- // next we have to build a mapping from the
- // list of cells to their indices. for
- // this, use the user_index field
- std::vector<unsigned int> saved_user_indices;
- triangulation.save_user_indices (saved_user_indices);
+ // create a map pair<lvl,idx> -> SparsityPattern index
+ // TODO: we are no longer using user_indices for this because we can get
+ // pointer/index clashes when saving/restoring them. The following approach
+ // works, but this map can get quite big. Not sure about more efficient solutions.
+ std::map< std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>, unsigned int >
+ indexmap;
unsigned int index = 0;
for (typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
cell = triangulation.begin_active();
cell != triangulation.end(); ++cell, ++index)
- cell->set_user_index (index);
+ indexmap[std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>(cell->level(),cell->index())] = index;
// next loop over all cells and
// their neighbors to build the
(cell->neighbor(f)->has_children() == false))
- cell_connectivity.add (index,
- cell->neighbor(f)->user_index());
- cell_connectivity.add (cell->neighbor(f)->user_index(),
- index);
+ unsigned int other_index = indexmap.find(
+ std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>(cell->neighbor(f)->level(),cell->neighbor(f)->index()))->second;
+ cell_connectivity.add (index, other_index);
+ cell_connectivity.add (other_index, index);
- // now compress the so-built connectivity
- // pattern and restore user indices. the
- // const-cast is necessary since we treat
- // the triangulation as constant (we here
- // return it to its original state)
+ // now compress the so-built connectivity pattern
cell_connectivity.compress ();
- const_cast<Triangulation<dim,spacedim>&>(triangulation)
- .load_user_indices (saved_user_indices);