+<li> Fixed: Generate an error if the users tries to refine a cell
+that is already on the maximum level in a distributed triangulation.
+(Timo Heister, 2013/05/01)
<li> Fixed: The version of ParameterHandler::set that takes a boolean
as second argument was broken and did not work. This is now fixed.
size_t (&connectivity_memory_used) (types<2>::connectivity *p4est);
+ static const unsigned max_level;
int (&functions<2>::quadrant_compare) (const void *v1, const void *v2)
size_t (&functions<2>::connectivity_memory_used) (types<2>::connectivity *p4est)
= p4est_connectivity_memory_used;
+ const unsigned int functions<2>::max_level = P4EST_MAXLEVEL;
template <> struct functions<3>
size_t (&connectivity_memory_used) (types<3>::connectivity *p4est);
+ static const unsigned max_level;
size_t (&functions<3>::connectivity_memory_used) (types<3>::connectivity *p4est)
= p8est_connectivity_memory_used;
+ const unsigned int functions<3>::max_level = P8EST_MAXLEVEL;
template <int dim>
+ // safety check: p4est has an upper limit on the level of a cell
+ if (this->n_levels()==dealii::internal::p4est::functions<dim>::max_level)
+ {
+ for (typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
+ cell = this->begin_active(dealii::internal::p4est::functions<dim>::max_level-1);
+ cell != this->end(dealii::internal::p4est::functions<dim>::max_level-1); ++cell)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(cell->refine_flag_set(),
+ ExcMessage("Fatal Error: maximum refinement level of p4est reached."));
+ }
+ }
// now do the work we're
// supposed to do when we are
// in charge