- /**
- * Copy constructor. This one is declared
- * as a public constructor to avoid
- * certain compiler errors when a copy
- * constructor is required even if it is
- * not executed (for example when binding
- * a temporary object to a constant
- * reference). However, if you try to
- * actually call it, it will throw an
- * exception, since copying finite
- * element objects is not really
- * supported. If you want to copy such an
- * object, use the @p clone function.
- */
- FiniteElement (const FiniteElement &);
* Constructor
virtual UpdateFlags update_each (const UpdateFlags flags) const = 0;
- * @p clone function instead of
- * a copy constructor.
- *
- * This function is needed by the
- * constructors of FESystem as well
- * as by the hp::FECollection class.
+ * A sort of virtual copy
+ * constructor. Some places in
+ * the library, for example the
+ * constructors of FESystem as
+ * well as the hp::FECollection
+ * class, need to make copied of
+ * finite elements without
+ * knowing their exact type. They
+ * do so through this function.
virtual FiniteElement<dim> *clone() const = 0;
-template <int dim>
-FiniteElement<dim>::FiniteElement (const FiniteElement<dim> &)
- :
- Subscriptor(),
- FiniteElementData<dim>(),
- cached_primitivity (false)
- Assert (false,
- ExcMessage ("Finite element objects don't support copying "
- "semantics through the copy constructor. If "
- "you want to copy a finite element, use the "
- "clone() function."));
template <int dim>
FiniteElement<dim>::~FiniteElement ()