+++ /dev/null
-//---------------------------- sparse_ilu.templates.h ---------------------------
-// $Id$
-// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by the deal.II authors
-// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
-// without copyright and license information. Please refer
-// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
-// further information on this license.
-//---------------------------- sparse_ilu.templates.h ---------------------------
-#ifndef __deal2__sparse_ilu_templates_h
-#define __deal2__sparse_ilu_templates_h
-#include <base/config.h>
-#include <lac/vector.h>
-#include <lac/sparse_ilu.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cmath>
-template <typename number>
-SparseILU<number>::SparseILU ()
-template <typename number>
-SparseILU<number>::SparseILU (const SparsityPattern &sparsity) :
- SparseMatrix<number> (sparsity)
-template <typename number>
-void SparseILU<number>::reinit ()
- SparseMatrix<number>::reinit ();
-template <typename number>
-void SparseILU<number>::reinit (const SparsityPattern &sparsity)
- SparseMatrix<number>::reinit (sparsity);
-template <typename number>
-template <typename somenumber>
-void SparseILU<number>::decompose (const SparseMatrix<somenumber> &matrix,
- const double strengthen_diagonal)
- Assert (matrix.m()==matrix.n(), ExcMatrixNotSquare ());
- Assert (this->m()==this->n(), ExcMatrixNotSquare ());
- Assert (matrix.m()==this->m(), ExcSizeMismatch(matrix.m(), this->m()));
- Assert (strengthen_diagonal>=0, ExcInvalidStrengthening (strengthen_diagonal));
- // first thing: copy over all elements
- // of @p{matrix} to the present object
- //
- // note that some elements in this
- // matrix may not be in @p{matrix},
- // so we need to preset our matrix
- // by zeroes.
- if (true)
- {
- // preset the elements
- std::fill_n (&this->global_entry(0),
- this->n_nonzero_elements(),
- 0);
- // note: pointers to the sparsity
- // pattern of the old matrix!
- const unsigned int * const rowstart_indices
- = matrix.get_sparsity_pattern().get_rowstart_indices();
- const unsigned int * const column_numbers
- = matrix.get_sparsity_pattern().get_column_numbers();
- for (unsigned int row=0; row<this->m(); ++row)
- for (const unsigned int * col = &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row]];
- col != &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row+1]]; ++col)
- set (row, *col, matrix.global_entry(col-column_numbers));
- };
- if (strengthen_diagonal > 0)
- for (unsigned int row=0; row<this->m(); ++row)
- {
- // get the length of the row
- // (without the diagonal element)
- const unsigned int
- rowlength = (this->get_sparsity_pattern().get_rowstart_indices()[row+1]
- -
- this->get_sparsity_pattern().get_rowstart_indices()[row]
- -
- 1);
- // get the global index of the first
- // non-diagonal element in this row
- const unsigned int rowstart
- = this->get_sparsity_pattern().get_rowstart_indices()[row] + 1;
- number * const diagonal_element = &this->global_entry(rowstart-1);
- number rowsum = 0;
- for (unsigned int global_index=rowstart;
- global_index<rowstart+rowlength; ++global_index)
- rowsum += std::fabs(this->global_entry(global_index));
- *diagonal_element += strengthen_diagonal * rowsum;
- };
- // now work only on this
- // matrix
- const SparsityPattern &sparsity = this->get_sparsity_pattern();
- const unsigned int * const rowstart_indices = sparsity.get_rowstart_indices();
- const unsigned int * const column_numbers = sparsity.get_column_numbers();
- (indices=0..N-1)
- for i=1..N-1
- a[i-1,i-1] = a[i-1,i-1]^{-1}
- for k=0..i-1
- a[i,k] = a[i,k] * a[k,k]
- for j=k+1..N-1
- if (a[i,j] exists & a[k,j] exists)
- a[i,j] -= a[i,k] * a[k,j]
- // i := row
- for (unsigned int row=1; row<this->m(); ++row)
- {
- // invert diagonal element of the
- // previous row. this is a hack,
- // which is possible since this
- // element is not needed any more
- // in the process of decomposition
- // and since it makes the backward
- // step when applying the decomposition
- // significantly faster
- AssertThrow((this->global_entry(rowstart_indices[row-1]) !=0),
- ExcDivideByZero());
- this->global_entry (rowstart_indices[row-1])
- = 1./this->global_entry (rowstart_indices[row-1]);
- // let k run over all lower-left
- // elements of row i; skip
- // diagonal element at start
- const unsigned int * first_of_row
- = &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row]+1];
- const unsigned int * first_after_diagonal
- = std::lower_bound (&column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row]+1],
- &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row+1]],
- row);
- // k := *col_ptr
- for (const unsigned int * col_ptr = first_of_row; col_ptr!=first_after_diagonal; ++col_ptr)
- {
- const unsigned int global_index_ik = col_ptr-column_numbers;
- this->global_entry(global_index_ik) *= this->diag_element(*col_ptr);
- // now do the inner loop over
- // j. note that we need to do
- // it in the right order, i.e.
- // taking into account that the
- // columns are sorted within each
- // row correctly, but excluding
- // the main diagonal entry
- const int global_index_ki = sparsity(*col_ptr,row);
- if (global_index_ki != -1)
- this->diag_element(row) -= this->global_entry(global_index_ik) *
- this->global_entry(global_index_ki);
- for (const unsigned int * j = col_ptr+1;
- j<&column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row+1]];
- ++j)
- {
-//TODO:[WB] make code faster by using the following comment
- // note: this inner loop could
- // be made considerable faster
- // if we consulted the row
- // with number *col_ptr,
- // instead of always asking
- // sparsity(*col_ptr,*j),
- // since we traverse this
- // row linearly. I just didn't
- // have the time to figure out
- // the details.
- const int global_index_ij = j - &column_numbers[0],
- global_index_kj = sparsity(*col_ptr,*j);
- if ((global_index_ij != -1) &&
- (global_index_kj != -1))
- this->global_entry(global_index_ij) -= this->global_entry(global_index_ik) *
- this->global_entry(global_index_kj);
- };
- };
- };
- // Here the very last diagonal
- // element still has to be inverted
- // because the for-loop doesn't do
- // it...
- this->diag_element(this->m()-1) = 1./this->diag_element(this->m()-1);
- OLD CODE, rather crude first implementation with an algorithm taken
- from 'W. Hackbusch, G. Wittum: Incomplete Decompositions (ILU)-
- Algorithms, Theory, and Applications', page 6.
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<m()-1; ++k)
- for (unsigned int i=k+1; i<m(); ++i)
- {
- // get the global index
- // of the element (i,k)
- const int global_index_ik = get_sparsity_pattern()(i,k);
- // if this element is zero,
- // then we continue with the
- // next i, since e would be
- // zero and nothing would happen
- // in this loop
- if (global_index_ik == -1)
- continue;
- const number e = global_entry(global_index_ik) / diag_element(k);
- global_entry(global_index_ik) = e;
- for (unsigned int j=k+1; j<m(); ++j)
- {
- // find out about a_kj
- // if this does not exist,
- // then the updates within
- // this innermost loop would
- // be zero, invariable of the
- // fact of whether a_ij is a
- // nonzero or a zero element
- const int global_index_kj = get_sparsity_pattern()(k,j);
- if (global_index_kj == -1)
- continue;
- const int global_index_ij = get_sparsity_pattern()(i,j);
- if (global_index_ij != -1)
- global_entry(global_index_ij) -= e*global_entry(global_index_kj);
- else
- diag_element(i) -= e*global_entry(global_index_kj);
- };
- };
-template <typename number>
-template <typename somenumber>
-void SparseILU<number>::apply_decomposition (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
- const Vector<somenumber> &src) const
- Assert (dst.size() == src.size(), ExcSizeMismatch(dst.size(), src.size()));
- Assert (dst.size() == this->m(), ExcSizeMismatch(dst.size(), this->m()));
- const unsigned int N=dst.size();
- const unsigned int * const rowstart_indices
- = this->get_sparsity_pattern().get_rowstart_indices();
- const unsigned int * const column_numbers
- = this->get_sparsity_pattern().get_column_numbers();
- // solve LUx=b in two steps:
- // first Ly = b, then
- // Ux = y
- //
- // first a forward solve. since
- // the diagonal values of L are
- // one, there holds
- // y_i = b_i
- // - sum_{j=0}^{i-1} L_{ij}y_j
- // we split the y_i = b_i off and
- // perform it at the outset of the
- // loop
- dst = src;
- for (unsigned int row=0; row<N; ++row)
- {
- // get start of this row. skip the
- // diagonal element
- const unsigned int * const rowstart = &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row]+1];
- // find the position where the part
- // right of the diagonal starts
- const unsigned int * const first_after_diagonal
- = std::lower_bound (rowstart,
- &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row+1]],
- row);
- for (const unsigned int * col=rowstart; col!=first_after_diagonal; ++col)
- dst(row) -= this->global_entry (col-column_numbers) * dst(*col);
- };
- // now the backward solve. same
- // procedure, but we need not set
- // dst before, since this is already
- // done.
- //
- // note that we need to scale now,
- // since the diagonal is not zero
- // now
- for (int row=N-1; row>=0; --row)
- {
- // get end of this row
- const unsigned int * const rowend = &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row+1]];
- // find the position where the part
- // right of the diagonal starts
- const unsigned int * const first_after_diagonal
- = std::lower_bound (&column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row]+1],
- &column_numbers[rowstart_indices[row+1]],
- static_cast<unsigned int>(row));
- for (const unsigned int * col=first_after_diagonal; col!=rowend; ++col)
- dst(row) -= this->global_entry (col-column_numbers) * dst(*col);
- // scale by the diagonal element.
- // note that the diagonal element
- // was stored inverted
- dst(row) *= this->diag_element(row);
- };
-template <typename number>
-unsigned int
-SparseILU<number>::memory_consumption () const
- return SparseMatrix<number>::memory_consumption ();
-/*---------------------------- sparse_ilu.templates.h ---------------------------*/
-/*---------------------------- sparse_ilu.templates.h ---------------------------*/
+++ /dev/null
-//---------------------------- sparse_matrix.h ---------------------------
-// $Id$
-// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 by the deal.II authors
-// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
-// without copyright and license information. Please refer
-// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
-// further information on this license.
-//---------------------------- sparse_matrix.h ---------------------------
-#ifndef __deal2__sparse_matrix_h
-#define __deal2__sparse_matrix_h
-#include <base/config.h>
-#include <base/exceptions.h>
-#include <base/subscriptor.h>
-#include <base/smartpointer.h>
-#include <lac/sparsity_pattern.h>
-template<typename number> class Vector;
-template<typename number> class FullMatrix;
- * Sparse matrix.
- *
- *
- * @sect2{On template instantiations}
- *
- * Member functions of this class are either implemented in this file
- * or in a file of the same name with suffix ``.templates.h''. For the
- * most common combinations of the template parameters, instantiations
- * of this class are provided in a file with suffix ``.cc'' in the
- * ``source'' directory. If you need an instantiation that is not
- * listed there, you have to include this file along with the
- * corresponding ``.templates.h'' file and instantiate the respective
- * class yourself.
- *
- * @author Original version by Roland Becker, Guido Kanschat, Franz-Theo Suttmeier; lots of enhancements, reorganisation and documentation by Wolfgang Bangerth 1998
- */
-template <typename number>
-class SparseMatrix : public Subscriptor
- public:
- /**
- * Accessor class for iterators
- */
- class Accessor
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Constructor. Since we use
- * accessors only for read
- * access, a const matrix
- * pointer is sufficient.
- */
- Accessor (const SparseMatrix<number>*,
- unsigned int row,
- unsigned short index);
- /**
- * Row number of the element
- * represented by this
- * object.
- */
- unsigned int row() const;
- /**
- * Index in row of the element
- * represented by this
- * object.
- */
- unsigned short index() const;
- /**
- * Column number of the
- * element represented by
- * this object.
- */
- unsigned int column() const;
- /**
- * Value of this matrix entry.
- */
- number value() const;
- protected:
- /**
- * The matrix accessed.
- */
- const SparseMatrix<number>* matrix;
- /**
- * Current row number.
- */
- unsigned int a_row;
- /**
- * Current index in row.
- */
- unsigned short a_index;
- };
- /**
- * STL conforming iterator.
- */
- class const_iterator : private Accessor
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- const_iterator(const SparseMatrix<number>*,
- unsigned int row,
- unsigned short index);
- /**
- * Prefix increment.
- */
- const_iterator& operator++ ();
- /**
- * Postfix increment.
- */
- const_iterator& operator++ (int);
- /**
- * Dereferencing operator.
- */
- const Accessor& operator* () const;
- /**
- * Dereferencing operator.
- */
- const Accessor* operator-> () const;
- /**
- * Comparison. True, if
- * both iterators point to
- * the same matrix
- * position.
- */
- bool operator == (const const_iterator&) const;
- /**
- * Inverse of @p{==}.
- */
- bool operator != (const const_iterator&) const;
- /**
- * Comparison
- * operator. Result is true
- * if either the first row
- * number is smaller or if
- * the row numbers are
- * equal and the first
- * index is smaller.
- */
- bool operator < (const const_iterator&) const;
- };
- /**
- * Type of matrix entries. In analogy to
- * the STL container classes.
- */
- typedef number value_type;
- /**
- * Constructor; initializes the matrix to
- * be empty, without any structure, i.e.
- * the matrix is not usable at all. This
- * constructor is therefore only useful
- * for matrices which are members of a
- * class. All other matrices should be
- * created at a point in the data flow
- * where all necessary information is
- * available.
- *
- * You have to initialize
- * the matrix before usage with
- * @p{reinit(SparsityPattern)}.
- */
- SparseMatrix ();
- /**
- * Copy constructor. This constructor is
- * only allowed to be called if the matrix
- * to be copied is empty. This is for the
- * same reason as for the
- * @p{SparsityPattern}, see there for the
- * details.
- *
- * If you really want to copy a whole
- * matrix, you can do so by using the
- * @p{copy_from} function.
- */
- SparseMatrix (const SparseMatrix &);
- /**
- * Constructor. Takes the given
- * matrix sparsity structure to
- * represent the sparsity pattern
- * of this matrix. You can change
- * the sparsity pattern later on
- * by calling the @p{reinit}
- * function.
- *
- * You have to make sure that the
- * lifetime of the sparsity
- * structure is at least as long
- * as that of this matrix or as
- * long as @p{reinit} is not
- * called with a new sparsity
- * structure.
- *
- * The constructor is marked
- * explicit so as to disallow
- * that someone passes a sparsity
- * pattern in place of a sparse
- * matrix to some function, where
- * an empty matrix would be
- * generated then.
- */
- explicit SparseMatrix (const SparsityPattern &sparsity);
- /**
- * Destructor. Free all memory, but do not
- * release the memory of the sparsity
- * structure.
- */
- virtual ~SparseMatrix ();
- /**
- * Pseudo operator only copying
- * empty objects.
- */
- SparseMatrix<number>& operator = (const SparseMatrix<number> &);
- /**
- * Reinitialize the object but
- * keep to the sparsity pattern
- * previously used. This may be
- * necessary if you @p{reinit}'d
- * the sparsity structure and
- * want to update the size of the
- * matrix.
- *
- * Note that memory is only
- * reallocated if the new size
- * exceeds the old size. If that
- * is not the case, the allocated
- * memory is not reduced. However,
- * if the sparsity structure is
- * empty (i.e. the dimensions are
- * zero), then all memory is
- * freed.
- *
- * If the sparsity pattern has
- * not changed, then the effect
- * of this function is simply to
- * reset all matrix entries to
- * zero.
- */
- virtual void reinit ();
- /**
- * Reinitialize the sparse matrix
- * with the given sparsity
- * pattern. The latter tells the
- * matrix how many nonzero
- * elements there need to be
- * reserved.
- *
- * Regarding memory allocation,
- * the same applies as said
- * above.
- *
- * You have to make sure that the
- * lifetime of the sparsity
- * structure is at least as long
- * as that of this matrix or as
- * long as @p{reinit} is not called
- * with a new sparsity structure.
- *
- * The elements of the matrix are
- * set to zero by this function.
- */
- virtual void reinit (const SparsityPattern &sparsity);
- /**
- * Release all memory and return
- * to a state just like after
- * having called the default
- * constructor. It also forgets
- * the sparsity pattern it was
- * previously tied to.
- */
- virtual void clear ();
- /**
- * Return whether the object is
- * empty. It is empty if either
- * both dimensions are zero or no
- * @p{SparsityPattern} is
- * associated.
- */
- bool empty () const;
- /**
- * Return the dimension of the
- * image space. To remember: the
- * matrix is of dimension
- * $m \times n$.
- */
- unsigned int m () const;
- /**
- * Return the dimension of the
- * range space. To remember: the
- * matrix is of dimension
- * $m \times n$.
- */
- unsigned int n () const;
- /**
- * Return the number of nonzero
- * elements of this
- * matrix. Actually, it returns
- * the number of entries in the
- * sparsity pattern; if any of
- * the entries should happen to
- * be zero, it is counted anyway.
- */
- unsigned int n_nonzero_elements () const;
- /**
- * Return the number of actually
- * nonzero elements of this
- * matrix.
- *
- * Note, that this function does
- * (in contrary to the
- * @p{n_nonzero_elements}) NOT
- * count all entries of the
- * sparsity pattern but only the
- * ones that are nonzero.
- */
- unsigned int n_actually_nonzero_elements () const;
- /**
- * Set the element @p{(i,j)} to @p{value}.
- * Throws an error if the entry does
- * not exist. Still, it is allowed to store
- * zero values in non-existent fields.
- */
- void set (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j,
- const number value);
- /**
- * Add @p{value} to the element
- * @p{(i,j)}. Throws an error if
- * the entry does not
- * exist. Still, it is allowed to
- * store zero values in
- * non-existent fields.
- */
- void add (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j,
- const number value);
- /**
- * Symmetrize the matrix by
- * forming the mean value between
- * the existing matrix and its
- * transpose, $A = \frac 12(A+A^T)$.
- *
- * This operation assumes that
- * the underlying sparsity
- * pattern represents a symmetric
- * object. If this is not the
- * case, then the result of this
- * operation will not be a
- * symmetric matrix, since it
- * only explicitly symmetrizes
- * by looping over the lower left
- * triangular part for efficiency
- * reasons; if there are entries
- * in the upper right triangle,
- * then these elements are missed
- * in the
- * symmetrization. Symmetrization
- * of the sparsity pattern can be
- * obtain by the
- * @ref{SparsityPattern}@p{::symmetrize}
- * function.
- */
- void symmetrize ();
- /**
- * Copy the given matrix to this
- * one. The operation throws an
- * error if the sparsity patterns
- * of the two involved matrices
- * do not point to the same
- * object, since in this case the
- * copy operation is
- * cheaper. Since this operation
- * is notheless not for free, we
- * do not make it available
- * through @p{operator =}, since
- * this may lead to unwanted
- * usage, e.g. in copy arguments
- * to functions, which should
- * really be arguments by
- * reference.
- *
- * The source matrix may be a matrix
- * of arbitrary type, as long as its
- * data type is convertible to the
- * data type of this matrix.
- *
- * The function returns a reference to
- * @p{this}.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- SparseMatrix<number> &
- copy_from (const SparseMatrix<somenumber> &source);
- /**
- * This function is complete
- * analogous to the
- * @ref{SparsityPattern}@p{::copy_from}
- * function in that it allows to
- * initialize a whole matrix in
- * one step. See there for more
- * information on argument types
- * and their meaning. You can
- * also find a small example on
- * how to use this function
- * there.
- *
- * The only difference to the
- * cited function is that the
- * objects which the inner
- * iterator points to need to be
- * of type @p{std::pair<unsigned int, value},
- * where @p{value}
- * needs to be convertible to the
- * element type of this class, as
- * specified by the @p{number}
- * template argument.
- *
- * Previous content of the matrix
- * is overwritten. Note that the
- * entries specified by the input
- * parameters need not
- * necessarily cover all elements
- * of the matrix. Elements not
- * covered remain untouched.
- */
- template <typename ForwardIterator>
- void copy_from (const ForwardIterator begin,
- const ForwardIterator end);
- /**
- * Copy the nonzero entries of a
- * full matrix into this
- * object. Previous content is
- * deleted. Note that the
- * underlying sparsity pattern
- * must be appropriate to hold
- * the nonzero entries of the
- * full matrix.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void copy_from (const FullMatrix<somenumber> &matrix);
- /**
- * Add @p{matrix} scaled by
- * @p{factor} to this matrix. The
- * function throws an error if
- * the sparsity patterns of the
- * two involved matrices do not
- * point to the same object,
- * since in this case the
- * operation is cheaper.
- *
- * The source matrix may be a matrix
- * of arbitrary type, as long as its
- * data type is convertible to the
- * data type of this matrix.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void add_scaled (const number factor,
- const SparseMatrix<somenumber> &matrix);
- /**
- * Return the value of the entry
- * (i,j). This may be an
- * expensive operation and you
- * should always take care where
- * to call this function. In
- * order to avoid abuse, this
- * function throws an exception
- * if the required element does
- * not exist in the matrix.
- *
- * In case you want a function
- * that returns zero instead (for
- * entries that are not in the
- * sparsity pattern of the
- * matrix), use the @p{el}
- * function.
- */
- number operator () (const unsigned int i,
- const unsigned int j) const;
- /**
- * This function is mostly like
- * @p{operator()} in that it
- * returns the value of the
- * matrix entry @p{(i,j)}. The only
- * difference is that if this
- * entry does not exist in the
- * sparsity pattern, then instead
- * of raising an exception, zero
- * is returned. While this may be
- * convenient in some cases, note
- * that it is simple to write
- * algorithms that are slow
- * compared to an optimal
- * solution, since the sparsity
- * of the matrix is not used.
- */
- number el (const unsigned int i,
- const unsigned int j) const;
- /**
- * Return the main diagonal element in
- * the @p{i}th row. This function throws an
- * error if the matrix is not square.
- *
- * This function is considerably
- * faster than the @p{operator()},
- * since for square matrices, the
- * diagonal entry is always the
- * first to be stored in each row
- * and access therefore does not
- * involve searching for the
- * right column number.
- */
- number diag_element (const unsigned int i) const;
- /**
- * Same as above, but return a
- * writeable reference. You're
- * sure you know what you do?
- */
- number & diag_element (const unsigned int i);
- /**
- * Access to values in internal
- * mode. Returns the value of
- * the @p{index}th entry in
- * @p{row}. Here, @p{index} refers to
- * the internal representation of
- * the matrix, not the column. Be
- * sure to understand what you are
- * doing here.
- */
- number raw_entry (const unsigned int row,
- const unsigned int index) const;
- /**
- * This is for hackers. Get
- * access to the @p{i}th element of
- * this matrix. The elements are
- * stored in a consecutive way,
- * refer to the @p{SparsityPattern}
- * class for more details.
- *
- * You should use this interface
- * very carefully and only if you
- * are absolutely sure to know
- * what you do. You should also
- * note that the structure of
- * these arrays may change over
- * time. If you change the
- * layout yourself, you should
- * also rename this function to
- * avoid programs relying on
- * outdated information!
- */
- number global_entry (const unsigned int i) const;
- /**
- * Same as above, but with write
- * access. You certainly know
- * what you do?
- */
- number & global_entry (const unsigned int i);
- /**
- * Matrix-vector multiplication:
- * let $dst = M*src$ with $M$
- * being this matrix.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void vmult (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
- const Vector<somenumber> &src) const;
- /**
- * Matrix-vector multiplication:
- * let $dst = M^T*src$ with $M$
- * being this matrix. This
- * function does the same as
- * @p{vmult} but takes the
- * transposed matrix.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void Tvmult (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
- const Vector<somenumber> &src) const;
- /**
- * Adding Matrix-vector
- * multiplication. Add $M*src$ on
- * $dst$ with $M$ being this
- * matrix.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void vmult_add (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
- const Vector<somenumber> &src) const;
- /**
- * Adding Matrix-vector
- * multiplication. Add $M^T*src$
- * to $dst$ with $M$ being this
- * matrix. This function does the
- * same as @p{vmult_add} but takes
- * the transposed matrix.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void Tvmult_add (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
- const Vector<somenumber> &src) const;
- /**
- * Return the square of the norm
- * of the vector $v$ with respect
- * to the norm induced by this
- * matrix,
- * i.e. $\left(v,Mv\right)$. This
- * is useful, e.g. in the finite
- * element context, where the
- * $L_2$ norm of a function
- * equals the matrix norm with
- * respect to the mass matrix of
- * the vector representing the
- * nodal values of the finite
- * element function.
- *
- * Obviously, the matrix needs to
- * be square for this operation.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- somenumber matrix_norm_square (const Vector<somenumber> &v) const;
- /**
- * Compute the matrix scalar
- * product $\left(u,Mv\right)$.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- somenumber matrix_scalar_product (const Vector<somenumber> &u,
- const Vector<somenumber> &v) const;
- /**
- * Return the l1-norm of the matrix, that is
- * $|M|_1=max_{all columns j}\sum_{all
- * rows i} |M_ij|$,
- * (max. sum of columns).
- * This is the
- * natural matrix norm that is compatible
- * to the l1-norm for vectors, i.e.
- * $|Mv|_1\leq |M|_1 |v|_1$.
- * (cf. Haemmerlin-Hoffmann : Numerische Mathematik)
- */
- number l1_norm () const;
- /**
- * Return the linfty-norm of the
- * matrix, that is
- * $|M|_infty=max_{all rows i}\sum_{all
- * columns j} |M_ij|$,
- * (max. sum of rows).
- * This is the
- * natural matrix norm that is compatible
- * to the linfty-norm of vectors, i.e.
- * $|Mv|_infty \leq |M|_infty |v|_infty$.
- * (cf. Haemmerlin-Hoffmann : Numerische Mathematik)
- */
- number linfty_norm () const;
- /**
- * Compute the residual of an
- * equation @p{Mx=b}, where the
- * residual is defined to be
- * @p{r=b-Mx} with @p{x} typically
- * being an approximate of the
- * true solution of the
- * equation. Write the residual
- * into @p{dst}. The l2 norm of
- * the residual vector is
- * returned.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- somenumber residual (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
- const Vector<somenumber> &x,
- const Vector<somenumber> &b) const;
- /**
- * Apply the Jacobi
- * preconditioner, which
- * multiplies every element of
- * the @p{src} vector by the
- * inverse of the respective
- * diagonal element and
- * multiplies the result with the
- * damping factor @p{omega}.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void precondition_Jacobi (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
- const Vector<somenumber> &src,
- const number omega = 1.) const;
- /**
- * Apply SSOR preconditioning to
- * @p{src}.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void precondition_SSOR (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
- const Vector<somenumber> &src,
- const number om = 1.) const;
- /**
- * Apply SOR preconditioning matrix to @p{src}.
- * The result of this method is
- * $dst = (om D - L)^{-1} src$.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void precondition_SOR (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
- const Vector<somenumber> &src,
- const number om = 1.) const;
- /**
- * Apply transpose SOR preconditioning matrix to @p{src}.
- * The result of this method is
- * $dst = (om D - U)^{-1} src$.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void precondition_TSOR (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
- const Vector<somenumber> &src,
- const number om = 1.) const;
- /**
- * Perform SSOR preconditioning
- * in-place. Apply the
- * preconditioner matrix without
- * copying to a second vector.
- * @p{omega} is the relaxation
- * parameter.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void SSOR (Vector<somenumber> &v,
- const number omega = 1.) const;
- /**
- * Perform an SOR preconditioning in-place.
- * The result is $v = (\omega D - L)^{-1} v$.
- * @p{omega} is the damping parameter.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void SOR (Vector<somenumber> &v,
- const number om = 1.) const;
- /**
- * Perform a transpose SOR preconditioning in-place.
- * The result is $v = (\omega D - L)^{-1} v$.
- * @p{omega} is the damping parameter.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void TSOR (Vector<somenumber> &v,
- const number om = 1.) const;
- /**
- * Do one SOR step on @p{v}.
- * Performs a direct SOR step
- * with right hand side @p{b}.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void SOR_step (Vector<somenumber> &v,
- const Vector<somenumber> &b,
- const number om = 1.) const;
- /**
- * Do one adjoint SOR step on
- * @p{v}. Performs a direct TSOR
- * step with right hand side @p{b}.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void TSOR_step (Vector<somenumber> &v,
- const Vector<somenumber> &b,
- const number om = 1.) const;
- /**
- * Do one adjoint SSOR step on
- * @p{v}. Performs a direct SSOR
- * step with right hand side @p{b}
- * by performing TSOR after SOR.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void SSOR_step (Vector<somenumber> &v,
- const Vector<somenumber> &b,
- const number om = 1.) const;
- /**
- * Return a (constant) reference
- * to the underlying sparsity
- * pattern of this matrix.
- *
- * Though the return value is
- * declared @p{const}, you should
- * be aware that it may change if
- * you call any nonconstant
- * function of objects which
- * operate on it.
- */
- const SparsityPattern & get_sparsity_pattern () const;
- /**
- * STL-like iterator with the
- * first entry.
- */
- const_iterator begin () const;
- /**
- * Final iterator.
- */
- const_iterator end () const;
- /**
- * STL-like iterator with the
- * first entry of row @p{r}.
- */
- const_iterator begin (unsigned int r) const;
- /**
- * Final iterator of row @p{r}.
- */
- const_iterator end (unsigned int r) const;
- /**
- * Print the matrix to the given
- * stream, using the format
- * @p{(line,col) value}, i.e. one
- * nonzero entry of the matrix
- * per line.
- */
- void print (std::ostream &out) const;
- /**
- * Print the matrix in the usual
- * format, i.e. as a matrix and
- * not as a list of nonzero
- * elements. For better
- * readability, elements not in
- * the matrix are displayed as
- * empty space, while matrix
- * elements which are explicitly
- * set to zero are displayed as
- * such.
- *
- * The parameters allow for a
- * flexible setting of the output
- * format: @p{precision} and
- * @p{scientific} are used to
- * determine the number format,
- * where @p{scientific} = @p{false}
- * means fixed point notation. A
- * zero entry for @p{width} makes
- * the function compute a width,
- * but it may be changed to a
- * positive value, if output is
- * crude.
- *
- * Additionally, a character for
- * an empty value may be
- * specified.
- *
- * Finally, the whole matrix can
- * be multiplied with a common
- * denominator to produce more
- * readable output, even
- * integers.
- *
- * This function
- * may produce @em{large} amounts of
- * output if applied to a large matrix!
- */
- void print_formatted (std::ostream &out,
- const unsigned int precision = 3,
- const bool scientific = true,
- const unsigned int width = 0,
- const char *zero_string = " ",
- const double denominator = 1.) const;
- /**
- * Write the data of this object
- * en bloc to a file. This is
- * done in a binary mode, so the
- * output is neither readable by
- * humans nor (probably) by other
- * computers using a different
- * operating system of number
- * format.
- *
- * The purpose of this function
- * is that you can swap out
- * matrices and sparsity pattern
- * if you are short of memory,
- * want to communicate between
- * different programs, or allow
- * objects to be persistent
- * across different runs of the
- * program.
- */
- void block_write (std::ostream &out) const;
- /**
- * Read data that has previously
- * been written by
- * @p{block_write} en block from
- * a file. This is done using the
- * inverse operations to the
- * above function, so it is
- * reasonably fast because the
- * bitstream is not interpreted
- * except for a few numbers up
- * front.
- *
- * The object is resized on this
- * operation, and all previous
- * contents are lost. Note,
- * however, that no checks are
- * performed whether new data and
- * the underlying
- * @ref{SparsityPattern} object
- * fit together. It is your
- * responsibility to make sure
- * that the sparsity pattern and
- * the data to be read match.
- *
- * A primitive form of error
- * checking is performed which
- * will recognize the bluntest
- * attempts to interpret some
- * data as a vector stored
- * bitwise to a file, but not
- * more.
- */
- void block_read (std::istream &in);
- /**
- * Determine an estimate for the
- * memory consumption (in bytes)
- * of this object.
- */
- unsigned int memory_consumption () const;
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException0 (ExcNotCompressed);
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException0 (ExcMatrixNotInitialized);
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException2 (ExcInvalidIndex,
- int, int,
- << "The entry with index <" << arg1 << ',' << arg2
- << "> does not exist.");
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException1 (ExcInvalidIndex1,
- int,
- << "The index " << arg1 << " is not in the allowed range.");
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException0 (ExcMatrixNotSquare);
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException0 (ExcDifferentSparsityPatterns);
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException0 (ExcInvalidConstructorCall);
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException2 (ExcIteratorRange,
- int, int,
- << "The iterators denote a range of " << arg1
- << " elements, but the given number of rows was " << arg2);
- private:
- /**
- * Pointer to the sparsity
- * pattern used for this
- * matrix. In order to guarantee
- * that it is not deleted while
- * still in use, we subscribe to
- * it using the @p{SmartPointer}
- * class.
- */
- SmartPointer<const SparsityPattern> cols;
- /**
- * Array of values for all the
- * nonzero entries. The position
- * within the matrix, i.e. the
- * row and column number for a
- * given entry can only be
- * deduced using the sparsity
- * pattern. The same holds for
- * the more common operation of
- * finding an entry by its
- * coordinates.
- */
- number *val;
- /**
- * Allocated size of
- * @p{val}. This can be larger
- * than the actually used part if
- * the size of the matrix was
- * reduced somewhen in the past
- * by associating a sparsity
- * pattern with a smaller size to
- * this object, using the
- * @p{reinit} function.
- */
- unsigned int max_len;
- /**
- * Version of @p{vmult} which only
- * performs its actions on the
- * region defined by
- * @p{[begin_row,end_row)}. This
- * function is called by @p{vmult}
- * in the case of enabled
- * multithreading.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void threaded_vmult (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
- const Vector<somenumber> &src,
- const unsigned int begin_row,
- const unsigned int end_row) const;
- /**
- * Version of
- * @p{matrix_norm_square} which
- * only performs its actions on
- * the region defined by
- * @p{[begin_row,end_row)}. This
- * function is called by
- * @p{matrix_norm_square} in the
- * case of enabled
- * multithreading.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void threaded_matrix_norm_square (const Vector<somenumber> &v,
- const unsigned int begin_row,
- const unsigned int end_row,
- somenumber *partial_sum) const;
- /**
- * Version of
- * @p{matrix_scalar_product} which
- * only performs its actions on
- * the region defined by
- * @p{[begin_row,end_row)}. This
- * function is called by
- * @p{matrix_scalar_product} in the
- * case of enabled
- * multithreading.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void threaded_matrix_scalar_product (const Vector<somenumber> &u,
- const Vector<somenumber> &v,
- const unsigned int begin_row,
- const unsigned int end_row,
- somenumber *partial_sum) const;
- /**
- * Version of @p{residual} which
- * only performs its actions on
- * the region defined by
- * @p{[begin_row,end_row)} (these
- * numbers are the components of
- * @p{interval}). This function is
- * called by @p{residual} in the
- * case of enabled
- * multithreading.
- */
- template <typename somenumber>
- void threaded_residual (Vector<somenumber> &dst,
- const Vector<somenumber> &u,
- const Vector<somenumber> &b,
- const std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> interval,
- somenumber *partial_norm) const;
- // make all other sparse matrices
- // friends
- template <typename somenumber> friend class SparseMatrix;
-/*---------------------- Inline functions -----------------------------------*/
-template <typename number>
-unsigned int SparseMatrix<number>::m () const
- Assert (cols != 0, ExcMatrixNotInitialized());
- return cols->rows;
-template <typename number>
-unsigned int SparseMatrix<number>::n () const
- Assert (cols != 0, ExcMatrixNotInitialized());
- return cols->cols;
-template <typename number>
-void SparseMatrix<number>::set (const unsigned int i,
- const unsigned int j,
- const number value)
- Assert (cols != 0, ExcMatrixNotInitialized());
- // it is allowed to set elements of
- // the matrix that are not part of
- // the sparsity pattern, if the
- // value to which we set it is zero
- const unsigned int index = cols->operator()(i,j);
- Assert ((index != SparsityPattern::invalid_entry) ||
- (value == 0.),
- ExcInvalidIndex(i,j));
- if (index != SparsityPattern::invalid_entry)
- val[index] = value;
-template <typename number>
-void SparseMatrix<number>::add (const unsigned int i,
- const unsigned int j,
- const number value)
- Assert (cols != 0, ExcMatrixNotInitialized());
- const unsigned int index = cols->operator()(i,j);
- Assert ((index != SparsityPattern::invalid_entry) ||
- (value == 0.),
- ExcInvalidIndex(i,j));
- if (value != 0.)
- val[index] += value;
-template <typename number>
-number SparseMatrix<number>::operator () (const unsigned int i,
- const unsigned int j) const
- Assert (cols != 0, ExcMatrixNotInitialized());
- Assert (cols->operator()(i,j) != SparsityPattern::invalid_entry,
- ExcInvalidIndex(i,j));
- return val[cols->operator()(i,j)];
-template <typename number>
-number SparseMatrix<number>::el (const unsigned int i,
- const unsigned int j) const
- Assert (cols != 0, ExcMatrixNotInitialized());
- const unsigned int index = cols->operator()(i,j);
- if (index != SparsityPattern::invalid_entry)
- return val[index];
- else
- return 0;
-template <typename number>
-number SparseMatrix<number>::diag_element (const unsigned int i) const
- Assert (cols != 0, ExcMatrixNotInitialized());
- Assert (m() == n(), ExcMatrixNotSquare());
- Assert (i<m(), ExcInvalidIndex1(i));
- // Use that the first element in each
- // row of a square matrix is the main
- // diagonal
- return val[cols->rowstart[i]];
-template <typename number>
-number & SparseMatrix<number>::diag_element (const unsigned int i)
- Assert (cols != 0, ExcMatrixNotInitialized());
- Assert (m() == n(), ExcMatrixNotSquare());
- Assert (i<m(), ExcInvalidIndex1(i));
- // Use that the first element in each
- // row of a square matrix is the main
- // diagonal
- return val[cols->rowstart[i]];
-template <typename number>
-SparseMatrix<number>::raw_entry (const unsigned int row,
- const unsigned int index) const
- Assert(row<cols->rows, ExcIndexRange(row,0,cols->rows));
- Assert(index<cols->row_length(row),
- ExcIndexRange(index,0,cols->row_length(row)));
- return val[cols->rowstart[row]+index];
-template <typename number>
-number SparseMatrix<number>::global_entry (const unsigned int j) const
- Assert (cols != 0, ExcMatrixNotInitialized());
- Assert (j < cols->n_nonzero_elements(),
- ExcIndexRange (j, 0, cols->n_nonzero_elements()));
- return val[j];
-template <typename number>
-number & SparseMatrix<number>::global_entry (const unsigned int j)
- Assert (cols != 0, ExcMatrixNotInitialized());
- Assert (j < cols->n_nonzero_elements(),
- ExcIndexRange (j, 0, cols->n_nonzero_elements()));
- return val[j];
-template <typename number>
-template <typename ForwardIterator>
-SparseMatrix<number>::copy_from (const ForwardIterator begin,
- const ForwardIterator end)
- Assert (static_cast<unsigned int>(std::distance (begin, end)) == m(),
- ExcIteratorRange (std::distance (begin, end), m()));
- // for use in the inner loop, we
- // define a typedef to the type of
- // the inner iterators
- typedef typename std::iterator_traits<ForwardIterator>::value_type::const_iterator inner_iterator;
- unsigned int row=0;
- for (ForwardIterator i=begin; i!=end; ++i, ++row)
- {
- const inner_iterator end_of_row = i->end();
- for (inner_iterator j=i->begin(); j!=end_of_row; ++j)
- // write entries
- set (row, j->first, j->second);
- };
-template <typename number>
-SparseMatrix<number>::Accessor::Accessor (
- const SparseMatrix<number>* matrix,
- unsigned int r,
- unsigned short i)
- :
- matrix(matrix),
- a_row(r),
- a_index(i)
-template <typename number>
-unsigned int
-SparseMatrix<number>::Accessor::row() const
- return a_row;
-template <typename number>
-unsigned int
-SparseMatrix<number>::Accessor::column() const
- const SparsityPattern& pat = matrix->get_sparsity_pattern();
- return pat.get_column_numbers()[pat.get_rowstart_indices()[a_row]+a_index];
-template <typename number>
-unsigned short
-SparseMatrix<number>::Accessor::index() const
- return a_index;
-template <typename number>
-SparseMatrix<number>::Accessor::value() const
- return matrix->raw_entry(a_row, a_index);
-template <typename number>
- const SparseMatrix<number>* matrix,
- unsigned int r,
- unsigned short i)
- :
- Accessor(matrix, r, i)
-template <typename number>
-typename SparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator&
-SparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator++ ()
- Assert (a_row < matrix->m(), ExcIteratorPastEnd());
- ++a_index;
- if (a_index >= matrix->get_sparsity_pattern().row_length(a_row))
- {
- a_index = 0;
- a_row++;
- }
- return *this;
-template <typename number>
-const typename SparseMatrix<number>::Accessor&
-SparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator* () const
- return *this;
-template <typename number>
-const typename SparseMatrix<number>::Accessor*
-SparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator-> () const
- return this;
-template <typename number>
-SparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator == (
- const const_iterator& other) const
- return (row() == other->row() && index() == other->index());
-template <typename number>
-SparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator != (
- const const_iterator& other) const
- return ! (*this == other);
-template <typename number>
-SparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator::operator < (
- const const_iterator& other) const
- return (row() < other->row() ||
- (row() == other->row() && index() < other->index()));
-template <typename number>
-typename SparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator
-SparseMatrix<number>::begin () const
- return const_iterator(this, 0, 0);
-template <typename number>
-typename SparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator
-SparseMatrix<number>::end () const
- return const_iterator(this, m(), 0);
-template <typename number>
-typename SparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator
-SparseMatrix<number>::begin (unsigned int r) const
- Assert (r<m(), ExcIndexRange(r,0,m()));
- return const_iterator(this, r, 0);
-template <typename number>
-typename SparseMatrix<number>::const_iterator
-SparseMatrix<number>::end (unsigned int r) const
- Assert (r<m(), ExcIndexRange(r,0,m()));
- return const_iterator(this, r+1, 0);
-/*---------------------------- sparse_matrix.h ---------------------------*/
-/*---------------------------- sparse_matrix.h ---------------------------*/