of course is going to change as the fluids move around.
The second part of the equations is the description of the
-dynamics of the saturation. The saturation equation for the displacing fluid (water) is:
+dynamics of the saturation, i.e., how the relative concentration of the
+two fluids changes with time. The saturation equation for the displacing
+fluid (water) is given by the following conservation law:
S_{t} + \nabla \cdot (F(S) \mathbf{u}) = q_{w},
- \\
- S_{t} + F(S) \nabla \mathbf{u} + \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla F(S) = S_{t} + F(S) * q + \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla F(S) = q_{w}.
-where $q_{w}$ is the flow rate of the displacing fluid (water) and is related to the fractional flow F(S) through:
+which can be rewritten by using the product rule of the divergence operator
+in the previous equation:
+ S_{t} + F(S) \left[\nabla \cdot \mathbf{u}\right]
+ + \mathbf{u} \cdot \left[ \nabla F(S)\right]
+ = S_{t} + F(S) q + \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla F(S) = q_{w}.
+Here, $q=\nabla\cdot \mathbf{u}$ is the total influx introduced
+above, and $q_{w}$ is the flow rate of the displacing fluid (water).
+These two are related to the fractional flow $F(S)$ in the following way:
+ q_{w} = F(S) q,
+where the fractional flow is often parameterized via the (heuristic) expression
- q_{w} = F(S) * q,
- \\
\frac{k_{rw}(S)/\mu_{w}}{k_{rw}(S)/\mu_{w} + k_{ro}(S)/\mu_{o}}.
-Thus, we obtain the saturation equation in the following advected form:
+Putting it all together yields the saturation equation in the following,
+advected form:
S_{t} + \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla F(S) = 0,