<li> <p> Changed: The build system was entirely revised. Object
- files in debug more now have the suffix <code>.g.o</code>
- instead of <code>.go</code>. All object files from the
- subdirectories are now placed into the <code>/lib</code>
- top-level directory, rather than in library directories in the
- individual subdirs.
- <br>
- (WB 2002/02/1)
- </p>
+ files in debug more now have the suffix <code>.g.o</code> instead of
+ <code>.go</code>. All object files from the subdirectories are now
+ placed into the <code>/lib</code> top-level directory, rather than
+ in library directories in the individual subdirs.
+ <br>
+ (WB 2002/02/11)
+ </p>
<a name="base"></a>
+ <li> <p> Changed: The quite logorrhoeic function name <code
+ class="class">TensorProductPolynomials</code>::<code
+ class="member">n_tensor_product_polynomials</code> was changed to
+ <code class="member">n</code> to be compliant wth the new class <code
+ class="class">PolynomialSpace</code>.
+ <br>
+ GK 2002/02/11)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p> New: The class <code class="class">PolynomialSpace</code>
+ implements the space of polynomials at most a certain degree in
+ arbitrary space dimensions.
+ <br>
+ GK 2002/02/11)
+ </p>
<li> <p> New: Functions <code
- class="member">SparsityPattern::copy_from</code> and <code
- class="member">SparseMatrix::copy_from</code> allow to copy a
- full matrix into a sparse matrix.
- <br>
- (WB 2002/02/06)
- </p>
+ class="member">SparsityPattern::copy_from</code> and <code
+ class="member">SparseMatrix::copy_from</code> allow to copy a full
+ matrix into a sparse matrix.
+ <br>
+ (WB 2002/02/06)
+ </p>
<a name="deal.II"></a>
+ <li> <p> New: Finite element family with complete polynomial spaces
+ for discontinuous Galerkin: <code class="class">FE_DGP</code>
+ <br>
+ GK 2002/02/11)
+ </p>