MappingQ1 (const unsigned int degree);
- /**
- * Transforms the point @p p on the real cell to the corresponding point on
- * the unit cell @p cell by a Newton iteration.
- *
- * Takes a reference to an @p InternalData that is assumed to be previously
- * created by the @p get_data function with @p UpdateFlags including @p
- * update_transformation_values and @p update_transformation_gradients and a
- * one point Quadrature that includes the given initial guess for the
- * transformation @p initial_p_unit. Hence this function assumes that @p
- * mdata already includes the transformation shape values and gradients
- * computed at @p initial_p_unit.
- *
- * @p mdata will be changed by this function.
- */
- Point<dim>
- transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal (const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell,
- const Point<spacedim> &p,
- const Point<dim> &initial_p_unit,
- InternalData &mdata) const;
* Computes the support points of the mapping. For @p MappingQ1 these are
* the vertices, as obtained by calling Mapping::get_vertices().
compute_mapping_support_points (const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell,
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &a) const;
+ /**
+ * Transforms the point @p p on the real cell to the corresponding point on
+ * the unit cell @p cell by a Newton iteration.
+ *
+ * Takes a reference to an @p InternalData that is assumed to be previously
+ * created by the @p get_data function with @p UpdateFlags including @p
+ * update_transformation_values and @p update_transformation_gradients and a
+ * one point Quadrature that includes the given initial guess for the
+ * transformation @p initial_p_unit. Hence this function assumes that @p
+ * mdata already includes the transformation shape values and gradients
+ * computed at @p initial_p_unit.
+ *
+ * @p mdata will be changed by this function.
+ */
+ Point<dim>
+ transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal (const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Point<spacedim> &p,
+ const Point<dim> &initial_p_unit,
+ InternalData &mdata) const;
* For <tt>dim=2,3</tt>. Append the support points of all shape
* functions located on bounding lines of the given cell to the
// return the result. note that this
// statement may throw an exception, which
// we simply pass up to the caller
- return transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal(cell, p, initial_p_unit,
- *mdata);
+ return this->transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal(cell, p, initial_p_unit,
+ *mdata);
- /**
- * Using the relative weights of the shape functions evaluated at
- * one point on the reference cell (and stored in data.shape_values
- * and accessed via data.shape(0,i)) and the locations of mapping
- * support points (stored in data.mapping_support_points), compute
- * the mapped location of that point in real space.
- */
- template<int dim, int spacedim>
- Point<spacedim>
- compute_mapped_location_of_point (const typename MappingQ1<dim,spacedim>::InternalData &data)
- {
- AssertDimension (data.shape_values.size(),
- data.mapping_support_points.size());
- // use now the InternalData to compute the point in real space.
- Point<spacedim> p_real;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<data.mapping_support_points.size(); ++i)
- p_real += data.mapping_support_points[i] * data.shape(0,i);
- return p_real;
- }
- /**
- * Implementation of transform_real_to_unit_cell for dim==spacedim
- */
- template <int dim>
- Point<dim>
- do_transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal
- (const typename Triangulation<dim,dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
- const Point<dim> &p,
- const Point<dim> &initial_p_unit,
- typename MappingQGeneric<dim,dim>::InternalData &mdata)
- {
- const unsigned int spacedim = dim;
- const unsigned int n_shapes=mdata.shape_values.size();
- (void)n_shapes;
- Assert(n_shapes!=0, ExcInternalError());
- AssertDimension (mdata.shape_derivatives.size(), n_shapes);
- std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &points=mdata.mapping_support_points;
- AssertDimension (points.size(), n_shapes);
- // Newton iteration to solve
- // f(x)=p(x)-p=0
- // where we are looking for 'x' and p(x) is the forward transformation
- // from unit to real cell. We solve this using a Newton iteration
- // x_{n+1}=x_n-[f'(x)]^{-1}f(x)
- // The start value is set to be the linear approximation to the cell
- // The shape values and derivatives of the mapping at this point are
- // previously computed.
- Point<dim> p_unit = initial_p_unit;
- mdata.compute_shape_function_values(std::vector<Point<dim> > (1, p_unit));
- Point<spacedim> p_real = compute_mapped_location_of_point<dim,spacedim>(mdata);
- Tensor<1,spacedim> f = p_real-p;
- // early out if we already have our point
- if (f.norm_square() < 1e-24 * cell->diameter() * cell->diameter())
- return p_unit;
- // we need to compare the position of the computed p(x) against the given
- // point 'p'. We will terminate the iteration and return 'x' if they are
- // less than eps apart. The question is how to choose eps -- or, put maybe
- // more generally: in which norm we want these 'p' and 'p(x)' to be eps
- // apart.
- //
- // the question is difficult since we may have to deal with very elongated
- // cells where we may achieve 1e-12*h for the distance of these two points
- // in the 'long' direction, but achieving this tolerance in the 'short'
- // direction of the cell may not be possible
- //
- // what we do instead is then to terminate iterations if
- // \| p(x) - p \|_A < eps
- // where the A-norm is somehow induced by the transformation of the cell.
- // in particular, we want to measure distances relative to the sizes of
- // the cell in its principal directions.
- //
- // to define what exactly A should be, note that to first order we have
- // the following (assuming that x* is the solution of the problem, i.e.,
- // p(x*)=p):
- // p(x) - p = p(x) - p(x*)
- // = -grad p(x) * (x*-x) + higher order terms
- // This suggest to measure with a norm that corresponds to
- // A = {[grad p(x]^T [grad p(x)]}^{-1}
- // because then
- // \| p(x) - p \|_A \approx \| x - x* \|
- // Consequently, we will try to enforce that
- // \| p(x) - p \|_A = \| f \| <= eps
- //
- // Note that using this norm is a bit dangerous since the norm changes
- // in every iteration (A isn't fixed by depends on xk). However, if the
- // cell is not too deformed (it may be stretched, but not twisted) then
- // the mapping is almost linear and A is indeed constant or nearly so.
- const double eps = 1.e-11;
- const unsigned int newton_iteration_limit = 20;
- unsigned int newton_iteration = 0;
- double last_f_weighted_norm;
- do
- {
- std::cout << "Newton iteration " << newton_iteration << std::endl;
- // f'(x)
- Tensor<2,spacedim> df;
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<mdata.n_shape_functions; ++k)
- {
- const Tensor<1,dim> &grad_transform=mdata.derivative(0,k);
- const Point<spacedim> &point=points[k];
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<spacedim; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
- df[i][j]+=point[i]*grad_transform[j];
- }
- // Solve [f'(x)]d=f(x)
- Tensor<1,spacedim> delta;
- Tensor<2,spacedim> df_inverse = invert(df);
- contract (delta, df_inverse, static_cast<const Tensor<1,spacedim>&>(f));
- std::cout << " delta=" << delta << std::endl;
- // do a line search
- double step_length = 1;
- do
- {
- // update of p_unit. The spacedim-th component of transformed point
- // is simply ignored in codimension one case. When this component is
- // not zero, then we are projecting the point to the surface or
- // curve identified by the cell.
- Point<dim> p_unit_trial = p_unit;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
- p_unit_trial[i] -= step_length * delta[i];
- // shape values and derivatives
- // at new p_unit point
- mdata.compute_shape_function_values(std::vector<Point<dim> > (1, p_unit_trial));
- // f(x)
- Point<spacedim> p_real_trial = compute_mapped_location_of_point<dim,spacedim>(mdata);
- const Tensor<1,spacedim> f_trial = p_real_trial-p;
- std::cout << " step_length=" << step_length << std::endl
- << " ||f || =" << f.norm() << std::endl
- << " ||f*|| =" << f_trial.norm() << std::endl
- << " ||f*||_A =" << (df_inverse * f_trial).norm() << std::endl;
- // see if we are making progress with the current step length
- // and if not, reduce it by a factor of two and try again
- //
- // strictly speaking, we should probably use the same norm as we use
- // for the outer algorithm. in practice, line search is just a
- // crutch to find a "reasonable" step length, and so using the l2
- // norm is probably just fine
- if (f_trial.norm() < f.norm())
- {
- p_real = p_real_trial;
- p_unit = p_unit_trial;
- f = f_trial;
- break;
- }
- else if (step_length > 0.05)
- step_length /= 2;
- else
- AssertThrow (false,
- (typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::ExcTransformationFailed()));
- }
- while (true);
- ++newton_iteration;
- if (newton_iteration > newton_iteration_limit)
- AssertThrow (false,
- (typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::ExcTransformationFailed()));
- last_f_weighted_norm = (df_inverse * f).norm();
- }
- while (last_f_weighted_norm > eps);
- return p_unit;
- }
- /**
- * Implementation of transform_real_to_unit_cell for dim==spacedim-1
- */
- template<int dim>
- Point<dim>
- do_transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal
- (const typename Triangulation<dim,dim+1>::cell_iterator &cell,
- const Point<dim+1> &p,
- const Point<dim> &initial_p_unit,
- typename MappingQ1<dim,dim+1>::InternalData &mdata)
- {
- const unsigned int spacedim = dim+1;
- const unsigned int n_shapes=mdata.shape_values.size();
- (void)n_shapes;
- Assert(n_shapes!=0, ExcInternalError());
- Assert(mdata.shape_derivatives.size()==n_shapes, ExcInternalError());
- Assert(mdata.shape_second_derivatives.size()==n_shapes, ExcInternalError());
- std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &points=mdata.mapping_support_points;
- Assert(points.size()==n_shapes, ExcInternalError());
- Point<spacedim> p_minus_F;
- Tensor<1,spacedim> DF[dim];
- Tensor<1,spacedim> D2F[dim][dim];
- Point<dim> p_unit = initial_p_unit;
- Point<dim> f;
- Tensor<2,dim> df;
- // Evaluate first and second derivatives
- mdata.compute_shape_function_values(std::vector<Point<dim> > (1, p_unit));
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<mdata.n_shape_functions; ++k)
- {
- const Tensor<1,dim> &grad_phi_k = mdata.derivative(0,k);
- const Tensor<2,dim> &hessian_k = mdata.second_derivative(0,k);
- const Point<spacedim> &point_k = points[k];
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
- {
- DF[j] += grad_phi_k[j] * point_k;
- for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim; ++l)
- D2F[j][l] += hessian_k[j][l] * point_k;
- }
- }
- p_minus_F = p;
- p_minus_F -= compute_mapped_location_of_point<dim,spacedim>(mdata);
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
- f[j] = DF[j] * p_minus_F;
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
- {
- f[j] = DF[j] * p_minus_F;
- for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim; ++l)
- df[j][l] = -DF[j]*DF[l] + D2F[j][l] * p_minus_F;
- }
- const double eps = 1.e-12*cell->diameter();
- const unsigned int loop_limit = 10;
- unsigned int loop=0;
- while (f.norm()>eps && loop++<loop_limit)
- {
- // Solve [df(x)]d=f(x)
- Tensor<1,dim> d;
- Tensor<2,dim> df_1;
- df_1 = invert(df);
- contract (d, df_1, static_cast<const Tensor<1,dim>&>(f));
- p_unit -= d;
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
- {
- DF[j].clear();
- for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim; ++l)
- D2F[j][l].clear();
- }
- mdata.compute_shape_function_values(std::vector<Point<dim> > (1, p_unit));
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<mdata.n_shape_functions; ++k)
- {
- const Tensor<1,dim> &grad_phi_k = mdata.derivative(0,k);
- const Tensor<2,dim> &hessian_k = mdata.second_derivative(0,k);
- const Point<spacedim> &point_k = points[k];
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
- {
- DF[j] += grad_phi_k[j] * point_k;
- for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim; ++l)
- D2F[j][l] += hessian_k[j][l] * point_k;
- }
- }
- //TODO: implement a line search here in much the same way as for
- // the corresponding function above that does so for dim==spacedim
- p_minus_F = p;
- p_minus_F -= compute_mapped_location_of_point<dim,spacedim>(mdata);
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
- {
- f[j] = DF[j] * p_minus_F;
- for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim; ++l)
- df[j][l] = -DF[j]*DF[l] + D2F[j][l] * p_minus_F;
- }
- }
- // Here we check that in the last execution of while the first
- // condition was already wrong, meaning the residual was below
- // eps. Only if the first condition failed, loop will have been
- // increased and tested, and thus have reached the limit.
- AssertThrow (loop<loop_limit, (typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::ExcTransformationFailed()));
- return p_unit;
- }
- /**
- * Implementation of transform_real_to_unit_cell for other values of
- * dim, spacedim
- */
- template <int dim>
- Point<dim>
- do_transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal
- (const typename Triangulation<dim,dim+2>::cell_iterator &,
- const Point<dim+2> &,
- const Point<dim> &,
- typename MappingQ1<dim,dim+2>::InternalData &)
- {
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- return Point<dim>();
- }
-template<int dim, int spacedim>
-(const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell,
- const Point<spacedim> &p,
- const Point<dim> &initial_p_unit,
- InternalData &mdata) const
- // dispatch to the various specializations for spacedim=dim,
- // spacedim=dim+1, etc
- return do_transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal (cell, p, initial_p_unit, mdata);
#include <deal.II/fe/fe_tools.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/fe.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
-#include <deal.II/fe/mapping_q1.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/mapping_q_generic.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
+// In the code below, GCC tries to instantiate MappingQGeneric<3,4> when
+// seeing which of the overloaded versions of
+// do_transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal() to call. This leads to bad
+// error messages and, generally, nothing very good. Avoid this by ensuring
+// that this class exists, but does not have an inner InternalData
+// type, thereby ruling out the codim-1 version of the function
+// below when doing overload resolution.
+template <>
+class MappingQGeneric<3,4>
+ /**
+ * Using the relative weights of the shape functions evaluated at
+ * one point on the reference cell (and stored in data.shape_values
+ * and accessed via data.shape(0,i)) and the locations of mapping
+ * support points (stored in data.mapping_support_points), compute
+ * the mapped location of that point in real space.
+ */
+ template<int dim, int spacedim>
+ Point<spacedim>
+ compute_mapped_location_of_point (const typename MappingQGeneric<dim,spacedim>::InternalData &data)
+ {
+ AssertDimension (data.shape_values.size(),
+ data.mapping_support_points.size());
+ // use now the InternalData to compute the point in real space.
+ Point<spacedim> p_real;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<data.mapping_support_points.size(); ++i)
+ p_real += data.mapping_support_points[i] * data.shape(0,i);
+ return p_real;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implementation of transform_real_to_unit_cell for dim==spacedim
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ Point<dim>
+ do_transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal
+ (const typename Triangulation<dim,dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Point<dim> &p,
+ const Point<dim> &initial_p_unit,
+ typename MappingQGeneric<dim,dim>::InternalData &mdata)
+ {
+ const unsigned int spacedim = dim;
+ const unsigned int n_shapes=mdata.shape_values.size();
+ (void)n_shapes;
+ Assert(n_shapes!=0, ExcInternalError());
+ AssertDimension (mdata.shape_derivatives.size(), n_shapes);
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &points=mdata.mapping_support_points;
+ AssertDimension (points.size(), n_shapes);
+ // Newton iteration to solve
+ // f(x)=p(x)-p=0
+ // where we are looking for 'x' and p(x) is the forward transformation
+ // from unit to real cell. We solve this using a Newton iteration
+ // x_{n+1}=x_n-[f'(x)]^{-1}f(x)
+ // The start value is set to be the linear approximation to the cell
+ // The shape values and derivatives of the mapping at this point are
+ // previously computed.
+ Point<dim> p_unit = initial_p_unit;
+ mdata.compute_shape_function_values(std::vector<Point<dim> > (1, p_unit));
+ Point<spacedim> p_real = compute_mapped_location_of_point<dim,spacedim>(mdata);
+ Tensor<1,spacedim> f = p_real-p;
+ // early out if we already have our point
+ if (f.norm_square() < 1e-24 * cell->diameter() * cell->diameter())
+ return p_unit;
+ // we need to compare the position of the computed p(x) against the given
+ // point 'p'. We will terminate the iteration and return 'x' if they are
+ // less than eps apart. The question is how to choose eps -- or, put maybe
+ // more generally: in which norm we want these 'p' and 'p(x)' to be eps
+ // apart.
+ //
+ // the question is difficult since we may have to deal with very elongated
+ // cells where we may achieve 1e-12*h for the distance of these two points
+ // in the 'long' direction, but achieving this tolerance in the 'short'
+ // direction of the cell may not be possible
+ //
+ // what we do instead is then to terminate iterations if
+ // \| p(x) - p \|_A < eps
+ // where the A-norm is somehow induced by the transformation of the cell.
+ // in particular, we want to measure distances relative to the sizes of
+ // the cell in its principal directions.
+ //
+ // to define what exactly A should be, note that to first order we have
+ // the following (assuming that x* is the solution of the problem, i.e.,
+ // p(x*)=p):
+ // p(x) - p = p(x) - p(x*)
+ // = -grad p(x) * (x*-x) + higher order terms
+ // This suggest to measure with a norm that corresponds to
+ // A = {[grad p(x]^T [grad p(x)]}^{-1}
+ // because then
+ // \| p(x) - p \|_A \approx \| x - x* \|
+ // Consequently, we will try to enforce that
+ // \| p(x) - p \|_A = \| f \| <= eps
+ //
+ // Note that using this norm is a bit dangerous since the norm changes
+ // in every iteration (A isn't fixed by depends on xk). However, if the
+ // cell is not too deformed (it may be stretched, but not twisted) then
+ // the mapping is almost linear and A is indeed constant or nearly so.
+ const double eps = 1.e-11;
+ const unsigned int newton_iteration_limit = 20;
+ unsigned int newton_iteration = 0;
+ double last_f_weighted_norm;
+ do
+ {
+ std::cout << "Newton iteration " << newton_iteration << std::endl;
+ // f'(x)
+ Tensor<2,spacedim> df;
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<mdata.n_shape_functions; ++k)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1,dim> &grad_transform=mdata.derivative(0,k);
+ const Point<spacedim> &point=points[k];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<spacedim; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ df[i][j]+=point[i]*grad_transform[j];
+ }
+ // Solve [f'(x)]d=f(x)
+ Tensor<1,spacedim> delta;
+ Tensor<2,spacedim> df_inverse = invert(df);
+ contract (delta, df_inverse, static_cast<const Tensor<1,spacedim>&>(f));
+ std::cout << " delta=" << delta << std::endl;
+ // do a line search
+ double step_length = 1;
+ do
+ {
+ // update of p_unit. The spacedim-th component of transformed point
+ // is simply ignored in codimension one case. When this component is
+ // not zero, then we are projecting the point to the surface or
+ // curve identified by the cell.
+ Point<dim> p_unit_trial = p_unit;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
+ p_unit_trial[i] -= step_length * delta[i];
+ // shape values and derivatives
+ // at new p_unit point
+ mdata.compute_shape_function_values(std::vector<Point<dim> > (1, p_unit_trial));
+ // f(x)
+ Point<spacedim> p_real_trial = compute_mapped_location_of_point<dim,spacedim>(mdata);
+ const Tensor<1,spacedim> f_trial = p_real_trial-p;
+ std::cout << " step_length=" << step_length << std::endl
+ << " ||f || =" << f.norm() << std::endl
+ << " ||f*|| =" << f_trial.norm() << std::endl
+ << " ||f*||_A =" << (df_inverse * f_trial).norm() << std::endl;
+ // see if we are making progress with the current step length
+ // and if not, reduce it by a factor of two and try again
+ //
+ // strictly speaking, we should probably use the same norm as we use
+ // for the outer algorithm. in practice, line search is just a
+ // crutch to find a "reasonable" step length, and so using the l2
+ // norm is probably just fine
+ if (f_trial.norm() < f.norm())
+ {
+ p_real = p_real_trial;
+ p_unit = p_unit_trial;
+ f = f_trial;
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (step_length > 0.05)
+ step_length /= 2;
+ else
+ AssertThrow (false,
+ (typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::ExcTransformationFailed()));
+ }
+ while (true);
+ ++newton_iteration;
+ if (newton_iteration > newton_iteration_limit)
+ AssertThrow (false,
+ (typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::ExcTransformationFailed()));
+ last_f_weighted_norm = (df_inverse * f).norm();
+ }
+ while (last_f_weighted_norm > eps);
+ return p_unit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implementation of transform_real_to_unit_cell for dim==spacedim-1
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ Point<dim>
+ do_transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal
+ (const typename Triangulation<dim,dim+1>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Point<dim+1> &p,
+ const Point<dim> &initial_p_unit,
+ typename MappingQGeneric<dim,dim+1>::InternalData &mdata)
+ {
+ const unsigned int spacedim = dim+1;
+ const unsigned int n_shapes=mdata.shape_values.size();
+ (void)n_shapes;
+ Assert(n_shapes!=0, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(mdata.shape_derivatives.size()==n_shapes, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(mdata.shape_second_derivatives.size()==n_shapes, ExcInternalError());
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > &points=mdata.mapping_support_points;
+ Assert(points.size()==n_shapes, ExcInternalError());
+ Point<spacedim> p_minus_F;
+ Tensor<1,spacedim> DF[dim];
+ Tensor<1,spacedim> D2F[dim][dim];
+ Point<dim> p_unit = initial_p_unit;
+ Point<dim> f;
+ Tensor<2,dim> df;
+ // Evaluate first and second derivatives
+ mdata.compute_shape_function_values(std::vector<Point<dim> > (1, p_unit));
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<mdata.n_shape_functions; ++k)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1,dim> &grad_phi_k = mdata.derivative(0,k);
+ const Tensor<2,dim> &hessian_k = mdata.second_derivative(0,k);
+ const Point<spacedim> &point_k = points[k];
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ {
+ DF[j] += grad_phi_k[j] * point_k;
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim; ++l)
+ D2F[j][l] += hessian_k[j][l] * point_k;
+ }
+ }
+ p_minus_F = p;
+ p_minus_F -= compute_mapped_location_of_point<dim,spacedim>(mdata);
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ f[j] = DF[j] * p_minus_F;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ {
+ f[j] = DF[j] * p_minus_F;
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim; ++l)
+ df[j][l] = -DF[j]*DF[l] + D2F[j][l] * p_minus_F;
+ }
+ const double eps = 1.e-12*cell->diameter();
+ const unsigned int loop_limit = 10;
+ unsigned int loop=0;
+ while (f.norm()>eps && loop++<loop_limit)
+ {
+ // Solve [df(x)]d=f(x)
+ Tensor<1,dim> d;
+ Tensor<2,dim> df_1;
+ df_1 = invert(df);
+ contract (d, df_1, static_cast<const Tensor<1,dim>&>(f));
+ p_unit -= d;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ {
+ DF[j].clear();
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim; ++l)
+ D2F[j][l].clear();
+ }
+ mdata.compute_shape_function_values(std::vector<Point<dim> > (1, p_unit));
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<mdata.n_shape_functions; ++k)
+ {
+ const Tensor<1,dim> &grad_phi_k = mdata.derivative(0,k);
+ const Tensor<2,dim> &hessian_k = mdata.second_derivative(0,k);
+ const Point<spacedim> &point_k = points[k];
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ {
+ DF[j] += grad_phi_k[j] * point_k;
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim; ++l)
+ D2F[j][l] += hessian_k[j][l] * point_k;
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO: implement a line search here in much the same way as for
+ // the corresponding function above that does so for dim==spacedim
+ p_minus_F = p;
+ p_minus_F -= compute_mapped_location_of_point<dim,spacedim>(mdata);
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+ {
+ f[j] = DF[j] * p_minus_F;
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim; ++l)
+ df[j][l] = -DF[j]*DF[l] + D2F[j][l] * p_minus_F;
+ }
+ }
+ // Here we check that in the last execution of while the first
+ // condition was already wrong, meaning the residual was below
+ // eps. Only if the first condition failed, loop will have been
+ // increased and tested, and thus have reached the limit.
+ AssertThrow (loop<loop_limit, (typename Mapping<dim,spacedim>::ExcTransformationFailed()));
+ return p_unit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implementation of transform_real_to_unit_cell for other values of
+ * dim, spacedim
+ */
+ Point<1>
+ do_transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal
+ (const typename Triangulation<1,3>::cell_iterator &,
+ const Point<3> &,
+ const Point<1> &,
+ MappingQGeneric<1,3>::InternalData &)
+ {
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ return Point<1>();
+ }
+template<int dim, int spacedim>
+(const typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const Point<spacedim> &p,
+ const Point<dim> &initial_p_unit,
+ InternalData &mdata) const
+ // dispatch to the various specializations for spacedim=dim,
+ // spacedim=dim+1, etc
+ return do_transform_real_to_unit_cell_internal (cell, p, initial_p_unit, mdata);
template<int dim, int spacedim>