* Copy the active data (values for Host and values_dev for CUDA) to @p begin.
* If the data is on the device it is moved to the host.
- void
+ virtual void
copy_to(Number *begin, std::size_t n_elements)
- void
+ virtual void
* Copy the data in @p begin to the active data of the structure (values for
* Host and values_dev for CUDA). The pointer @p begin must be on the host.
* Pointer to data on the host.
- std::unique_ptr<Number[], decltype(&std::free)> values;
+ std::unique_ptr<Number[], std::function<void(Number *&)>> values;
* Pointer to data on the device.
: values(nullptr, &std::free)
- void
+ virtual void
copy_to(Number *begin, std::size_t n_elements)
std::copy(values.get(), values.get() + n_elements, begin);
- void
+ virtual void
copy_from(Number *begin, std::size_t n_elements)
std::copy(begin, begin + n_elements, values.get());
- std::unique_ptr<Number[], decltype(&std::free)> values;
+ std::unique_ptr<Number[], std::function<void(Number *&)>> values;
// This is not used but it allows to simplify the code until we start using
// CUDA-aware MPI.
, values_dev(nullptr, Utilities::CUDA::delete_device_data<Number>)
- void
+ virtual void
copy_to(Number *begin, std::size_t n_elements)
const cudaError_t cuda_error_code =
- void
+ virtual void
copy_from(Number *begin, std::size_t n_elements)
const cudaError_t cuda_error_code =
- std::unique_ptr<Number[], decltype(&std::free)> values;
- std::unique_ptr<Number[], void (*)(Number *)> values_dev;
+ std::unique_ptr<Number[], std::function<void(Number *&)>> values;
+ std::unique_ptr<Number[], void (*)(Number *)> values_dev;
[&data](Number *&) { MPI_Win_free(data.values_win); }};
data.values_win = win;
+ template <typename RealType>
+ static void
+ linfty_norm_local(const ::dealii::MemorySpace::MemorySpaceData<
+ Number,
+ ::dealii::MemorySpace::Host> &data,
+ const unsigned int size,
+ RealType & max)
+ {
+ for (size_type i = 0; i < size; ++i)
+ max =
+ std::max(numbers::NumberTraits<Number>::abs(data.values[i]), max);
+ }
} // namespace internal
+ thread_loop_partitioner =
+ std::make_shared<::dealii::parallel::internal::TBBPartitioner>();
// call these methods and hence do not need to have the storage.
+ thread_loop_partitioner = v.thread_loop_partitioner;
reinit(v, true);
+ thread_loop_partitioner = v.thread_loop_partitioner;
const size_type this_size = local_size();
if (this_size > 0)
- std::memcpy(this->begin(), v.begin(), this_size * sizeof(Number));
+ {
+ dealii::internal::VectorOperations::
+ functions<Number, Number, MemorySpaceType>::copy(
+ thread_loop_partitioner, partitioner->local_size(), v.data, data);
+ }
must_update_ghost_values |= vector_is_ghosted;
+ thread_loop_partitioner = c.thread_loop_partitioner;
const size_type this_size = partitioner->local_size();
if (this_size > 0)
- std::memcpy(this->begin(), c.begin(), this_size * sizeof(Number));
+ {
+ dealii::internal::VectorOperations::
+ functions<Number, Number2, MemorySpaceType>::copy(
+ thread_loop_partitioner, this_size, c.data, data);
+ }
if (must_update_ghost_values)
const size_type this_size = local_size();
if (this_size > 0)
- std::fill_n(data.values.get(), this_size, s);
+ {
+ dealii::internal::VectorOperations::
+ functions<Number, Number, MemorySpaceType>::set(
+ thread_loop_partitioner, this_size, s, data);
+ }
+ // if we call Vector::operator=0, we want to zero out all the entries
+ // plus ghosts.
if (s == Number())
AssertDimension(local_size(), v.local_size());
- auto values = this->begin();
- const auto values_other = v.begin();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partitioner->local_size(); i++)
- values[i] -= values_other[i];
+ dealii::internal::VectorOperations::
+ functions<Number, Number, MemorySpaceType>::subtract_vector(
+ thread_loop_partitioner, partitioner->local_size(), v.data, data);
if (vector_is_ghosted)
if (a == Number(0.))
- auto values = this->begin();
- const auto values_other = v.begin();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partitioner->local_size(); i++)
- values[i] += a * values_other[i];
+ dealii::internal::VectorOperations::
+ functions<Number, Number, MemorySpaceType>::add_av(
+ thread_loop_partitioner, partitioner->local_size(), a, v.data, data);
// Downcast. Throws an exception if invalid.
using VectorType = Vector<Number, MemorySpaceType>;
- Assert(dynamic_cast<const VectorType *>(&vv) != nullptr,
+ Assert((dynamic_cast<const VectorType *>(&vv) != nullptr),
const VectorType &v = dynamic_cast<const VectorType &>(vv);
+ AssertIsFinite(x);
AssertDimension(local_size(), v.local_size());
- // nothing to do if a is zero
- if (a == Number(0.))
- return;
- auto values = this->begin();
- const auto values_other = v.begin();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partitioner->local_size(); i++)
- values[i] = x * values[i] + a * values_other[i];
+ dealii::internal::VectorOperations::
+ functions<Number, Number, MemorySpaceType>::sadd_xav(
+ thread_loop_partitioner,
+ partitioner->local_size(),
+ x,
+ a,
+ v.data,
+ data);
AssertDimension(local_size(), v.local_size());
- auto values = this->begin();
- const auto values_other = v.begin();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partitioner->local_size(); i++)
- values[i] *= values_other[i];
+ dealii::internal::VectorOperations::
+ functions<Number, Number, MemorySpaceType>::scale(
+ thread_loop_partitioner, local_size(), v.data, data);
if (vector_is_ghosted)
AssertDimension(local_size(), v.local_size());
- auto values = this->begin();
- const auto values_other = v.begin();
+ dealii::internal::VectorOperations::
+ functions<Number, Number, MemorySpaceType>::equ_au(
+ thread_loop_partitioner, partitioner->local_size(), a, v.data, data);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partitioner->local_size(); i++)
- values[i] = a * values_other[i];
if (vector_is_ghosted)
AssertDimension(partitioner->local_size(), v.partitioner->local_size());
- real_type sum = Number();
- auto values = this->begin();
- auto values_other = v.begin();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partitioner->local_size(); i++)
- sum += values[i] * values_other[i];
- return sum;
+ return dealii::internal::VectorOperations::
+ functions<Number, Number2, MemorySpaceType>::dot(
+ thread_loop_partitioner, partitioner->local_size(), v.data, data);
typename Vector<Number, MemorySpaceType>::real_type
Vector<Number, MemorySpaceType>::norm_sqr_local() const
- real_type sum = Number();
+ real_type sum;
- auto values = this->begin();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partitioner->local_size(); i++)
- sum += values[i] * values[i];
+ dealii::internal::VectorOperations::
+ functions<Number, Number, MemorySpaceType>::norm_2(
+ thread_loop_partitioner, partitioner->local_size(), sum, data);
typename Vector<Number, MemorySpaceType>::real_type
Vector<Number, MemorySpaceType>::linfty_norm_local() const
- real_type max = Number();
- auto values = this->begin();
+ real_type max = 0.;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partitioner->local_size(); i++)
- max = std::max(std::abs(values[i]), max);
+ const size_type local_size = partitioner->local_size();
+ internal::la_parallel_vector_templates_functions<
+ Number,
+ MemorySpaceType>::linfty_norm_local(data, local_size, max);
return max;
AssertDimension(vec_size, v.local_size());
AssertDimension(vec_size, w.local_size());
- real_type sum = Number();
- auto values = this->begin();
- auto values_v = v.begin();
- auto values_w = w.begin();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partitioner->local_size(); i++)
- {
- const auto temp = values[i] + a * values_v[i];
- values[i] = temp;
- sum += temp * values_w[i];
- }
+ Number sum = dealii::internal::VectorOperations::
+ functions<Number, Number, MemorySpaceType>::add_and_dot(
+ thread_loop_partitioner, vec_size, a, v.data, w.data, data);