--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2017 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+#ifndef dealii_sundials_kinsol_h
+#define dealii_sundials_kinsol_h
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/logstream.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/parameter_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/conditional_ostream.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/mpi.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector_view.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector_memory.h>
+#include <kinsol/kinsol.h>
+#include <kinsol/kinsol_impl.h>
+#include <nvector/nvector_serial.h>
+#include <sundials/sundials_math.h>
+#include <sundials/sundials_types.h>
+#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
+#include <memory>
+// Shorthand notation for KINSOL error codes.
+#define AssertKINSOL(code) Assert(code >= 0, ExcKINSOLError(code))
+namespace SUNDIALS
+ /**
+ * Interface to SUNDIALS non linear solver (KINSOL).
+ *
+ * KINSOL is a solver for nonlinear algebraic systems. It includes a
+ * Newton-Krylov solver as well as Picard and fixed point solvers, both of
+ * which can be accelerated with Anderson acceleration. KINSOL is based on
+ * the previous Fortran package NKSOL of Brown and Saad.
+ *
+ * KINSOL’s Newton solver employs the inexact Newton method. As this solver
+ * is intended mainly for large systems, the user is required to provide its
+ * own solver function. If a solver function is not provided, the internal
+ * dense solver of KINSOL is used. Be warned that this solver computes the
+ * Jacobian approximately, and may be efficient only for small systems.
+ *
+ * At the highest level, KINSOL implements the following iteration
+ * scheme:
+ * - set u0 = an initial guess
+ * - For $n = 0, 1, 2, \ldots$ until convergence do:
+ * - Solve $J(u_n)\delta_n = −F(u_n)$
+ * - Set $u_{n+1} = u_n + \lambda \detla_n, 0 < \lambda \leq 1$
+ * - Test for convergence
+ *
+ * Here, $u_n$ is the $n$-th iterate to $u$, and $J(u) = \partial_u F(u)$ is
+ * the system Jacobian. At each stage in the iteration process, a scalar
+ * multiple of the step $\delta_n$, is added to un to produce a new iterate,
+ * $u_{n+1}$. A test for convergence is made before the iteration continues.
+ *
+ * Unless specified otherwise by the user, KINSOL strives to update Jacobian
+ * information as infrequently as possible to balance the high costs of
+ * matrix operations against other costs. Specifically, these updates occur
+ * when:
+ * - the problem is initialized,
+ * - $\|\lambda \delta_{n-1} \|_{D_u,\infty} \geq 1.5$ (inexact Newton only)
+ * - a specified number of nonlinear iterations have passed since the last
+ * update,
+ * - the linear solver failed recoverably with outdated Jacobian information,
+ * - the global strategy failed with outdated Jacobian information, or
+ * - $\|\lambda \delta_{n} \|_{D_u,\infty} \leq $ *tolerance* with outdated
+ * Jacobian information.
+ *
+ * KINSOL allows changes to the above strategy, through optional solver
+ * inputs. The user can disable the initial Jacobian information evaluation
+ * or change the default value of the number of nonlinear iterations after
+ * which a Jacobian information update is enforced.
+ *
+ * To address the case of ill-conditioned nonlinear systems, KINSOL allows
+ * prescribing scaling factors both for the solution vector and for the
+ * residual vector. For scaling to be used, the user may supply the function
+ * get_solution_scaling(), that returns values $D_u$, which are diagonal
+ * elements of the scaling matrix such that $D_u u_n$ has all components
+ * roughly the same magnitude when $u_n$ is close to a solution, and
+ * get_residual_scaling(), that supply values $D_F$, which are diagonal
+ * scaling matrix elements such that $D_F F$ has all components roughly the
+ * same magnitude when $u_n$ is *not* too close to a solution.
+ *
+ * When scaling values are provided for the solution vector, these values are
+ * automatically incorporated into the calculation of the perturbations used
+ * for the default difference quotient approximations for Jacobian
+ * information if the user does not supply a Jacobian solver through the
+ * solve_jacobian_system() function.
+ *
+ * Two methods of applying a computed step $\delta_n$ to the previously
+ * computed solution vector are implemented. The first and simplest is the
+ * standard Newton strategy which applies the update with a constant
+ * $\lambda$ always set to 1. The other method is a global strategy, which
+ * attempts to use the direction implied by $\delta_n$ in the most efficient
+ * way for furthering convergence of the nonlinear problem. This technique is
+ * implemented in the second strategy, called Linesearch. This option employs
+ * both the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ conditions of the Goldstein-Armijo
+ * linesearch algorithm given in *J. E. Dennis and R. B. Schnabel. "Numerical
+ * Methods for Unconstrained Optimization and Nonlinear Equations." SIAM,
+ * Philadelphia, 1996.*, where $\lambda$ is chosen to guarantee a sufficient
+ * decrease in $F$ relative to the step length as well as a minimum step length
+ * relative to the initial rate of decrease of $F$. One property of the
+ * algorithm is that the full Newton step tends to be taken close to the
+ * solution.
+ *
+ * As a user option, KINSOL permits the application of inequality
+ * constraints, $u_i > 0$ and $u_i < 0$, as well as $u_i \geq 0$ and $u_i
+ * \leq 0$, where $u_i$ is the $i$-th component of $u$. Any such constraint,
+ * or no constraint, may be imposed on each component by providing the
+ * optional functions
+ * - get_lower_than_zero_constrained_entries()
+ * - get_greater_than_zero_constrained_entries()
+ * - get_lower_equal_than_zero_constrained_entries()
+ * - get_greater_or_equal_than_zero_constrained_entries()
+ *
+ * KINSOL will reduce step lengths in order to ensure that no constraint is
+ * violated. Specifically, if a new Newton iterate will violate a constraint,
+ * the maximum step length along the Newton direction that will satisfy all
+ * constraints is found, and $\delta_n$ is scaled to take a step of that
+ * length.
+ *
+ * The basic fixed-point iteration scheme implemented in KINSOL is given by:
+ * - Set $u_0 =$ an initial guess
+ * - For $n = 0, 1, 2, \dots$ until convergence do:
+ * - Set $u_{n+1} = G(u_n)$
+ * - Test for convergence
+ *
+ * At each stage in the iteration process, function $G$ is applied to the
+ * current iterate to produce a new iterate, $u_{n+1}$. A test for
+ * convergence is made before the iteration continues.
+ *
+ * For Picard iteration, as implemented in kinsol, we consider a special form
+ * of the nonlinear function $F$, such that $F(u) = Lu − N(u)$, where $L$ is
+ * a constant nonsingular matrix and $N$ is (in general) nonlinear.
+ *
+ * Then the fixed-point function $G$ is defined as $G(u) = u − L^{-1}F(u)$.
+ * Within each iteration, the Picard step is computed then added to $u_n$ to
+ * produce the new iterate. Next, the nonlinear residual function is
+ * evaluated at the new iterate, and convergence is checked. The Picard and
+ * fixed point methods can be significantly accelerated using Anderson’s
+ * method.
+ *
+ * The user has to provide the implementation of the following std::functions:
+ * - reinit_vector;
+ * and only one of
+ * - residual;
+ * or
+ * - iteration_function;
+ *
+ * Specifying residual() allows the user to use Newton strategies (i.e.,
+ * $F(u)=0$ will be solved), while specifying iteration_function(), fixed
+ * point iteration or Pircard iteration will be used (i.e., $G(u)=u$ will be
+ * solved).
+ *
+ * If the use of a Newton method is desired, then the user should also supply
+ * - solve_jacobian_system;
+ * and optionally
+ * - setup_jacobian;
+ *
+ * If the solve_jacobian_system() function is not supplied, then KINSOL will
+ * use its internal dense solver for Newton methods, with approximate
+ * Jacobian. This may be very expensive for large systems. Fixed point
+ * iteration does not require the solution of any linear system.
+ *
+ * Also the following functions could be rewritten, to provide additional
+ * scaling factors for both the solution and the residual evaluation during
+ * convergence checks:
+ * - get_solution_scaling;
+ * - get_function_scaling;
+ *
+ * @author Luca Heltai, 2017.
+ */
+ template<typename VectorType=Vector<double> >
+ class KINSOL
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Additional parameters that can be passed to the KINSOL class.
+ */
+ class AdditionalData
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * KINSOL solution strategy. KINSOL includes a Newton-Krylov solver (both
+ * local and global) as well as Picard and fixed point solvers.
+ */
+ enum SolutionStrategy
+ {
+ /**
+ * Standard Newton iteration.
+ */
+ newton = KIN_NONE,
+ /**
+ * Newton iteration with linesearch.
+ */
+ linesearch = KIN_LINESEARCH,
+ /**
+ * Fixed point iteration.
+ */
+ fixed_point = KIN_FP,
+ /**
+ * Picard iteration.
+ */
+ picard = KIN_PICARD,
+ };
+ /**
+ * Initialization parameters for KINSOL.
+ *
+ * Global parameters:
+ *
+ * @param strategy Solution strategy
+ * @param maximum_non_linear_iterations Maximum number of nonlinear iterations
+ * @param function_tolerance Function norm stopping tolerance
+ * @param step_tolerance Scaled step stopping tolerance
+ *
+ * Newton parameters:
+ *
+ * @param no_init_setup No initial matrix setup
+ * @param maximum_setup_calls Maximum iterations without matrix setup
+ * @param maximum_newton_step Maximum allowable scaled length of the Newton step
+ * @param dq_relative_error Relative error for different quotient computation
+ *
+ * Linesearch parameters:
+ *
+ * @param maximum_beta_failures Maximum number of beta-condition failures
+ *
+ * Fixed point and Picard parameters:
+ *
+ * @param anderson_subspace_size Anderson acceleration subspace size
+ */
+ AdditionalData(
+ // Global parameters
+ const SolutionStrategy &strategy = linesearch,
+ const unsigned int &maximum_non_linear_iterations = 200,
+ const double &function_tolerance = 0.0,
+ const double &step_tolerance = 0.0,
+ const bool &no_init_setup = false,
+ const unsigned int &maximum_setup_calls = 0,
+ const double &maximum_newton_step = 0.0,
+ const double &dq_relative_error = 0.0,
+ const unsigned int &maximum_beta_failures = 0,
+ const unsigned int &anderson_subspace_size = 0) :
+ strategy(strategy),
+ maximum_non_linear_iterations(maximum_non_linear_iterations),
+ function_tolerance(function_tolerance),
+ step_tolerance(step_tolerance),
+ no_init_setup(no_init_setup),
+ maximum_setup_calls(maximum_setup_calls),
+ maximum_newton_step(maximum_newton_step),
+ dq_relative_error(dq_relative_error),
+ maximum_beta_failures(maximum_beta_failures),
+ anderson_subspace_size(anderson_subspace_size)
+ {};
+ /**
+ * Add all AdditionalData() parameters to the given ParameterHandler
+ * object. When the parameters are parsed from a file, the internal
+ * parameters are automatically updated.
+ *
+ * The following parameters are declared:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * These are one-to-one with the options you can pass at construction time.
+ *
+ * The options you pass at construction time are set as default values in
+ * the ParameterHandler object `prm`. You can later modify them by parsing
+ * a parameter file using `prm`. The values of the parameter will be updated
+ * whenever the content of `prm` is updated.
+ *
+ * Make sure that this class lives longer than `prm`. Undefined behaviour
+ * will occurr if you destroy this class, and then parse a parameter file
+ * using `prm`.
+ */
+ void add_parameters(ParameterHandler &prm)
+ {
+ static std::string strategy_str("newton");
+ prm.add_parameter("Solution strategy", strategy_str,
+ "Choose among newton|linesearch|fixed_point|picard",
+ Patterns::Selection("newton|linesearch|fixed_point|picard"));
+ prm.add_action("Solution strategy", [&](const std::string &value)
+ {
+ if (value == "newton")
+ strategy = newton;
+ else if (value == "linesearch")
+ strategy = linesearch;
+ else if (value == "fixed_point")
+ strategy = fixed_point;
+ else if (value == "picard")
+ strategy = picard;
+ else
+ Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ );
+ prm.add_parameter("Maximum number of nonlinear iterations",
+ maximum_non_linear_iterations);
+ prm.add_parameter("Function norm stopping tolerance",
+ function_tolerance);
+ prm.add_parameter("Scaled step stopping tolerance",
+ step_tolerance);
+ prm.enter_subsection("Newton parameters");
+ prm.add_parameter("No initial matrix setup",
+ no_init_setup);
+ prm.add_parameter("Maximum iterations without matrix setup",
+ maximum_setup_calls);
+ prm.add_parameter("Maximum allowable scaled length of the Newton step",
+ maximum_newton_step);
+ prm.add_parameter("Relative error for different quotient computation",
+ dq_relative_error);
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ prm.enter_subsection("Linesearch parameters");
+ prm.add_parameter("Maximum number of beta-condition failures",
+ maximum_beta_failures);
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ prm.enter_subsection("Fixed point and Picard parameters");
+ prm.add_parameter("Anderson acceleration subspace size",
+ anderson_subspace_size);
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ }
+ /**
+ * The solution strategy to use. If you choose SolutionStrategy::newton
+ * or SolutionStrategy::linesearch, you have to provide also the function
+ * residual(). If you choose SolutionStrategy::picard or
+ * SolutionStrategy::fixed_point, you have to provide also the function
+ * iteration_function().
+ */
+ SolutionStrategy strategy;
+ /**
+ * Maximum number of nonlinear iterations allowed.
+ */
+ unsigned int maximum_non_linear_iterations;
+ /**
+ * Specifies the scalar used as a stopping tolerance on the scaled
+ * maximum norm of the system function $F(u)$ or $G(u)$.
+ *
+ * Pass 0.0 to use KINSOL defaults.
+ */
+ double function_tolerance;
+ /**
+ * Specifies the scalar used as a stopping tolerance on the minimum
+ * scaled step length.
+ *
+ * Pass 0.0 to use KINSOL defaults.
+ */
+ double step_tolerance;
+ /**
+ * Specifies whether an initial call to the preconditioner or Jacobian
+ * setup function should be made or not.
+ *
+ * A call to this function is useful when solving a sequence of problems,
+ * in which the final preconditioner or Jacobian value from one problem
+ * is to be used initially for the next problem.
+ */
+ bool no_init_setup;
+ /**
+ * Specifies the maximum number of nonlinear iterations that can be
+ * performed between calls to the setup_jacobian() function.
+ *
+ * Pass 0.0 to use KINSOL defaults.
+ */
+ unsigned int maximum_setup_calls;
+ /**
+ * Specifies the maximum allowable scaled length of the Newton step.
+ *
+ * Pass 0.0 to use KINSOL defaults.
+ */
+ double maximum_newton_step;
+ /**
+ * Specifies the relative error in computing $F(u)$, which is used in the
+ * difference quotient approximation to the Jacobian matrix when the user
+ * does not supply a solve_jacobian_system_matrix() function.
+ *
+ * Pass 0.0 to use KINSOL defaults.
+ */
+ double dq_relative_error;
+ /**
+ * Specifies the maximum number of beta-condition failures in the
+ * linesearch algorithm. Only used if
+ * strategy==SolutionStrategy::linesearch.
+ */
+ unsigned int maximum_beta_failures;
+ /**
+ * Specifies the size of the subspace used with Anderson acceleration
+ * in conjunction with Picard or fixed-point iteration.
+ *
+ * If you set this to 0, no acceleration is used.
+ */
+ unsigned int anderson_subspace_size;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Constructor. It is possible to fine tune the SUNDIALS KINSOL solver by
+ * passing an AdditionalData() object that sets all of the solver
+ * parameters.
+ *
+ * @param data KINSOL configuration data
+ * @param mpi_comm MPI communicator
+ */
+ KINSOL(const AdditionalData &data=AdditionalData(),
+ const MPI_Comm mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~KINSOL();
+ /**
+ * Solve the non linear sytem. Return the number of nonlinear steps taken
+ * to converge. KINSOL uses the content of `solution` as initial guess, and
+ * stores the final solution in the same vector.
+ */
+ unsigned int solve(VectorType &initial_guess_and_solution);
+ /**
+ * A function object that users need to supply and that is intended to
+ * reinit the given vector.
+ */
+ std::function<void(VectorType &)> reinit_vector;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users should may and that is intended to compute
+ * the residual dst = F(src). This function is only used if the
+ * SolutionStrategy::newton or SolutionStrategy::linesearch are specified.
+ *
+ * This function should return:
+ * - 0: Success
+ * - >0: Recoverable error (KINSOLReinit will be called if this happens, and
+ * then last function will be attempted again
+ * - <0: Unrecoverable error the computation will be aborted and an assertion
+ * will be thrown.
+ */
+ std::function<int(const VectorType &src,
+ VectorType &dst)> residual;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to compute
+ * the iteration function G(u) for the fixed point and Picard iteration.
+ * This function is only used if the SolutionStrategy::fixed_point or
+ * SolutionStrategy::picard are specified.
+ *
+ * This function should return:
+ * - 0: Success
+ * - >0: Recoverable error (KINSOLReinit will be called if this happens, and
+ * then last function will be attempted again
+ * - <0: Unrecoverable error the computation will be aborted and an assertion
+ * will be thrown.
+ */
+ std::function<int(const VectorType &src,
+ VectorType &dst)> iteration_function;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to
+ * prepare the linear solver for subsequent calls to
+ * solve_jacobian_system().
+ *
+ * The job of setup_jacobian() is to prepare the linear solver for
+ * subsequent calls to solve_jacobian_system(), in the solution of linear
+ * systems $Ax = b$. The exact nature of this system depends on the
+ * SolutionStrategy that has been selected.
+ *
+ * In the cases strategy = SolutionStrategy::newton or
+ * SolutionStrategy::linesearch, A is the Jacobian $J = \partial F/\partial
+ * u$. If strategy = SolutionStrategy::picard, A is the approximate
+ * Jacobian matrix $L$. If strategy = SolutionStrategy::fixed_point, then
+ * linear systems do not arise, and this function is never called.
+ *
+ * The setup_jacobian() function may call a user-supplied function, or a
+ * function within the linear solver module, to compute Jacobian-related
+ * data that is required by the linear solver. It may also preprocess that
+ * data as needed for solve_jacobian_system(), which may involve calling a
+ * generic function (such as for LU factorization). This data may be
+ * intended either for direct use (in a direct linear solver) or for use in
+ * a preconditioner (in a preconditioned iterative linear solver).
+ *
+ * The setup_jacobian() function is not called at every Newton iteration,
+ * but only as frequently as the solver determines that it is appropriate
+ * to perform the setup task. In this way, Jacobian-related data generated
+ * by setup_jacobian() is expected to be used over a number of Newton
+ * iterations.
+ *
+ * @param current_u Current value of u
+ * @param current_f Current value of F(u) or G(u)
+ *
+ * This function should return:
+ * - 0: Success
+ * - >0: Recoverable error (KINSOLReinit will be called if this happens, and
+ * then last function will be attempted again
+ * - <0: Unrecoverable error the computation will be aborted and an assertion
+ * will be thrown.
+ */
+ std::function<int(const VectorType ¤t_u,
+ const VectorType ¤t_f)> setup_jacobian;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to solve
+ * the Jacobian linear system. This function will be called by KINSOL
+ * (possibly several times) after setup_jacobian() has been called at least
+ * once. KINSOL tries to do its best to call setup_jacobian() the minimum
+ * amount of times. If convergence can be achieved without updating the
+ * Jacobian, then KINSOL does not call setup_jacobian() again. If, on the
+ * contrary, internal KINSOL convergence tests fail, then KINSOL calls
+ * again setup_jacobian() with updated vectors and coefficents so that
+ * successive calls to solve_jacobian_systems() lead to better convergence
+ * in the Newton process.
+ *
+ * If you do not specify a solve_jacobian_system() function, then a fixed
+ * point iteration is used instead of a Newton method. Notice that this may
+ * not converge, or may converge very slowly.
+ *
+ * The jacobian $J$ should be (an approximation of) the system Jacobian
+ * \f[
+ * J = M - \gamma \frac{\partial f_I}{\partial y}
+ * \f]
+ * evaluated at `t`, `ycur`. `fcur` is $f_I(t,ycur)$.
+ *
+ * A call to this function should store in `dst` the result of $J^{-1}$
+ * applied to `src`, i.e., `J*dst = src`. It is the users responsability to
+ * set up proper solvers and preconditioners inside this function.
+ *
+ *
+ * Arguments to the function are
+ *
+ * @param[in] t the current time
+ * @param[in] gamma the current factor to use in the jacobian computation
+ * @param[in] ycur is the current $y$ vector for the current KINSOL internal step
+ * @param[in] fcur is the current value of the implicit right-hand side at ycur,
+ * $f_I (t_n, ypred)$.
+ *
+ *
+ * This function should return:
+ * - 0: Success
+ * - >0: Recoverable error (KINSOLReinit will be called if this happens, and
+ * then last function will be attempted again
+ * - <0: Unrecoverable error the computation will be aborted and an assertion
+ * will be thrown.
+ */
+ std::function<int(const VectorType &ycur,
+ const VectorType &fcur,
+ const VectorType &rhs,
+ VectorType &dst)> solve_jacobian_system;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to return a
+ * vector whose components are the weights used by KINSOL to compute the
+ * vector norm of the solution. The implementation of this function is
+ * optional, and it is used only if implemented.
+ */
+ std::function<VectorType&()> get_solution_scaling;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to return a
+ * vector whose components are the weights used by KINSOL to compute the
+ * vector norm of the function evaluation away from the solution. The
+ * implementation of this function is optional, and it is used only if
+ * implemented.
+ */
+ std::function<VectorType&()> get_function_scaling;
+ /**
+ * Handle KINSOL exceptions.
+ */
+ DeclException1(ExcKINSOLError, int, << "One of the SUNDIALS KINSOL internal functions "
+ << " returned a negative error code: "
+ << arg1 << ". Please consult SUNDIALS manual.");
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Throw an exception when a function with the given name is not implemented.
+ */
+ DeclException1(ExcFunctionNotProvided, std::string,
+ << "Please provide an implementation for the function \"" << arg1 << "\"");
+ /**
+ * This function is executed at construction time to set the
+ * std::function above to trigger an assert if they are not
+ * implemented.
+ */
+ void set_functions_to_trigger_an_assert();
+ /**
+ * KINSOL configuration data.
+ */
+ AdditionalData data;
+ /**
+ * KINSOL memory object.
+ */
+ void *kinsol_mem;
+ /**
+ * KINSOL solution vector.
+ */
+ N_Vector solution;
+ /**
+ * KINSOL solution scale.
+ */
+ N_Vector u_scale;
+ /**
+ * KINSOL f scale.
+ */
+ N_Vector f_scale;
+ /**
+ * MPI communicator. SUNDIALS solver runs happily in parallel.
+ */
+ MPI_Comm communicator;
+ /**
+ * Memory pool of vectors.
+ */
+ GrowingVectorMemory<VectorType> mem;
+ };
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2017 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+#include <deal.II/sundials/kinsol.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/utilities.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_parallel_block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/petsc_parallel_block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/petsc_parallel_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/utilities.h>
+#include <deal.II/sundials/copy.h>
+#include <kinsol/kinsol_dense.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+namespace SUNDIALS
+ using namespace internal;
+ namespace
+ {
+ template<typename VectorType>
+ int t_kinsol_function(N_Vector yy,
+ N_Vector FF,
+ void *user_data)
+ {
+ KINSOL<VectorType> &solver = *static_cast<KINSOL<VectorType> *>(user_data);
+ GrowingVectorMemory<VectorType> mem;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src_yy(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src_yy);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer dst_FF(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*dst_FF);
+ copy(*src_yy, yy);
+ int err = 0;
+ if (solver.residual)
+ err = solver.residual(*src_yy, *dst_FF);
+ else if (solver.iteration_function)
+ err = solver.iteration_function(*src_yy, *dst_FF);
+ else
+ Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
+ copy(FF, *dst_FF);
+ return err;
+ }
+ template<typename VectorType>
+ int t_kinsol_setup_jacobian(KINMem kinsol_mem)
+ {
+ KINSOL<VectorType> &solver = *static_cast<KINSOL<VectorType> *>(kinsol_mem->kin_user_data);
+ GrowingVectorMemory<VectorType> mem;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src_ycur(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src_ycur);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src_fcur(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src_fcur);
+ copy(*src_ycur, kinsol_mem->kin_uu);
+ copy(*src_fcur, kinsol_mem->kin_fval);
+ int err = solver.setup_jacobian(*src_ycur, *src_fcur);
+ return err;
+ }
+ template<typename VectorType>
+ int t_kinsol_solve_jacobian(KINMem kinsol_mem,
+ N_Vector x,
+ N_Vector b,
+ realtype *sJpnorm,
+ realtype *sFdotJp)
+ {
+ KINSOL<VectorType> &solver = *static_cast<KINSOL<VectorType> *>(kinsol_mem->kin_user_data);
+ GrowingVectorMemory<VectorType> mem;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src_ycur(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src_ycur);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src_fcur(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src_fcur);
+ copy(*src_ycur, kinsol_mem->kin_uu);
+ copy(*src_fcur, kinsol_mem->kin_fval);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer dst(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*dst);
+ copy(*src, b);
+ int err = solver.solve_jacobian_system(*src_ycur, *src_fcur,
+ *src,*dst);
+ copy(x, *dst);
+ *sJpnorm = N_VWL2Norm(b, kinsol_mem->kin_fscale);
+ N_VProd(b, kinsol_mem->kin_fscale, b);
+ N_VProd(b, kinsol_mem->kin_fscale, b);
+ *sFdotJp = N_VDotProd(kinsol_mem->kin_fval, b);
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ KINSOL<VectorType>::KINSOL(const AdditionalData &data, const MPI_Comm mpi_comm) :
+ data(data),
+ kinsol_mem(nullptr),
+ communicator(Utilities::MPI::duplicate_communicator(mpi_comm))
+ {
+ set_functions_to_trigger_an_assert();
+ }
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ KINSOL<VectorType>::~KINSOL()
+ {
+ if (kinsol_mem)
+ KINFree(&kinsol_mem);
+ MPI_Comm_free(&communicator);
+ }
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ unsigned int KINSOL<VectorType>::solve(VectorType &initial_guess_and_solution)
+ {
+ unsigned int system_size = initial_guess_and_solution.size();
+ unsigned int local_system_size = system_size;
+ // The solution is stored in
+ // solution. Here we take only a
+ // view of it.
+ if (is_serial_vector<VectorType>::value == false)
+ {
+ IndexSet is = initial_guess_and_solution.locally_owned_elements();
+ local_system_size = is.n_elements();
+ solution = N_VNew_Parallel(communicator,
+ local_system_size,
+ system_size);
+ u_scale = N_VNew_Parallel(communicator,
+ local_system_size,
+ system_size);
+ N_VConst_Parallel( 1.e0, u_scale );
+ f_scale = N_VNew_Parallel(communicator,
+ local_system_size,
+ system_size);
+ N_VConst_Parallel( 1.e0, f_scale );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(is_serial_vector<VectorType>::value,
+ ExcInternalError("Trying to use a serial code with a parallel vector."));
+ solution = N_VNew_Serial(system_size);
+ u_scale = N_VNew_Serial(system_size);
+ N_VConst_Serial( 1.e0, u_scale );
+ f_scale = N_VNew_Serial(system_size);
+ N_VConst_Serial( 1.e0, f_scale );
+ }
+ if (get_solution_scaling)
+ copy(u_scale, get_solution_scaling());
+ if (get_function_scaling)
+ copy(f_scale, get_function_scaling());
+ copy(solution, initial_guess_and_solution);
+ if (kinsol_mem)
+ KINFree(&kinsol_mem);
+ kinsol_mem = KINCreate();
+ int status = KINInit(kinsol_mem, t_kinsol_function<VectorType> , solution);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ status = KINSetUserData(kinsol_mem, (void *) this);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ status = KINSetNumMaxIters(kinsol_mem, data.maximum_non_linear_iterations);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ status = KINSetFuncNormTol(kinsol_mem, data.function_tolerance);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ status = KINSetScaledStepTol(kinsol_mem, data.step_tolerance);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ status = KINSetMaxSetupCalls(kinsol_mem, data.maximum_setup_calls);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ status = KINSetNoInitSetup(kinsol_mem, (int) data.no_init_setup);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ status = KINSetMaxNewtonStep(kinsol_mem, data.maximum_newton_step);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ status = KINSetMaxBetaFails(kinsol_mem, data.maximum_beta_failures);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ status = KINSetMAA(kinsol_mem, data.anderson_subspace_size);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ status = KINSetRelErrFunc(kinsol_mem, data.dq_relative_error);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ if (solve_jacobian_system)
+ {
+ KINMem KIN_mem = (KINMem) kinsol_mem;
+ KIN_mem->kin_lsolve = t_kinsol_solve_jacobian<VectorType>;
+ if (setup_jacobian)
+ {
+ KIN_mem->kin_lsetup = t_kinsol_setup_jacobian<VectorType>;
+ KIN_mem->kin_setupNonNull = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = KINDense(kinsol_mem, system_size);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ }
+ if (data.strategy == AdditionalData::newton ||
+ data.strategy == AdditionalData::linesearch)
+ Assert(residual, ExcFunctionNotProvided("residual"));
+ if (data.strategy == AdditionalData::fixed_point ||
+ data.strategy == AdditionalData::picard)
+ Assert(iteration_function, ExcFunctionNotProvided("iteration_function"));
+ // call to KINSol
+ status = KINSol(kinsol_mem, solution, (int) data.strategy, u_scale, f_scale);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ copy(initial_guess_and_solution, solution );
+ // Free the vectors which are no longer used.
+ if (is_serial_vector<VectorType>::value == false)
+ {
+ N_VDestroy_Parallel(solution);
+ N_VDestroy_Parallel(u_scale);
+ N_VDestroy_Parallel(f_scale);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ N_VDestroy_Serial(solution);
+ N_VDestroy_Serial(u_scale);
+ N_VDestroy_Serial(f_scale);
+ }
+ long nniters;
+ status = KINGetNumNonlinSolvIters(kinsol_mem, &nniters);
+ AssertKINSOL(status);
+ KINFree(&kinsol_mem);
+ return (unsigned int) nniters;
+ }
+ template<typename VectorType>
+ void KINSOL<VectorType>::set_functions_to_trigger_an_assert()
+ {
+ reinit_vector = [](VectorType &)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(false, ExcFunctionNotProvided("reinit_vector"));
+ };
+ }
+ template class KINSOL<Vector<double> >;
+ template class KINSOL<BlockVector<double> >;
+ template class KINSOL<TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector>;
+ template class KINSOL<TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector>;
+ template class KINSOL<PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector>;
+ template class KINSOL<PETScWrappers::MPI::BlockVector>;