* ranges to the owner of the dictionary part.
- reinit(const IndexSet &owned_indices, const MPI_Comm &comm)
- {
- // 1) set up the partition
- this->partition(owned_indices, comm);
- unsigned int my_rank = this_mpi_process(comm);
- types::global_dof_index dic_local_received = 0;
- std::map<unsigned int,
- std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
- types::global_dof_index>>>
- buffers;
- std::fill(actually_owning_ranks.begin(),
- actually_owning_ranks.end(),
- numbers::invalid_subdomain_id);
- // 2) collect relevant processes and process local dict entries
- for (auto interval = owned_indices.begin_intervals();
- interval != owned_indices.end_intervals();
- ++interval)
- {
- // Due to the granularity of the dictionary, the interval
- // might be split into several ranges of processor owner
- // ranks. Here, we process the interval by breaking into
- // smaller pieces in terms of the dictionary number.
- std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>
- index_range(*interval->begin(), interval->last() + 1);
- const unsigned int owner_last =
- dof_to_dict_rank(interval->last());
- unsigned int owner_first = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
- while (owner_first != owner_last)
- {
- Assert(index_range.first < index_range.second,
- ExcInternalError());
- owner_first = dof_to_dict_rank(index_range.first);
- // this explicitly picks up the formula of
- // dof_to_dict_rank, so the two places must be in sync
- types::global_dof_index next_index =
- std::min(get_index_offset(owner_first + 1),
- index_range.second);
- Assert(next_index > index_range.first, ExcInternalError());
-# ifdef DEBUG
- // make sure that the owner is the same on the current
- // interval
- for (types::global_dof_index i = index_range.first + 1;
- i < next_index;
- ++i)
- AssertDimension(owner_first, dof_to_dict_rank(i));
-# endif
- // add the interval, either to the local range or into a
- // buffer to be sent to another processor
- if (owner_first == my_rank)
- {
- std::fill(actually_owning_ranks.data() +
- index_range.first - local_range.first,
- actually_owning_ranks.data() + next_index -
- local_range.first,
- my_rank);
- dic_local_received += next_index - index_range.first;
- if (actually_owning_rank_list.empty())
- actually_owning_rank_list.push_back(my_rank);
- }
- else
- buffers[owner_first].emplace_back(index_range.first,
- next_index);
- index_range.first = next_index;
- }
- }
- n_dict_procs_in_owned_indices = buffers.size();
- std::vector<MPI_Request> request;
- // Check if index set space is partitioned globally without gaps.
- if (Utilities::MPI::sum(owned_indices.n_elements(), comm) ==
- owned_indices.size())
- {
- // no gaps: setup is simple! Processes send their locally owned
- // indices to the dictionary. The dictionary stores the sending
- // rank for each index. The dictionary knows exactly
- // when it is set up when all indices it is responsible for
- // have been processed.
- request.reserve(n_dict_procs_in_owned_indices);
- // protect the following communication steps using a mutex:
- static CollectiveMutex mutex;
- CollectiveMutex::ScopedLock lock(mutex, comm);
- const int mpi_tag =
- Utilities::MPI::internal::Tags::dictionary_reinit;
- // 3) send messages with local dofs to the right dict process
- for (const auto &rank_pair : buffers)
- {
- request.push_back(MPI_Request());
- const int ierr = MPI_Isend(rank_pair.second.data(),
- rank_pair.second.size() * 2,
- rank_pair.first,
- mpi_tag,
- comm,
- &request.back());
- AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
- }
- // 4) receive messages until all dofs in dict are processed
- while (this->locally_owned_size != dic_local_received)
- {
- // wait for an incoming message
- MPI_Status status;
- int ierr =
- MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, mpi_tag, comm, &status);
- AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
- // retrieve size of incoming message
- int number_amount;
- ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status,
- &number_amount);
- AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
- const auto other_rank = status.MPI_SOURCE;
- actually_owning_rank_list.push_back(other_rank);
- // receive message
- Assert(number_amount % 2 == 0, ExcInternalError());
- std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
- types::global_dof_index>>
- buffer(number_amount / 2);
- ierr = MPI_Recv(buffer.data(),
- number_amount,
- status.MPI_SOURCE,
- status.MPI_TAG,
- comm,
- AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
- // process message: loop over all intervals
- for (auto interval : buffer)
- {
-# ifdef DEBUG
- for (types::global_dof_index i = interval.first;
- i < interval.second;
- i++)
- Assert(actually_owning_ranks[i - local_range.first] ==
- numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
- ExcInternalError());
- Assert(interval.first >= local_range.first &&
- interval.first < local_range.second,
- ExcInternalError());
- Assert(interval.second > local_range.first &&
- interval.second <= local_range.second,
- ExcInternalError());
-# endif
- std::fill(actually_owning_ranks.data() +
- interval.first - local_range.first,
- actually_owning_ranks.data() +
- interval.second - local_range.first,
- other_rank);
- dic_local_received += interval.second - interval.first;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // with gap: use a ConsensusAlgorithm to determine when all
- // dictionaries have been set up.
- // 3/4) use a ConsensusAlgorithm to send messages with local
- // dofs to the right dict process
- DictionaryPayLoad temp(buffers,
- actually_owning_ranks,
- local_range,
- actually_owning_rank_list);
- ConsensusAlgorithms::Selector<
- std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>,
- unsigned int>
- consensus_algo(temp, comm);
- consensus_algo.run();
- }
- std::sort(actually_owning_rank_list.begin(),
- actually_owning_rank_list.end());
- for (unsigned int i = 1; i < actually_owning_rank_list.size(); ++i)
- Assert(actually_owning_rank_list[i] >
- actually_owning_rank_list[i - 1],
- ExcInternalError());
- // 5) make sure that all messages have been sent
- if (request.size() > 0)
- {
- const int ierr = MPI_Waitall(request.size(),
- request.data(),
- AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
- }
- (void)owned_indices;
- (void)comm;
- }
+ reinit(const IndexSet &owned_indices, const MPI_Comm &comm);
* Translate a global dof index to the MPI rank in the dictionary
* the number of ranks.
- partition(const IndexSet &owned_indices, const MPI_Comm &comm)
- {
- const unsigned int n_procs = n_mpi_processes(comm);
- const unsigned int my_rank = this_mpi_process(comm);
- size = owned_indices.size();
- Assert(size > 0, ExcNotImplemented());
- dofs_per_process = (size + n_procs - 1) / n_procs;
- if (dofs_per_process < range_minimum_grain_size)
- {
- dofs_per_process = range_minimum_grain_size;
- stride_small_size = dofs_per_process * n_procs / size;
- }
- else
- stride_small_size = 1;
- local_range.first = get_index_offset(my_rank);
- local_range.second = get_index_offset(my_rank + 1);
- locally_owned_size = local_range.second - local_range.first;
- actually_owning_ranks = {};
- actually_owning_ranks.resize(locally_owned_size,
- numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
- (void)owned_indices;
- (void)comm;
- }
+ partition(const IndexSet &owned_indices, const MPI_Comm &comm);
&send_buffer) override
// create index set and compress data to be sent
- auto & indices_i = indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank[other_rank];
+ auto &indices_i = indices_to_look_up_by_dict_rank[other_rank];
IndexSet is(dict.size);
is.add_indices(indices_i.begin(), indices_i.end());
append_index_origin(const types::global_dof_index index,
- unsigned int & owner_index,
+ unsigned int &owner_index,
const unsigned int rank_of_request)
// remember who requested which index. We want to use an
+ void
+ Dictionary::reinit(const IndexSet &owned_indices, const MPI_Comm &comm)
+ {
+ // 1) set up the partition
+ this->partition(owned_indices, comm);
+ unsigned int my_rank = this_mpi_process(comm);
+ types::global_dof_index dic_local_received = 0;
+ std::map<unsigned int,
+ std::vector<std::pair<types::global_dof_index,
+ types::global_dof_index>>>
+ buffers;
+ std::fill(actually_owning_ranks.begin(),
+ actually_owning_ranks.end(),
+ numbers::invalid_subdomain_id);
+ // 2) collect relevant processes and process local dict entries
+ for (auto interval = owned_indices.begin_intervals();
+ interval != owned_indices.end_intervals();
+ ++interval)
+ {
+ // Due to the granularity of the dictionary, the interval
+ // might be split into several ranges of processor owner
+ // ranks. Here, we process the interval by breaking into
+ // smaller pieces in terms of the dictionary number.
+ std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>
+ index_range(*interval->begin(), interval->last() + 1);
+ const unsigned int owner_last =
+ dof_to_dict_rank(interval->last());
+ unsigned int owner_first = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+ while (owner_first != owner_last)
+ {
+ Assert(index_range.first < index_range.second,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ owner_first = dof_to_dict_rank(index_range.first);
+ // this explicitly picks up the formula of
+ // dof_to_dict_rank, so the two places must be in sync
+ types::global_dof_index next_index =
+ std::min(get_index_offset(owner_first + 1),
+ index_range.second);
+ Assert(next_index > index_range.first, ExcInternalError());
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ // make sure that the owner is the same on the current
+ // interval
+ for (types::global_dof_index i = index_range.first + 1;
+ i < next_index;
+ ++i)
+ AssertDimension(owner_first, dof_to_dict_rank(i));
+# endif
+ // add the interval, either to the local range or into a
+ // buffer to be sent to another processor
+ if (owner_first == my_rank)
+ {
+ std::fill(actually_owning_ranks.data() +
+ index_range.first - local_range.first,
+ actually_owning_ranks.data() + next_index -
+ local_range.first,
+ my_rank);
+ dic_local_received += next_index - index_range.first;
+ if (actually_owning_rank_list.empty())
+ actually_owning_rank_list.push_back(my_rank);
+ }
+ else
+ buffers[owner_first].emplace_back(index_range.first,
+ next_index);
+ index_range.first = next_index;
+ }
+ }
+ n_dict_procs_in_owned_indices = buffers.size();
+ std::vector<MPI_Request> request;
+ // Check if index set space is partitioned globally without gaps.
+ if (Utilities::MPI::sum(owned_indices.n_elements(), comm) ==
+ owned_indices.size())
+ {
+ // no gaps: setup is simple! Processes send their locally owned
+ // indices to the dictionary. The dictionary stores the sending
+ // rank for each index. The dictionary knows exactly
+ // when it is set up when all indices it is responsible for
+ // have been processed.
+ request.reserve(n_dict_procs_in_owned_indices);
+ // protect the following communication steps using a mutex:
+ static CollectiveMutex mutex;
+ CollectiveMutex::ScopedLock lock(mutex, comm);
+ const int mpi_tag =
+ Utilities::MPI::internal::Tags::dictionary_reinit;
+ // 3) send messages with local dofs to the right dict process
+ for (const auto &rank_pair : buffers)
+ {
+ request.push_back(MPI_Request());
+ const int ierr = MPI_Isend(rank_pair.second.data(),
+ rank_pair.second.size() * 2,
+ rank_pair.first,
+ mpi_tag,
+ comm,
+ &request.back());
+ AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+ }
+ // 4) receive messages until all dofs in dict are processed
+ while (this->locally_owned_size != dic_local_received)
+ {
+ // wait for an incoming message
+ MPI_Status status;
+ int ierr = MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, mpi_tag, comm, &status);
+ AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+ // retrieve size of incoming message
+ int number_amount;
+ ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status,
+ &number_amount);
+ AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+ const auto other_rank = status.MPI_SOURCE;
+ actually_owning_rank_list.push_back(other_rank);
+ // receive message
+ Assert(number_amount % 2 == 0, ExcInternalError());
+ std::vector<
+ std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>>
+ buffer(number_amount / 2);
+ ierr = MPI_Recv(buffer.data(),
+ number_amount,
+ status.MPI_SOURCE,
+ status.MPI_TAG,
+ comm,
+ AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+ // process message: loop over all intervals
+ for (auto interval : buffer)
+ {
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ for (types::global_dof_index i = interval.first;
+ i < interval.second;
+ i++)
+ Assert(actually_owning_ranks[i - local_range.first] ==
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(interval.first >= local_range.first &&
+ interval.first < local_range.second,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(interval.second > local_range.first &&
+ interval.second <= local_range.second,
+ ExcInternalError());
+# endif
+ std::fill(actually_owning_ranks.data() + interval.first -
+ local_range.first,
+ actually_owning_ranks.data() + interval.second -
+ local_range.first,
+ other_rank);
+ dic_local_received += interval.second - interval.first;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // with gap: use a ConsensusAlgorithm to determine when all
+ // dictionaries have been set up.
+ // 3/4) use a ConsensusAlgorithm to send messages with local
+ // dofs to the right dict process
+ DictionaryPayLoad temp(buffers,
+ actually_owning_ranks,
+ local_range,
+ actually_owning_rank_list);
+ ConsensusAlgorithms::Selector<
+ std::pair<types::global_dof_index, types::global_dof_index>,
+ unsigned int>
+ consensus_algo(temp, comm);
+ consensus_algo.run();
+ }
+ std::sort(actually_owning_rank_list.begin(),
+ actually_owning_rank_list.end());
+ for (unsigned int i = 1; i < actually_owning_rank_list.size(); ++i)
+ Assert(actually_owning_rank_list[i] >
+ actually_owning_rank_list[i - 1],
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // 5) make sure that all messages have been sent
+ if (request.size() > 0)
+ {
+ const int ierr = MPI_Waitall(request.size(),
+ request.data(),
+ AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+ }
+ (void)owned_indices;
+ (void)comm;
+ }
+ void
+ Dictionary::partition(const IndexSet &owned_indices,
+ const MPI_Comm &comm)
+ {
+ const unsigned int n_procs = n_mpi_processes(comm);
+ const unsigned int my_rank = this_mpi_process(comm);
+ size = owned_indices.size();
+ Assert(size > 0, ExcNotImplemented());
+ dofs_per_process = (size + n_procs - 1) / n_procs;
+ if (dofs_per_process < range_minimum_grain_size)
+ {
+ dofs_per_process = range_minimum_grain_size;
+ stride_small_size = dofs_per_process * n_procs / size;
+ }
+ else
+ stride_small_size = 1;
+ local_range.first = get_index_offset(my_rank);
+ local_range.second = get_index_offset(my_rank + 1);
+ locally_owned_size = local_range.second - local_range.first;
+ actually_owning_ranks = {};
+ actually_owning_ranks.resize(locally_owned_size,
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
+ (void)owned_indices;
+ (void)comm;
+ }
} // namespace ComputeIndexOwner
} // namespace internal
} // namespace MPI