]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
Wrote some comments.
authorkronbichler <kronbichler@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Mon, 20 Oct 2008 17:00:11 +0000 (17:00 +0000)
committerkronbichler <kronbichler@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Mon, 20 Oct 2008 17:00:11 +0000 (17:00 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@17280 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index 6ef4629c47bbac6f0fa4fa97dcae6b6172639d14..c980719da528dfec0e3f7ac57173b23157b8e895 100644 (file)
@@ -244,14 +244,15 @@ namespace LinearSolvers
                                   // calculate the action of an
                                   // "inverted" matrix on a vector
                                   // (using the <code>vmult</code>
-                                  // operation)
-                                  // in the same way as the corresponding
-                                  // function in step-22: when the
-                                  // product of an object of this class
-                                  // is requested, we solve a linear
+                                  // operation) in the same way as
+                                  // the corresponding function in
+                                  // step-22: when the product of an
+                                  // object of this class is
+                                  // requested, we solve a linear
                                   // equation system with that matrix
                                   // using the CG method, accelerated
-                                  // by a preconditioner of (templated) class
+                                  // by a preconditioner of
+                                  // (templated) class
                                   // <code>Preconditioner</code>.
   template <class Matrix, class Preconditioner>
   class InverseMatrix : public Subscriptor
@@ -307,97 +308,95 @@ namespace LinearSolvers
                                   // This is the implementation of
                                   // the Schur complement
                                   // preconditioner as described in
-                                  // the section on improved solvers
-                                  // in step-22.
-                                  // 
-                                  // The basic concept of the
-                                  // preconditioner is different to
-                                  // the solution strategy used in
-                                  // step-20 and step-22. There, the
-                                  // Schur complement was used for a
-                                  // two-stage solution of the linear
-                                  // system. Recall that the process
-                                  // in the Schur complement solver
-                                  // is a Gaussian elimination of a
-                                  // 2x2 block matrix, where each
-                                  // block is solved iteratively.
-                                  // Here, the idea is to let an
-                                  // iterative solver act on the
-                                  // whole system, and to use a Schur
-                                  // complement for
-                                  // preconditioning. As usual when
-                                  // dealing with preconditioners, we
-                                  // don't intend to exacly set up a
-                                  // Schur complement, but rather use
-                                  // a good approximation to the
-                                  // Schur complement for the purpose
-                                  // of preconditioning.
-                                  // 
-                                  // So the question is how we can
-                                  // obtain a good preconditioner.
-                                  // Let's have a look at the 
+                                  // detail in the introduction. As
+                                  // opposed to step-20 and step-22,
+                                  // we solve the block system
+                                  // all-at-once using GMRES, and use
+                                  // the Schur complement of the
+                                  // block structured matrix to build
+                                  // a good preconditioner instead.
+                                  //
+                                  // Let's have a look at the ideal
                                   // preconditioner matrix <i>P</i>
-                                  // acting on the block system, built
-                                  // as
-                                  // @f{eqnarray*}
-                                  //   P^{-1}
-                                  //   = 
-                                  //   \left(\begin{array}{cc}
-                                  //     A^{-1} & 0 \\ S^{-1} B A^{-1} & -S^{-1}
-                                  //   \end{array}\right)
-                                  // @f}
-                                  // using the Schur complement 
-                                  // $S = B A^{-1} B^T$. If we apply
-                                  // this matrix in the solution of 
-                                  // a linear system, convergence of
-                                  // an iterative Krylov-based solver
-                                  // will be governed by the matrix
+                                  // described in the introduction. If
+                                  // we apply this matrix in the
+                                  // solution of a linear system,
+                                  // convergence of an iterative
+                                  // GMRES solver will be
+                                  // governed by the matrix
                                   // @f{eqnarray*}
-                                  //   P^{-1}\left(\begin{array}{cc}
-                                  //     A & B^T \\ B & 0
-                                  //   \end{array}\right) 
-                                  //  = 
-                                  //   \left(\begin{array}{cc}
-                                  //     I & A^{-1} B^T \\ 0 & 0
-                                  //   \end{array}\right),
-                                  // @f}
-                                  // which turns out to be very simple.
-                                  // A GMRES solver based on exact
+                                  // P^{-1}\left(\begin{array}{cc} A
+                                  // & B^T \\ B & 0
+                                  // \end{array}\right) =
+                                  // \left(\begin{array}{cc} I &
+                                  // A^{-1} B^T \\ 0 & 0
+                                  // \end{array}\right), @f} 
+                                  //
+                                  // which indeed is very simple. A
+                                  // GMRES solver based on exact
                                   // matrices would converge in two
-                                  // iterations, since there are
-                                  // only two distinct eigenvalues.
-                                  // Such a preconditioner for the
-                                  // blocked Stokes system has been 
-                                  // proposed by Silvester and Wathen
-                                  // ("Fast iterative solution of 
-                                  // stabilised Stokes systems part II. 
-                                  // Using general block preconditioners",
+                                  // iterations, since there are only
+                                  // two distinct eigenvalues. Such
+                                  // a preconditioner for the blocked
+                                  // Stokes system has been proposed
+                                  // by Silvester and Wathen ("Fast
+                                  // iterative solution of stabilised
+                                  // Stokes systems part II.  Using
+                                  // general block preconditioners",
                                   // SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 31 (1994),
                                   // pp. 1352-1367).
-                                  // The deal.II users who have already
-                                  // gone through the step-20 and step-22 
-                                  // tutorials can certainly imagine
-                                  // how we're going to implement this.
-                                  // We replace the inverse matrices
-                                  // in $P^{-1}$ using the InverseMatrix
-                                  // class, and the inverse Schur 
+                                  // Replacing <i>P</i> by
+                                  // $\tilde{P}$ does not change the
+                                  // situation dramatically. The
+                                  // product $P^{-1} A$ will still be
+                                  // close to a matrix with
+                                  // eigenvalues 0 and 1, which lets
+                                  // us hope to be able to get a
+                                  // number of GMRES iterations that
+                                  // does not depend on the problem
+                                  // size.
+                                  //
+                                  // The deal.II users who have
+                                  // already gone through the step-20
+                                  // and step-22 tutorials can
+                                  // certainly imagine how we're
+                                  // going to implement this.  We
+                                  // replace the inverse matrices in
+                                  // $P^{-1}$ using the InverseMatrix
+                                  // class, and the inverse Schur
                                   // complement will be approximated
-                                  // by the pressure mass matrix $M_p$.
-                                  // Having this in mind, we define a
-                                  // preconditioner class with a 
-                                  // <code>vmult</code> functionality,
-                                  // which is all we need for the
-                                  // interaction with the usual solver
-                                  // functions further below in the
-                                  // program code.
+                                  // by the pressure mass matrix
+                                  // $M_p$. As pointed out in the
+                                  // results section of step-22, we
+                                  // can replace the exact inverse of
+                                  // <i>A</i> by just the application
+                                  // of a preconditioner. This does
+                                  // increase the number of GMRES
+                                  // iterations, but is still
+                                  // significantly cheaper than an
+                                  // exact inverse, which would
+                                  // require between 20 and 35 CG
+                                  // iterations for <em>each</em>
+                                  // outer solver step (using the AMG
+                                  // preconditioner).
-                                  // First the declarations. These are
-                                  // similar to the definition of the Schur
-                                  // complement in step-20, with the
-                                  // difference that we need some more
-                                  // preconditioners in the constructor and
-                                  // that the matrices we use here are built
+                                  // Having the above explanations in
+                                  // mind, we define a preconditioner
+                                  // class with a <code>vmult</code>
+                                  // functionality, which is all we
+                                  // need for the interaction with
+                                  // the usual solver functions
+                                  // further below in the program
+                                  // code.
+                                  // 
+                                  // First the declarations. These
+                                  // are similar to the definition of
+                                  // the Schur complement in step-20,
+                                  // with the difference that we need
+                                  // some more preconditioners in the
+                                  // constructor and that the
+                                  // matrices we use here are built
                                   // upon Trilinos:
   template <class PreconditionerA, class PreconditionerMp>
   class BlockSchurPreconditioner : public Subscriptor
@@ -405,7 +404,8 @@ namespace LinearSolvers
       BlockSchurPreconditioner (
        const TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix     &S,
-       const InverseMatrix<TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix,PreconditionerMp>  &Mpinv,
+       const InverseMatrix<TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix,
+                           PreconditionerMp>         &Mpinv,
        const PreconditionerA                         &Apreconditioner);
       void vmult (TrilinosWrappers::BlockVector       &dst,
@@ -426,7 +426,8 @@ namespace LinearSolvers
   template <class PreconditionerA, class PreconditionerMp>
   BlockSchurPreconditioner<PreconditionerA, PreconditionerMp>::
   BlockSchurPreconditioner(const TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix  &S,
-                          const InverseMatrix<TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix,PreconditionerMp> &Mpinv,
+                          const InverseMatrix<TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix,
+                                              PreconditionerMp>      &Mpinv,
                           const PreconditionerA                      &Apreconditioner)
                  stokes_matrix           (&S),
@@ -437,21 +438,24 @@ namespace LinearSolvers
                                   // Next is the <code>vmult</code>
-                                  // function. We implement the action of
-                                  // $P^{-1}$ as described above in three
-                                  // successive steps.  The first step
-                                  // multiplies the velocity part of the
-                                  // vector by a preconditioner of the matrix
-                                  // <i>A</i>.  The resuling velocity vector
-                                  // is then multiplied by $B$ and subtracted
-                                  // from the pressure.  This second step
-                                  // only acts on the pressure vector and is
-                                  // accomplished by the command
-                                  // SparseMatrix::residual. Next, we change
-                                  // the sign in the temporary pressure
-                                  // vector and finally multiply by the
-                                  // pressure mass matrix to get the final
-                                  // pressure vector, completing our work on
+                                  // function. We implement the
+                                  // action of $P^{-1}$ as described
+                                  // above in three successive steps.
+                                  // The first step multiplies the
+                                  // velocity part of the vector by a
+                                  // preconditioner of the matrix
+                                  // <i>A</i>.  The resuling velocity
+                                  // vector is then multiplied by $B$
+                                  // and subtracted from the
+                                  // pressure.  This second step only
+                                  // acts on the pressure vector and
+                                  // is accomplished by the command
+                                  // SparseMatrix::residual. Next, we
+                                  // change the sign in the temporary
+                                  // pressure vector and finally
+                                  // multiply by the pressure mass
+                                  // matrix to get the final pressure
+                                  // vector, completing our work on
                                   // the Stokes preconditioner:
   template <class PreconditionerA, class PreconditionerMp>
   void BlockSchurPreconditioner<PreconditionerA, PreconditionerMp>::vmult (
@@ -622,12 +626,14 @@ BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::BoussinesqFlowProblem ()
                                 // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::get_maximal_velocity}
-                                // Starting the real functionality of this
-                                // class is a helper function that determines
-                                // the maximum velocity in the domain (at the
-                                // quadrature points, in fact). It should be
-                                // relatively obvious to all who have gotten
-                                // to this point:
+                                // Starting the real functionality of
+                                // this class is a helper function
+                                // that determines the maximum
+                                // ($L_\infty$) velocity in the
+                                // domain (at the quadrature points,
+                                // in fact). It should be relatively
+                                // obvious to all who have gotten to
+                                // this point:
 template <int dim>
 double BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::get_maximal_velocity () const
@@ -993,32 +999,37 @@ void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::setup_dofs ()
                                   // used in three spatial dimensions as we
                                   // intend to do for this program.
-                                  // So, we first release the memory stored
-                                  // in the matrices, then set up an object
-                                  // of type
+                                  // So, we first release the memory
+                                  // stored in the matrices, then set
+                                  // up an object of type
                                   // BlockCompressedSetSparsityPattern
-                                  // consisting of $2\times 2$ blocks (for
-                                  // the Stokes system matrix and
-                                  // preconditioner) or
-                                  // CompressedSparsityPattern (for the
-                                  // temperature part). We then fill these
-                                  // sparsity patterns with the nonzero
-                                  // pattern, taking into account that for
-                                  // the Stokes system matrix, there are no
-                                  // entries in the pressure-pressure block
-                                  // (but all velocity vector components
-                                  // couple with each other and with the
-                                  // pressure), and that in the Stokes
-                                  // preconditioner matrix, only the diagonal
-                                  // blocks are nonzero (we use the vector
+                                  // consisting of $2\times 2$ blocks
+                                  // (for the Stokes system matrix
+                                  // and preconditioner) or
+                                  // CompressedSparsityPattern (for
+                                  // the temperature part). We then
+                                  // fill these sparsity patterns
+                                  // with the nonzero pattern, taking
+                                  // into account that for the Stokes
+                                  // system matrix, there are no
+                                  // entries in the pressure-pressure
+                                  // block (but all velocity vector
+                                  // components couple with each
+                                  // other and with the
+                                  // pressure). Similarly, in the
+                                  // Stokes preconditioner matrix,
+                                  // only the diagonal blocks are
+                                  // nonzero, since we use the vector
                                   // Laplacian as discussed in the
-                                  // introduction, which only couples each
-                                  // vector component of the Laplacian with
-                                  // itself, but not with the other vector
-                                  // components; this, however, is subject to
-                                  // the application of constraints which
-                                  // couple vector components at the boundary
-                                  // again).
+                                  // introduction. This operator only
+                                  // couples each vector component of
+                                  // the Laplacian with itself, but
+                                  // not with the other vector
+                                  // components. Though, the operator
+                                  // is subject to the application of
+                                  // constraints which couple vector
+                                  // components at the boundary
+                                  // again.
                                   // Then, constraints are applied to the
                                   // temporary sparsity patterns, which are
@@ -1109,12 +1120,14 @@ void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::setup_dofs ()
     temperature_stiffness_matrix.reinit (temperature_sparsity_pattern);
-                                  // As last action in this function, we need
-                                  // to set the vectors for the solution
-                                  // $\mathbf u$ and $T^k$, the old solutions
-                                  // $T^{k-1}$ and $T^{k-2}$ (required for
-                                  // time stepping) and the system right hand
-                                  // sides to their correct sizes and block
+                                  // As last action in this function,
+                                  // we need to set the vectors for
+                                  // the solution $\mathbf u$ and
+                                  // $T^k$, the old solutions
+                                  // $T^{k-1}$ and $T^{k-2}$
+                                  // (required for time stepping) and
+                                  // the system right hand sides to
+                                  // their correct sizes and block
                                   // structure:
   stokes_solution.reinit (stokes_block_sizes);
   stokes_rhs.reinit (stokes_block_sizes);
@@ -1128,6 +1141,33 @@ void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::setup_dofs ()
+                                // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::assemble_stokes_preconditioner}
+                                // 
+                                 // This function assembles the matrix
+                                 // we use for preconditioning the
+                                 // Stokes system. What we need are a
+                                 // vector Laplace matrix on the
+                                 // velocity components and a mass
+                                 // matrix on the pressure
+                                 // component. We start by generating
+                                 // a quadrature object of appropriate
+                                 // order, the FEValues object that
+                                 // can give values and gradients at
+                                 // the quadrature points (together
+                                 // with quadrature weights). Next we
+                                 // create data structures for the
+                                 // cell matrix and the relation
+                                 // between local and global DoFs. The
+                                 // vectors <tt>phi_grad_u</tt> and
+                                 // <tt>phi_p</tt> are going to hold
+                                 // the values of the basis functions
+                                 // in order to faster build up the
+                                 // local matrices, as was already
+                                 // done in step-22. Before we start
+                                 // the loop over all active cells, we
+                                 // have to specify which components
+                                 // are pressure and which are
+                                 // velocity.
 template <int dim>
 BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::assemble_stokes_preconditioner ()
@@ -1160,6 +1200,25 @@ BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::assemble_stokes_preconditioner ()
       stokes_fe_values.reinit (cell);
       local_matrix = 0;
+                                  // The creation of the local matrix
+                                  // is very simple. There are only a
+                                  // Laplace term (on the velocity)
+                                  // and a mass matrix to be
+                                  // generated, so the creation of
+                                  // the local matrix is done in two
+                                  // lines, if we first shortcut to
+                                  // the FE data. Once the local
+                                  // matrix is ready (loop over rows
+                                  // and columns in the local matrix
+                                  // on each quadrature point), we
+                                  // get the local DoF indices and
+                                  // write the local information into
+                                  // the global matrix. We do this as
+                                  // in step-27, i.e. we directly
+                                  // apply the constraints from
+                                  // hanging nodes locally. By doing
+                                  // so, we don't have to do that
+                                  // afterwards.
       for (unsigned int q=0; q<n_q_points; ++q)
          for (unsigned int k=0; k<dofs_per_cell; ++k)
@@ -1181,7 +1240,6 @@ BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::assemble_stokes_preconditioner ()
-  stokes_preconditioner_matrix.compress();

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

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