--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2018 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef dealii__cuda_hanging_nodes_internal_h
+#define dealii__cuda_hanging_nodes_internal_h
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+# include <deal.II/base/utilities.h>
+# include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
+# include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
+# include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+# include <deal.II/fe/fe_tools.h>
+namespace CUDAWrappers
+ namespace internal
+ {
+ /**
+ * This class creates the mask used in the treatment of hanging nodes in
+ * CUDAWrappers::MatrixFree.
+ * The implementation of this class is explained in <em>Section 3 of
+ * Matrix-Free Finite-Element Computations On Graphics Processors With
+ * Adaptively Refined Unstructured Meshes</em> by Karl Ljungkvist,
+ * SpringSim-HPC, 2017 April 23-26.
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ class HangingNodes
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ HangingNodes(unsigned int fe_degree,
+ const DoFHandler<dim> & dof_handler,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &lexicographic_mapping);
+ /**
+ * Compute the value of the constraint mask for a given cell.
+ */
+ template <typename CellIterator>
+ void
+ setup_constraints(std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_indices,
+ const CellIterator & cell,
+ unsigned int & mask) const;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Set up line-to-cell mapping for edge constraints in 3D.
+ */
+ void
+ setup_line_to_cell();
+ void
+ rotate_subface_index(int times, unsigned int &subface_index) const;
+ void
+ rotate_face(int times,
+ unsigned int n_dofs_1d,
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> &dofs) const;
+ unsigned int
+ line_dof_idx(int local_line,
+ unsigned int dof,
+ unsigned int n_dofs_1d) const;
+ void
+ transpose_face(std::vector<types::global_dof_index> &dofs) const;
+ void
+ transpose_subface_index(unsigned int &subface) const;
+ typedef typename DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator cell_iterator;
+ typedef
+ typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator active_cell_iterator;
+ const unsigned int n_raw_lines;
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<cell_iterator, unsigned int>>>
+ line_to_cells;
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &lexicographic_mapping;
+ const unsigned int fe_degree;
+ const DoFHandler<dim> & dof_handler;
+ };
+ namespace internal
+ {
+ // TODO: use a template parameter instead of a macro
+# define MAX_ELEM_DEGREE 10
+ __constant__ double
+ constraint_weights[(MAX_ELEM_DEGREE + 1) * (MAX_ELEM_DEGREE + 1)];
+ // Here is the system for how we store constraint types in a binary mask.
+ // This is not a complete contradiction-free system, i.e., there are
+ // invalid states that we just assume that we never get.
+ // If the mask is zero, there are no constraints. Then, there are three
+ // different fields with one bit per dimension. The first field determines
+ // the type, or the position of an element along each direction. The
+ // second field determines if there is a constrained face with that
+ // direction as normal. The last field determines if there is a
+ // constrained edge of a given pair of coordinate planes, but where
+ // neither of the corresponding faces are constrained (only valid in 3D).
+ // The element is placed in the 'first position' along *-axis. These also
+ // determine which face is constrained. For example, in 2D, if
+ // constr_face_x and constr_type are set, then x = 0 is contrained.
+ constexpr unsigned int constr_type_x = 1 << 0;
+ constexpr unsigned int constr_type_y = 1 << 1;
+ constexpr unsigned int constr_type_z = 1 << 2;
+ // Element has as a constraint at * = 0 or * = fe_degree face
+ constexpr unsigned int constr_face_x = 1 << 3;
+ constexpr unsigned int constr_face_y = 1 << 4;
+ constexpr unsigned int constr_face_z = 1 << 5;
+ // Element has as a constraint at * = 0 or * = fe_degree edge
+ constexpr unsigned int constr_edge_xy = 1 << 6;
+ constexpr unsigned int constr_edge_yz = 1 << 7;
+ constexpr unsigned int constr_edge_zx = 1 << 8;
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ setup_constraint_weigths(unsigned int fe_degree)
+ {
+ FE_Q<2> fe_q(fe_degree);
+ FullMatrix<double> interpolation_matrix(fe_q.dofs_per_face,
+ fe_q.dofs_per_face);
+ fe_q.get_subface_interpolation_matrix(fe_q, 0, interpolation_matrix);
+ std::vector<unsigned int> mapping =
+ FETools::lexicographic_to_hierarchic_numbering<1>(FE_Q<1>(fe_degree));
+ FullMatrix<double> mapped_matrix(fe_q.dofs_per_face,
+ fe_q.dofs_per_face);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fe_q.dofs_per_face; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fe_q.dofs_per_face; ++j)
+ mapped_matrix(i, j) = interpolation_matrix(mapping[i], mapping[j]);
+ cudaError_t error_code =
+ cudaMemcpyToSymbol(internal::constraint_weights,
+ &mapped_matrix[0][0],
+ sizeof(double) * fe_q.dofs_per_face *
+ fe_q.dofs_per_face);
+ AssertCuda(error_code);
+ }
+ } // namespace internal
+ template <int dim>
+ HangingNodes<dim>::HangingNodes(
+ unsigned int fe_degree,
+ const DoFHandler<dim> & dof_handler,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &lexicographic_mapping)
+ : n_raw_lines(dof_handler.get_triangulation().n_raw_lines())
+ , line_to_cells(dim == 3 ? n_raw_lines : 0)
+ , lexicographic_mapping(lexicographic_mapping)
+ , fe_degree(fe_degree)
+ , dof_handler(dof_handler)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(
+ (dim == 3) || ((fe_degree % 2) == 1),
+ ExcMessage(
+ "This function is not implemented when dim = 2 and fe_degree is even."));
+ // Set up line-to-cell mapping for edge constraints (only if dim = 3)
+ setup_line_to_cell();
+ internal::setup_constraint_weigths<dim>(fe_degree);
+ }
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ HangingNodes<dim>::setup_line_to_cell()
+ {}
+ template <>
+ void
+ HangingNodes<3>::setup_line_to_cell()
+ {
+ // In 3D, we can have DoFs on only an edge being constrained (e.g. in a
+ // cartesian 2x2x2 grid, where only the upper left 2 cells are refined).
+ // This sets up a helper data structure in the form of a mapping from
+ // edges (i.e. lines) to neighboring cells.
+ // Mapping from an edge to which children that share that edge.
+ const unsigned int line_to_children[12][2] = {{0, 2},
+ {1, 3},
+ {0, 1},
+ {2, 3},
+ {4, 6},
+ {5, 7},
+ {4, 5},
+ {6, 7},
+ {0, 4},
+ {1, 5},
+ {2, 6},
+ {3, 7}};
+ std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<cell_iterator, unsigned int>>>
+ line_to_inactive_cells(n_raw_lines);
+ // First add active and inactive cells to their lines:
+ for (auto cell : dof_handler.cell_iterators())
+ {
+ for (unsigned int line = 0; line < GeometryInfo<3>::lines_per_cell;
+ ++line)
+ {
+ const unsigned int line_idx = cell->line(line)->index();
+ if (cell->active())
+ line_to_cells[line_idx].push_back(std::make_pair(cell, line));
+ else
+ line_to_inactive_cells[line_idx].push_back(
+ std::make_pair(cell, line));
+ }
+ }
+ // Now, we can access edge-neighboring active cells on same level to also
+ // access of an edge to the edges "children". These are found from looking
+ // at the corresponding edge of children of inactive edge neighbors.
+ for (unsigned int line_idx = 0; line_idx < n_raw_lines; ++line_idx)
+ {
+ if ((line_to_cells[line_idx].size() > 0) &&
+ line_to_inactive_cells[line_idx].size() > 0)
+ {
+ // We now have cells to add (active ones) and edges to which they
+ // should be added (inactive cells).
+ const cell_iterator &inactive_cell =
+ line_to_inactive_cells[line_idx][0].first;
+ const unsigned int neighbor_line =
+ line_to_inactive_cells[line_idx][0].second;
+ for (unsigned int c = 0; c < 2; ++c)
+ {
+ const cell_iterator &child =
+ inactive_cell->child(line_to_children[neighbor_line][c]);
+ const unsigned int child_line_idx =
+ child->line(neighbor_line)->index();
+ // Now add all active cells
+ for (auto cl : line_to_cells[line_idx])
+ line_to_cells[child_line_idx].push_back(cl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <int dim>
+ template <typename CellIterator>
+ void
+ HangingNodes<dim>::setup_constraints(std::vector<unsigned int> &dof_indices,
+ const CellIterator & cell,
+ unsigned int & mask) const
+ {
+ mask = 0;
+ const unsigned int n_dofs_1d = fe_degree + 1;
+ const unsigned int dofs_per_face =
+ Utilities::fixed_power<dim - 1>(n_dofs_1d);
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> neighbor_dofs(dofs_per_face);
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> lex_face_mapping =
+ FETools::lexicographic_to_hierarchic_numbering<dim - 1>(
+ FE_Q<dim - 1>(fe_degree));
+ for (unsigned int face = 0; face < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+ ++face)
+ {
+ if ((!cell->at_boundary(face)) &&
+ (cell->neighbor(face)->has_children() == false))
+ {
+ const active_cell_iterator &neighbor = cell->neighbor(face);
+ // Neighbor is coarser than us, i.e., face is constrained
+ if (neighbor->level() < cell->level())
+ {
+ const unsigned int neighbor_face =
+ cell->neighbor_face_no(face);
+ // Find position of face on neighbor
+ unsigned int subface = 0;
+ for (; subface < GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_face;
+ ++subface)
+ if (neighbor->neighbor_child_on_subface(neighbor_face,
+ subface) == cell)
+ break;
+ // Get indices to read
+ neighbor->face(neighbor_face)->get_dof_indices(neighbor_dofs);
+ if (dim == 2)
+ {
+ if (face < 2)
+ {
+ mask |= internal::constr_face_x;
+ if (face == 0)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_x;
+ if (subface == 0)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_y;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mask |= internal::constr_face_y;
+ if (face == 2)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_y;
+ if (subface == 0)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_x;
+ }
+ // Reorder neighbor_dofs and copy into faceth face of
+ // dof_indices
+ // Offset if upper/right face
+ unsigned int offset = (face % 2 == 1) ? fe_degree : 0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_dofs_1d; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned int idx = 0;
+ // If X-line, i.e., if y = 0 or y = fe_degree
+ if (face > 1)
+ idx = n_dofs_1d * offset + i;
+ // If Y-line, i.e., if x = 0 or x = fe_degree
+ else
+ idx = n_dofs_1d * i + offset;
+ dof_indices[idx] = neighbor_dofs[lex_face_mapping[i]];
+ }
+ }
+ else if (dim == 3)
+ {
+ const bool transpose = !(cell->face_orientation(face));
+ int rotate = 0;
+ if (cell->face_rotation(face))
+ rotate -= 1;
+ if (cell->face_flip(face))
+ rotate -= 2;
+ rotate_face(rotate, n_dofs_1d, neighbor_dofs);
+ rotate_subface_index(rotate, subface);
+ if (transpose)
+ {
+ transpose_face(neighbor_dofs);
+ transpose_subface_index(subface);
+ }
+ // YZ-plane
+ if (face < 2)
+ {
+ mask |= internal::constr_face_x;
+ if (face == 0)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_x;
+ if (subface % 2 == 0)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_y;
+ if (subface / 2 == 0)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_z;
+ }
+ // XZ-plane
+ else if (face < 4)
+ {
+ mask |= internal::constr_face_y;
+ if (face == 2)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_y;
+ if (subface % 2 == 0)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_z;
+ if (subface / 2 == 0)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_x;
+ }
+ // XY-plane
+ else
+ {
+ mask |= internal::constr_face_z;
+ if (face == 4)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_z;
+ if (subface % 2 == 0)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_x;
+ if (subface / 2 == 0)
+ mask |= internal::constr_type_y;
+ }
+ // Offset if upper/right/back face
+ unsigned int offset = (face % 2 == 1) ? fe_degree : 0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_dofs_1d; ++i)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_dofs_1d; ++j)
+ {
+ unsigned int idx = 0;
+ // If YZ-plane, i.e., if x = 0 or x = fe_degree,
+ // and orientation standard
+ if (face < 2)
+ idx = n_dofs_1d * n_dofs_1d * i +
+ n_dofs_1d * j + offset;
+ // If XZ-plane, i.e., if y = 0 or y = fe_degree,
+ // and orientation standard
+ else if (face < 4)
+ idx = n_dofs_1d * n_dofs_1d * j +
+ n_dofs_1d * offset + i;
+ // If XY-plane, i.e., if z = 0 or z = fe_degree,
+ // and orientation standard
+ else
+ idx = n_dofs_1d * n_dofs_1d * offset +
+ n_dofs_1d * i + j;
+ dof_indices[idx] =
+ neighbor_dofs[lex_face_mapping[n_dofs_1d * i +
+ j]];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ExcNotImplemented();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // In 3D we can have a situation where only DoFs on an edge are
+ // constrained. Append these here.
+ if (dim == 3)
+ {
+ // For each line on cell, which faces does it belong to, what is the
+ // edge mask, what is the types of the faces it belong to, and what is
+ // the type along the edge.
+ const unsigned int line_to_edge[12][4] = {
+ {internal::constr_face_x | internal::constr_face_z,
+ internal::constr_edge_zx,
+ internal::constr_type_x | internal::constr_type_z,
+ internal::constr_type_y},
+ {internal::constr_face_x | internal::constr_face_z,
+ internal::constr_edge_zx,
+ internal::constr_type_z,
+ internal::constr_type_y},
+ {internal::constr_face_y | internal::constr_face_z,
+ internal::constr_edge_yz,
+ internal::constr_type_y | internal::constr_type_z,
+ internal::constr_type_x},
+ {internal::constr_face_y | internal::constr_face_z,
+ internal::constr_edge_yz,
+ internal::constr_type_z,
+ internal::constr_type_x},
+ {internal::constr_face_x | internal::constr_face_z,
+ internal::constr_edge_zx,
+ internal::constr_type_x,
+ internal::constr_type_y},
+ {internal::constr_face_x | internal::constr_face_z,
+ internal::constr_edge_zx,
+ 0,
+ internal::constr_type_y},
+ {internal::constr_face_y | internal::constr_face_z,
+ internal::constr_edge_yz,
+ internal::constr_type_y,
+ internal::constr_type_x},
+ {internal::constr_face_y | internal::constr_face_z,
+ internal::constr_edge_yz,
+ 0,
+ internal::constr_type_x},
+ {internal::constr_face_x | internal::constr_face_y,
+ internal::constr_edge_xy,
+ internal::constr_type_x | internal::constr_type_y,
+ internal::constr_type_z},
+ {internal::constr_face_x | internal::constr_face_y,
+ internal::constr_edge_xy,
+ internal::constr_type_y,
+ internal::constr_type_z},
+ {internal::constr_face_x | internal::constr_face_y,
+ internal::constr_edge_xy,
+ internal::constr_type_x,
+ internal::constr_type_z},
+ {internal::constr_face_x | internal::constr_face_y,
+ internal::constr_edge_xy,
+ 0,
+ internal::constr_type_z}};
+ for (unsigned int local_line = 0;
+ local_line < GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell;
+ ++local_line)
+ {
+ // If we don't already have a constraint for as part of a face
+ if (!(mask & line_to_edge[local_line][0]))
+ {
+ // For each cell which share that edge
+ const unsigned int line = cell->line(local_line)->index();
+ for (auto edge_neighbor : line_to_cells[line])
+ {
+ // If one of them is coarser than us
+ const cell_iterator neighbor_cell = edge_neighbor.first;
+ if (neighbor_cell->level() < cell->level())
+ {
+ const unsigned int local_line_neighbor =
+ edge_neighbor.second;
+ mask |= line_to_edge[local_line][1] |
+ line_to_edge[local_line][2];
+ bool flipped = false;
+ if (cell->line(local_line)->vertex_index(0) ==
+ neighbor_cell->line(local_line_neighbor)
+ ->vertex_index(0))
+ {
+ // Assuming line directions match axes directions,
+ // we have an unflipped edge of first type
+ mask |= line_to_edge[local_line][3];
+ }
+ else if (cell->line(local_line)->vertex_index(1) ==
+ neighbor_cell->line(local_line_neighbor)
+ ->vertex_index(1))
+ {
+ // We have an unflipped edge of second type
+ }
+ else if (cell->line(local_line)->vertex_index(1) ==
+ neighbor_cell->line(local_line_neighbor)
+ ->vertex_index(0))
+ {
+ // We have a flipped edge of second type
+ flipped = true;
+ }
+ else if (cell->line(local_line)->vertex_index(0) ==
+ neighbor_cell->line(local_line_neighbor)
+ ->vertex_index(1))
+ {
+ // We have a flipped edge of first type
+ mask |= line_to_edge[local_line][3];
+ flipped = true;
+ }
+ else
+ ExcInternalError();
+ // Copy the unconstrained values
+ neighbor_dofs.resize(n_dofs_1d * n_dofs_1d *
+ n_dofs_1d);
+ neighbor_cell->get_dof_indices(neighbor_dofs);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_dofs_1d; ++i)
+ {
+ // Get local dof index along line
+ const unsigned int idx =
+ line_dof_idx(local_line, i, n_dofs_1d);
+ dof_indices[idx] = neighbor_dofs
+ [lexicographic_mapping[line_dof_idx(
+ local_line_neighbor,
+ flipped ? fe_degree - i : i,
+ n_dofs_1d)]];
+ }
+ // Stop looping over edge neighbors
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ HangingNodes<dim>::rotate_subface_index(int times,
+ unsigned int &subface_index) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int rot_mapping[4] = {2, 0, 3, 1};
+ times = times % 4;
+ times = times < 0 ? times + 4 : times;
+ for (int t = 0; t < times; ++t)
+ subface_index = rot_mapping[subface_index];
+ }
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ HangingNodes<dim>::rotate_face(
+ int times,
+ unsigned int n_dofs_1d,
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> &dofs) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int rot_mapping[4] = {2, 0, 3, 1};
+ times = times % 4;
+ times = times < 0 ? times + 4 : times;
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> copy(dofs.size());
+ for (int t = 0; t < times; ++t)
+ {
+ std::swap(copy, dofs);
+ // Vertices
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ dofs[rot_mapping[i]] = copy[i];
+ // Edges
+ const unsigned int n_int = n_dofs_1d - 2;
+ unsigned int offset = 4;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_int; ++i)
+ {
+ // Left edge
+ dofs[offset + i] = copy[offset + 2 * n_int + (n_int - 1 - i)];
+ // Right edge
+ dofs[offset + n_int + i] =
+ copy[offset + 3 * n_int + (n_int - 1 - i)];
+ // Bottom edge
+ dofs[offset + 2 * n_int + i] = copy[offset + n_int + i];
+ // Top edge
+ dofs[offset + 3 * n_int + i] = copy[offset + i];
+ }
+ // Interior points
+ offset += 4 * n_int;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_int; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_int; ++j)
+ dofs[offset + i * n_int + j] =
+ copy[offset + j * n_int + (n_int - 1 - i)];
+ }
+ }
+ template <int dim>
+ unsigned int
+ HangingNodes<dim>::line_dof_idx(int local_line,
+ unsigned int dof,
+ unsigned int n_dofs_1d) const
+ {
+ unsigned int x, y, z;
+ if (local_line < 8)
+ {
+ x =
+ (local_line % 4 == 0) ? 0 : (local_line % 4 == 1) ? fe_degree : dof;
+ y =
+ (local_line % 4 == 2) ? 0 : (local_line % 4 == 3) ? fe_degree : dof;
+ z = (local_line / 4) * fe_degree;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ x = ((local_line - 8) % 2) * fe_degree;
+ y = ((local_line - 8) / 2) * fe_degree;
+ z = dof;
+ }
+ return n_dofs_1d * n_dofs_1d * z + n_dofs_1d * y + x;
+ }
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ HangingNodes<dim>::transpose_face(
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> &dofs) const
+ {
+ const std::vector<types::global_dof_index> copy(dofs);
+ // Vertices
+ dofs[1] = copy[2];
+ dofs[2] = copy[1];
+ // Edges
+ const unsigned int n_int = fe_degree - 1;
+ unsigned int offset = 4;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_int; ++i)
+ {
+ // Right edge
+ dofs[offset + i] = copy[offset + 2 * n_int + i];
+ // Left edge
+ dofs[offset + n_int + i] = copy[offset + 3 * n_int + i];
+ // Bottom edge
+ dofs[offset + 2 * n_int + i] = copy[offset + i];
+ // Top edge
+ dofs[offset + 3 * n_int + i] = copy[offset + n_int + i];
+ }
+ // Interior
+ offset += 4 * n_int;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_int; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_int; ++j)
+ dofs[offset + i * n_int + j] = copy[offset + j * n_int + i];
+ }
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ HangingNodes<dim>::transpose_subface_index(unsigned int &subface) const
+ {
+ if (subface == 1)
+ subface = 2;
+ else if (subface == 2)
+ subface = 1;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+ // Functions for resolving the hanging node constraints //
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------//
+ namespace internal
+ {
+ template <unsigned int size>
+ __device__ inline unsigned int
+ index2(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
+ {
+ return i + size * j;
+ }
+ template <unsigned int size>
+ __device__ inline unsigned int
+ index3(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k)
+ {
+ return i + size * j + size * size * k;
+ }
+ template <unsigned int fe_degree,
+ unsigned int direction,
+ bool transpose,
+ typename Number>
+ __device__ inline void
+ interpolate_boundary_2d(const unsigned int constr, Number *values)
+ {
+ const unsigned int x_idx = threadIdx.x % (fe_degree + 1);
+ const unsigned int y_idx = threadIdx.y;
+ const unsigned int this_type =
+ (direction == 0) ? internal::constr_type_x : internal::constr_type_y;
+ if (constr & (((direction == 0) ? internal::constr_face_y : 0) |
+ ((direction == 1) ? internal::constr_face_x : 0)))
+ {
+ const unsigned int interp_idx = (direction == 0) ? x_idx : y_idx;
+ __syncthreads();
+ Number t = 0;
+ const bool flag =
+ ((direction == 0) &&
+ ((constr & internal::constr_type_y) ? (y_idx == 0) :
+ (y_idx == fe_degree))) ||
+ ((direction == 1) &&
+ ((constr & internal::constr_type_x) ? (x_idx == 0) :
+ (x_idx == fe_degree)));
+ if (flag)
+ {
+ const bool type = constr & this_type;
+ if (type)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= fe_degree; ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int real_idx =
+ (direction == 0) ? index2<fe_degree + 1>(i, y_idx) :
+ index2<fe_degree + 1>(x_idx, i);
+ const Number w =
+ transpose ?
+ internal::constraint_weights[i * (fe_degree + 1) +
+ interp_idx] :
+ internal::constraint_weights[interp_idx *
+ (fe_degree + 1) +
+ i];
+ t += w * values[real_idx];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= fe_degree; ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int real_idx =
+ (direction == 0) ? index2<fe_degree + 1>(i, y_idx) :
+ index2<fe_degree + 1>(x_idx, i);
+ const Number w =
+ transpose ?
+ internal::constraint_weights[(fe_degree - i) *
+ (fe_degree + 1) +
+ fe_degree -
+ interp_idx] :
+ internal::constraint_weights[(fe_degree -
+ interp_idx) *
+ (fe_degree + 1) +
+ fe_degree - i];
+ t += w * values[real_idx];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __syncthreads();
+ if (flag)
+ values[index2<fe_degree + 1>(x_idx, y_idx)] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ template <unsigned int fe_degree,
+ unsigned int direction,
+ bool transpose,
+ typename Number>
+ __device__ inline void
+ interpolate_boundary_3d(const unsigned int constr, Number *values)
+ {
+ const unsigned int x_idx = threadIdx.x % (fe_degree + 1);
+ const unsigned int y_idx = threadIdx.y;
+ const unsigned int z_idx = threadIdx.z;
+ const unsigned int this_type =
+ (direction == 0) ? internal::constr_type_x :
+ (direction == 1) ? internal::constr_type_y :
+ internal::constr_type_z;
+ const unsigned int face1_type =
+ (direction == 0) ? internal::constr_type_y :
+ (direction == 1) ? internal::constr_type_z :
+ internal::constr_type_x;
+ const unsigned int face2_type =
+ (direction == 0) ? internal::constr_type_z :
+ (direction == 1) ? internal::constr_type_x :
+ internal::constr_type_y;
+ // If computing in x-direction, need to match against constr_face_y or
+ // constr_face_z
+ const unsigned int face1 = (direction == 0) ? internal::constr_face_y :
+ (direction == 1) ?
+ internal::constr_face_z :
+ internal::constr_face_x;
+ const unsigned int face2 = (direction == 0) ? internal::constr_face_z :
+ (direction == 1) ?
+ internal::constr_face_x :
+ internal::constr_face_y;
+ const unsigned int edge = (direction == 0) ? internal::constr_edge_yz :
+ (direction == 1) ?
+ internal::constr_edge_zx :
+ internal::constr_edge_xy;
+ if (constr & (face1 | face2 | edge))
+ {
+ const unsigned int interp_idx =
+ (direction == 0) ? x_idx : (direction == 1) ? y_idx : z_idx;
+ const unsigned int face1_idx =
+ (direction == 0) ? y_idx : (direction == 1) ? z_idx : x_idx;
+ const unsigned int face2_idx =
+ (direction == 0) ? z_idx : (direction == 1) ? x_idx : y_idx;
+ __syncthreads();
+ Number t = 0;
+ const bool on_face1 = (constr & face1_type) ?
+ (face1_idx == 0) :
+ (face1_idx == fe_degree);
+ const bool on_face2 = (constr & face2_type) ?
+ (face2_idx == 0) :
+ (face2_idx == fe_degree);
+ const bool flag = (((constr & face1) && on_face1) ||
+ ((constr & face2) && on_face2) ||
+ ((constr & edge) && on_face1 && on_face2));
+ if (flag)
+ {
+ const bool type = constr & this_type;
+ if (type)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= fe_degree; ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int real_idx =
+ (direction == 0) ?
+ index3<fe_degree + 1>(i, y_idx, z_idx) :
+ (direction == 1) ?
+ index3<fe_degree + 1>(x_idx, i, z_idx) :
+ index3<fe_degree + 1>(x_idx, y_idx, i);
+ const Number w =
+ transpose ?
+ internal::constraint_weights[i * (fe_degree + 1) +
+ interp_idx] :
+ internal::constraint_weights[interp_idx *
+ (fe_degree + 1) +
+ i];
+ t += w * values[real_idx];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= fe_degree; ++i)
+ {
+ const unsigned int real_idx =
+ (direction == 0) ?
+ index3<fe_degree + 1>(i, y_idx, z_idx) :
+ (direction == 1) ?
+ index3<fe_degree + 1>(x_idx, i, z_idx) :
+ index3<fe_degree + 1>(x_idx, y_idx, i);
+ const Number w =
+ transpose ?
+ internal::constraint_weights[(fe_degree - i) *
+ (fe_degree + 1) +
+ fe_degree -
+ interp_idx] :
+ internal::constraint_weights[(fe_degree -
+ interp_idx) *
+ (fe_degree + 1) +
+ fe_degree - i];
+ t += w * values[real_idx];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __syncthreads();
+ if (flag)
+ values[index3<fe_degree + 1>(x_idx, y_idx, z_idx)] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ } // namespace internal
+ /**
+ * This function resolves the hanging nodes using tensor product.
+ *
+ * The implementation of this class is explained in <em>Matrix-Free
+ * Finite-Element Computations On Graphics Processors With Adaptively
+ * Refined Unstructured Meshes</em> by Karl Ljungkvist, SpringSim-HPC, 2017
+ * April 23-26.
+ */
+ template <int dim, int fe_degree, bool transpose, typename Number>
+ __device__ void
+ resolve_hanging_nodes(const unsigned int constr, Number *values)
+ {
+ if (dim == 2)
+ {
+ internal::interpolate_boundary_2d<fe_degree, 0, transpose>(constr,
+ values);
+ internal::interpolate_boundary_2d<fe_degree, 1, transpose>(constr,
+ values);
+ }
+ else if (dim == 3)
+ {
+ // Interpolate y and z faces (x-direction)
+ internal::interpolate_boundary_3d<fe_degree, 0, transpose>(constr,
+ values);
+ // Interpolate x and z faces (y-direction)
+ internal::interpolate_boundary_3d<fe_degree, 1, transpose>(constr,
+ values);
+ // Interpolate x and y faces (z-direction)
+ internal::interpolate_boundary_3d<fe_degree, 2, transpose>(constr,
+ values);
+ }
+ }
+ } // namespace internal
+} // namespace CUDAWrappers