locally_owned_dofs_per_subdomain (const DH &dof_handler)
+ // If the Triangulation is distributed, the only thing we can usefully
+ // ask is for its locally owned subdomain
+ Assert ((dynamic_cast<const parallel::distributed::
+ Triangulation<DH::dimension,DH::space_dimension> *>
+ (&dof_handler.get_tria()) == 0),
+ ExcMessage ("For parallel::distributed::Triangulation objects and "
+ "associated DoF handler objects, asking for any information "
+ "related to a subdomain other than the locally owned one does "
+ "not make sense."));
//the following is a random process (flip of a coin), thus should be called once only.
std::vector< dealii::types::subdomain_id > subdomain_association (dof_handler.n_dofs ());
dealii::DoFTools::get_subdomain_association (dof_handler, subdomain_association);
locally_relevant_dofs_per_subdomain (const DH &dof_handler)
+ // If the Triangulation is distributed, the only thing we can usefully
+ // ask is for its locally owned subdomain
+ Assert ((dynamic_cast<const parallel::distributed::
+ Triangulation<DH::dimension,DH::space_dimension> *>
+ (&dof_handler.get_tria()) == 0),
+ ExcMessage ("For parallel::distributed::Triangulation objects and "
+ "associated DoF handler objects, asking for any information "
+ "related to a subdomain other than the locally owned one does "
+ "not make sense."));
// Collect all the locally owned DoFs
// Note: Even though the distribution of DoFs by the locally_owned_dofs_per_subdomain
// function is pseudo-random, we will collect all the DoFs on the subdomain
for (std::vector<types::global_dof_index>::iterator it=local_dof_indices.begin();
- if (!dof_set[subdomain_id].is_element(*it))
- subdomain_halo_global_dof_indices.insert(*it);
+ subdomain_halo_global_dof_indices.insert(*it);