DEAL::Particle 2, at 0.447774 0.792478/0.682855 0.339828 with properties 32337.8 -15118.1
DEAL::Particle 10, at 0.422635 0.804389/0.273538 0.435110 with properties 18670.5 -9125.04
DEAL::Particle 18, at 0.408616 0.811317/0.0398137 0.490535 with properties 6132.28 -3066.14
-DEAL::Particle 11, at 0.492409 0.926055/0.437732 0.408441 with properties 27041.8 -12524.3
DEAL::Particle 19, at 0.472222 0.935764/0.0652483 0.486112 with properties 8997.66 -4498.83
+DEAL::Particle 11, at 0.492409 0.926055/0.437732 0.408441 with properties 27041.8 -12524.3
DEAL::Particle 3, at 0.528827 0.910579/0.0800265 0.284635 with properties 47184.5 -19464.8
-DEAL::Particle 12, at 0.492409 1.07394/0.437732 0.591559 with properties 27041.8 12524.3
DEAL::Particle 20, at 0.472222 1.06424/0.0652483 0.513888 with properties 8997.66 4498.83
+DEAL::Particle 12, at 0.492409 1.07394/0.437732 0.591559 with properties 27041.8 12524.3
DEAL::Particle 4, at 0.528827 1.08942/0.0800265 0.715365 with properties 47184.5 19464.8
DEAL::Particle 5, at 0.447774 1.20752/0.682855 0.660172 with properties 32337.8 15118.1
DEAL::Particle 13, at 0.422635 1.19561/0.273538 0.564890 with properties 18670.5 9125.04
DEAL::Evaluating particle 2 at 0.447774 0.792478 with reference location 0.682855 0.339828
DEAL::Evaluating particle 10 at 0.422635 0.804389 with reference location 0.273538 0.435110
DEAL::Evaluating particle 18 at 0.408616 0.811317 with reference location 0.0398137 0.490535
-DEAL::Evaluating particle 11 at 0.492409 0.926055 with reference location 0.437732 0.408441
DEAL::Evaluating particle 19 at 0.472222 0.935764 with reference location 0.0652483 0.486112
+DEAL::Evaluating particle 11 at 0.492409 0.926055 with reference location 0.437732 0.408441
DEAL::Evaluating particle 3 at 0.528827 0.910579 with reference location 0.0800265 0.284635
-DEAL::Evaluating particle 12 at 0.492409 1.07394 with reference location 0.437732 0.591559
DEAL::Evaluating particle 20 at 0.472222 1.06424 with reference location 0.0652483 0.513888
+DEAL::Evaluating particle 12 at 0.492409 1.07394 with reference location 0.437732 0.591559
DEAL::Evaluating particle 4 at 0.528827 1.08942 with reference location 0.0800265 0.715365
DEAL::Evaluating particle 5 at 0.447774 1.20752 with reference location 0.682855 0.660172
DEAL::Evaluating particle 13 at 0.422635 1.19561 with reference location 0.273538 0.564890
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 25: 0.00000 0.00000
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 25: 4768.32 -2384.16
DEAL::Setting location of particle 25: 0.407710 0.811770
-DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 11: 0.139283 -0.0479918
-DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 11: 27041.8 -12524.3
-DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 11: 34541.0 -15108.3
-DEAL::Setting location of particle 11: 0.502983 0.921430
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 19: 0.132600 -0.0616857
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 19: 8997.66 -4498.83
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 19: 16137.0 -7820.07
DEAL::Setting location of particle 19: 0.477162 0.933370
+DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 11: 0.139283 -0.0479918
+DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 11: 27041.8 -12524.3
+DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 11: 34541.0 -15108.3
+DEAL::Setting location of particle 11: 0.502983 0.921430
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 26: 0.132137 -0.0660685
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 26: 0.00000 0.00000
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 26: 7114.44 -3557.22
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 3: 47184.5 -19464.8
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 3: 55210.3 -21401.8
DEAL::Setting location of particle 3: 0.545728 0.904028
-DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 12: 0.139283 0.0479918
-DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 12: 27041.8 12524.3
-DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 12: 34541.0 15108.3
-DEAL::Setting location of particle 12: 0.502983 1.07857
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 20: 0.132600 0.0616857
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 20: 8997.66 4498.83
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 20: 16137.0 7820.07
DEAL::Setting location of particle 20: 0.477162 1.06663
+DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 12: 0.139283 0.0479918
+DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 12: 27041.8 12524.3
+DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 12: 34541.0 15108.3
+DEAL::Setting location of particle 12: 0.502983 1.07857
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 27: 0.132137 0.0660685
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 27: 0.00000 0.00000
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 27: 7114.44 3557.22
DEAL::Particle 10, at 0.429891 0.800912/0.392764 0.407294 with properties 23703.3 -11358.4
DEAL::Particle 18, at 0.411965 0.809657/0.0959204 0.477254 with properties 10937.6 -5422.89
DEAL::Particle 25, at 0.407710 0.811770/0.0245691 0.494161 with properties 4768.32 -2384.16
-DEAL::Particle 11, at 0.502983 0.921430/0.627015 0.371441 with properties 34541.0 -15108.3
DEAL::Particle 19, at 0.477162 0.933370/0.157158 0.466961 with properties 16137.0 -7820.07
+DEAL::Particle 11, at 0.502983 0.921430/0.627015 0.371441 with properties 34541.0 -15108.3
DEAL::Particle 26, at 0.470928 0.936411/0.0409536 0.491288 with properties 7114.44 -3557.22
DEAL::Particle 3, at 0.545728 0.904028/0.368131 0.232222 with properties 55210.3 -21401.8
-DEAL::Particle 12, at 0.502983 1.07857/0.627015 0.628559 with properties 34541.0 15108.3
DEAL::Particle 20, at 0.477162 1.06663/0.157158 0.533039 with properties 16137.0 7820.07
+DEAL::Particle 12, at 0.502983 1.07857/0.627015 0.628559 with properties 34541.0 15108.3
DEAL::Particle 27, at 0.470928 1.06359/0.0409536 0.508712 with properties 7114.44 3557.22
DEAL::Particle 4, at 0.545728 1.09597/0.368131 0.767778 with properties 55210.3 21401.8
DEAL::Particle 5, at 0.459339 1.21278/0.867158 0.702246 with properties 37778.2 17180.0
DEAL::Evaluating particle 10 at 0.429891 0.800912 with reference location 0.392764 0.407294
DEAL::Evaluating particle 18 at 0.411965 0.809657 with reference location 0.0959204 0.477254
DEAL::Evaluating particle 25 at 0.407710 0.811770 with reference location 0.0245691 0.494161
-DEAL::Evaluating particle 11 at 0.502983 0.921430 with reference location 0.627015 0.371441
DEAL::Evaluating particle 19 at 0.477162 0.933370 with reference location 0.157158 0.466961
+DEAL::Evaluating particle 11 at 0.502983 0.921430 with reference location 0.627015 0.371441
DEAL::Evaluating particle 26 at 0.470928 0.936411 with reference location 0.0409536 0.491288
DEAL::Evaluating particle 3 at 0.545728 0.904028 with reference location 0.368131 0.232222
-DEAL::Evaluating particle 12 at 0.502983 1.07857 with reference location 0.627015 0.628559
DEAL::Evaluating particle 20 at 0.477162 1.06663 with reference location 0.157158 0.533039
+DEAL::Evaluating particle 12 at 0.502983 1.07857 with reference location 0.627015 0.628559
DEAL::Evaluating particle 27 at 0.470928 1.06359 with reference location 0.0409536 0.508712
DEAL::Evaluating particle 4 at 0.545728 1.09597 with reference location 0.368131 0.767778
DEAL::Evaluating particle 5 at 0.459339 1.21278 with reference location 0.867158 0.702246
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 31: 0.00000 0.00000
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 31: 4058.92 -2029.46
DEAL::Setting location of particle 31: 0.407321 0.811964
-DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 11: 0.144224 -0.0452117
-DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 11: 34541.0 -15108.3
-DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 11: 41234.6 -17206.6
-DEAL::Setting location of particle 11: 0.513863 0.916890
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 19: 0.132228 -0.0559541
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 19: 16137.0 -7820.07
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 19: 22273.9 -10417.0
DEAL::Setting location of particle 19: 0.483039 0.930621
+DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 11: 0.144224 -0.0452117
+DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 11: 34541.0 -15108.3
+DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 11: 41234.6 -17206.6
+DEAL::Setting location of particle 11: 0.513863 0.916890
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 26: 0.130607 -0.0623235
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 26: 7114.44 -3557.22
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 26: 13176.1 -6449.73
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 3: 55210.3 -21401.8
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 3: 61942.8 -22749.5
DEAL::Setting location of particle 3: 0.562074 0.898025
-DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 12: 0.144224 0.0452117
-DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 12: 34541.0 15108.3
-DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 12: 41234.6 17206.6
-DEAL::Setting location of particle 12: 0.513863 1.08311
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 20: 0.132228 0.0559541
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 20: 16137.0 7820.07
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 20: 22273.9 10417.0
DEAL::Setting location of particle 20: 0.483039 1.06938
+DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 12: 0.144224 0.0452117
+DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 12: 34541.0 15108.3
+DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 12: 41234.6 17206.6
+DEAL::Setting location of particle 12: 0.513863 1.08311
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 27: 0.130607 0.0623235
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 27: 7114.44 3557.22
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 27: 13176.1 6449.73
DEAL::Particle 17, at 0.350664 0.684066/0.104939 0.472530 with properties 10700.7 -5286.44
DEAL::Particle 24, at 0.346430 0.686163/0.0407857 0.489302 with properties 6232.86 -3105.33
DEAL::Particle 30, at 0.344498 0.687126/0.0113987 0.497007 with properties 2835.62 -1417.81
+DEAL::Particle 31, at 0.407321 0.811964/0.0180307 0.495716 with properties 4058.92 -2029.46
DEAL::Particle 10, at 0.437304 0.797423/0.513463 0.379385 with properties 28093.4 -13220.5
DEAL::Particle 18, at 0.415942 0.807704/0.162247 0.461632 with properties 15074.6 -7400.43
DEAL::Particle 25, at 0.410044 0.810609/0.0637577 0.484874 with properties 8846.96 -4399.30
-DEAL::Particle 31, at 0.407321 0.811964/0.0180307 0.495716 with properties 4058.92 -2029.46
DEAL::Particle 2, at 0.470569 0.782247/0.0438302 0.257979 with properties 42557.5 -18842.1
-DEAL::Particle 11, at 0.513863 0.916890/0.818657 0.335118 with properties 41234.6 -17206.6
DEAL::Particle 19, at 0.483039 0.930621/0.265257 0.444971 with properties 22273.9 -10417.0
+DEAL::Particle 11, at 0.513863 0.916890/0.818657 0.335118 with properties 41234.6 -17206.6
DEAL::Particle 26, at 0.474405 0.934709/0.105889 0.477673 with properties 13176.1 -6449.73
DEAL::Particle 32, at 0.470345 0.936702/0.0300014 0.493620 with properties 6044.58 -3022.29
DEAL::Particle 3, at 0.562074 0.898025/0.641581 0.184198 with properties 61942.8 -22749.5
-DEAL::Particle 12, at 0.513863 1.08311/0.818657 0.664882 with properties 41234.6 17206.6
DEAL::Particle 20, at 0.483039 1.06938/0.265257 0.555029 with properties 22273.9 10417.0
+DEAL::Particle 12, at 0.513863 1.08311/0.818657 0.664882 with properties 41234.6 17206.6
DEAL::Particle 27, at 0.474405 1.06529/0.105889 0.522327 with properties 13176.1 6449.73
DEAL::Particle 33, at 0.470345 1.06330/0.0300014 0.506380 with properties 6044.58 3022.29
DEAL::Particle 4, at 0.562074 1.10198/0.641581 0.815802 with properties 61942.8 22749.5
+DEAL::Particle 34, at 0.407321 1.18804/0.0180307 0.504284 with properties 4058.92 2029.46
DEAL::Particle 13, at 0.437304 1.20258/0.513463 0.620615 with properties 28093.4 13220.5
DEAL::Particle 21, at 0.415942 1.19230/0.162247 0.538368 with properties 15074.6 7400.43
DEAL::Particle 28, at 0.410044 1.18939/0.0637577 0.515126 with properties 8846.96 4399.30
-DEAL::Particle 34, at 0.407321 1.18804/0.0180307 0.504284 with properties 4058.92 2029.46
DEAL::Particle 5, at 0.470569 1.21775/0.0438302 0.742021 with properties 42557.5 18842.1
DEAL::Particle 6, at 0.389895 1.33461/0.685717 0.676849 with properties 30314.9 13918.3
DEAL::Particle 14, at 0.366055 1.32343/0.335738 0.587449 with properties 20044.8 9613.83
DEAL::Evaluating particle 17 at 0.350664 0.684066 with reference location 0.104939 0.472530
DEAL::Evaluating particle 24 at 0.346430 0.686163 with reference location 0.0407857 0.489302
DEAL::Evaluating particle 30 at 0.344498 0.687126 with reference location 0.0113987 0.497007
+DEAL::Evaluating particle 31 at 0.407321 0.811964 with reference location 0.0180307 0.495716
DEAL::Evaluating particle 10 at 0.437304 0.797423 with reference location 0.513463 0.379385
DEAL::Evaluating particle 18 at 0.415942 0.807704 with reference location 0.162247 0.461632
DEAL::Evaluating particle 25 at 0.410044 0.810609 with reference location 0.0637577 0.484874
-DEAL::Evaluating particle 31 at 0.407321 0.811964 with reference location 0.0180307 0.495716
DEAL::Evaluating particle 2 at 0.470569 0.782247 with reference location 0.0438302 0.257979
-DEAL::Evaluating particle 11 at 0.513863 0.916890 with reference location 0.818657 0.335118
DEAL::Evaluating particle 19 at 0.483039 0.930621 with reference location 0.265257 0.444971
+DEAL::Evaluating particle 11 at 0.513863 0.916890 with reference location 0.818657 0.335118
DEAL::Evaluating particle 26 at 0.474405 0.934709 with reference location 0.105889 0.477673
DEAL::Evaluating particle 32 at 0.470345 0.936702 with reference location 0.0300014 0.493620
DEAL::Evaluating particle 3 at 0.562074 0.898025 with reference location 0.641581 0.184198
-DEAL::Evaluating particle 12 at 0.513863 1.08311 with reference location 0.818657 0.664882
DEAL::Evaluating particle 20 at 0.483039 1.06938 with reference location 0.265257 0.555029
+DEAL::Evaluating particle 12 at 0.513863 1.08311 with reference location 0.818657 0.664882
DEAL::Evaluating particle 27 at 0.474405 1.06529 with reference location 0.105889 0.522327
DEAL::Evaluating particle 33 at 0.470345 1.06330 with reference location 0.0300014 0.506380
DEAL::Evaluating particle 4 at 0.562074 1.10198 with reference location 0.641581 0.815802
+DEAL::Evaluating particle 34 at 0.407321 1.18804 with reference location 0.0180307 0.504284
DEAL::Evaluating particle 13 at 0.437304 1.20258 with reference location 0.513463 0.620615
DEAL::Evaluating particle 21 at 0.415942 1.19230 with reference location 0.162247 0.538368
DEAL::Evaluating particle 28 at 0.410044 1.18939 with reference location 0.0637577 0.515126
-DEAL::Evaluating particle 34 at 0.407321 1.18804 with reference location 0.0180307 0.504284
DEAL::Evaluating particle 5 at 0.470569 1.21775 with reference location 0.0438302 0.742021
DEAL::Evaluating particle 6 at 0.389895 1.33461 with reference location 0.685717 0.676849
DEAL::Evaluating particle 14 at 0.366055 1.32343 with reference location 0.335738 0.587449
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 36: 0.00000 0.00000
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 36: 2479.68 -1239.84
DEAL::Setting location of particle 36: 0.344337 0.687206
+DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 31: 0.0866775 -0.0429638
+DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 31: 4058.92 -2029.46
+DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 31: 7668.71 -3818.74
+DEAL::Setting location of particle 31: 0.409137 0.811060
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 10: 0.0958050 -0.0389023
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 10: 28093.4 -13220.5
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 10: 32083.3 -14840.6
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 25: 8846.96 -4399.30
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 25: 12490.7 -6167.28
DEAL::Setting location of particle 25: 0.413002 0.809149
-DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 31: 0.0866775 -0.0429638
-DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 31: 4058.92 -2029.46
-DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 31: 7668.71 -3818.74
-DEAL::Setting location of particle 31: 0.409137 0.811060
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 37: 0.0863596 -0.0431798
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 37: 0.00000 0.00000
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 37: 3596.54 -1798.27
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 2: 42557.5 -18842.1
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 2: 46890.1 -20200.0
DEAL::Setting location of particle 2: 0.481672 0.777464
-DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 11: 0.149787 -0.0431100
-DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 11: 41234.6 -17206.6
-DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 11: 47472.6 -19001.9
-DEAL::Setting location of particle 11: 0.525104 0.912390
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 19: 0.133130 -0.0511823
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 19: 22273.9 -10417.0
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 19: 27818.2 -12548.5
DEAL::Setting location of particle 19: 0.489626 0.927650
+DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 11: 0.149787 -0.0431100
+DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 11: 41234.6 -17206.6
+DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 11: 47472.6 -19001.9
+DEAL::Setting location of particle 11: 0.525104 0.912390
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 26: 0.129913 -0.0577635
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 26: 13176.1 -6449.73
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 26: 18586.4 -8855.35
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 3: 61942.8 -22749.5
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 3: 67932.5 -23737.2
DEAL::Setting location of particle 3: 0.578159 0.892404
-DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 12: 0.149787 0.0431100
-DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 12: 41234.6 17206.6
-DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 12: 47472.6 19001.9
-DEAL::Setting location of particle 12: 0.525104 1.08761
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 20: 0.133130 0.0511823
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 20: 22273.9 10417.0
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 20: 27818.2 12548.5
DEAL::Setting location of particle 20: 0.489626 1.07235
+DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 12: 0.149787 0.0431100
+DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 12: 41234.6 17206.6
+DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 12: 47472.6 19001.9
+DEAL::Setting location of particle 12: 0.525104 1.08761
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 27: 0.129913 0.0577635
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 27: 13176.1 6449.73
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 27: 18586.4 8855.35
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 4: 61942.8 22749.5
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 4: 67932.5 23737.2
DEAL::Setting location of particle 4: 0.578159 1.10760
+DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 34: 0.0866775 0.0429638
+DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 34: 4058.92 2029.46
+DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 34: 7668.71 3818.74
+DEAL::Setting location of particle 34: 0.409137 1.18894
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 13: 0.0958050 0.0389023
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 13: 28093.4 13220.5
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 13: 32083.3 14840.6
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 28: 8846.96 4399.30
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 28: 12490.7 6167.28
DEAL::Setting location of particle 28: 0.413002 1.19085
-DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 34: 0.0866775 0.0429638
-DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 34: 4058.92 2029.46
-DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 34: 7668.71 3818.74
-DEAL::Setting location of particle 34: 0.409137 1.18894
DEAL::Evaluating E for particle 40: 0.0863596 0.0431798
DEAL::Getting old velocity of particle 40: 0.00000 0.00000
DEAL::Setting new velocity of particle 40: 3596.54 1798.27
DEAL::30 properties: 5324.92 -2655.15
DEAL::36 0.344337 0.687206 0.00894506 0.497651
DEAL::36 properties: 2479.68 -1239.84
+DEAL::31 0.409137 0.811060 0.0485375 0.488482
+DEAL::31 properties: 7668.71 -3818.74
DEAL::10 0.444901 0.793909 0.636055 0.351273
DEAL::10 properties: 32083.3 -14840.6
DEAL::18 0.420392 0.805542 0.236038 0.444339
DEAL::18 properties: 18793.1 -9128.81
DEAL::25 0.413002 0.809149 0.113228 0.473192
DEAL::25 properties: 12490.7 -6167.28
-DEAL::31 0.409137 0.811060 0.0485375 0.488482
-DEAL::31 properties: 7668.71 -3818.74
DEAL::37 0.407102 0.812074 0.0143377 0.496594
DEAL::37 properties: 3596.54 -1798.27
DEAL::2 0.481672 0.777464 0.216355 0.219714
DEAL::2 properties: 46890.1 -20200.0
DEAL::19 0.489626 0.927650 0.384969 0.421200
DEAL::19 properties: 27818.2 -12548.5
+DEAL::38 0.470018 0.936866 0.0238510 0.494929
+DEAL::38 properties: 5354.40 -2677.20
DEAL::26 0.478806 0.932612 0.187367 0.460899
DEAL::26 properties: 18586.4 -8855.35
DEAL::32 0.473047 0.935373 0.0805624 0.482985
DEAL::32 properties: 11411.7 -5614.09
-DEAL::38 0.470018 0.936866 0.0238510 0.494929
-DEAL::38 properties: 5354.40 -2677.20
DEAL::3 0.578159 0.892404 0.906212 0.139233
DEAL::3 properties: 67932.5 -23737.2
DEAL::11 0.525104 0.912390 0.0137312 0.299123
DEAL::11 properties: 47472.6 -19001.9
DEAL::20 0.489626 1.07235 0.384969 0.578800
DEAL::20 properties: 27818.2 12548.5
+DEAL::39 0.470018 1.06313 0.0238510 0.505071
+DEAL::39 properties: 5354.40 2677.20
DEAL::27 0.478806 1.06739 0.187367 0.539101
DEAL::27 properties: 18586.4 8855.35
DEAL::33 0.473047 1.06463 0.0805624 0.517015
DEAL::33 properties: 11411.7 5614.09
-DEAL::39 0.470018 1.06313 0.0238510 0.505071
-DEAL::39 properties: 5354.40 2677.20
DEAL::4 0.578159 1.10760 0.906212 0.860767
DEAL::4 properties: 67932.5 23737.2
DEAL::12 0.525104 1.08761 0.0137312 0.700877
DEAL::12 properties: 47472.6 19001.9
+DEAL::34 0.409137 1.18894 0.0485375 0.511518
+DEAL::34 properties: 7668.71 3818.74
DEAL::13 0.444901 1.20609 0.636055 0.648727
DEAL::13 properties: 32083.3 14840.6
DEAL::21 0.420392 1.19446 0.236038 0.555661
DEAL::21 properties: 18793.1 9128.81
DEAL::28 0.413002 1.19085 0.113228 0.526808
DEAL::28 properties: 12490.7 6167.28
-DEAL::34 0.409137 1.18894 0.0485375 0.511518
-DEAL::34 properties: 7668.71 3818.74
DEAL::40 0.407102 1.18793 0.0143377 0.503406
DEAL::40 properties: 3596.54 1798.27
DEAL::5 0.481672 1.22254 0.216355 0.780286