#include <vector>
namespace hp
- * Indices specifying the finite
- * element of hp::FECollection to use
- * for the different cells on the current level. The
- * meaning what a cell is, is
- * dimension specific, therefore also
- * the length of this vector depends
- * on the dimension: in one dimension,
- * the length of this vector equals
- * the length of the @p lines vector,
- * in two dimensions that of the @p
- * quads vector, etc. The vector stores one element per cell
- * since the actiev_fe_index is unique for cells.
+ * Indices specifying the finite element of hp::FECollection to
+ * use for the different cells on the current level. The vector
+ * stores one element per cell since the active_fe_index is
+ * unique for cells.
+ *
+ * If a cell is not active on the level corresponding to the
+ * current object (i.e., it has children on higher levels) then
+ * it does not have an associated fe index and we store
+ * an invalid fe index marker instead.
std::vector<unsigned int> active_fe_indices;
- * Store the start index for
- * the degrees of freedom of each
- * object in the @p dofs array.
+ * Store the start index for the degrees of freedom of each
+ * object in the @p dofs array. If the cell corresponding to
+ * a particular index in this array is not active on this level,
+ * then we do not store any DoFs for it. In that case, the offset
+ * we store here must be an invalid number and indeed we store
+ * <code>(std::vector<types::global_dof_index>::size_type)(-1)</code>
+ * for it.
* The type we store is then obviously the type the @p dofs array
* uses for indexing.
std::vector<std::vector<types::global_dof_index>::size_type> dof_offsets;
- * Store the global indices of
- * the degrees of freedom. See
- * DoFLevel() for detailed
- * information.
+ * Store the global indices of the degrees of freedom.
+ * information. The dof_offsets field determines where each
+ * (active) cell's data is stored.
std::vector<types::global_dof_index> dofs;