example for this is to solve the time-harmonic version of the
Maxwell equations that has the electric and magnetic fields as
solution. This, too, has been addressed in this release.
- \item \todo[inline]{Reza: Please add a short summary of the
- \texttt{DiscreteTime} class}
+\item The class \texttt{DiscreteTime} is introduced to provide a more
+ consistent, more readable, and less error-prone approach to control
+ time-stepping algorithms within time-dependent simulations.
+ The mutating interface of this class is designed to be minimal
+ to enforce a number of important programming invariants, reducing
+ the possibility of mistakes in the user code.
+ When time-incrementation is requested within the user code, the class makes
+ sure that time increases by a non-zero step size and the current step
+ number is incremented accordingly.
+ Furthermore, \texttt{DiscreteTime} ensures that the final time step ends
+ precisely on a predefined end time. Therefore, the final step size is
+ automatically lengthened or shortened to accommodate this feature.
+ In addition, the class provides useful access methods which return the step
+ number $n$, the values of the simulation time corresponding to $t_{n-1}$,
+ $t_n$, and $t_{n+1}$, and the step-size values $t_n - t_{n-1}$ and
+ $t_{n+1} - t_n$.
\item z \todo[inline]{What else? Maybe mention the updated step-12?}