]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
Proper indentation.
authorwolf <wolf@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 07:50:30 +0000 (07:50 +0000)
committerwolf <wolf@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 07:50:30 +0000 (07:50 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@2018 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index 195b23fee1dced710ad17c4e9e86d9433b22f7be..441c28cbe321ba567e1d28d35f880636fb244200 100644 (file)
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
 /* $Id$ */
-                                // Needed for the Triangulation class:
+                                 // Needed for the Triangulation class:
 #include <grid/tria.h>
-                                // We need the following two includes
-                                // for loops over cells and/or faces:
+                                 // We need the following two includes
+                                 // for loops over cells and/or faces:
 #include <grid/tria_accessor.h>
 #include <grid/tria_iterator.h>
-                                // Here are some functions to
-                                // generate standard grids:
+                                 // Here are some functions to
+                                 // generate standard grids:
 #include <grid/grid_generator.h>
-                                // We would like to use boundaries
-                                // which are not straight lines, so
-                                // we import some classes which
-                                // predefine some boundary
-                                // descriptions:
+                                 // We would like to use boundaries
+                                 // which are not straight lines, so
+                                 // we import some classes which
+                                 // predefine some boundary
+                                 // descriptions:
 #include <grid/tria_boundary_lib.h>
-                                // Output of grids in various
-                                // graphics formats:
+                                 // Output of grids in various
+                                 // graphics formats:
 #include <basic/grid_out.h>
-                                // This is needed for C++ output:
+                                 // This is needed for C++ output:
 #include <fstream>
-                                // In the following function, we
-                                // simply use the unit square as
-                                // domain and produce a globally
-                                // refined grid from it.
+                                 // In the following function, we
+                                 // simply use the unit square as
+                                 // domain and produce a globally
+                                 // refined grid from it.
 void first_grid ()
-                                  // Define an object for a
-                                  // triangulation of a
-                                  // two-dimensional domain. Here and
-                                  // in many following cases, the
-                                  // string "<2>" after a class name
-                                  // indicates that this is an object
-                                  // that shall work in two space
-                                  // dimensions. Likewise, there are
-                                  // version working in one ("<1>")
-                                  // and three ("<3>") space
-                                  // dimension, or for all
-                                  // dimensions. We will see such
-                                  // constructs in later examples,
-                                  // where we show how to program
-                                  // dimension independently.
-                                  // (At present, only one through
-                                  // three space dimensions are
-                                  // supported, but that is not a
-                                  // restriction. In case someone
-                                  // would like to implement four
-                                  // dimensional finite elements, for
-                                  // example for general relativity,
-                                  // this would be a straightforward
-                                  // thing.)
+                                   // Define an object for a
+                                   // triangulation of a
+                                   // two-dimensional domain. Here and
+                                   // in many following cases, the
+                                   // string "<2>" after a class name
+                                   // indicates that this is an object
+                                   // that shall work in two space
+                                   // dimensions. Likewise, there are
+                                   // version working in one ("<1>")
+                                   // and three ("<3>") space
+                                   // dimension, or for all
+                                   // dimensions. We will see such
+                                   // constructs in later examples,
+                                   // where we show how to program
+                                   // dimension independently.
+                                   // (At present, only one through
+                                   // three space dimensions are
+                                   // supported, but that is not a
+                                   // restriction. In case someone
+                                   // would like to implement four
+                                   // dimensional finite elements, for
+                                   // example for general relativity,
+                                   // this would be a straightforward
+                                   // thing.)
   Triangulation<2> triangulation;
-                                  // Fill it with a square
+                                   // Fill it with a square
   GridGenerator::hyper_cube (triangulation);
-                                  // Refine all cells four times, to
-                                  // yield 4^4=256 cells in total
+                                   // Refine all cells four times, to
+                                   // yield 4^4=256 cells in total
   triangulation.refine_global (4);
-                                  // Now we want to write it to some
-                                  // output, here in postscript
-                                  // format
+                                   // Now we want to write it to some
+                                   // output, here in postscript
+                                   // format
   ofstream out ("grid-1.eps");
   GridOut grid_out;
   grid_out.write_eps (triangulation, out);
@@ -73,151 +73,151 @@ void first_grid ()
-                                // The grid in the following function
-                                // is slightly more complicated in
-                                // that we use a ring domain and
-                                // refine the result once globally
+                                 // The grid in the following function
+                                 // is slightly more complicated in
+                                 // that we use a ring domain and
+                                 // refine the result once globally
 void second_grid ()
-                                  // Define an object for a
-                                  // triangulation of a
-                                  // two-dimensional domain
+                                   // Define an object for a
+                                   // triangulation of a
+                                   // two-dimensional domain
   Triangulation<2> triangulation;
-                                  // Fill it with a ring domain. The
-                                  // center of the ring shall be the
-                                  // point (1,0), and inner and outer
-                                  // radius shall be 0.5 and 1. The
-                                  // number of circumferentical cells
-                                  // will be adjusted automatically
-                                  // by this function (in this case,
-                                  // there will be 10)
+                                   // Fill it with a ring domain. The
+                                   // center of the ring shall be the
+                                   // point (1,0), and inner and outer
+                                   // radius shall be 0.5 and 1. The
+                                   // number of circumferentical cells
+                                   // will be adjusted automatically
+                                   // by this function (in this case,
+                                   // there will be 10)
   const Point<2> center (1,0);
   const double inner_radius = 0.5,
-              outer_radius = 1.0;
+               outer_radius = 1.0;
   GridGenerator::hyper_shell (triangulation,
-                             center, inner_radius, outer_radius);
-                                  // By default, the triangulation
-                                  // assumes that all boundaries are
-                                  // straight and given by the cells
-                                  // of the coarse grid (which we
-                                  // just created). Here, however, we
-                                  // would like to have a curved
-                                  // boundary. Furtunately, some good
-                                  // soul implemented an object which
-                                  // describes the boundary of a ring
-                                  // domain; it only needs the center
-                                  // of the ring and automatically
-                                  // figures out the inner and outer
-                                  // radius when needed. Note that we
-                                  // associate this boundary object
-                                  // with that part of the boundary
-                                  // that has the "boundary number"
-                                  // zero. By default, all boundary
-                                  // parts have this number, but you
-                                  // might want to change this number
-                                  // for some parts, and then the
-                                  // curved boundary thus associated
-                                  // with number zero will not apply
-                                  // there.
+                              center, inner_radius, outer_radius);
+                                   // By default, the triangulation
+                                   // assumes that all boundaries are
+                                   // straight and given by the cells
+                                   // of the coarse grid (which we
+                                   // just created). Here, however, we
+                                   // would like to have a curved
+                                   // boundary. Furtunately, some good
+                                   // soul implemented an object which
+                                   // describes the boundary of a ring
+                                   // domain; it only needs the center
+                                   // of the ring and automatically
+                                   // figures out the inner and outer
+                                   // radius when needed. Note that we
+                                   // associate this boundary object
+                                   // with that part of the boundary
+                                   // that has the "boundary number"
+                                   // zero. By default, all boundary
+                                   // parts have this number, but you
+                                   // might want to change this number
+                                   // for some parts, and then the
+                                   // curved boundary thus associated
+                                   // with number zero will not apply
+                                   // there.
   const HyperShellBoundary<2> boundary_description(center);
   triangulation.set_boundary (0, boundary_description);
-                                  // Now, just for the purpose of
-                                  // demonstration and for no
-                                  // particular reason, we will
-                                  // refine the grid in five steps
-                                  // towards the inner circle of the
-                                  // domain:
+                                   // Now, just for the purpose of
+                                   // demonstration and for no
+                                   // particular reason, we will
+                                   // refine the grid in five steps
+                                   // towards the inner circle of the
+                                   // domain:
   for (unsigned int step=0; step<5; ++step)
-                                      // Get an iterator which points
-                                      // to a cell and which we will
-                                      // move over all active cells
-                                      // one by one. Active cells are
-                                      // those that are not further
-                                      // refined
+                                       // Get an iterator which points
+                                       // to a cell and which we will
+                                       // move over all active cells
+                                       // one by one. Active cells are
+                                       // those that are not further
+                                       // refined
       Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell, endc;
       cell = triangulation.begin_active();
       endc = triangulation.end();
-                                      // Now loop over all cells...
+                                       // Now loop over all cells...
       for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
-                                        // ...and over all vertices
-                                        // of the cells. Note the
-                                        // dimension-independent way
-                                        // by which we find out about
-                                        // the number of faces of a
-                                        // cell
-       for (unsigned int vertex=0;
-            vertex < GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;
-            ++vertex)
-         {
-                                            // If this cell is at the
-                                            // inner boundary, then
-                                            // at least one of its vertices
-                                            // must have a radial
-                                            // distance from the center
-                                            // of 0.5
-           const Point<2> vector_to_center
-             = (cell->vertex(vertex) - center);
-           const double distance_from_center
-             = sqrt(vector_to_center.square());
-           if (fabs(distance_from_center - inner_radius) < 1e-10)
-             {
-                                                // Ok, this is one of
-                                                // the cells we were
-                                                // looking for. Flag
-                                                // it for refinement
-                                                // and go to the next
-                                                // cell by breaking
-                                                // the loop over all
-                                                // vertices
-               cell->set_refine_flag ();
-               break;
-             };
-         };
-                                      // Refine the cells which we
-                                      // have marked
+                                         // ...and over all vertices
+                                         // of the cells. Note the
+                                         // dimension-independent way
+                                         // by which we find out about
+                                         // the number of faces of a
+                                         // cell
+        for (unsigned int vertex=0;
+             vertex < GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;
+             ++vertex)
+          {
+                                             // If this cell is at the
+                                             // inner boundary, then
+                                             // at least one of its vertices
+                                             // must have a radial
+                                             // distance from the center
+                                             // of 0.5
+            const Point<2> vector_to_center
+              = (cell->vertex(vertex) - center);
+            const double distance_from_center
+              = sqrt(vector_to_center.square());
+            if (fabs(distance_from_center - inner_radius) < 1e-10)
+              {
+                                                 // Ok, this is one of
+                                                 // the cells we were
+                                                 // looking for. Flag
+                                                 // it for refinement
+                                                 // and go to the next
+                                                 // cell by breaking
+                                                 // the loop over all
+                                                 // vertices
+                cell->set_refine_flag ();
+                break;
+              };
+          };
+                                       // Refine the cells which we
+                                       // have marked
       triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement ();
-                                  // Now we want to write it to some
-                                  // output, here in postscript
-                                  // format
+                                   // Now we want to write it to some
+                                   // output, here in postscript
+                                   // format
   ofstream out ("grid-2.eps");
   GridOut grid_out;
   grid_out.write_eps (triangulation, out);
-                                  // At this point, all objects
-                                  // created in this function will be
-                                  // destroyed in reverse
-                                  // order. Unfortunately, we defined
-                                  // the boundary object after the
-                                  // triangulation, which still has a
-                                  // pointer to it and the library
-                                  // will produce an error if the
-                                  // boundary object is destroyed
-                                  // before the triangulation. We
-                                  // therefore have to release it,
-                                  // which can be done as
-                                  // follows. Note that this sets the
-                                  // boundary object used for part
-                                  // "0" of the boundary back to a
-                                  // default object, over which the
-                                  // triangulation has full control.
+                                   // At this point, all objects
+                                   // created in this function will be
+                                   // destroyed in reverse
+                                   // order. Unfortunately, we defined
+                                   // the boundary object after the
+                                   // triangulation, which still has a
+                                   // pointer to it and the library
+                                   // will produce an error if the
+                                   // boundary object is destroyed
+                                   // before the triangulation. We
+                                   // therefore have to release it,
+                                   // which can be done as
+                                   // follows. Note that this sets the
+                                   // boundary object used for part
+                                   // "0" of the boundary back to a
+                                   // default object, over which the
+                                   // triangulation has full control.
   triangulation.set_boundary (0);
-                                // Main function. Only call the two
-                                // subfunctions, which produce the
-                                // two grids.
+                                 // Main function. Only call the two
+                                 // subfunctions, which produce the
+                                 // two grids.
 int main () 
   first_grid ();
index 195b23fee1dced710ad17c4e9e86d9433b22f7be..441c28cbe321ba567e1d28d35f880636fb244200 100644 (file)
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
 /* $Id$ */
-                                // Needed for the Triangulation class:
+                                 // Needed for the Triangulation class:
 #include <grid/tria.h>
-                                // We need the following two includes
-                                // for loops over cells and/or faces:
+                                 // We need the following two includes
+                                 // for loops over cells and/or faces:
 #include <grid/tria_accessor.h>
 #include <grid/tria_iterator.h>
-                                // Here are some functions to
-                                // generate standard grids:
+                                 // Here are some functions to
+                                 // generate standard grids:
 #include <grid/grid_generator.h>
-                                // We would like to use boundaries
-                                // which are not straight lines, so
-                                // we import some classes which
-                                // predefine some boundary
-                                // descriptions:
+                                 // We would like to use boundaries
+                                 // which are not straight lines, so
+                                 // we import some classes which
+                                 // predefine some boundary
+                                 // descriptions:
 #include <grid/tria_boundary_lib.h>
-                                // Output of grids in various
-                                // graphics formats:
+                                 // Output of grids in various
+                                 // graphics formats:
 #include <basic/grid_out.h>
-                                // This is needed for C++ output:
+                                 // This is needed for C++ output:
 #include <fstream>
-                                // In the following function, we
-                                // simply use the unit square as
-                                // domain and produce a globally
-                                // refined grid from it.
+                                 // In the following function, we
+                                 // simply use the unit square as
+                                 // domain and produce a globally
+                                 // refined grid from it.
 void first_grid ()
-                                  // Define an object for a
-                                  // triangulation of a
-                                  // two-dimensional domain. Here and
-                                  // in many following cases, the
-                                  // string "<2>" after a class name
-                                  // indicates that this is an object
-                                  // that shall work in two space
-                                  // dimensions. Likewise, there are
-                                  // version working in one ("<1>")
-                                  // and three ("<3>") space
-                                  // dimension, or for all
-                                  // dimensions. We will see such
-                                  // constructs in later examples,
-                                  // where we show how to program
-                                  // dimension independently.
-                                  // (At present, only one through
-                                  // three space dimensions are
-                                  // supported, but that is not a
-                                  // restriction. In case someone
-                                  // would like to implement four
-                                  // dimensional finite elements, for
-                                  // example for general relativity,
-                                  // this would be a straightforward
-                                  // thing.)
+                                   // Define an object for a
+                                   // triangulation of a
+                                   // two-dimensional domain. Here and
+                                   // in many following cases, the
+                                   // string "<2>" after a class name
+                                   // indicates that this is an object
+                                   // that shall work in two space
+                                   // dimensions. Likewise, there are
+                                   // version working in one ("<1>")
+                                   // and three ("<3>") space
+                                   // dimension, or for all
+                                   // dimensions. We will see such
+                                   // constructs in later examples,
+                                   // where we show how to program
+                                   // dimension independently.
+                                   // (At present, only one through
+                                   // three space dimensions are
+                                   // supported, but that is not a
+                                   // restriction. In case someone
+                                   // would like to implement four
+                                   // dimensional finite elements, for
+                                   // example for general relativity,
+                                   // this would be a straightforward
+                                   // thing.)
   Triangulation<2> triangulation;
-                                  // Fill it with a square
+                                   // Fill it with a square
   GridGenerator::hyper_cube (triangulation);
-                                  // Refine all cells four times, to
-                                  // yield 4^4=256 cells in total
+                                   // Refine all cells four times, to
+                                   // yield 4^4=256 cells in total
   triangulation.refine_global (4);
-                                  // Now we want to write it to some
-                                  // output, here in postscript
-                                  // format
+                                   // Now we want to write it to some
+                                   // output, here in postscript
+                                   // format
   ofstream out ("grid-1.eps");
   GridOut grid_out;
   grid_out.write_eps (triangulation, out);
@@ -73,151 +73,151 @@ void first_grid ()
-                                // The grid in the following function
-                                // is slightly more complicated in
-                                // that we use a ring domain and
-                                // refine the result once globally
+                                 // The grid in the following function
+                                 // is slightly more complicated in
+                                 // that we use a ring domain and
+                                 // refine the result once globally
 void second_grid ()
-                                  // Define an object for a
-                                  // triangulation of a
-                                  // two-dimensional domain
+                                   // Define an object for a
+                                   // triangulation of a
+                                   // two-dimensional domain
   Triangulation<2> triangulation;
-                                  // Fill it with a ring domain. The
-                                  // center of the ring shall be the
-                                  // point (1,0), and inner and outer
-                                  // radius shall be 0.5 and 1. The
-                                  // number of circumferentical cells
-                                  // will be adjusted automatically
-                                  // by this function (in this case,
-                                  // there will be 10)
+                                   // Fill it with a ring domain. The
+                                   // center of the ring shall be the
+                                   // point (1,0), and inner and outer
+                                   // radius shall be 0.5 and 1. The
+                                   // number of circumferentical cells
+                                   // will be adjusted automatically
+                                   // by this function (in this case,
+                                   // there will be 10)
   const Point<2> center (1,0);
   const double inner_radius = 0.5,
-              outer_radius = 1.0;
+               outer_radius = 1.0;
   GridGenerator::hyper_shell (triangulation,
-                             center, inner_radius, outer_radius);
-                                  // By default, the triangulation
-                                  // assumes that all boundaries are
-                                  // straight and given by the cells
-                                  // of the coarse grid (which we
-                                  // just created). Here, however, we
-                                  // would like to have a curved
-                                  // boundary. Furtunately, some good
-                                  // soul implemented an object which
-                                  // describes the boundary of a ring
-                                  // domain; it only needs the center
-                                  // of the ring and automatically
-                                  // figures out the inner and outer
-                                  // radius when needed. Note that we
-                                  // associate this boundary object
-                                  // with that part of the boundary
-                                  // that has the "boundary number"
-                                  // zero. By default, all boundary
-                                  // parts have this number, but you
-                                  // might want to change this number
-                                  // for some parts, and then the
-                                  // curved boundary thus associated
-                                  // with number zero will not apply
-                                  // there.
+                              center, inner_radius, outer_radius);
+                                   // By default, the triangulation
+                                   // assumes that all boundaries are
+                                   // straight and given by the cells
+                                   // of the coarse grid (which we
+                                   // just created). Here, however, we
+                                   // would like to have a curved
+                                   // boundary. Furtunately, some good
+                                   // soul implemented an object which
+                                   // describes the boundary of a ring
+                                   // domain; it only needs the center
+                                   // of the ring and automatically
+                                   // figures out the inner and outer
+                                   // radius when needed. Note that we
+                                   // associate this boundary object
+                                   // with that part of the boundary
+                                   // that has the "boundary number"
+                                   // zero. By default, all boundary
+                                   // parts have this number, but you
+                                   // might want to change this number
+                                   // for some parts, and then the
+                                   // curved boundary thus associated
+                                   // with number zero will not apply
+                                   // there.
   const HyperShellBoundary<2> boundary_description(center);
   triangulation.set_boundary (0, boundary_description);
-                                  // Now, just for the purpose of
-                                  // demonstration and for no
-                                  // particular reason, we will
-                                  // refine the grid in five steps
-                                  // towards the inner circle of the
-                                  // domain:
+                                   // Now, just for the purpose of
+                                   // demonstration and for no
+                                   // particular reason, we will
+                                   // refine the grid in five steps
+                                   // towards the inner circle of the
+                                   // domain:
   for (unsigned int step=0; step<5; ++step)
-                                      // Get an iterator which points
-                                      // to a cell and which we will
-                                      // move over all active cells
-                                      // one by one. Active cells are
-                                      // those that are not further
-                                      // refined
+                                       // Get an iterator which points
+                                       // to a cell and which we will
+                                       // move over all active cells
+                                       // one by one. Active cells are
+                                       // those that are not further
+                                       // refined
       Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell, endc;
       cell = triangulation.begin_active();
       endc = triangulation.end();
-                                      // Now loop over all cells...
+                                       // Now loop over all cells...
       for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
-                                        // ...and over all vertices
-                                        // of the cells. Note the
-                                        // dimension-independent way
-                                        // by which we find out about
-                                        // the number of faces of a
-                                        // cell
-       for (unsigned int vertex=0;
-            vertex < GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;
-            ++vertex)
-         {
-                                            // If this cell is at the
-                                            // inner boundary, then
-                                            // at least one of its vertices
-                                            // must have a radial
-                                            // distance from the center
-                                            // of 0.5
-           const Point<2> vector_to_center
-             = (cell->vertex(vertex) - center);
-           const double distance_from_center
-             = sqrt(vector_to_center.square());
-           if (fabs(distance_from_center - inner_radius) < 1e-10)
-             {
-                                                // Ok, this is one of
-                                                // the cells we were
-                                                // looking for. Flag
-                                                // it for refinement
-                                                // and go to the next
-                                                // cell by breaking
-                                                // the loop over all
-                                                // vertices
-               cell->set_refine_flag ();
-               break;
-             };
-         };
-                                      // Refine the cells which we
-                                      // have marked
+                                         // ...and over all vertices
+                                         // of the cells. Note the
+                                         // dimension-independent way
+                                         // by which we find out about
+                                         // the number of faces of a
+                                         // cell
+        for (unsigned int vertex=0;
+             vertex < GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;
+             ++vertex)
+          {
+                                             // If this cell is at the
+                                             // inner boundary, then
+                                             // at least one of its vertices
+                                             // must have a radial
+                                             // distance from the center
+                                             // of 0.5
+            const Point<2> vector_to_center
+              = (cell->vertex(vertex) - center);
+            const double distance_from_center
+              = sqrt(vector_to_center.square());
+            if (fabs(distance_from_center - inner_radius) < 1e-10)
+              {
+                                                 // Ok, this is one of
+                                                 // the cells we were
+                                                 // looking for. Flag
+                                                 // it for refinement
+                                                 // and go to the next
+                                                 // cell by breaking
+                                                 // the loop over all
+                                                 // vertices
+                cell->set_refine_flag ();
+                break;
+              };
+          };
+                                       // Refine the cells which we
+                                       // have marked
       triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement ();
-                                  // Now we want to write it to some
-                                  // output, here in postscript
-                                  // format
+                                   // Now we want to write it to some
+                                   // output, here in postscript
+                                   // format
   ofstream out ("grid-2.eps");
   GridOut grid_out;
   grid_out.write_eps (triangulation, out);
-                                  // At this point, all objects
-                                  // created in this function will be
-                                  // destroyed in reverse
-                                  // order. Unfortunately, we defined
-                                  // the boundary object after the
-                                  // triangulation, which still has a
-                                  // pointer to it and the library
-                                  // will produce an error if the
-                                  // boundary object is destroyed
-                                  // before the triangulation. We
-                                  // therefore have to release it,
-                                  // which can be done as
-                                  // follows. Note that this sets the
-                                  // boundary object used for part
-                                  // "0" of the boundary back to a
-                                  // default object, over which the
-                                  // triangulation has full control.
+                                   // At this point, all objects
+                                   // created in this function will be
+                                   // destroyed in reverse
+                                   // order. Unfortunately, we defined
+                                   // the boundary object after the
+                                   // triangulation, which still has a
+                                   // pointer to it and the library
+                                   // will produce an error if the
+                                   // boundary object is destroyed
+                                   // before the triangulation. We
+                                   // therefore have to release it,
+                                   // which can be done as
+                                   // follows. Note that this sets the
+                                   // boundary object used for part
+                                   // "0" of the boundary back to a
+                                   // default object, over which the
+                                   // triangulation has full control.
   triangulation.set_boundary (0);
-                                // Main function. Only call the two
-                                // subfunctions, which produce the
-                                // two grids.
+                                 // Main function. Only call the two
+                                 // subfunctions, which produce the
+                                 // two grids.
 int main () 
   first_grid ();

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.