endc = adjacent_cells.end();
for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
- try
+ if ((*cell)->is_locally_owned())
- const Point<dim> p_cell =
- mapping.transform_real_to_unit_cell(*cell, p);
- // calculate the infinity norm of
- // the distance vector to the unit cell.
- const double dist =
- GeometryInfo<dim>::distance_to_unit_cell(p_cell);
- // We compare if the point is inside the
- // unit cell (or at least not too far
- // outside). If it is, it is also checked
- // that the cell has a more refined state
- if ((dist < best_distance) ||
- ((dist == best_distance) &&
- ((*cell)->level() > best_level)))
+ try
- found = true;
- best_distance = dist;
- best_level = (*cell)->level();
- best_cell = std::make_pair(*cell, p_cell);
+ const Point<dim> p_cell =
+ mapping.transform_real_to_unit_cell(*cell, p);
+ // calculate the infinity norm of
+ // the distance vector to the unit cell.
+ const double dist =
+ GeometryInfo<dim>::distance_to_unit_cell(p_cell);
+ // We compare if the point is inside the
+ // unit cell (or at least not too far
+ // outside). If it is, it is also checked
+ // that the cell has a more refined state
+ if ((dist < best_distance) ||
+ ((dist == best_distance) &&
+ ((*cell)->level() > best_level)))
+ {
+ found = true;
+ best_distance = dist;
+ best_level = (*cell)->level();
+ best_cell = std::make_pair(*cell, p_cell);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (typename MappingQGeneric<dim, spacedim>::
+ ExcTransformationFailed &)
+ {
+ // ok, the transformation
+ // failed presumably
+ // because the point we
+ // are looking for lies
+ // outside the current
+ // cell. this means that
+ // the current cell can't
+ // be the cell around the
+ // point, so just ignore
+ // this cell and move on
+ // to the next
- }
- catch (
- typename MappingQGeneric<dim, spacedim>::ExcTransformationFailed
- &)
- {
- // ok, the transformation
- // failed presumably
- // because the point we
- // are looking for lies
- // outside the current
- // cell. this means that
- // the current cell can't
- // be the cell around the
- // point, so just ignore
- // this cell and move on
- // to the next