--- /dev/null
+## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+## $Id$
+## Copyright (C) 2013 by the deal.II authors
+## This file is part of the deal.II library.
+## The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+## it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+## Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+## version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+## The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+## the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# build_tests tests are special:
+# Try to configure and build every example step in debug and release
+# configuration. Error condition is that if a test is successfully
+# configured it must compile successfully...
+# ... except for the tests listed below: They have to configure, build and
+# run successfully in the given build configuration:
+SET(_category build_tests)
+# Run a minimalistic set of steps in debug configuration:
+ step-1 step-2 step-3 step-4 step-5
+ step-6 step-47
+ )
+# Run all configuration independent steps in release configuration:
+ step-1 step-2 step-3 step-4 step-5
+ step-6 step-7 step-8 step-9 step-10
+ step-11 step-12 step-13 step-14 step-16
+ step-20 step-23 step-25 step-26 step-27
+ step-30 step-38 step-39 step-44 step-45
+ step-47 step-48 step-49
+ )
+FILE(GLOB _steps ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/step-*)
+FOREACH(_step_full ${_steps})
+ GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_step ${_step_full} NAME)
+ STRING(TOLOWER ${_build} _build_lowercase)
+ SET(_test ${_category}/${_step}.${_build_lowercase})
+ #
+ #
+ SET(_step_dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_step}.${_build_lowercase})
+ FILE(GLOB _files ${_step_full}/*)
+ LIST(REMOVE_ITEM _files ${_step_full}/doc)
+ # A rule how to copy the example step to the current directory:
+ ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ${_step_dir}/CMakeLists.txt
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${_step_full} ${_step_dir}
+ # Todo: Refactor:
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory ${_step_dir}/doc
+ DEPENDS ${_files}
+ )
+ # And a rule on how to configure the example step:
+ ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ${_step_dir}/configure_output
+ > ${_step_dir}/configure_output 2>&1
+ || (mv ${_step_dir}/configure_output
+ ${_step_dir}/failing_configure_output
+ && echo "${_test}: CONFIGURE failed. Output:"
+ && cat ${_step_dir}/failing_configure_output) # succeed anyway!
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${_step_dir}
+ DEPENDS ${_step_dir}/CMakeLists.txt
+ )
+ # And a rule on how to build the example step:
+ ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ${_step_dir}/build_output
+ COMMAND [ ! -f ${_step_dir}/configure_output ]
+ || ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build ${_step_dir} --target all
+ > ${_step_dir}/build_output 2>&1
+ || (mv ${_step_dir}/build_output
+ ${_step_dir}/failing_build_output
+ && echo "${_test}: CONFIGURE successful."
+ && echo "${_test}: BUILD failed. Output:"
+ && cat ${_step_dir}/failing_build_output
+ && exit 1)
+ COMMAND [ -f ${_step_dir}/configure_output ]
+ || (rm -f ${_step_dir}/build_output
+ && rm -f ${_step_dir}/failing_build_output
+ && echo "${_test}: BUILD stage not invoked due to failing CONFIGURE") # succeed anyway!
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${_step_dir}
+ DEPENDS ${_step_dir}/configure_output
+ )
+ # And a rule on how to run the example step:
+ ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ${_step_dir}/run_output
+ COMMAND [ ! -f ${_step_dir}/build_output ]
+ || ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build ${_step_dir} --target run
+ > ${_step_dir}/run_output 2>&1
+ || (mv ${_step_dir}/run_output
+ ${_step_dir}/failing_run_output
+ && echo "${_test}: CONFIGURE successful."
+ && echo "${_test}: BUILD successful."
+ && echo "${_test}: RUN failed. Output:"
+ && cat ${_step_dir}/failing_run_output
+ && exit 1)
+ COMMAND [ -f ${_step_dir}/build_output ]
+ || ( rm -f ${_step_dir}/run_output
+ && rm -f ${_step_dir}/failing_run_output
+ && echo "${_test}: RUN stage not invoked due to failing BUILD"
+ && exit 1)
+ echo "${_test}: CONFIGURE successful."
+ && echo "${_test}: BUILD successful."
+ && echo "${_test}: RUN successful."
+ && echo "${_test}: PASSED."
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY ${_step_dir}
+ DEPENDS ${_step_dir}/build_output
+ )
+ ITEM_MATCHES(_match ${_step} ${_${_build_lowercase}_steps})
+ IF(_match)
+ SET(_target ${_category}-${_step}.${_build_lowercase}.run)
+ ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${_target} DEPENDS ${_step_dir}/run_output)
+ ELSE()
+ SET(_target ${_category}-${_step}.${_build_lowercase}.build)
+ ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(${_target} DEPENDS ${_step_dir}/build_output)
+ #
+ # And finally add the test:
+ #
+ ADD_TEST(NAME ${_test}
+ -DTRGT=${_target}
+ -DTEST=${_test}
+ -P ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/scripts/run_test.cmake
+ )
+ LABEL "${_category}"
+ )