- component_in_block_vector + channel_shift,
- ArrayView<Number>(vec.begin() +
- vec.get_partitioner()->locally_owned_size(),
- vec.get_partitioner()->n_ghost_indices()),
+ component_in_block_vector * 2 + channel_shift,
+ ArrayView<Number>(vec.begin(), part.locally_owned_size()),
+ vec.shared_vector_data(),
+ ArrayView<Number>(vec.begin() + part.locally_owned_size(),
+ matrix_free.get_dof_info(mf_component)
+ .vector_partitioner->n_ghost_indices()),
if (part.n_ghost_indices() > 0)
- for (std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>>::
- const_iterator my_ghosts =
- part.ghost_indices_within_larger_ghost_set().begin();
- my_ghosts !=
- part.ghost_indices_within_larger_ghost_set().end();
- ++my_ghosts)
- for (unsigned int j = my_ghosts->first; j < my_ghosts->second;
- j++)
- {
- const_cast<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<Number> &>(
- vec)
- .local_element(j + part.locally_owned_size()) = 0.;
- }
+ part.reset_ghost_values(ArrayView<Number>(
+ const_cast<LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector<Number> &>(vec)
+ .begin() +
+ part.locally_owned_size(),
+ matrix_free.get_dof_info(mf_component)
+ .vector_partitioner->n_ghost_indices()));
# endif
* Mapping and quadrature are those of this second triangulation.
* If the triangulation inside @p cache is parallel, only points lying over
- * locally onwed cells are returned. This is why a vector of unsigned int
+ * locally owned cells are returned. This is why a vector of unsigned int
* is returned: it describes the indices of cells from the immersed
* triangulation which have been used (relative to a loop over al cells). If
* embedding triangulation is not parallel, all cells shall be used.