Once all parameters have been declared, parameters can be read, using the
-<code>ParameterHandler::read_input</code> family of functions. There are
+<code>ParameterHandler::parse_input</code> family of functions. There are
versions of this function that can read from a file stream, that take a file
name, or that simply take a string and parse it. When reading parameters, the
class makes sure that only parameters are listed in the input that have been
itself. Let us, however, end this introduction by pointing the reader at the
extensive class documentation of the <code>ParameterHandler</code> class for
more information on specific details of that class.
args.pop_front ();
// Now read the input file:
- prm.read_input (parameter_file);
+ prm.parse_input (parameter_file);
// Both the output file name as well as the format can be
// specified on the command line. We have therefore given them
NeutronDiffusionProblem<dim>::Parameters parameters;
parameters.declare_parameters (parameter_handler);
- parameter_handler.read_input (filename);
+ parameter_handler.parse_input (filename);
parameters.get_parameters (parameter_handler);
- prm.read_input (parameter_file);
+ prm.parse_input (parameter_file);
AssertThrow (false, ExcMessage (message.str().c_str()));
- const bool success = prm.read_input (parameter_file);
- AssertThrow (success, ExcMessage ("Invalid input parameter file."));
+ prm.parse_input (parameter_file);
parse_parameters (prm);
ParameterHandler prm;
Parameters::AllParameters<dim>::declare_parameters (prm);
- prm.read_input (input_filename);
+ prm.parse_input (input_filename);
parameters.parse_parameters (prm);
verbose_cout.set_condition (parameters.output == Parameters::Solver::verbose);
// After declaring all these parameters to the ParameterHandler object,
// let's read an input file that will give the parameters their values. We
// then proceed to extract these values from the ParameterHandler object:
- prm.read_input(filename);
+ prm.parse_input(filename);
n_cycles = prm.get_integer("Number of cycles");
external_refinement = prm.get_integer("External refinement");
std::ifstream file (filename);
AssertThrow (file, ExcFileNotOpen (filename));
- prm.read_input (file);
+ prm.parse_input (file);
if (prm.get ("Method_Form") == std::string ("rotational"))
"A functional description of the potential.");
- parameters.read_input (prm_file);
+ parameters.parse_input (prm_file);
return 1;
- prm.read_input(argv[1]);
+ prm.parse_input(argv[1]);
Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization (argc, argv,
ParameterHandler prm;
- prm.read_input(input_file);
+ prm.parse_input(input_file);