x)$ describes the space dependence of the shape
+function, which is taken to be the $base(i)$-th shape function of the scalar
+element. Of course, while $i$ is in the range $0,\ldots,N-1$, the functions
+$comp(i)$ and $base(i)$ have the ranges $0,1$ (in 2D) and $0,\ldots,n-1$,
+For example (though this sequence of shape functions is not
+guaranteed, and you should not rely on it),
+the following layout could be used by the library:
+ \Phi_0({\mathbf x}) &=&
+ \left(\begin{array}{c}
+ \varphi_0({\mathbf x}) \\ 0
+ \end{array}\right),
+ \\
+ \Phi_1({\mathbf x}) &=&
+ \left(\begin{array}{c}
+ 0 \\ \varphi_0({\mathbf x})
+ \end{array}\right),
+ \\
+ \Phi_2({\mathbf x}) &=&
+ \left(\begin{array}{c}
+ \varphi_1({\mathbf x}) \\ 0
+ \end{array}\right),
+ \\
+ \Phi_3({\mathbf x}) &=&
+ \left(\begin{array}{c}
+ 0 \\ \varphi_1({\mathbf x})
+ \end{array}\right),
+ \ldots
+where here
+ comp(0)=0, \quad comp(1)=1, \quad comp(2)=0, \quad comp(3)=1, \quad \ldots
+ base(0)=0, \quad base(1)=0, \quad base(2)=1, \quad base(3)=1, \quad \ldots
+In all but very rare cases, you will not need to know which shape function
+$\varphi_{base(i)}$ of the scalar element belongs to a shape function $\Phi_i$
+of the vector element. Let us therefore define
+ \phi_i = \varphi_{base(i)}
+by which we can write the vector shape function as
+ \Phi_i({\mathbf x}) = \phi_{i}({\mathbf x})\ {\mathbf e}_{comp(i)}.
+You can now safely forget about the function $base(i)$, at least for the rest
+of this example program.
+Now using this vector shape functions, we can write the discrete finite
+element solution as
+ {\mathbf u}_h({\mathbf x}) =
+ \sum_i \Phi_i({\mathbf x})\ u_i
+with scalar coefficients $u_i$. If we define an analog function ${\mathbf v}_h$ as
+test function, we can write the discrete problem as follows: Find coefficients
+$u_i$ such that
+ a({\mathbf u}_h, {\mathbf v}_h) = ({\mathbf f}, {\mathbf v}_h)
+ \qquad
+ \forall {\mathbf v}_h.
+If we insert the definition of the bilinear form and the representation of
+${\mathbf u}_h$ and ${\mathbf v}_h$ into this formula:
+ \sum_{i,j}
+ u_i v_j
+ \sum_{k,l}
+ \left\{
+ \left(
+ \lambda \partial_l (\Phi_i)_l, \partial_k (\Phi_j)_k
+ \right)_\Omega
+ +
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_l (\Phi_i)_k, \partial_l (\Phi_j)_k
+ \right)_\Omega
+ +
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_l (\Phi_i)_k, \partial_k (\Phi_j)_l
+ \right)_\Omega
+ \right\}
+ \sum_j v_j
+ \sum_l
+ \left(
+ f_l,
+ (\Phi_j)_l
+ \right)_\Omega.
+We note that here and in the following, the indices $k,l$ run over spatial
+directions, i.e. $0\le k,l < d$, and that indices $i,j$ run over degrees
+of freedoms.
+The local stiffness matrix on cell $K$ therefore has the following entries:
+ A^K_{ij}
+ =
+ \sum_{k,l}
+ \left\{
+ \left(
+ \lambda \partial_l (\Phi_i)_l, \partial_k (\Phi_j)_k
+ \right)_K
+ +
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_l (\Phi_i)_k, \partial_l (\Phi_j)_k
+ \right)_K
+ +
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_l (\Phi_i)_k, \partial_k (\Phi_j)_l
+ \right)_K
+ \right\},
+where $i,j$ now are local degrees of freedom and therefore $0\le i,j < N$.
+In these formulas, we always take some component of the vector shape functions
+$\Phi_i$, which are of course given as follows (see their definition):
+ (\Phi_i)_l = \phi_i \delta_{l,comp(i)},
+with the Kronecker symbol $\delta_{nm}$. Due to this, we can delete some of
+the sums over $k$ and $l$:
+ A^K_{ij}
+ &=&
+ \sum_{k,l}
+ \Bigl\{
+ \left(
+ \lambda \partial_l \phi_i\ \delta_{l,comp(i)},
+ \partial_k \phi_j\ \delta_{k,comp(j)}
+ \right)_K
+ &\qquad\qquad& +
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_l \phi_i\ \delta_{k,comp(i)},
+ \partial_l \phi_j\ \delta_{k,comp(j)}
+ \right)_K
+ +
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_l \phi_i\ \delta_{k,comp(i)},
+ \partial_k \phi_j\ \delta_{l,comp(j)}
+ \right)_K
+ \Bigr\}
+ &=&
+ \left(
+ \lambda \partial_{comp(i)} \phi_i,
+ \partial_{comp(j)} \phi_j
+ \right)_K
+ +
+ \sum_l
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_l \phi_i,
+ \partial_l \phi_j
+ \right)_K
+ \ \delta_{comp(i),comp(j)}
+ +
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_{comp(j)} \phi_i,
+ \partial_{comp(i)} \phi_j
+ \right)_K
+ &=&
+ \left(
+ \lambda \partial_{comp(i)} \phi_i,
+ \partial_{comp(j)} \phi_j
+ \right)_K
+ +
+ \left(
+ \mu \nabla \phi_i,
+ \nabla \phi_j
+ \right)_K
+ \ \delta_{comp(i),comp(j)}
+ +
+ \left(
+ \mu \partial_{comp(j)} \phi_i,
+ \partial_{comp(i)} \phi_j
+ \right)_K.
+Likewise, the contribution of cell $K$ to the right hand side vector is
+ f^K_j
+ &=&
+ \sum_l
+ \left(
+ f_l,
+ (\Phi_j)_l
+ \right)_K
+ &=&
+ \sum_l
+ \left(
+ f_l,
+ \phi_j \delta_{l,comp(j)}
+ \right)_K
+ &=&
+ \left(
+ f_{comp(j)},
+ \phi_j
+ \right)_K.
+This is the form in which we will implement the local stiffness matrix and
+right hand side vectors.
+As a final note: in the @ref step_17 "step-17" example program, we will revisit the elastic
+problem laid out here, and will show how to solve it in parallel on a cluster
+of computers. The resulting program will thus be able to solve this problem to
+significantly higher accuracy, and more efficiently if this is
+required. In addition, in @ref step_20 "step-20", we will revisit some
+vector-valued problems and show a few techniques that may make it
+simpler to actually go through all the stuff shown above, with
+<code>FiniteElement::system_to_component_index</code> etc.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+There is not much to be said about the results of this program, apart
+from that they look nice. All images were made using GMV from the
+output files that the program wrote to disk. The first picture shows
+the displacement as a vector field, where one vector is shown at each
+vertex of the grid:
+@image html step-8.vectors.png
+You can clearly see the sources of x-displacement around x=0.5 and
+x=-0.5, and of y-displacement at the origin. The next image shows the
+final grid after eight steps of refinement:
+@image html step-8.grid.png
+Finally, the x-displacement and y-displacement are displayed separately:
+<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
+@image html step-8.x.png
+@image html step-8.y.png
+It should be noted that intuitively one would have expected the
+solution to be symmetric about the x- and y-axes since the x- and
+y-forces are symmetric with respect to these axes. However, the force
+considered as a vector is not symmetric and consequently neither is
+the solution.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+There is not much to be said about the results of this program, apart
+from that they look nice. All images were made using GMV from the
+output files that the program wrote to disk. The first picture shows
+the displacement as a vector field, where one vector is shown at each
+vertex of the grid:
+<IMG SRC="step-8.data/displacement-vectors.jpg" ALT="displacement-vectors" WIDTH="300">
+You can clearly see the sources of x-displacement around x=0.5 and
+x=-0.5, and of y-displacement at the origin. The next image shows the
+final grid after eight steps of refinement:
+<IMG SRC="step-8.data/final-grid.jpg" ALT="final-grid" WIDTH="300">
+Finally, the x-displacement and y-displacement are displayed separately:
+<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
+<IMG SRC="step-8.data/displacement-x.jpg" ALT="displacement-x" WIDTH="300">
+<IMG SRC="step-8.data/displacement-y.jpg" ALT="displacement-y" WIDTH="300">
+It should be noted that intuitively one would have expected the
+solution to be symmetric about the x- and y-axes since the x- and
+y-forces are symmetric with respect to these axes. However, the force
+considered as a vector is not symmetric and consequently neither is
+the solution.
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Intro"></a>
+In this example, our aims are the following:
+ <li> solve the advection equation $\beta \cdot \nabla u = f$;
+ <li> show how we can use multiple threads to get quicker to
+ the desired results if we have a multi-processor machine;
+ <li> develop a simple refinement criterion.
+While the second aim is difficult to describe in general terms without
+reference to the code, we will discuss the other two aims in the
+following. The use of multiple threads will then be detailed at the
+relevant places within the program. Furthermore, there exists a report on this
+subject, which is also available online from the ``Documentation'' section of
+the deal.II homepage.
+<h3>Discretizing the advection equation</h3>
+In the present example program, we shall numerically approximate the
+solution of the advection equation
+ \beta \cdot \nabla u = f,
+where $\beta$ is a vector field that describes advection direction and
+speed (which may be dependent on the space variables), $f$ is a source
+function, and $u$ is the solution. The physical process that this
+equation describes is that of a given flow field $\beta$, with which
+another substance is transported, the density or concentration of
+which is given by $u$. The equation does not contain diffusion of this
+second species within its carrier substance, but there are source
+It is obvious that at the inflow, the above equation needs to be
+augmented by boundary conditions:
+ u = g \qquad\qquad \mathrm{on}\ \partial\Omega_-,
+where $\partial\Omega_-$ describes the inflow portion of the boundary and is
+formally defined by
+ \partial\Omega_-
+ =
+ \{{\mathbf x}\in \partial\Omega: \beta\cdot{\mathbf n}({\mathbf x}) < 0\},
+and ${\mathbf n}({\mathbf x})$ being the outward normal to the domain at point
+${\mathbf x}\in\partial\Omega$. This definition is quite intuitive, since
+as ${\mathbf n}$ points outward, the scalar product with $\beta$ can only
+be negative if the transport direction $\beta$ points inward, i.e. at
+the inflow boundary. The mathematical theory states that we must not
+pose any boundary condition on the outflow part of the boundary.
+As it is stated, the transport equation is not stably solvable using
+the standard finite element method, however. The problem is that
+solutions to this equation possess only insufficient regularity
+orthogonal to the transport direction: while they are smooth parallel
+to $\beta$, they may be discontinuous perpendicular to this
+direction. These discontinuities lead to numerical instabilities that
+make a stable solution by a straight-forward discretization
+impossible. We will thus use the streamline diffusion stabilized
+formulation, in which we test the equation with test functions $v +
+\delta \beta\cdot\nabla v$ instead of $v$, where $\delta$ is a
+parameter that is chosen in the range of the (local) mesh width $h$;
+good results are usually obtained by setting $\delta=0.1h$. Note that
+the modification in the test function vanishes as the mesh size tends
+to zero. We will not discuss reasons, pros, and cons of the streamline
+diffusion method, but rather use it ``as is'', and refer the
+interested reader to the sufficiently available literature; every
+recent good book on finite elements should have a discussion of that
+Using the test functions as defined above, the weak formulation of
+our stabilized problem reads: find a discrete function $u_h$ such that
+for all discrete test functions $v_h$ there holds
+ (\beta \cdot \nabla u_h, v_h + \delta \beta\cdot\nabla v_h)_\Omega
+ -
+ (\beta\cdot {\mathbf n} u_h, v_h)_{\partial\Omega_-}
+ =
+ (f, v_h + \delta \beta\cdot\nabla v_h)_\Omega
+ -
+ (\beta\cdot {\mathbf n} g, v_h)_{\partial\Omega_-}.
+Note that we have included the inflow boundary values into the weak
+form, and that the respective terms to the left hand side operator are
+positive definite due to the fact that $\beta\cdot{\mathbf n}<0$ on the
+inflow boundary. One would think that this leads to a system matrix
+to be inverted of the form
+ a_{ij} =
+ (\beta \cdot \nabla \varphi_i,
+ \varphi_j + \delta \beta\cdot\nabla \varphi_j)_\Omega
+ -
+ (\beta\cdot {\mathbf n} \varphi_i, \varphi_j)_{\partial\Omega_-},
+with basis functions $\varphi_i,\varphi_j$. However, this is a
+pitfall that happens to every numerical analyst at least once
+(including the author): we have here expanded the solution
+$u_h = u_i \varphi_i$, but if we do so, we will have to solve the
+ {\mathbf u}^T A = {\mathbf f}^T,
+where ${\mathbf u}=(u_i)$, i.e. we have to solve the transpose problem of
+what we might have expected naively. In order to obtain the usual form
+of the linear system, it is therefore best to rewrite the weak
+formulation to
+ (v_h + \delta \beta\cdot\nabla v_h, \beta \cdot \nabla u_h)_\Omega
+ -
+ (\beta\cdot {\mathbf n} v_h, u_h)_{\partial\Omega_-}
+ =
+ (v_h + \delta \beta\cdot\nabla v_h, f)_\Omega
+ -
+ (\beta\cdot {\mathbf n} v_h, g)_{\partial\Omega_-}
+and then to obtain
+ a_{ij} =
+ (\varphi_i + \delta \beta \cdot \nabla \varphi_i,
+ \beta\cdot\nabla \varphi_j)_\Omega
+ -
+ (\beta\cdot {\mathbf n} \varphi_i, \varphi_j)_{\partial\Omega_-},
+as system matrix. We will assemble this matrix in the program.
+There remains the solution of this linear system of equations. As the
+resulting matrix is no more symmetric positive definite, we can't
+employ the usual CG method any more. Suitable for the solution of
+systems as the one at hand is the BiCGStab (bi-conjugate gradients
+stabilized) method, which is also available in deal.II, so we will use
+Regarding the exact form of the problem which we will solve, we use
+the following domain and functions (in $d=2$ space dimensions):
+ \Omega &=& [-1,1]^d \\
+ \beta({\mathbf x})
+ &=&
+ \left(
+ \begin{array}{c}1 \\ 1+\frac 45 \sin(8\pi x)\end{array}
+ \right),
+ \\
+ f({\mathbf x})
+ &=&
+ \left\{
+ \begin{array}{ll}
+ \frac 1{10 s^d} &
+ \mathrm{for}\ |{\mathbf x}-{\mathbf x}_0|<s, \\
+ 0 & \mathrm{else},
+ \end{array}
+ \right.
+ \qquad\qquad
+ {\mathbf x}_0
+ =
+ \left(
+ \begin{array}{c} -\frac 34 \\ -\frac 34\end{array}
+ \right),
+ \\
+ g
+ &=&
+ e^{5(1-|{\mathbf x}|^2)} \sin(16\pi|{\mathbf x}|^2).
+For $d>2$, we extend $\beta$ and ${\mathbf x}_0$ by the same as the last
+component. Regarding these functions, we have the following
+<li> The advection field $\beta$ transports the solution roughly in
+diagonal direction from lower left to upper right, but with a wiggle
+structure superimposed.
+<li> The right hand side adds to the field generated by the inflow
+boundary conditions a bulb in the lower left corner, which is then
+transported along.
+<li> The inflow boundary conditions impose a weighted sinusoidal
+structure that is transported along with the flow field. Since
+$|{\mathbf x}|\ge 1$ on the boundary, the weighting term never gets very large.
+<h3>A simple refinement criterion</h3>
+In all previous examples with adaptive refinement, we have used an
+error estimator first developed by Kelly et al., which assigns to each
+cell $K$ the following indicator:
+ \eta_K =
+ \left(
+ \frac {h_K}{12}
+ \int_{\partial K}
+ [\partial_n u_h]^2 \; d\sigma
+ \right)^{1/2},
+where $[\partial n u_h]$ denotes the jump of the normal derivatives
+across a face $\gamma\subset\partial K$ of the cell $K$. It can be
+shown that this error indicator uses a discrete analogue of the second
+derivatives, weighted by a power of the cell size that is adjusted to
+the linear elements assumed to be in use here:
+ \eta_K \approx
+ C h \| \nabla^2 u \|_K,
+which itself is related to the error size in the energy norm.
+The problem with this error indicator in the present case is that it
+assumes that the exact solution possesses second derivatives. This is
+already questionable for solutions to Laplace's problem in some cases,
+although there most problems allow solutions in $H^2$. If solutions
+are only in $H^1$, then the second derivatives would be singular in
+some parts (of lower dimension) of the domain and the error indicators
+would not reduce there under mesh refinement. Thus, the algorithm
+would continuously refine the cells around these parts, i.e. would
+refine into points or lines (in 2d).
+However, for the present case, solutions are usually not even in $H^1$
+(and this missing regularity is not the exceptional case as for
+Laplace's equation), so the error indicator described above is not
+really applicable. We will thus develop an indicator that is based on
+a discrete approximation of the gradient. Although the gradient often
+does not exist, this is the only criterion available to us, at least
+as long as we use continuous elements as in the present
+example. To start with, we note that given two cells $K$, $K'$ of
+which the centers are connected by the vector ${\mathbf y}_{KK'}$, we can
+approximate the directional derivative of a function $u$ as follows:
+ \frac{{\mathbf y}_{KK'}^T}{|{\mathbf y}_{KK'}|} \nabla u
+ \approx
+ \frac{u(K') - u(K)}{|{\mathbf y}_{KK'}|},
+where $u(K)$ and $u(K')$ denote $u$ evaluated at the centers of the
+respective cells. We now multiply the above approximation by
+${\mathbf y}_{KK'}/|{\mathbf y}_{KK'}|$ and sum over all neighbors $K'$ of $K$:
+ \underbrace{
+ \left(\sum_{K'} \frac{{\mathbf y}_{KK'} {\mathbf y}_{KK'}^T}
+ {|{\mathbf y}_{KK'}|^2}\right)}_{=:Y}
+ \nabla u
+ \approx
+ \sum_{K'}
+ \frac{{\mathbf y}_{KK'}}{|{\mathbf y}_{KK'}|}
+ \frac{u(K') - u(K)}{|{\mathbf y}_{KK'}|}.
+If the vectors ${\mathbf y}_{KK'}$ connecting $K$ with its neighbors span
+the whole space (i.e. roughly: $K$ has neighbors in all directions),
+then the term in parentheses in the left hand side expression forms a
+regular matrix, which we can invert to obtain an approximation of the
+gradient of $u$ on $K$:
+ \nabla u
+ \approx
+ Y^{-1}
+ \left(
+ \sum_{K'}
+ \frac{{\mathbf y}_{KK'}}{|{\mathbf y}_{KK'}|}
+ \frac{u(K') - u(K)}{|{\mathbf y}_{KK'}|}
+ \right).
+We will denote the approximation on the right hand side by
+$\nabla_h u(K)$, and we will use the following quantity as refinement
+ \eta_K = h^{1+d/2} |\nabla_h u_h(K)|,
+which is inspired by the following (not rigorous) argument:
+ \|u-u_h\|^2_{L_2}
+ &\le&
+ C h^2 \|\nabla u\|^2_{L_2}
+ &\approx&
+ C
+ \sum_K
+ h_K^2 \|\nabla u\|^2_{L_2(K)}
+ &\le&
+ C
+ \sum_K
+ h_K^2 h_K^d \|\nabla u\|^2_{L_\infty(K)}
+ &\approx&
+ C
+ \sum_K
+ h_K^{2+d} |\nabla_h u_h(K)|^2
--- /dev/null
+<a name="Results"></a>
+The results of this program are not particularly spectacular. They
+consist of the console output, some grid files, and the solution on
+the finest grid. First for the console output:
+Cycle 0:
+ Number of active cells: 256
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 289
+Cycle 1:
+ Number of active cells: 643
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 785
+Cycle 2:
+ Number of active cells: 1618
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 1915
+Cycle 3:
+ Number of active cells: 4090
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 4800
+Cycle 4:
+ Number of active cells: 10324
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 11943
+Cycle 5:
+ Number of active cells: 26002
+ Number of degrees of freedom: 30035
+As can be seen, quite a number of cells is used on the finest level to
+resolve the features of the solution. The final grid showing this is
+displayed in the following picture:
+@image html step-9.grid.png
+The structure of the grid will be understandable by looking at the
+solution itself:
+@image html step-9.solution.png
+Note that the solution is created by that part that is transported
+along the wiggled advection field from the left and lower boundaries
+to the top right, and the part that is created by the source in the
+lower left corner, and the results of which are also transported
+along. The grid shown above is well-adapted to resolve these