Boussinesq equations that read as follows:
-\nabla \cdot (2 \eta \varepsilon ({\mathbf u})) + \nabla p &=&
- \mathrm{Ra} \; T \mathbf{g},
+ -\mathrm{Ra} \; T \mathbf{g},
\nabla \cdot {\mathbf u} &=& 0,
The forcing term of the fluid motion is the buoyancy of the
fluid, expressed as the product of the Rayleigh number $\mathrm{Ra}$,
-the temperature <i>T</i> and the gravity vector <b>g</b>. (A possibly
-more intuitive formulation would use $\mathrm{Ra} \; (T-\bar T)
+the temperature <i>T</i> and the gravity vector <b>g</b> pointing downward. (A
+possibly more intuitive formulation would use $-\mathrm{Ra} \; (T-\bar T)
\mathbf{g}$ as right hand side where $\bar T$ is the average
temperature, and the right hand side then describes the forces due to
local deviations from the average density; this formulation is
entirely equivalent if the gravity vector results from a gravity
potential $\phi$, i.e. $\mathbf{g}=-\nabla\phi$, and yields the exact
-same solution except for the pressure which will now be $p+\mathrm{Ra}
+same solution except for the pressure which will now be $p-\mathrm{Ra}
\;\bar T \phi$.)
While the first two equations describe how the fluid reacts to
time step <i>n-1</i> as
-\nabla \cdot (2\eta \varepsilon ({\mathbf u}^{n-1})) + \nabla p^{n-1} &=&
- \mathrm{Ra} \; T^{n-1} \mathbf{g},
+ -\mathrm{Ra} \; T^{n-1} \mathbf{g},
\nabla \cdot {\mathbf u}^{n-1} &=& 0,
(\nabla \cdot {\mathbf v}_h, p^{n-1}_h)
- ({\mathbf v}_h, \mathrm{Ra} \; T^{n-1}_h \mathbf{g}),
+ -({\mathbf v}_h, \mathrm{Ra} \; T^{n-1}_h \mathbf{g}),
(q_h, \nabla \cdot {\mathbf u}^{n-1}_h) &=& 0,
(\nabla \cdot {\mathbf v}_h, p^{n-1}_h)
- ({\mathbf v}_h, \mathrm{Ra} \; T^{n-1}_h \mathbf{g}),
+ -({\mathbf v}_h, \mathrm{Ra} \; T^{n-1}_h \mathbf{g}),
(q_h, \nabla \cdot {\mathbf u}^{n-1}_h) &=& 0.
- phi_p[i] * div_phi_u[j])
* stokes_fe_values.JxW(q);
- const Point<dim> gravity = ( (dim == 2) ? (Point<dim> (0,1)) :
- (Point<dim> (0,0,1)) );
+ const Point<dim> gravity = -( (dim == 2) ? (Point<dim> (0,1)) :
+ (Point<dim> (0,0,1)) );
for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- local_rhs(i) += (EquationData::Rayleigh_number *
+ local_rhs(i) += (-EquationData::Rayleigh_number *
gravity * phi_u[i] * old_temperature)*