// <code>system_matrix</code>.
SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern;
SparseMatrix<double> system_matrix;
Vector<double> solution;
Vector<double> right_hand_side;
// below.
typedef MeshWorker::DoFInfo<dim> DoFInfo;
typedef MeshWorker::IntegrationInfo<dim> CellInfo;
// The following three functions
// are then the ones that get called
// inside the generic loop over all
// building the pattern, this object is
// copied to <code>sparsity_pattern</code>
// and can be discarded.
// To build the sparsity pattern for DG
// discretizations, we can call the
// function analogue to
// the global sparse matrix and the
// right hand side vector.
MeshWorker::IntegrationInfoBox<dim> info_box;
// First, we initialize the
// quadrature formulae and the
// update flags in the worker base
// over this value three times.
const unsigned int n_gauss_points = dof_handler.get_fe().degree+1;
- n_gauss_points,
- n_gauss_points);
+ n_gauss_points,
+ n_gauss_points);
// These are the types of values we
// need for integrating our
// system. They are added to the
MeshWorker::Assembler::SystemSimple<SparseMatrix<double>, Vector<double> >
assembler.initialize(system_matrix, right_hand_side);
// Finally, the integration loop
// over all active cells
// (determined by the first