- /**
- * Using the given 1D polynomial basis and the position of the mapping
- * support points, compute the mapped location of that point in real
- * space. This function is much faster than the other implementation
- * going via the expanded shape functions in InternalData because it
- * directly works in the tensor product form. This also gives the
- * derivative almost for free (less than 2x the cost of simply the
- * values), so we always compute it.
- */
- template <int dim, int spacedim>
- std::pair<Point<spacedim>, Tensor<2, spacedim>>
- compute_mapped_location_of_point(
- const std::vector<Point<spacedim>> & points,
- const std::vector<Polynomials::Polynomial<double>> &poly,
- const std::vector<unsigned int> & renumber,
- const Point<dim> & p)
- {
- static_assert(dim >= 1 && dim <= 3, "Only dim=1,2,3 implemented");
- const unsigned int n_shapes = poly.size();
- // shortcut for linear interpolation to speed up evaluation
- if (n_shapes == 2)
- {
- if (dim == 1)
- {
- Tensor<2, spacedim> derivative;
- derivative[0] = points[1] - points[0];
- return std::make_pair((1. - p[0]) * points[0] +
- p[0] * points[1],
- derivative);
- }
- else if (dim == 2)
- {
- const double x0 = 1. - p[0], x1 = p[0];
- const Point<spacedim> tmp0 = x0 * points[0] + x1 * points[1];
- const Point<spacedim> tmp1 = x0 * points[2] + x1 * points[3];
- const Point<spacedim> mapped = (1. - p[1]) * tmp0 + p[1] * tmp1;
- Tensor<2, spacedim> derivative;
- derivative[0] = (1. - p[1]) * (points[1] - points[0]) +
- p[1] * (points[3] - points[2]);
- derivative[1] = tmp1 - tmp0;
- return std::make_pair(mapped, transpose(derivative));
- }
- else if (dim == 3)
- {
- const double x0 = 1. - p[0], x1 = p[0], y0 = 1. - p[1],
- y1 = p[1], z0 = 1. - p[2], z1 = p[2];
- const Point<spacedim> tmp0 = x0 * points[0] + x1 * points[1];
- const Point<spacedim> tmp1 = x0 * points[2] + x1 * points[3];
- const Point<spacedim> tmpy0 = y0 * tmp0 + y1 * tmp1;
- const Point<spacedim> tmp2 = x0 * points[4] + x1 * points[5];
- const Point<spacedim> tmp3 = x0 * points[6] + x1 * points[7];
- const Point<spacedim> tmpy1 = y0 * tmp2 + y1 * tmp3;
- const Point<spacedim> mapped = z0 * tmpy0 + z1 * tmpy1;
- Tensor<2, spacedim> derivative;
- derivative[2] = tmpy1 - tmpy0;
- derivative[1] = z0 * (tmp1 - tmp0) + z1 * (tmp3 - tmp2);
- derivative[0] = z0 * (y0 * (points[1] - points[0]) +
- y1 * (points[3] - points[2])) +
- z1 * (y0 * (points[5] - points[4]) +
- y1 * (points[7] - points[6]));
- return std::make_pair(mapped, transpose(derivative));
- }
- }
- // Put up to 32 shape functions per dimension on stack, else on heap
- boost::container::small_vector<double, 64 * dim> shapes(2 * dim *
- n_shapes);
- // Evaluate 1D polynomials and their derivatives
- for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_shapes; ++i)
- poly[i].value(p[d], 1, shapes.data() + 2 * (d * n_shapes + i));
- // Go through the tensor product of shape functions and interpolate
- // with optimal algorithm
- std::pair<Point<spacedim>, Tensor<2, spacedim>> result;
- for (unsigned int i2 = 0, i = 0; i2 < (dim > 2 ? n_shapes : 1); ++i2)
- {
- Point<spacedim> value_y, deriv_x, deriv_y;
- for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < (dim > 1 ? n_shapes : 1); ++i1)
- {
- // interpolation + derivative x direction
- Point<spacedim> value, deriv;
- for (unsigned int i0 = 0; i0 < n_shapes; ++i0, ++i)
- {
- value += shapes[2 * i0] * points[renumber[i]];
- deriv += shapes[2 * i0 + 1] * points[renumber[i]];
- }
- // interpolation + derivative in y direction
- if (dim > 1)
- {
- value_y += value * shapes[2 * n_shapes + 2 * i1];
- deriv_x += deriv * shapes[2 * n_shapes + 2 * i1];
- deriv_y += value * shapes[2 * n_shapes + 2 * i1 + 1];
- }
- else
- {
- result.first = value;
- result.second[0] = deriv;
- }
- }
- if (dim == 3)
- {
- // interpolation + derivative in z direction
- result.first += value_y * shapes[4 * n_shapes + 2 * i2];
- for (unsigned int d = 0; d < spacedim; ++d)
- {
- result.second[d][0] +=
- deriv_x[d] * shapes[4 * n_shapes + 2 * i2];
- result.second[d][1] +=
- deriv_y[d] * shapes[4 * n_shapes + 2 * i2];
- result.second[d][2] +=
- value_y[d] * shapes[4 * n_shapes + 2 * i2 + 1];
- }
- }
- else if (dim == 2)
- {
- result.first = value_y;
- for (unsigned int d = 0; d < spacedim; ++d)
- {
- result.second[d][0] = deriv_x[d];
- result.second[d][1] = deriv_y[d];
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
* Implementation of transform_real_to_unit_cell
// The shape values and derivatives of the mapping at this point are
// previously computed.
- Point<dim> p_unit = initial_p_unit;
- std::pair<Point<spacedim>, Tensor<2, spacedim>> p_real =
- compute_mapped_location_of_point(points,
- polynomials_1d,
- renumber,
- p_unit);
+ Point<dim> p_unit = initial_p_unit;
+ auto p_real = internal::evaluate_tensor_product_value_and_gradient(
+ polynomials_1d, points, p_unit, polynomials_1d.size() == 2, renumber);
Tensor<1, spacedim> f = p_real.first - p;
// early out if we already have our point
- if (f.norm_square() < 1e-24 * p_real.second.norm_square())
+ if (f.norm_square() < 1e-24 * p_real.second[0].norm_square())
return p_unit;
// we need to compare the position of the computed p(x) against the
// f'(x)
- const Tensor<2, spacedim> &df = p_real.second;
+ Tensor<2, spacedim> df;
+ for (unsigned int d = 0; d < spacedim; ++d)
+ for (unsigned int e = 0; e < dim; ++e)
+ df[d][e] = p_real.second[e][d];
// Solve [f'(x)]d=f(x)
if (determinant(df) <= 0)
// shape values and derivatives
// at new p_unit point
- std::pair<Point<spacedim>, Tensor<2, spacedim>> p_real_trial =
- compute_mapped_location_of_point(points,
- polynomials_1d,
- renumber,
- p_unit_trial);
+ const auto p_real_trial =
+ internal::evaluate_tensor_product_value_and_gradient(
+ polynomials_1d,
+ points,
+ p_unit_trial,
+ polynomials_1d.size() == 2,
+ renumber);
const Tensor<1, spacedim> f_trial = p_real_trial.first - p;
const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator &cell,
const Point<dim> & p) const
- return internal::MappingQGenericImplementation::
- compute_mapped_location_of_point(this->compute_mapping_support_points(cell),
- polynomials_1d,
- renumber_lexicographic_to_hierarchic,
- p)
- .first;
+ return Point<spacedim>(internal::evaluate_tensor_product_value_and_gradient(
+ polynomials_1d,
+ this->compute_mapping_support_points(cell),
+ p,
+ polynomials_1d.size() == 2,
+ renumber_lexicographic_to_hierarchic)
+ .first);