]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
Add the criss-cross element.
authorwolf <wolf@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Mon, 27 Jul 1998 22:11:06 +0000 (22:11 +0000)
committerwolf <wolf@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Mon, 27 Jul 1998 22:11:06 +0000 (22:11 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@457 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d

deal.II/deal.II/include/fe/fe_lib.criss_cross.h [new file with mode: 0644]
deal.II/deal.II/source/fe/fe_lib.criss_cross.cc [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/deal.II/deal.II/include/fe/fe_lib.criss_cross.h b/deal.II/deal.II/include/fe/fe_lib.criss_cross.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dde7dcc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+/*----------------------------   fe_lib.criss_cross.h     ---------------------------*/
+/*      $Id$                 */
+#ifndef __fe_lib_criss_cross_H
+#define __fe_lib_criss_cross_H
+/*----------------------------   fe_lib.criss_cross.h     ---------------------------*/
+#include <fe/fe.h>
+#include <fe/quadrature.h>
+ * This class implements a rather unusual macro element, the so-called
+ * criss-cross element. Its purpose is mostly to demonstrate the absence
+ * of superconvergence effects on triangular meshes where at each vertex
+ * more or less than six elements meet, but never exactly six.
+ *
+ * The construction of the element is best explained in 2d. Consider a
+ * quadrilateral with basis functions at each vertex and one at the
+ * crossing-point of the two diagonals. The element is divided by the
+ * diagonals into four triangles and assume that each vertex basis
+ * function has support only on the two triangles adjacent to the
+ * respective vertex and is constant zero on the other two triangles;
+ * they are linear on each of the triangles and globally continuous.
+ * The center basis function lives on each of the four triangles, is
+ * linear on each triangles and vanishes at the faces of the quadrilateral.
+ *
+ * Now, on the unit element, these basis functions are the same as for
+ * a triangular ansatz space, namely the class of ${\cal P}_1$ Lagrange
+ * elements. Due to the arrangement of the four triangles on the
+ * quadrilateral, it is clear that considering the whole triangulation
+ * of the domain, always four triangles meet at the points which
+ * correspond with the centers of the quadrilaterals and $2*s$ triangles
+ * meet at the vertices of the quadrilaterals, if $s$ is the number of
+ * quadrilaterals meeting there. Thus, in most cases the number of
+ * triangles meeting are four or eight, which effectively destroys
+ * superconvergence at nodes.
+ *
+ * This element is not quite equivalent from beginning to the linear
+ * triangular elements. The reason for this is that if we use a bilinear
+ * mapping of the unit quadrilateral to the real cell, the diagonals will
+ * in general not be straight lines. Therefore, the shape functions will
+ * in general not be linear on the real cell, unlike for the linear
+ * triangular element, which uses a linear mapping. The missing linearity
+ * makes assemblage of matrices a bit more complicated, since the gradient
+ * is not constant and we need more than one quadrature point, as well
+ * as some other dubtle difficulties. This problem can, however, be cured
+ * using a trick: the usual transformation from unit coordinates $\vec\xi$
+ * to real coordinates $\vec x(\vec\xi)$ looks like
+ * $$
+ *   \vec x(\vec\xi) = \sum_{i=0}^3 \phi_i^L(\vec\xi) \vec x_i
+ * $$
+ * with $\phi_i^L$ being the bilinear basis functions associated with the
+ * vertices and $\vec x_i$ being the coordinates of the vertices in real
+ * space. Now, we could also choose
+ * $$
+ *   \vec x(\vec\xi) = \sum_{i=0}^4 \phi_i(\vec\xi) \vec x_i
+ * $$
+ * with the basis functions $\phi_i$ of this element, the four vertices
+ * in real space $\vec x_0..\vec x_3$ and an interior point in real space
+ * $\vec x_4$. We can choose the interior point quite arbitrarily and it
+ * will become clear in a moment how we have to do so. First let us note
+ * that because the vertex basis functions are linear on the faces,
+ * because they vanish on the two faces not adjacent to the associated
+ * vertex and because the center basis function vanishes at the four
+ * faces, the four sides of the unit cell are mapped to straight lines
+ * in real space, just like for the bilinear mapping.
+ *
+ * Now, to ensure that the mapping of each of the four triangles to the
+ * real space is linear, we have to require that the two diagonals are
+ * mapped to straight lines. One necessary condition for this is, that the
+ * center point of the unit cell is mapped to the crossing point of the
+ * two diagonals in real space. Therefore, we choose $\vec x_4$ to be
+ * this point. Then we note, that because the vertex basis functions vanish
+ * on the diagonal not through the vertex and are constant zero beyond that,
+ * the mapping of the line from the center to a vertex is described entirely
+ * by the basis function of that vertex and the center basis function; but
+ * because they both are linear on that line, the line is also a straight
+ * one in real space. This proves that by this construction of the mapping
+ * between unit and real cell, the mapping of each of the four triangles
+ * is linear (note that this does not hold for the whole element; the
+ * mapping of the quadrilaterals is only piecewise linear and globally
+ * continuous). It also proves that the ansatz space using this element
+ * is equivalent to the ansatz space using triangles and linear elements.
+ *
+ * Since in one space dimension, this element equals two linear elements,
+ * i.e. a linear ansatz on a mesh once more refined than the present one,
+ * this element is not implemented for one dimension. There may be an
+ * analogue to the criss-cross element in more than two space dimensions,
+ * but it is not implemented at present.
+ *
+ * As stated above, the element is not really a good one. It may, however,
+ * serve to study superconvergence effects and also to satisfy the author's
+ * curiosity. At least for the first of these two reasons, it is better
+ * suited than using a genuine triangulation of the domain (i.e. using real
+ * triangles rather than subdividing quadrilaterals as shown above), since
+ * the construction of triangulations with four or eight cells meeting at
+ * each vertex is certainly not feasible other than by hand, while the
+ * decomposition of a domain using quadrilaterals is easier.
+ *
+ *
+ * \section{Hanging nodes}
+ *
+ * Hanging nodes are handled exactly like for any other element. It should
+ * however be noted that the support of basis functions get quite
+ * complicated in the presence of hanging nodes, as the following figure
+ * depicts:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ *   *-----------------*--------*----
+ *   |                /|\       |
+ *   |              /..|.\      |
+ *   |            /....|...\    |
+ *   |          /......|.....\  |
+ *   |         /.......|.......\|
+ *   |       /.........*--------*----
+ *   |      /..........|......./|
+ *   |    /............|....../ |
+ *   |   /.............|..../   |
+ *   | /...............|.....\  |
+ *   |/................|.......\|
+ *   *-----------------o--------*-----
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * The dotted area is the support of the basis function associated with the
+ * bottom middle vertex (denoted by #o#) after the hanging node in the center
+ * of the `picture' was eliminated. This strange structure of the support
+ * should not pose too many problems in practice, it is only note here for
+ * completeness and for curiosity.
+ *
+ *
+ * \section{Experience with the criss-cross element}
+ *
+ * Experience is that the error for the criss cross element shows
+ * the same convergence rate as the linear Lagrange element ($h^2$ for the
+ * $L^2$ error, $h$ for the $H^1$ error). The $L^2$ error is about the same
+ * size for the same number of elements as for the linear element; since
+ * the criss-cross elements has about twice as many degrees of freedom as
+ * the linear element for the same triangulation, the $L^2$ error really
+ * is about twice as large as a function of the number of degrees of freedom.
+ *
+ * Converse to that, the $H^1$ error is about a factor of 1.2 smaller for
+ * the same number of degrees of freedoms.
+ *
+ * Apart from all this data, it must not be forgotten that we cannot
+ * expect superconvergence neither in the Gauss points not in the vertices.
+ * Thus we may improve the accuracy of the solution obtained with the linear
+ * element by a postprocess, while we can't do so for the criss-cross element.
+ *
+ * All given data refer to a Poisson equation with nonhomogeneous boundary
+ * values on the unit disk (resp. a triangulation of that) and hanging nodes.
+ *
+ *
+ * \section{Using quadrature formulae for this element}
+ *
+ * When using one of the usual quadrature formulae, a common problem is
+ * that some of the quadrature points lie on the interfaces of the
+ * triangles. For this reason, there is a family of quadrature formulae
+ * defined below, names \ref{QCrissCross1} and higher order, which
+ * resemble the quadrature formulae used on triangular domains, but
+ * taken four-fold, i.e. for each of the four subtriangles.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
+ */
+template <int dim>
+class FECrissCross : public FiniteElement<dim> {
+  public:
+                                    /**
+                                     * Constructor
+                                     */
+    FECrissCross ();
+                                    /**
+                                     * Return the value of the #i#th shape
+                                     * function at point #p# on the unit cell.
+                                     */
+    virtual double shape_value(const unsigned int i,
+                              const Point<dim>& p) const;
+                                    /**
+                                     * Return the gradient of the #i#th shape
+                                     * function at point #p# on the unit cell.
+                                     */
+    virtual Point<dim> shape_grad(const unsigned int i,
+                                 const Point<dim>& p) const;
+                                    /**
+                                     * Refer to the base class for detailed
+                                     * information on this function.
+                                     */
+    virtual void get_unit_ansatz_points (vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points) const;
+                                    /**
+                                     * Refer to the base class for detailed
+                                     * information on this function.
+                                     */
+    virtual void get_ansatz_points (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                   const Boundary<dim> &boundary,
+                                   vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points) const;
+                                    /**
+                                     * Refer to the base class for detailed
+                                     * information on this function.
+                                     */
+    virtual void get_face_ansatz_points (const DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator &face,
+                                        const Boundary<dim> &boundary,
+                                        vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points) const;
+                                    /**
+                                     * Refer to the base class for detailed
+                                     * information on this function.
+                                     */
+    virtual void get_local_mass_matrix (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                       const Boundary<dim> &boundary,
+                                       dFMatrix &local_mass_matrix) const;
+                                    /**
+                                     * Return the value of the #i#th shape
+                                     * function at point #p# on the unit cell.
+                                     * Here, the (bi-)linear basis functions
+                                     * are meant, which are used for the
+                                     * computation of the transformation from
+                                     * unit cell to real space cell.
+                                     */
+    virtual double shape_value_transform (const unsigned int i,
+                                         const Point<dim> &p) const;
+                                    /**
+                                     * Return the gradient of the #i#th shape
+                                     * function at point #p# on the unit cell.
+                                     * Here, the (bi-)linear basis functions
+                                     * are meant, which are used for the
+                                     * computation of the transformation from
+                                     * unit cell to real space cell.
+                                     */
+    virtual Point<dim> shape_grad_transform (const unsigned int i,
+                                            const Point<dim> &p) const;
+                                    /**
+                                     * Refer to the base class for detailed
+                                     * information on this function.
+                                     *
+                                     * In two spatial dimensions, this function
+                                     * simply returns the length of the face.
+                                     */
+    virtual void get_face_jacobians (const DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator &face,
+                                    const Boundary<dim>         &boundary,
+                                    const vector<Point<dim-1> > &unit_points,
+                                    vector<double>      &face_jacobi_determinants) const;
+                                    /**
+                                     * Refer to the base class for detailed
+                                     * information on this function.
+                                     *
+                                     * In two spatial dimensions, this function
+                                     * simply returns half the length of the
+                                     * whole face.
+                                     */
+    virtual void get_subface_jacobians (const DoFHandler<dim>::face_iterator &face,
+                                       const unsigned int           subface_no,
+                                       const vector<Point<dim-1> > &unit_points,
+                                       vector<double>      &face_jacobi_determinants) const;
+                                    /**
+                                     * Return the normal vectors to the
+                                     * face with number #face_no# of #cell#.
+                                     *
+                                     * For linear finite elements, this function
+                                     * is particularly simple since all normal
+                                     * vectors are equal and can easiliy be
+                                     * computed from the direction of the face
+                                     * without using the transformation (Jacobi)
+                                     * matrix, at least for two dimensions.
+                                     *
+                                     * Refer to the base class for detailed
+                                     * information on this function.
+                                     */
+    virtual void get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                    const unsigned int          face_no,
+                                    const Boundary<dim>         &boundary,
+                                    const vector<Point<dim-1> > &unit_points,
+                                    vector<Point<dim> >         &normal_vectors) const;
+                                    /**
+                                     * Return the normal vectors to the
+                                     * subface with number #subface_no# of
+                                     * the face with number #face_no# of #cell#.
+                                     *
+                                     * For linear finite elements, this function
+                                     * is particularly simple since all normal
+                                     * vectors are equal and can easiliy be
+                                     * computed from the direction of the face
+                                     * without using the transformation (Jacobi)
+                                     * matrix, at least for two dimensions.
+                                     *
+                                     * Refer to the base class for detailed
+                                     * information on this function.
+                                     */
+    virtual void get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                    const unsigned int           face_no,
+                                    const unsigned int           subface_no,
+                                    const vector<Point<dim-1> > &unit_points,
+                                    vector<Point<dim> >         &normal_vectors) const;    
+                                    /**
+                                     * Refer to the base class for detailed
+                                     * information on this function.
+                                     *
+                                     * For one dimensional elements, this
+                                     * function simply passes through to
+                                     * the one implemented in the base class.
+                                     * For higher dimensional finite elements
+                                     * we use linear mappings and therefore
+                                     * the boundary object is ignored since
+                                     * the boundary is approximated using
+                                     * piecewise multilinear boundary segments.
+                                     */
+    virtual void fill_fe_values (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                const vector<Point<dim> >            &unit_points,
+                                vector<dFMatrix>    &jacobians,
+                                const bool           compute_jacobians,
+                                vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points,
+                                const bool           compute_ansatz_points,
+                                vector<Point<dim> > &q_points,
+                                const bool           compute_q_points,
+                                const dFMatrix      &shape_values_transform,
+                                const vector<vector<Point<dim> > > &shape_grad_transform,
+                                const Boundary<dim> &boundary) const;
+    DeclException0 (ExcNotUseful);
+ * Quadrature formula for the criss-cross element. This quadrature
+ * formula uses one point at the barycenter of each of the four subtriangles.
+ *
+ * For the same reason as for the criss-cross element itself, this
+ * formula is not implemented for one space dimension.
+ */
+template <int dim>
+class QCrissCross1 : public Quadrature<dim> {
+  public:
+    QCrissCross1 ();
+    DeclException0 (ExcNotUseful);
+/*----------------------------   fe_lib.criss_cross.h     ---------------------------*/
+/* end of #ifndef __fe_lib_criss_cross_H */
+/*----------------------------   fe_lib.criss_cross.h     ---------------------------*/
diff --git a/deal.II/deal.II/source/fe/fe_lib.criss_cross.cc b/deal.II/deal.II/source/fe/fe_lib.criss_cross.cc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9604328
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+#include <fe/fe_lib.criss_cross.h>
+#include <grid/tria_iterator.h>
+#include <grid/dof_accessor.h>
+#include <grid/geometry_info.h>
+  Maple script to automate some of the error-prone computations on
+  this strange sort of element.
+  n_functions      := 5:
+  # note: ansatz_points[i] is a vector which is indexed from
+  # one and not from zero!
+  ansatz_points[0] := [0,0]:
+  ansatz_points[1] := [1,0]:
+  ansatz_points[2] := [1,1]:
+  ansatz_points[3] := [0,1]:
+  ansatz_points[4] := [1/2,1/2]:
+  phi[0] := proc(x,y) if(y<1-x) then 1-x-y; else 0; fi; end:
+  phi[1] := proc(x,y) if(y<x)   then x-y;   else 0; fi; end:
+  phi[2] := proc(x,y) if(y>1-x) then x+y-1; else 0; fi; end:
+  phi[3] := proc(x,y) if(y>x)   then y-x;   else 0; fi; end:
+  phi[4] := proc(x,y) 1 - phi[0](x,y) - phi[1](x,y)
+                        - phi[2](x,y) - phi[3](x,y) ; end:
+  #points on children: let them be indexed one-based, as are
+  #the ansatz_points
+  points[0] := array(0..n_functions-1, 1..2):
+  points[1] := array(0..n_functions-1, 1..2):
+  points[2] := array(0..n_functions-1, 1..2):
+  points[3] := array(0..n_functions-1, 1..2):
+  for i from 0 to n_functions-1 do
+    points[0][i,1] := ansatz_points[i][1]/2:
+    points[0][i,2] := ansatz_points[i][2]/2:
+    points[1][i,1] := ansatz_points[i][1]/2+1/2:
+    points[1][i,2] := ansatz_points[i][2]/2:
+    points[2][i,1] := ansatz_points[i][1]/2+1/2:
+    points[2][i,2] := ansatz_points[i][2]/2+1/2:
+    points[3][i,1] := ansatz_points[i][1]/2:
+    points[3][i,2] := ansatz_points[i][2]/2+1/2:
+  od:  
+  prolongation := array(0..3,0..n_functions-1, 0..n_functions-1):
+  print ("Computing prolongation matrices"):
+  for i from 0 to 3 do
+    print ("child", i):
+    for j from 0 to n_functions-1 do
+      for k from 0 to n_functions-1 do
+        prolongation[i,j,k] := phi[k](points[i][j,1], points[i][j,2]):
+      od:
+    od:
+  od:
+  eq_sys := {(1-t)*x0 + t*x2 = (1-s)*x1 + s*x3,
+             (1-t)*y0 + t*y2 = (1-s)*y1 + s*y3}:
+  solution := solve (eq_sys, {s,t});
+  xs := subs (solution, (1-t)*x0 + t*x2):
+  ys := subs (solution, (1-t)*y0 + t*y2):
+  ps := array(1..2, [xs, ys]):
+  print ("writing data to files"):
+  readlib(C):
+  C(prolongation, filename=prolongation_2d):
+  C(ps, filename=crosspoint):
+  --------------------------------------------------------------------
+  Postprocess the prolongation matrix by the commands
+  perl -pi -e 's/\[(\d+)\]\[(\d+)\]\[(\d+)\]/[$1]($2,$3)/g;' prolongation_2d
+  perl -pi -e 's/.*= 0.0;\n//g;' prolongation_2d
+#if deal_II_dimension == 1
+template <>
+FECrissCross<1>::FECrissCross () :
+               FiniteElement<1> (0,0,0,0)
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+template <>
+double FECrissCross<1>::shape_value (const unsigned int, const Point<1> &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+  return 0;
+template <>
+Point<1> FECrissCross<1>::shape_grad (const unsigned int, const Point<1> &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+  return Point<1>();
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<1>::get_unit_ansatz_points (vector<Point<1> >&) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<1>::get_ansatz_points (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
+                                        const Boundary<1> &,
+                                        vector<Point<1> > &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<1>::get_face_ansatz_points (const DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
+                                             const Boundary<1> &,
+                                             vector<Point<1> > &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<1>::get_local_mass_matrix (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
+                                            const Boundary<1> &,
+                                            dFMatrix &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+template <>
+double  FECrissCross<1>::shape_value_transform (const unsigned int,
+                                               const Point<1> &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+  return 0;
+template <>
+Point<1> FECrissCross<1>::shape_grad_transform (const unsigned int,
+                                               const Point<1> &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+  return Point<1>();
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<1>::get_face_jacobians (const DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
+                                         const Boundary<1>       &,
+                                         const vector<Point<0> > &,
+                                         vector<double>      &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<1>::get_subface_jacobians (const DoFHandler<1>::face_iterator &,
+                                            const unsigned int,
+                                            const vector<Point<0> > &,
+                                            vector<double>      &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<1>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
+                                         const unsigned int,
+                                         const Boundary<1>       &,
+                                         const vector<Point<0> > &,
+                                         vector<Point<1> >       &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<1>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
+                                         const unsigned int,
+                                         const unsigned int,
+                                         const vector<Point<0> > &,
+                                         vector<Point<1> >       &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<1>::fill_fe_values (const DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator &,
+                                     const vector<Point<1> >            &,
+                                     vector<dFMatrix>    &,
+                                     const bool,
+                                     vector<Point<1> > &,
+                                     const bool,
+                                     vector<Point<1> > &,
+                                     const bool,
+                                     const dFMatrix      &,
+                                     const vector<vector<Point<1> > > &,
+                                     const Boundary<1> &) const {
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+#if deal_II_dimension == 2
+template <>
+FECrissCross<2>::FECrissCross () :
+               FiniteElement<2> (1,0,1,5)
+  interface_constraints(0,0) = 1./2.;
+  interface_constraints(0,1) = 1./2.;
+  prolongation[0](0,0) = 1.0;
+  prolongation[0](1,0) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[0](1,1) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[0](2,4) = 1.0;
+  prolongation[0](3,0) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[0](3,3) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[0](4,0) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[0](4,4) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[1](0,0) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[1](0,1) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[1](1,1) = 1.0;
+  prolongation[1](2,1) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[1](2,2) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[1](3,4) = 1.0;
+  prolongation[1](4,1) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[1](4,4) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[2](0,4) = 1.0;
+  prolongation[2](1,1) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[2](1,2) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[2](2,2) = 1.0;
+  prolongation[2](3,2) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[2](3,3) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[2](4,2) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[2](4,4) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[3](0,0) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[3](0,3) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[3](1,4) = 1.0;
+  prolongation[3](2,2) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[3](2,3) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[3](3,3) = 1.0;
+  prolongation[3](4,3) = 1.0/2.0;
+  prolongation[3](4,4) = 1.0/2.0;
+template <>
+double FECrissCross<2>::shape_value (const unsigned int i,
+                                    const Point<2>    &p) const {
+  Assert((i<total_dofs), ExcInvalidIndex(i));
+  const double x = p(0),
+              y = p(1);
+  switch (i)
+    {
+      case 0: return ((y<1-x) ? 1-x-y : 0);
+      case 1: return ((y<x)   ? x-y   : 0);
+      case 2: return ((y>1-x) ? x+y-1 : 0);
+      case 3: return ((y>x)   ? y-x   : 0);
+                                            // I am too lazy to optimize the
+                                            // following myself. Let the
+                                            // compiler do this
+      case 4: return (1-(((y<1-x) ? 1-x-y : 0) +
+                        ((y<x)   ? x-y   : 0) +
+                        ((y>1-x) ? x+y-1 : 0) +
+                        ((y>x)   ? y-x   : 0)));
+    }
+  return 0.;
+template <>
+Point<2> FECrissCross<2>::shape_grad (const unsigned int i, const Point<2> &p) const {
+  Assert((i<total_dofs), ExcInvalidIndex(i));
+  const double x = p(0),
+              y = p(1);  
+  switch (i)
+    {
+      case 0: return ((y<1-x) ? Point<2>(-1,-1) : Point<2>(0,0));
+      case 1: return ((y<x)   ? Point<2>(1,-1)  : Point<2>(0,0));
+      case 2: return ((y>1-x) ? Point<2>(1,1)   : Point<2>(0,0));
+      case 3: return ((y>x)   ? Point<2>(-1,1)  : Point<2>(0,0));
+                                            // I am too lazy to optimize the
+                                            // following myself. Let the
+                                            // compiler do this
+      case 4: return -1.*(((y<1-x) ? Point<2>(-1,-1) : Point<2>(0,0)) +
+                         ((y<x)   ? Point<2>(1,-1)  : Point<2>(0,0)) +
+                         ((y>1-x) ? Point<2>(1,1)   : Point<2>(0,0)) +
+                         ((y>x)   ? Point<2>(-1,1)  : Point<2>(0,0)));
+    }
+  return Point<2>();
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<2>::get_unit_ansatz_points (vector<Point<2> > &unit_points) const {
+  Assert(unit_points.size()==total_dofs,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), total_dofs));
+  unit_points[0] = Point<2> (0,0);
+  unit_points[1] = Point<2> (1,0);
+  unit_points[2] = Point<2> (1,1);
+  unit_points[3] = Point<2> (0,1);
+  unit_points[4] = Point<2> (0.5, 0.5);
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<2>::get_ansatz_points (const DoFHandler<2>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                        const Boundary<2> &,
+                                        vector<Point<2> > &ansatz_points) const {
+  const unsigned int dim = 2;
+  Assert (ansatz_points.size() == total_dofs,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (ansatz_points.size(), total_dofs));
+                                  // copy vertices
+  for (unsigned int vertex=0; vertex<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++vertex)
+    ansatz_points[vertex] = cell->vertex(vertex);
+  last ansatz point is the common point of the two diagonals; the formula for
+  the computation is a bit lengthy but straightforward. You can get it with
+  the small Maple script printed at the beginning of this file.
+  const double x0 = cell->vertex(0)(0),
+              y0 = cell->vertex(0)(1),
+              x1 = cell->vertex(1)(0),
+              y1 = cell->vertex(1)(1),
+              x2 = cell->vertex(2)(0),
+              y2 = cell->vertex(2)(1),
+              x3 = cell->vertex(3)(0),
+              y3 = cell->vertex(3)(1);
+  const double t1 = x0*y1;
+  const double t2 = x0*y3;
+  const double t4 = x1*y0;
+  const double t5 = x3*y0;
+  const double t14 = (t1-t2+x1*y3-t4+t5-x3*y1)/(t1-t2-x2*y1+x2*y3-t4+x1*y2+t5-x3*y2);
+  const double t15 = 1.0-t14;
+  ansatz_points[4](0) = t15*x0+t14*x2;
+  ansatz_points[4](1) = t15*y0+t14*y2;
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<2>::get_face_ansatz_points (const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator &face,
+                                             const Boundary<2> &,
+                                             vector<Point<2> > &ansatz_points) const {
+  const unsigned int dim = 2;
+  Assert ((ansatz_points.size() == dofs_per_face) &&
+         (ansatz_points.size() == GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (ansatz_points.size(),
+                                 GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face));
+  for (unsigned int vertex=0; vertex<dofs_per_face; ++vertex)
+    ansatz_points[vertex] = face->vertex(vertex);
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<2>::get_local_mass_matrix (const DoFHandler<2>::cell_iterator &,
+                                            const Boundary<2> &,
+                                            dFMatrix &local_mass_matrix) const {
+  Assert (local_mass_matrix.n() == total_dofs,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(local_mass_matrix.n(),total_dofs));
+  Assert (local_mass_matrix.m() == total_dofs,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(local_mass_matrix.m(),total_dofs));
+                                  // in this special element, some of the
+                                  // entries are zero (which is not the
+                                  // case for most other elements, so
+                                  // we first reset all elements and only
+                                  // fill in those that are nonzero
+  local_mass_matrix.clear ();
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+template <>
+double FECrissCross<2>::shape_value_transform (const unsigned int i,
+                                               const Point<2> &p) const {
+                                  // use an isoparametric ansatz
+  return shape_value(i,p);
+template <>
+Point<2> FECrissCross<2>::shape_grad_transform (const unsigned int i,
+                                               const Point<2> &p) const {
+                                  // use an isoparametric ansatz
+  return shape_grad(i,p);  
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<2>::get_face_jacobians (const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator &face,
+                                         const Boundary<2>       &,
+                                         const vector<Point<1> > &unit_points,
+                                         vector<double> &face_jacobians) const {
+                                  // more or less copied from the linear
+                                  // finite element
+  Assert (unit_points.size() == face_jacobians.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), face_jacobians.size()));
+                                  // a linear mapping for a single line
+                                  // produces particularly simple
+                                  // expressions for the jacobi
+                                  // determinant :-)
+  const double h = sqrt((face->vertex(1) - face->vertex(0)).square());
+  fill_n (face_jacobians.begin(),
+         unit_points.size(),
+         h);  
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<2>::get_subface_jacobians (const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator &face,
+                                            const unsigned int,
+                                            const vector<Point<1> > &unit_points,
+                                            vector<double> &face_jacobians) const {
+                                  // more or less copied from the linear
+                                  // finite element
+  Assert (unit_points.size() == face_jacobians.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), face_jacobians.size()));
+  Assert (face->at_boundary() == false,
+         ExcBoundaryFaceUsed ());
+                                  // a linear mapping for a single line
+                                  // produces particularly simple
+                                  // expressions for the jacobi
+                                  // determinant :-)
+  const double h = sqrt((face->vertex(1) - face->vertex(0)).square());
+  fill_n (face_jacobians.begin(),
+         unit_points.size(),
+         h/2);
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<2>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<2>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                         const unsigned int       face_no,
+                                         const Boundary<2>       &,
+                                         const vector<Point<1> > &unit_points,
+                                         vector<Point<2> > &normal_vectors) const {
+                                  // more or less copied from the linear
+                                  // finite element
+  Assert (unit_points.size() == normal_vectors.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), normal_vectors.size()));
+  const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator face = cell->face(face_no);
+                                  // compute direction of line
+  const Point<2> line_direction = (face->vertex(1) - face->vertex(0));
+                                  // rotate to the right by 90 degrees
+  const Point<2> normal_direction(line_direction(1),
+                                 -line_direction(0));
+  if (face_no <= 1)
+                                    // for sides 0 and 1: return the correctly
+                                    // scaled vector
+    fill (normal_vectors.begin(), normal_vectors.end(),
+         normal_direction / sqrt(normal_direction.square()));
+  else
+                                    // for sides 2 and 3: scale and invert
+                                    // vector
+    fill (normal_vectors.begin(), normal_vectors.end(),
+         normal_direction / (-sqrt(normal_direction.square())));
+template <>
+void FECrissCross<2>::get_normal_vectors (const DoFHandler<2>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                         const unsigned int       face_no,
+                                         const unsigned int,
+                                         const vector<Point<1> > &unit_points,
+                                         vector<Point<2> >       &normal_vectors) const {
+                                  // more or less copied from the linear
+                                  // finite element
+                                  // note, that in 2D the normal vectors to the
+                                  // subface have the same direction as that
+                                  // for the face
+  Assert (unit_points.size() == normal_vectors.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension (unit_points.size(), normal_vectors.size()));
+  Assert (cell->face(face_no)->at_boundary() == false,
+         ExcBoundaryFaceUsed ());
+  const DoFHandler<2>::face_iterator face = cell->face(face_no);
+                                  // compute direction of line
+  const Point<2> line_direction = (face->vertex(1) - face->vertex(0));
+                                  // rotate to the right by 90 degrees
+  const Point<2> normal_direction(line_direction(1),
+                                 -line_direction(0));
+  if (face_no <= 1)
+                                    // for sides 0 and 1: return the correctly
+                                    // scaled vector
+    fill (normal_vectors.begin(), normal_vectors.end(),
+         normal_direction / sqrt(normal_direction.square()));
+  else
+                                    // for sides 2 and 3: scale and invert
+                                    // vector
+    fill (normal_vectors.begin(), normal_vectors.end(),
+         normal_direction / (-sqrt(normal_direction.square())));
+template <int dim>
+void FECrissCross<dim>::fill_fe_values (const DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+                                       const vector<Point<dim> >            &unit_points,
+                                       vector<dFMatrix>    &jacobians,
+                                       const bool           compute_jacobians,
+                                       vector<Point<dim> > &ansatz_points,
+                                       const bool,
+                                       vector<Point<dim> > &q_points,
+                                       const bool           compute_q_points,
+                                       const dFMatrix      &shape_values_transform,
+                                       const vector<vector<Point<dim> > > &shape_grad_transform,
+                                       const Boundary<dim> &boundary) const {
+  Assert (jacobians.size() == unit_points.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(jacobians.size(), unit_points.size()));
+  Assert (q_points.size() == unit_points.size(),
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(q_points.size(), unit_points.size()));
+  Assert (ansatz_points.size() == total_dofs,
+         ExcWrongFieldDimension(ansatz_points.size(), total_dofs));
+  unsigned int n_points=unit_points.size();
+                                  // we need the ansatz points in any
+                                  // way, wanted or not by the user
+  get_ansatz_points (cell, boundary, ansatz_points);
+  if (compute_q_points) 
+    {
+                                      // initialize points to zero
+      for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_points; ++i)
+       q_points[i] = Point<dim> ();
+                                      // note: let x_l be the vector of the
+                                      // lth quadrature point in real space and
+                                      // xi_l that on the unit cell, let further
+                                      // p_j be the vector of the jth vertex
+                                      // of the cell in real space and
+                                      // N_j(xi_l) be the value of the associated
+                                      // basis function at xi_l, then
+                                      // x_l(xi_l) = sum_j p_j N_j(xi_l)
+      for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_transform_functions; ++j) 
+       for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_points; ++l) 
+         q_points[l] += ansatz_points[j] * shape_values_transform(j, l);
+    };
+/* jacobi matrices: compute d(x)/d(xi) and invert this
+   Let M(l) be the inverse of J at the quadrature point l, then
+     M_{ij}(l) = sum_s p_i(s) d(N_s(l))/d(xi_j)
+   where p_i(s) is the i-th coordinate of the s-th vertex vector,
+   N_s(l) is the value of the s-th shape function at the
+   quadrature point l.
+   We could therefore write:
+   l=0..n_points-1
+     i=0..dim-1
+       j=0..dim-1
+         M_{ij}(l) = 0
+        s=0..n_ansatz_points
+          M_{ij}(l) += p_i(s) d(N_s(l))/d(xi_j)
+  However, we rewrite the loops to only compute the gradient once for
+  each integration point and basis function.
+  if (compute_jacobians) 
+    {
+      dFMatrix M(dim,dim);
+      for (unsigned int l=0; l<n_points; ++l) 
+       {
+         M.clear ();
+         for (unsigned int s=0; s<n_transform_functions; ++s)
+           {
+                                              // we want the linear transform,
+                                              // so use that function
+             const Point<dim> gradient = shape_grad_transform[s][l];
+             for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
+               for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j)
+                 M(i,j) += ansatz_points[s](i) * gradient(j);
+           };
+         jacobians[l].invert(M);
+       };
+    };
+/*--------------------------- QCrissCross* ------------------------------------*/
+#if deal_II_dimension == 1
+template <>
+QCrissCross1<1>::QCrissCross1 () :
+               Quadrature<1> (1)
+  Assert (false, ExcNotUseful());
+#if deal_II_dimension == 2
+template <>
+QCrissCross1<2>::QCrissCross1 () :
+               Quadrature<2> (4)
+                                  // let quadrature points be the
+                                  // barycenters of the four triangles
+  quadrature_points[0] = Point<2>(1./2., 1./6.);
+  quadrature_points[1] = Point<2>(5./6., 1./2.);
+  quadrature_points[2] = Point<2>(1./2., 5./6.);
+  quadrature_points[3] = Point<2>(1./6., 1./2.);
+  weights[0] = 1./4.;
+  weights[1] = 1./4.;
+  weights[2] = 1./4.;
+  weights[3] = 1./4.;
+// explicit instantiations
+template class FECrissCross<deal_II_dimension>;
+template class QCrissCross1<deal_II_dimension>;

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.