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+<h2>Changes between the main branch and the anisotropic branch</h2>
+This is the list of changes between the main cvs branch and the
+anisotropic branch of <acronym>deal.II</acronym> library. It is
+subdivided into changes made to the three sub-libraries <a
+href="#base">base</a>, <a href="#lac">lac</a>, and <a
+href="#deal.II">deal.II</a>, as well as changes to the <a
+href="#general">general infrastructure, documentation, etc</a>.
+All entries are signed with the names of the author. Regular
+contributor's names are abbreviated by WB (Wolfgang Bangerth), GK
+(Guido Kanschat), RH (Ralf Hartmann).
+<a name="incompatible"></a>
+<h3 style="color:red">Incompatibilities</h3>
+<p style="color:red">
+Following are a few modifications to the library that unfortunately
+are incompatible with previous versions of the library, but which we
+deem necessary for the extension of the library to anisotropic
+ <li> <p>
+ Changed: <code class="class">GeometryInfo</code>::<code
+ class="member">children_per_cell</code> has been replaced by
+ <code class="class">GeometryInfo</code>::<code
+ class="member">max_children_per_cell</code>, which represents
+ the maximum number of children a cell might have, i.e. the
+ number of children in the case of isotropic refinement. But
+ note, that this number will rarely be needed in user codes. In
+ general, the number of children of a cell varies from cell to
+ cell and can be obtained by <code>cell->n_children()</code>,
+ which gives the number of children of a specific
+ <code>cell</code> which is refined iso- or anisotropically.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/02/26)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ Changed: The analogous change applies to the number of children
+ of a face. <code class="class">GeometryInfo</code>::<code
+ class="member">subfaces_per_face</code> has been replaced by
+ <code class="class">GeometryInfo</code>::<code
+ class="member">max_children_per_face</code>, which represents
+ the maximum number of children a face might have, i.e. the
+ number of children in the case of an isotropic refined face.
+ But note, that this number will rarely be needed in user
+ codes. In general, the number of children of a face varies from
+ face to face and can be obtained by
+ <code>face->n_children()</code>, which gives the number of
+ children of a specific <code>face</code> which is refined iso-
+ or anisotropically.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/02/26)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ Changed: The <code class="class">GeometryInfo</code>::<code
+ class="member">child_cell_on_face</code> is generalized to
+ anisotropic refinement and has now an additional
+ <code>RefineCase::Type</code> argument. This function will
+ rarely be used in user codes, as e.g. the neighbor's child at a
+ specific face and subface should be accessed through
+ <code>cell->neighbor_child_on_subface</code> rather than
+ through the <code class="class">GeometryInfo</code>::<code
+ class="member">child_cell_on_face</code> function.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/02/27)
+ </p>
+<a name="general"></a>
+ <li> <p>
+ New but temporarily: A global
+ <code>anisotropic_refinement</code> flag has been introduced
+ (defined in <code>geometry_info.h</code>, initialized in
+ <code>data_out_base.cc</code>) indicating whether an
+ anisotropic refinement has been performed or not. This flag is
+ checked throughout the code and throws an exception in all
+ parts of the library which are not yet generalized to
+ anisotropic refinement. This flag can be removed once
+ anisotropic refinement is fully incorporated into deal.II.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/02/26)
+ </p>
+<a name="base"></a>
+<a name="lac"></a>
+<a name="deal.II"></a>
+ <li> <p>
+ Changed: When allowing anisotropic refinement it cannot be
+ garantueed that all children of a cell are stored in
+ consecutive components of the <code>quads.quads</code> or the
+ <code>hexes.hexes</code> vector, respectively. It is only known
+ that children are stored at least in pairs. Therefore, it is
+ not sufficient any more to store the index of the first child
+ of a cell, only. Now the indices of every second child, i.e. of
+ the even numbered children, must be stored. For this, the
+ <code>cell-></code><code class="member">set_children</code>
+ function now has a new argument representing the number of the
+ child for which the index shall be set. This function can only
+ be called for even numbered children. The same applies to the
+ <code>face-></code><code class="member">set_children</code>
+ function.
+ <br>
+ Finally, we note that these functions are for internal use,
+ only.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/03/03)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ Changed: The <code>cell-></code><code
+ class="member">refine_flag_set</code> function now returns a
+ <code>RefineCase::Type</code> argument instead of a boolean. Be
+ aware, that you now still can ask
+ <code>if(!cell->refine_flag_set())</code> ,
+ <code>if(cell->refine_flag_set()==false)</code> and
+ <code>if(cell->refine_flag_set())</code> , but you cannot ask
+ <code>if(cell->refine_flag_set()==true)</code> any more. <br>
+ (RH 2005/03/03)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ Extended: The <code>cell-></code><code
+ class="member">set_refine_flag</code> function now has a new
+ <code>RefineCase::Type</code> argument which defaults to <code
+ class="class">GeometryInfo<dim></code>::<code
+ class="member">isotropic_refinement</code>. <br> (RH
+ 2005/03/03)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ New: There is now a new <code
+ class="class">GeometryInfo<dim></code>::<code
+ class="member">isotropic_refinement</code> variable of type
+ <code>RefineCase::Type</code> representing the isotropic
+ refinement case in <code>dim</code> dimensions,
+ i.e. <code>GeometryInfo<1>::isotropic_refinement=RefineCase::cut_x</code>,
+ <code>GeometryInfo<2>::isotropic_refinement=RefineCase::cut_xy</code>
+ and
+ <code>GeometryInfo<3>::isotropic_refinement=RefineCase::cut_xyz</code>.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/03/03)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ New: There is now a new enum <code>RefineCase::Type</code>
+ defined in <code>geometry_info.h</code>, which allows to
+ describe all possible (anisotropic and isotropic) refinement
+ cases in (1,) 2 and 3 dimensions.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/02/26)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ New: There is now a new <code
+ class="class">TriaObjectAccessor</code>::<code
+ class="member">n_children</code> function which returns the
+ number of children of the cell or face it was invoked for.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/02/26)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ New: There is now a new <code
+ class="class">TriaObjectAccessor</code>::<code
+ class="member">refine_case</code> function which returns the
+ <code>RefineCase::Type</code> a cell or face is refined with.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/02/26)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ New: There is now a new <code
+ class="class">TriaObjectAccessor</code>::<code
+ class="member">set_refine_case</code> function. This function
+ is mainly for internal use (required by <code
+ class="class">Triangulation</code>::<code
+ class="member">execute_coarsening_and_refinement</code>). It is
+ not provided for <code>dim=1</code> as there the refinement
+ case defaults to isotropic refinement.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/02/26)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ New: New <code>vector<RefineCase::Type>
+ refine_cases</code> vectors have been introduced in <code
+ class="class">TriangulationLevel<2>::QuadsData</code> and
+ <code
+ class="class">TriangulationLevel<3>::HexesData</code>. For
+ memory efficiency (but with a penalty on run-time) they might
+ be replaced by <code>vector<vector<bool> > (dim,
+ vector<bool> (n_quads/n_hexes))</code>, later.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2005/02/26)
+ </p>
+Last update $Date$