const Epetra_Map &InputColMap,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &n_entries_per_row);
+ /**
+ * Generate a matrix that is completely
+ * stored locally, having #m rows and
+ * #n columns. The resulting matrix
+ * will be completely stored locally.
+ *
+ * The number of columns entries
+ * per row is specified as the
+ * maximum number of entries
+ * argument.
+ */
+ SparseMatrix (const unsigned int m,
+ const unsigned int n,
+ const unsigned int n_max_entries_per_row);
* Copy constructor. Sets the
* calling matrix to be the same
+ SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix (const unsigned int m,
+ const unsigned int n,
+ const unsigned int n_max_entries_per_row)
+ :
+ row_map (m, 0, Epetra_MpiComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD)),
+ col_map (n, 0, Epetra_MpiComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD)),
+ row_map (m, 0, Epetra_SerialComm()),
+ col_map (n, 0, Epetra_SerialComm()),
+ last_action (Zero),
+ compressed (true),
+ matrix (std::auto_ptr<Epetra_FECrsMatrix>
+ (new Epetra_FECrsMatrix(Copy, row_map, col_map,
+ int(n_max_entries_per_row), false)))
+ {}
SparseMatrix::SparseMatrix (const SparseMatrix &InputMatrix)