In real life, most partial differential equations are really systems
of equations. Accordingly, the solutions are usually
-vector-valued. The deal.II library supports such problems we will show
+vector-valued. The deal.II library supports such problems, and we will show
that that is mostly rather simple. The only more complicated problems
are in assembling matrix and right hand side, but these are easily
understood as well.
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%% generated html file, replacing IMG=
In real life, most partial differential equations are really systems
of equations. Accordingly, the solutions are usually
-vector-valued. The deal.II library supports such problems we will show
+vector-valued. The deal.II library supports such problems, and we will show
that that is mostly rather simple. The only more complicated problems
are in assembling matrix and right hand side, but these are easily
understood as well.
\partial_j (c_{ijkl} \partial_k u_l)
- 0,
+ f_i,
i=1\ldots d,
(\nabla \cdot \mu \nabla) \vec u
- 0,
+ \vec f,
and the respective bilinear form is then