the whole volume.
- C++11 is now required and used in many places, move semantics, ... (...)
+ C++11 is now required and used in many places. For performance reason,
+ move semantics is used when possible and in many places, \texttt{emplace\_back}
+ replaces \texttt{push\_back()}. C-style raw pointers have been replaced by
+ \texttt{shared\_ptr} and \texttt{unique\_ptr} to avoid the risk of memory leak.
+ Private constructors have been removed and instead were delete. clang-tidy is
+ now being used to ensure the quality of the code.
Improved support for LinearOperator (Trilinos payload, Schur complement,
Support for GPU
- Increase support for dense solvers (LAPACK changes and new ScaLAPACK
+ Increased support for dense solvers (LAPACK changes and new ScaLAPACK
Support for Sundials and ROL
- Support for Particles
+ A dedicated particles module has been created to provide support for the
+ storage of particles and their properties. This module provides a base class
+ \texttt{Particles} which represents a particle with position, an ID number and
+ a variable number of properties. It also provides a \texttt{ParticleHandler}
+ class that manages the storage and handling of particles. This class
+ distributes the particles in distributed domains (these are the only domains
+ supported by this class so far)
- Support for automatically differentiable numbers
+ A dedicated differentiation module had been created to provide support for
+ automatic and symbolic differentiation. Automatic differentiation is a set of
+ technique to evaluate the derivates of a function defined by a compute
+ program. Currently the Adol-C and Sacado libraries are supported through a
+ unified interface. In practice, this support means that Adol-c and Sacado
+ data types can be used in the \texttt{FEValues} and \texttt{FEValuesViews}
+ to represent degree-of-freedom values.
Support for complex-values vectors is now at the same level as real-valued
- Support for Nanoflann
+ Support for the nanoflann library. nanoflann is a library for building
+ KD-trees of datasets and for the fast querying of closest neighbors in
+ KD-trees. nanoflann is used to speed up the search of the p nearest neighbors
+ of a given point, or searching the points that fall within a radius of a
+ target point.
- Support for Assimp
+ Support for the Open Asset Import Library (Assimp). Assimp can be used to read
+ about 40 different 3D graphics formats. A subset of these formats can be used
+ to generate two-dimensional meshes possibly embedded in a three-dimensional
+ space.
- Initial support for GMHS
+ Initial support for Gmsh
Initial support for generalized support points: Internal interpolation
\dealii{} can interface with many other libraries:
+\item Adol-c \cite{adol-c}
\item ARPACK \cite{arpack}
\item Assimp \cite{assimp}
\item METIS \cite{karypis1998fast}
\item MUMPS \cite{ADE00,MUMPS:1,MUMPS:2,mumps-web-page}
\item muparser \cite{muparser-web-page}
+\item nanoflann \cite{nanoflann}
\item NetCDF \cite{rew1990netcdf}
\item OpenCASCADE \cite{opencascade-web-page}
\item p4est \cite{p4est}