]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
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authorbangerth <bangerth@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Fri, 1 Aug 2008 05:07:19 +0000 (05:07 +0000)
committerbangerth <bangerth@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Fri, 1 Aug 2008 05:07:19 +0000 (05:07 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@16482 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index 4b889824f4c5a2882d61c6b4f6e70529a6d4c343..5de2f64d9fcfc06a5c332e1f0aecef42873fd656 100644 (file)
@@ -5980,38 +5980,40 @@ Triangulation<3>::execute_refinement ()
                                                 // only do something, if this
                                                 // face has to be refined
                if (face_ref_case)
-                 if (face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim-1>::isotropic_refinement)
-                   {
-                     if (aface->number_of_children()<4)
-                                                    // we use user_flags to
-                                                    // denote needed isotropic
-                                                    // refinement
-                       aface->set_user_flag();
-                   }
-                 else if (aface->refinement_case()!=face_ref_case)
-                                                    // we use user_indices
-                                                    // to denote needed
-                                                    // anisotropic
-                                                    // refinement. note, that
-                                                    // we can have at most
-                                                    // one anisotropic
-                                                    // refinement case for
-                                                    // this face, as
-                                                    // otherwise
-                                                    // prepare_refinement()
-                                                    // would have changed one
-                                                    // of the cells to yield
-                                                    // isotropic refinement
-                                                    // at this
-                                                    // face. therefore we set
-                                                    // the user_index
-                                                    // uniquely
-                   {
-                     Assert(aface->refinement_case()==RefinementCase<dim-1>::isotropic_refinement ||
-                            aface->refinement_case()==RefinementCase<dim-1>::no_refinement,
-                            ExcInternalError());
-                     aface->set_user_index(face_ref_case);
-                   }
+                 {
+                   if (face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim-1>::isotropic_refinement)
+                     {
+                       if (aface->number_of_children()<4)
+                                                          // we use user_flags to
+                                                          // denote needed isotropic
+                                                          // refinement
+                         aface->set_user_flag();
+                     }
+                   else if (aface->refinement_case()!=face_ref_case)
+                                                      // we use user_indices
+                                                      // to denote needed
+                                                      // anisotropic
+                                                      // refinement. note, that
+                                                      // we can have at most
+                                                      // one anisotropic
+                                                      // refinement case for
+                                                      // this face, as
+                                                      // otherwise
+                                                      // prepare_refinement()
+                                                      // would have changed one
+                                                      // of the cells to yield
+                                                      // isotropic refinement
+                                                      // at this
+                                                      // face. therefore we set
+                                                      // the user_index
+                                                      // uniquely
+                     {
+                       Assert(aface->refinement_case()==RefinementCase<dim-1>::isotropic_refinement ||
+                              aface->refinement_case()==RefinementCase<dim-1>::no_refinement,
+                              ExcInternalError());
+                                                      aface->set_user_index(face_ref_case);
+                     }
+                 }
              }// for all faces
                                             // flag all lines, that have to be
@@ -11333,77 +11335,77 @@ bool Triangulation<dim>::prepare_coarsening_and_refinement ()
                         != RefinementCase<dim>::no_refinement))
-                                                      // 1) if the neighbor has
-                                                      // children: nothing to
-                                                      // worry about.
-                                                      // 2) if the neighbor is
-                                                      // active and a coarser
-                                                      // one, ensure, that its
-                                                      // refine_flag is set
-                                                      // 3) if the neighbor is
-                                                      // active and as
-                                                      // refined along the face
-                                                      // as our current cell,
-                                                      // make sure, that no
-                                                      // coarsen_flag is set. if
-                                                      // we remove the coarsen
-                                                      // flag of our neighbor,
-                                                      // fix_coarsen_flags() makes
-                                                      // sure, that the mother
-                                                      // cell will not be
-                                                      // coarsened
-                     if (cell->neighbor(i)->active())
-                       {
-                         if (cell->neighbor_is_coarser(i))
-                           {
-                             if (cell->neighbor(i)->coarsen_flag_set())
-                               cell->neighbor(i)->clear_coarsen_flag();
-                                                              // we'll set the
-                                                              // refine flag
-                                                              // for this
-                                                              // neighbor
-                                                              // below. we
-                                                              // note, that we
-                                                              // have changed
-                                                              // something by
-                                                              // setting the
-                                                              // changed flag
-                                                              // to true. We do
-                                                              // not need to do
-                                                              // so, if we just
-                                                              // removed the
-                                                              // coarsen flag,
-                                                              // as the changed
-                                                              // flag only
-                                                              // indicates the
-                                                              // need to re-run
-                                                              // the inner
-                                                              // loop. however,
-                                                              // we only loop
-                                                              // over cells
-                                                              // flagged for
-                                                              // refinement
-                                                              // here, so
-                                                              // nothing to
-                                                              // worry about if
-                                                              // we remove
-                                                              // coarsen flags
-                             if (dim==2)
-                               {
-                                 if (smooth_grid & allow_anisotropic_smoothing)
-                                   changed=cell->neighbor(i)->flag_for_face_refinement(cell->neighbor_of_coarser_neighbor(i).first,
-                                                                                       RefinementCase<dim-1>::cut_x);
-                                 else
-                                   {
-                                     if (!cell->neighbor(i)->refine_flag_set())
-                                       changed=true;
-                                     cell->neighbor(i)->set_refine_flag();
-                                   }
-                               }
-                             else //i.e. if (dim==3)
-                               {
+                     {
+                                                        // 1) if the neighbor has
+                                                        // children: nothing to
+                                                        // worry about.
+                                                        // 2) if the neighbor is
+                                                        // active and a coarser
+                                                        // one, ensure, that its
+                                                        // refine_flag is set
+                                                        // 3) if the neighbor is
+                                                        // active and as
+                                                        // refined along the face
+                                                        // as our current cell,
+                                                        // make sure, that no
+                                                        // coarsen_flag is set. if
+                                                        // we remove the coarsen
+                                                        // flag of our neighbor,
+                                                        // fix_coarsen_flags() makes
+                                                        // sure, that the mother
+                                                        // cell will not be
+                                                        // coarsened
+                       if (cell->neighbor(i)->active())
+                         {
+                           if (cell->neighbor_is_coarser(i))
+                             {
+                               if (cell->neighbor(i)->coarsen_flag_set())
+                                 cell->neighbor(i)->clear_coarsen_flag();
+                                                                // we'll set the
+                                                                // refine flag
+                                                                // for this
+                                                                // neighbor
+                                                                // below. we
+                                                                // note, that we
+                                                                // have changed
+                                                                // something by
+                                                                // setting the
+                                                                // changed flag
+                                                                // to true. We do
+                                                                // not need to do
+                                                                // so, if we just
+                                                                // removed the
+                                                                // coarsen flag,
+                                                                // as the changed
+                                                                // flag only
+                                                                // indicates the
+                                                                // need to re-run
+                                                                // the inner
+                                                                // loop. however,
+                                                                // we only loop
+                                                                // over cells
+                                                                // flagged for
+                                                                // refinement
+                                                                // here, so
+                                                                // nothing to
+                                                                // worry about if
+                                                                // we remove
+                                                                // coarsen flags
+                               if (dim==2)
+                                 {
+                                   if (smooth_grid & allow_anisotropic_smoothing)
+                                     changed=cell->neighbor(i)->flag_for_face_refinement(cell->neighbor_of_coarser_neighbor(i).first,
+                                                                                         RefinementCase<dim-1>::cut_x);
+                                   else
+                                     {
+                                       if (!cell->neighbor(i)->refine_flag_set())
+                                         changed=true;
+                                       cell->neighbor(i)->set_refine_flag();
+                                     }
+                                 }
+                               else //i.e. if (dim==3)
+                                 {
 // ugly situations might arise here, consider the following situation, which
 // shows neighboring cells at the common face, where the upper right element is
 // coarser at the given face. Now the upper child element of the lower left
@@ -11522,158 +11524,157 @@ bool Triangulation<dim>::prepare_coarsening_and_refinement ()
 //    /               /
 //   /               /
-                                 std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> nb_indices
-                                   =cell->neighbor_of_coarser_neighbor(i);
-                                 unsigned int refined_along_x=0,
-                                              refined_along_y=0,
-                                        to_be_refined_along_x=0,
-                                        to_be_refined_along_y=0;
+                                   std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> nb_indices
+                                     =cell->neighbor_of_coarser_neighbor(i);
+                                   unsigned int refined_along_x=0,
+                                                refined_along_y=0,
+                                          to_be_refined_along_x=0,
+                                          to_be_refined_along_y=0;
-                                 const int this_face_index=cell->face_index(i);
+                                   const int this_face_index=cell->face_index(i);
 // step 1: detect, along which axis the face is currently refined
-                                 if ((this_face_index
-                                      == cell->neighbor(i)->face(nb_indices.first)->child_index(0)) ||
-                                     (this_face_index
-                                      == cell->neighbor(i)->face(nb_indices.first)->child_index(1)))
-                                   {
-                                                                      // this
-                                                                      // might
-                                                                      // be an
-                                                                      // anisotropic
-                                                                      // child. get
-                                                                      // the
-                                                                      // face
-                                                                      // refine
-                                                                      // case
-                                                                      // of the
-                                                                      // neighbors
-                                                                      // face
-                                                                      // and
-                                                                      // count
-                                                                      // refinements
-                                                                      // in x
-                                                                      // and y
-                                                                      // direction.
-                                     RefinementCase<dim-1> frc=cell->neighbor(i)->face(nb_indices.first)->refinement_case();
-                                     if (frc & RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x)
+                                   if ((this_face_index
+                                        == cell->neighbor(i)->face(nb_indices.first)->child_index(0)) ||
+                                       (this_face_index
+                                        == cell->neighbor(i)->face(nb_indices.first)->child_index(1)))
+                                     {
+                                                                        // this
+                                                                        // might
+                                                                        // be an
+                                                                        // anisotropic
+                                                                        // child. get
+                                                                        // the
+                                                                        // face
+                                                                        // refine
+                                                                        // case
+                                                                        // of the
+                                                                        // neighbors
+                                                                        // face
+                                                                        // and
+                                                                        // count
+                                                                        // refinements
+                                                                        // in x
+                                                                        // and y
+                                                                        // direction.
+                                       RefinementCase<dim-1> frc=cell->neighbor(i)->face(nb_indices.first)->refinement_case();
+                                       if (frc & RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x)
+                                         ++refined_along_x;
+                                       if (frc & RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y)
+                                         ++refined_along_y;
+                                     }
+                                   else
+                                                                      // this has
+                                                                      // to be an
+                                                                      // isotropic
+                                                                      // child
+                                     {
-                                     if (frc & RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y)
-                                   }
-                                 else
-                                                                    // this has
-                                                                    // to be an
-                                                                    // isotropic
-                                                                    // child
-                                   {
-                                     ++refined_along_x;
-                                     ++refined_along_y;
-                                   }
+                                     }
 // step 2: detect, along which axis the face has to be refined given the current
 // refine flag
-                                 RefinementCase<dim-1> flagged_frc=
-                                   GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(cell->refine_flag_set(),
-                                                                           i,
-                                                                           cell->face_orientation(i),
-                                                                           cell->face_flip(i),
-                                                                           cell->face_rotation(i));
-                                 if (flagged_frc & RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x)
-                                   ++to_be_refined_along_x;
-                                 if (flagged_frc & RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y)
-                                   ++to_be_refined_along_y;
+                                   RefinementCase<dim-1> flagged_frc=
+                                     GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(cell->refine_flag_set(),
+                                                                             i,
+                                                                             cell->face_orientation(i),
+                                                                             cell->face_flip(i),
+                                                                             cell->face_rotation(i));
+                                   if (flagged_frc & RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x)
+                                     ++to_be_refined_along_x;
+                                   if (flagged_frc & RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y)
+                                     ++to_be_refined_along_y;
 // step 3: set the refine flag of the (coarser and active) neighbor. 
-                                 if ((smooth_grid & allow_anisotropic_smoothing) ||
-                                     cell->neighbor(i)->refine_flag_set())
-                                   {
-                                     if (refined_along_x + to_be_refined_along_x > 1)
-                                       changed |= cell->neighbor(i)->flag_for_face_refinement(nb_indices.first,
-                                                                                              RefinementCase<dim-1>::cut_axis(0));
-                                     if (refined_along_y + to_be_refined_along_y > 1)
-                                       changed |= cell->neighbor(i)->flag_for_face_refinement(nb_indices.first,
-                                                                                              RefinementCase<dim-1>::cut_axis(1));
-                                   }
-                                 else
-                                   {
-                                     if (cell->neighbor(i)->refine_flag_set()!=RefinementCase<dim>::isotropic_refinement)
-                                       changed=true;
-                                     cell->neighbor(i)->set_refine_flag();
-                                   }
+                                   if ((smooth_grid & allow_anisotropic_smoothing) ||
+                                       cell->neighbor(i)->refine_flag_set())
+                                     {
+                                       if (refined_along_x + to_be_refined_along_x > 1)
+                                         changed |= cell->neighbor(i)->flag_for_face_refinement(nb_indices.first,
+                                                                                                RefinementCase<dim-1>::cut_axis(0));
+                                       if (refined_along_y + to_be_refined_along_y > 1)
+                                         changed |= cell->neighbor(i)->flag_for_face_refinement(nb_indices.first,
+                                                                                                RefinementCase<dim-1>::cut_axis(1));
+                                     }
+                                   else
+                                     {
+                                       if (cell->neighbor(i)->refine_flag_set()!=RefinementCase<dim>::isotropic_refinement)
+                                         changed=true;
+                                       cell->neighbor(i)->set_refine_flag();
+                                     }
 // step 4: if necessary (see above) add to the refine flag of the current cell
-                                 cell_iterator nb=cell->neighbor(i);
-                                 RefinementCase<dim-1> nb_frc
-                                   = GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(nb->refine_flag_set(),
-                                                                             nb_indices.first,
-                                                                             nb->face_orientation(nb_indices.first),
-                                                                             nb->face_flip(nb_indices.first),
-                                                                             nb->face_rotation(nb_indices.first));
-                                 if ((nb_frc & RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x) &&
-                                     !(refined_along_x || to_be_refined_along_x))
-                                   changed |= cell->flag_for_face_refinement(i,RefinementCase<dim-1>::cut_axis(0));
-                                 if ((nb_frc & RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y) &&
-                                     !(refined_along_y || to_be_refined_along_y))
-                                   changed |= cell->flag_for_face_refinement(i,RefinementCase<dim-1>::cut_axis(1));
-                               }
-                           }// if neighbor is coarser
-                         else // -> now the neighbor is not coarser
-                           {
-                             cell->neighbor(i)->clear_coarsen_flag();
-                             const unsigned int nb_nb=cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(i);
-                             const cell_iterator neighbor=cell->neighbor(i);
-                             RefinementCase<dim-1> face_ref_case=
-                               GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(neighbor->refine_flag_set(),
-                                                                       nb_nb,
-                                                                       neighbor->face_orientation(nb_nb),
-                                                                       neighbor->face_flip(nb_nb),
-                                                                       neighbor->face_rotation(nb_nb));
-                             RefinementCase<dim-1> needed_face_ref_case
-                               =GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(cell->refine_flag_set(),
-                                                                        i,
-                                                                        cell->face_orientation(i),
-                                                                        cell->face_flip(i),
-                                                                        cell->face_rotation(i));
-                                                              // if the
-                                                              // neighbor wants
-                                                              // to refine the
-                                                              // face with
-                                                              // cut_x and we
-                                                              // want cut_y or
-                                                              // vice versa, we
-                                                              // have to refine
-                                                              // isotropically
-                                                              // at the given
-                                                              // face
-                             if ((face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x && needed_face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y) ||
-                                 (face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y && needed_face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x))
-                               {
-                                 changed=cell->flag_for_face_refinement(i, face_ref_case);
-                                 neighbor->flag_for_face_refinement(nb_nb, needed_face_ref_case);
-                               }
-                           }
-                       }
-                     else //-> the neighbor is not active
-                       {
-                         RefinementCase<dim-1> face_ref_case = cell->face(i)->refinement_case(),
-                                        needed_face_ref_case = GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(cell->refine_flag_set(),
-                                                                                                       i,
-                                                                                                       cell->face_orientation(i),
-                                                                                                       cell->face_flip(i),
-                                                                                                       cell->face_rotation(i));
-                                                          // if the face is
-                                                          // refined with cut_x
-                                                          // and we want cut_y
-                                                          // or vice versa, we
-                                                          // have to refine
-                                                          // isotropically at
-                                                          // the given face
-                         if ((face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x && needed_face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y) ||
-                             (face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y && needed_face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x))
-                           changed=cell->flag_for_face_refinement(i, face_ref_case);
-                       }
+                                   cell_iterator nb=cell->neighbor(i);
+                                   RefinementCase<dim-1> nb_frc
+                                     = GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(nb->refine_flag_set(),
+                                                                               nb_indices.first,
+                                                                               nb->face_orientation(nb_indices.first),
+                                                                               nb->face_flip(nb_indices.first),
+                                                                               nb->face_rotation(nb_indices.first));
+                                   if ((nb_frc & RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x) &&
+                                       !(refined_along_x || to_be_refined_along_x))
+                                     changed |= cell->flag_for_face_refinement(i,RefinementCase<dim-1>::cut_axis(0));
+                                   if ((nb_frc & RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y) &&
+                                       !(refined_along_y || to_be_refined_along_y))
+                                     changed |= cell->flag_for_face_refinement(i,RefinementCase<dim-1>::cut_axis(1));
+                                 }
+                             }// if neighbor is coarser
+                           else // -> now the neighbor is not coarser
+                             {
+                               cell->neighbor(i)->clear_coarsen_flag();
+                               const unsigned int nb_nb=cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(i);
+                               const cell_iterator neighbor=cell->neighbor(i);
+                               RefinementCase<dim-1> face_ref_case=
+                                 GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(neighbor->refine_flag_set(),
+                                                                         nb_nb,
+                                                                         neighbor->face_orientation(nb_nb),
+                                                                         neighbor->face_flip(nb_nb),
+                                                                         neighbor->face_rotation(nb_nb));
+                               RefinementCase<dim-1> needed_face_ref_case
+                                 =GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(cell->refine_flag_set(),
+                                                                          i,
+                                                                          cell->face_orientation(i),
+                                                                          cell->face_flip(i),
+                                                                          cell->face_rotation(i));
+                                                                // if the
+                                                                // neighbor wants
+                                                                // to refine the
+                                                                // face with
+                                                                // cut_x and we
+                                                                // want cut_y or
+                                                                // vice versa, we
+                                                                // have to refine
+                                                                // isotropically
+                                                                // at the given
+                                                                // face
+                               if ((face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x && needed_face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y) ||
+                                   (face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y && needed_face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x))
+                                 {
+                                   changed=cell->flag_for_face_refinement(i, face_ref_case);
+                                   neighbor->flag_for_face_refinement(nb_nb, needed_face_ref_case);
+                                 }
+                             }
+                         }
+                       else //-> the neighbor is not active
+                         {
+                           RefinementCase<dim-1> face_ref_case = cell->face(i)->refinement_case(),
+                                          needed_face_ref_case = GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(cell->refine_flag_set(),
+                                                                                                         i,
+                                                                                                         cell->face_orientation(i),
+                                                                                                         cell->face_flip(i),
+                                                                                                         cell->face_rotation(i));
+                                                            // if the face is
+                                                            // refined with cut_x
+                                                            // and we want cut_y
+                                                            // or vice versa, we
+                                                            // have to refine
+                                                            // isotropically at
+                                                            // the given face
+                           if ((face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x && needed_face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y) ||
+                               (face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_y && needed_face_ref_case==RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x))
+                             changed=cell->flag_for_face_refinement(i, face_ref_case);
+                         }
+                     }
@@ -12772,17 +12773,19 @@ void Triangulation<2>::create_children (unsigned int &next_unused_vertex,
          unsigned int bound_face=GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
          for (unsigned int face=0; face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
            if (cell->face(face)->at_boundary())
-             if (bound_face == GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell)
-                                                // no boundary face found so
-                                                // far, so set it now
-               bound_face=face;
-             else
-                                                // there is another boundary
-                                                // face, so reset bound_face to
-                                                // invalid value as a flag to
-                                                // do nothing in the following
-               bound_face=GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell+1;
+             {
+               if (bound_face == GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell)
+                                                  // no boundary face found so
+                                                  // far, so set it now
+                 bound_face=face;
+               else
+                                                  // there is another boundary
+                                                  // face, so reset bound_face to
+                                                  // invalid value as a flag to
+                                                  // do nothing in the following
+                 bound_face=GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell+1;
+             }
          if (bound_face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell)
                                             // reset the cell's middle vertex
                                             // to the middle of the straight
@@ -13830,13 +13833,14 @@ Triangulation<3>::update_neighbors(cell_iterator &cell,
                                           // adjust the neighbor's
                                           // neighborship info.
          if ((GeometryInfo<dim>::face_refinement_case(ref_case,f) == RefinementCase<dim>::no_refinement) && !cell->neighbor_is_coarser(f))
-           if (refining)
-             neighbor->set_neighbor(cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(f),
-                                    cell->child(GeometryInfo<dim>::child_cell_on_face(ref_case,f,0)));
-           else
-             neighbor->set_neighbor(cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(f),
-                                    cell);
+           {
+             if (refining)
+               neighbor->set_neighbor(cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(f),
+                                      cell->child(GeometryInfo<dim>::child_cell_on_face(ref_case,f,0)));
+             else
+               neighbor->set_neighbor(cell->neighbor_of_neighbor(f),
+                                      cell);
+           }                               
        }// else if (neighbor->active())

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.