template <typename MeshType>
concept is_triangulation_or_dof_handler =
+ /**
+ * A concept that tests whether a class `VectorType` has the required
+ * interface to serve as a vector in vector-space operations -- principally
+ * what is required to run iterative solvers: things such as norms, dot
+ * products, etc.
+ */
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ concept is_vector_space_vector = requires(VectorType U,
+ VectorType V,
+ VectorType W,
+ typename VectorType::value_type a,
+ typename VectorType::value_type b,
+ typename VectorType::value_type s)
+ {
+ // Check local type requirements:
+ typename VectorType::value_type;
+ typename VectorType::size_type;
+ typename VectorType::real_type;
+ // Check some assignment and reinit operations;
+ U.reinit(V);
+ U.reinit(V, /* omit_zeroing_entries= */ true);
+ U = V;
+ U = a; // assignment of scalar
+ U.equ(a, V);
+ // Check scaling operations
+ U *= a;
+ U /= a;
+ U.scale(V);
+ // Vector additions:
+ U += V;
+ U -= V;
+ U.add(a);
+ U.add(a, V);
+ U.add(a, V, b, W);
+ U.sadd(s, a, V);
+ // Norms and similar stuff:
+ {
+ U.mean_value()
+ }
+ ->std::convertible_to<typename VectorType::value_type>;
+ {
+ U.l1_norm()
+ }
+ ->std::convertible_to<typename VectorType::real_type>;
+ {
+ U.l2_norm()
+ }
+ ->std::convertible_to<typename VectorType::real_type>;
+ {
+ U.linfty_norm()
+ }
+ ->std::convertible_to<typename VectorType::real_type>;
+ // Dot products:
+ {
+ U *V
+ }
+ ->std::convertible_to<typename VectorType::value_type>;
+ {
+ U.add_and_dot(a, V, W)
+ }
+ ->std::convertible_to<typename VectorType::value_type>;
+ // Some queries:
+ {
+ U.size()
+ }
+ ->std::convertible_to<typename VectorType::size_type>;
+ {
+ U.all_zero()
+ }
+ ->std::same_as<bool>;
+ };
} // namespace concepts