--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2015 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/std_cxx11/bind.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <ostream>
+// This is a test for test driver itself. Signals on refinement is disabled,
+// so non-positive n_active_cell_gap is expected. Thus we can make sure the
+// SignalListener class is not just report zero results blindly, and both
+// signals on refinement and coarsening are working.
+// However, if this test failed, it is not necessarily the signals are wrong.
+// The reason can also be that the adaptation mechanism is changed.
+// This test is modified from tria_signals_04.
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+class SignalListener
+ SignalListener(Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria_in)
+ :
+ n_active_cells(tria_in.n_active_cells()),
+ tria(tria_in)
+ {
+ // tria_in.signals.post_refinement_on_cell.connect
+ // (std_cxx11::bind (&SignalListener<dim, spacedim>::count_on_refine,
+ // this,
+ // std_cxx11::placeholders::_1));
+ tria_in.signals.pre_coarsening_on_cell.connect
+ (std_cxx11::bind (&SignalListener<dim, spacedim>::count_on_coarsen,
+ this,
+ std_cxx11::placeholders::_1));
+ }
+ int n_active_cell_gap()
+ {
+ return (n_active_cells -
+ static_cast<int> (tria.n_active_cells()));
+ }
+ void count_on_refine(const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell)
+ {
+ n_active_cells += cell->n_children();
+ --n_active_cells;
+ return;
+ }
+ void count_on_coarsen(const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell)
+ {
+ ++n_active_cells;
+ n_active_cells -= cell->n_children();
+ return;
+ }
+ int n_active_cells;
+ const Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria;
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+void test()
+ typedef parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> TriaType;
+ {
+ const std::string prefix = Utilities::int_to_string (dim, 1) +
+ "d-" +
+ Utilities::int_to_string (spacedim, 1)
+ + "d";
+ deallog.push(prefix.c_str());
+ }
+ // Option dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::maximum_smoothing can't
+ // run in parallel at the time that this test is created.
+ TriaType tria(MPI_COMM_WORLD,
+ typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::MeshSmoothing
+ (dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::smoothing_on_refinement |
+ dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::smoothing_on_coarsening));
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tria);
+ SignalListener<dim, spacedim> count_cell_via_signal(tria);
+ tria.refine_global(1);
+ // The following loop is borrowed from p4est_3d_refine_01 with some modifications.
+ for (int n_loop = 0;
+ // Terminate loop on global information to prevent premature termination
+ // on only part of processors. (n_loop < 20) is just a passive safety to
+ // avoid infinite loop.
+ (tria.n_global_active_cells() < 20000) && (n_loop < 20);
+ ++n_loop)
+ {
+ std::vector<bool> flags (tria.n_active_cells(), false);
+ // Refine one fifth of all cells each time (but at least one).
+ // Note that only the own marked cells will be refined.
+ // But refine flags on own cells could be effected by flags on ghost cells
+ // through mesh smoothing.
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<tria.n_active_cells() / 3 + 1; ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int x = Testing::rand() % flags.size();
+ flags[x] = true;
+ }
+ unsigned int index=0;
+ unsigned int locals=0;
+ for (typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
+ cell = tria.begin_active();
+ cell != tria.end(); ++cell, ++index)
+ if (flags[index])
+ {
+ if (cell->is_locally_owned())
+ ++locals;
+ cell->set_refine_flag();
+ }
+ if (locals > 5)
+ {
+ // Coarsen some cells randomly only if we have enough local cells
+ // marked to be refined
+ std::fill(flags.begin(), flags.end(), false);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<tria.n_active_cells() / 3; ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int x = Testing::rand() % flags.size();
+ flags[x] = true;
+ }
+ index=0;
+ for (typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
+ cell = tria.begin_active();
+ cell != tria.end(); ++cell, ++index)
+ if (flags[index] && ! cell->refine_flag_set())
+ {
+ cell->set_coarsen_flag();
+ }
+ }
+ tria.execute_coarsening_and_refinement ();
+ deallog << "n_loop: " << n_loop
+ << ", n_cell_gap: "
+ << count_cell_via_signal.n_active_cell_gap() << std::endl;
+ }
+ deallog.pop();
+ return;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization (argc, argv, /* int max_num_threads */ 1);
+ MPILogInitAll log;
+ // parallel::distributed::Triangulation<1, spacedim> is not valid.
+ {
+ const int dim = 2;
+ const int spacedim = 2;
+ test<dim,spacedim> ();
+ }
+ {
+ const int dim = 2;
+ const int spacedim = 3;
+ test<dim,spacedim> ();
+ }
+ {
+ const int dim = 3;
+ const int spacedim = 3;
+ test<dim,spacedim> ();
+ }
+ return (0);
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:2d-2d::n_loop: 0, n_cell_gap: -9
+DEAL:0:2d-2d::n_loop: 1, n_cell_gap: -24
+DEAL:0:2d-2d::n_loop: 2, n_cell_gap: -51
+DEAL:0:2d-2d::n_loop: 3, n_cell_gap: -84
+DEAL:0:2d-2d::n_loop: 4, n_cell_gap: -150
+DEAL:0:2d-2d::n_loop: 5, n_cell_gap: -303
+DEAL:0:2d-2d::n_loop: 6, n_cell_gap: -564
+DEAL:0:2d-2d::n_loop: 7, n_cell_gap: -1059
+DEAL:0:2d-2d::n_loop: 8, n_cell_gap: -1953
+DEAL:0:2d-2d::n_loop: 9, n_cell_gap: -3609
+DEAL:0:2d-2d::n_loop: 10, n_cell_gap: -7116
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 0, n_cell_gap: -3
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 1, n_cell_gap: -3
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 2, n_cell_gap: -9
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 3, n_cell_gap: -30
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 4, n_cell_gap: -48
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 5, n_cell_gap: -72
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 6, n_cell_gap: -132
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 7, n_cell_gap: -219
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 8, n_cell_gap: -369
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 9, n_cell_gap: -711
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 10, n_cell_gap: -1413
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 11, n_cell_gap: -2628
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 12, n_cell_gap: -4875
+DEAL:0:2d-3d::n_loop: 13, n_cell_gap: -9405
+DEAL:0:3d-3d::n_loop: 0, n_cell_gap: -21
+DEAL:0:3d-3d::n_loop: 1, n_cell_gap: -63
+DEAL:0:3d-3d::n_loop: 2, n_cell_gap: -189
+DEAL:0:3d-3d::n_loop: 3, n_cell_gap: -455
+DEAL:0:3d-3d::n_loop: 4, n_cell_gap: -1603
+DEAL:0:3d-3d::n_loop: 5, n_cell_gap: -5439
+DEAL:0:3d-3d::n_loop: 6, n_cell_gap: -19705
+DEAL:1:2d-2d::n_loop: 0, n_cell_gap: -9
+DEAL:1:2d-2d::n_loop: 1, n_cell_gap: -27
+DEAL:1:2d-2d::n_loop: 2, n_cell_gap: -72
+DEAL:1:2d-2d::n_loop: 3, n_cell_gap: -120
+DEAL:1:2d-2d::n_loop: 4, n_cell_gap: -219
+DEAL:1:2d-2d::n_loop: 5, n_cell_gap: -414
+DEAL:1:2d-2d::n_loop: 6, n_cell_gap: -687
+DEAL:1:2d-2d::n_loop: 7, n_cell_gap: -1227
+DEAL:1:2d-2d::n_loop: 8, n_cell_gap: -2244
+DEAL:1:2d-2d::n_loop: 9, n_cell_gap: -4041
+DEAL:1:2d-2d::n_loop: 10, n_cell_gap: -7761
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 0, n_cell_gap: 0
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 1, n_cell_gap: 0
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 2, n_cell_gap: 0
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 3, n_cell_gap: -30
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 4, n_cell_gap: -48
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 5, n_cell_gap: -81
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 6, n_cell_gap: -138
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 7, n_cell_gap: -273
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 8, n_cell_gap: -420
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 9, n_cell_gap: -858
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 10, n_cell_gap: -1569
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 11, n_cell_gap: -2913
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 12, n_cell_gap: -5373
+DEAL:1:2d-3d::n_loop: 13, n_cell_gap: -10128
+DEAL:1:3d-3d::n_loop: 0, n_cell_gap: -21
+DEAL:1:3d-3d::n_loop: 1, n_cell_gap: -77
+DEAL:1:3d-3d::n_loop: 2, n_cell_gap: -238
+DEAL:1:3d-3d::n_loop: 3, n_cell_gap: -602
+DEAL:1:3d-3d::n_loop: 4, n_cell_gap: -1981
+DEAL:1:3d-3d::n_loop: 5, n_cell_gap: -6608
+DEAL:1:3d-3d::n_loop: 6, n_cell_gap: -22239
+DEAL:2:2d-2d::n_loop: 0, n_cell_gap: 0
+DEAL:2:2d-2d::n_loop: 1, n_cell_gap: -33
+DEAL:2:2d-2d::n_loop: 2, n_cell_gap: -69
+DEAL:2:2d-2d::n_loop: 3, n_cell_gap: -129
+DEAL:2:2d-2d::n_loop: 4, n_cell_gap: -207
+DEAL:2:2d-2d::n_loop: 5, n_cell_gap: -411
+DEAL:2:2d-2d::n_loop: 6, n_cell_gap: -669
+DEAL:2:2d-2d::n_loop: 7, n_cell_gap: -1188
+DEAL:2:2d-2d::n_loop: 8, n_cell_gap: -2169
+DEAL:2:2d-2d::n_loop: 9, n_cell_gap: -3954
+DEAL:2:2d-2d::n_loop: 10, n_cell_gap: -7644
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 0, n_cell_gap: 0
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 1, n_cell_gap: 0
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 2, n_cell_gap: -9
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 3, n_cell_gap: -24
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 4, n_cell_gap: -54
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 5, n_cell_gap: -99
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 6, n_cell_gap: -162
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 7, n_cell_gap: -276
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 8, n_cell_gap: -426
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 9, n_cell_gap: -786
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 10, n_cell_gap: -1479
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 11, n_cell_gap: -2769
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 12, n_cell_gap: -5133
+DEAL:2:2d-3d::n_loop: 13, n_cell_gap: -9693
+DEAL:2:3d-3d::n_loop: 0, n_cell_gap: -21
+DEAL:2:3d-3d::n_loop: 1, n_cell_gap: -77
+DEAL:2:3d-3d::n_loop: 2, n_cell_gap: -210
+DEAL:2:3d-3d::n_loop: 3, n_cell_gap: -616
+DEAL:2:3d-3d::n_loop: 4, n_cell_gap: -1967
+DEAL:2:3d-3d::n_loop: 5, n_cell_gap: -6657
+DEAL:2:3d-3d::n_loop: 6, n_cell_gap: -22134
+DEAL:3:2d-2d::n_loop: 0, n_cell_gap: -9
+DEAL:3:2d-2d::n_loop: 1, n_cell_gap: -33
+DEAL:3:2d-2d::n_loop: 2, n_cell_gap: -57
+DEAL:3:2d-2d::n_loop: 3, n_cell_gap: -108
+DEAL:3:2d-2d::n_loop: 4, n_cell_gap: -171
+DEAL:3:2d-2d::n_loop: 5, n_cell_gap: -312
+DEAL:3:2d-2d::n_loop: 6, n_cell_gap: -555
+DEAL:3:2d-2d::n_loop: 7, n_cell_gap: -1065
+DEAL:3:2d-2d::n_loop: 8, n_cell_gap: -1995
+DEAL:3:2d-2d::n_loop: 9, n_cell_gap: -3666
+DEAL:3:2d-2d::n_loop: 10, n_cell_gap: -7161
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 0, n_cell_gap: 0
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 1, n_cell_gap: 0
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 2, n_cell_gap: -9
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 3, n_cell_gap: -21
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 4, n_cell_gap: -39
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 5, n_cell_gap: -69
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 6, n_cell_gap: -120
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 7, n_cell_gap: -237
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 8, n_cell_gap: -363
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 9, n_cell_gap: -720
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 10, n_cell_gap: -1377
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 11, n_cell_gap: -2619
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 12, n_cell_gap: -4908
+DEAL:3:2d-3d::n_loop: 13, n_cell_gap: -9354
+DEAL:3:3d-3d::n_loop: 0, n_cell_gap: -21
+DEAL:3:3d-3d::n_loop: 1, n_cell_gap: -77
+DEAL:3:3d-3d::n_loop: 2, n_cell_gap: -238
+DEAL:3:3d-3d::n_loop: 3, n_cell_gap: -616
+DEAL:3:3d-3d::n_loop: 4, n_cell_gap: -1764
+DEAL:3:3d-3d::n_loop: 5, n_cell_gap: -6321
+DEAL:3:3d-3d::n_loop: 6, n_cell_gap: -20755