std::vector<double> vertices;
std::vector<int32_t> cells;
class HDF5MemStream
* later use.
HDF5MemStream (const unsigned int local_points_cell_count[2], const unsigned int global_points_cell_offsets[2], const unsigned int dim);
* Output operator for points.
template <int dim>
void write_point (const unsigned int index,
const Point<dim>&);
* Do whatever is necessary to
* terminate the list of points.
* In this case, nothing.
void flush_points () {};
* Write dim-dimensional cell
* with first vertex at
const unsigned int x_offset,
const unsigned int y_offset,
const unsigned int z_offset);
* Do whatever is necessary to
* terminate the list of cells.
* In this case, nothing.
void flush_cells () {};
const double *node_data(void) const { return &vertices[0]; };
const unsigned int *cell_data(void) const { return &cells[0]; };
* A list of vertices and
HDF5MemStream::HDF5MemStream(const unsigned int local_points_cell_count[2], const unsigned int global_points_cell_offsets[2], const unsigned int dim) {
unsigned int entries_per_cell = (2 << (dim-1));
cell_offset = global_points_cell_offsets[1]*entries_per_cell;
template<int dim>
HDF5MemStream::write_point (const unsigned int index,
for (int i=0;i<dim;++i) vertices[index*dim+i] = p(i);
template<int dim>
template <typename T>
DXStream::operator<< (const T& t)
if (format_name == "deal.II intermediate")
return deal_II_intermediate;
if (format_name == "hdf5")
return hdf5;
unsigned int local_node_cell_count[2], global_node_cell_count[2];
const unsigned int n_data_sets = data_names.size();
int myrank;
+ // throw an exception, but first make
+ // sure the compiler does not warn about
+ // the now unused function arguments
+ (void)patches;
+ (void)data_names;
+ (void)vector_data_ranges;
+ (void)h5_filename;
+ (void)cur_time;
+ (void)comm;
AssertThrow(false, ExcMessage ("XDMF support requires HDF5 to be turned on."));
AssertThrow(dim == 2 || dim == 3, ExcMessage ("XDMF only supports 2 or 3 dimensions."));
compute_sizes<dim,spacedim>(patches, local_node_cell_count[0], local_node_cell_count[1]);
// And compute the global total
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myrank);
global_node_cell_count[0] = local_node_cell_count[0];
global_node_cell_count[1] = local_node_cell_count[1];
// Output the XDMF file only on the root process
if (myrank == 0) {
XDMFEntry entry(h5_filename, cur_time, global_node_cell_count[0], global_node_cell_count[1], dim);
// The vector names generated here must match those generated in the HDF5 file
unsigned int i, n_th_vector, data_set, pt_data_vector_dim;
std::string vector_name;
for (n_th_vector=0,data_set=0;data_set<n_data_sets;) {
// Advance n_th_vector to at least the current data set we are on
while (n_th_vector < vector_data_ranges.size() && std_cxx1x::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) < data_set) n_th_vector++;
// Determine whether the data is multiple dimensions or one
if (std_cxx1x::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) == data_set) {
// Multiple dimensions
pt_data_vector_dim = std_cxx1x::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) - std_cxx1x::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector])+1;
// Ensure the dimensionality of the data is correct
AssertThrow (std_cxx1x::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) >= std_cxx1x::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]),
ExcLowerRange (std_cxx1x::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]), std_cxx1x::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector])));
AssertThrow (std_cxx1x::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) < n_data_sets,
ExcIndexRange (std_cxx1x::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]), 0, n_data_sets));
// Determine the vector name
// Concatenate all the
// component names with double
pt_data_vector_dim = 1;
vector_name = data_names[data_set];
entry.add_attribute(vector_name, pt_data_vector_dim);
// Advance the current data set
data_set += pt_data_vector_dim;
return entry;
} else {
return XDMFEntry();
template <int dim, int spacedim>
void DataOutInterface<dim,spacedim>::
-write_xdmf_file (const std::vector<XDMFEntry> &entries, const char *filename, MPI_Comm comm) const
+write_xdmf_file (const std::vector<XDMFEntry> &entries,
+ const char *filename,
+ MPI_Comm comm) const
DataOutBase::write_xdmf_file(get_patches(), entries, filename, comm);
template <int dim, int spacedim>
-void DataOutBase::write_xdmf_file (const std::vector<Patch<dim,spacedim> > &patches,
+void DataOutBase::write_xdmf_file (const std::vector<Patch<dim,spacedim> > &,
const std::vector<XDMFEntry> &entries,
const char *filename,
MPI_Comm comm)
int myrank;
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myrank);
+ (void)comm;
myrank = 0;
// Only rank 0 process writes the XDMF file
- if (myrank == 0) {
+ if (myrank == 0)
+ {
std::ofstream xdmf_file(filename);
std::vector<XDMFEntry>::const_iterator it;
xdmf_file << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n";
xdmf_file << "<!DOCTYPE Xdmf SYSTEM \"Xdmf.dtd\" []>\n";
xdmf_file << "<Xdmf Version=\"2.0\">\n";
xdmf_file << " <Domain>\n";
xdmf_file << " <Grid Name=\"CellTime\" GridType=\"Collection\" CollectionType=\"Temporal\">\n";
// Write out all the entries indented
for (it=entries.begin();it!=entries.end();++it)
xdmf_file << it->get_xdmf_content(3);
xdmf_file << " </Grid>\n";
xdmf_file << " </Domain>\n";
xdmf_file << "</Xdmf>\n";
// Get the XDMF content associated with this entry
// If the entry is not valid, this returns false
-std::string XDMFEntry::get_xdmf_content(const unsigned int indent_level) const {
+std::string XDMFEntry::get_xdmf_content(const unsigned int indent_level) const
std::stringstream ss;
- unsigned int i;
std::map<std::string, unsigned int>::const_iterator it;
if (!valid) return "";
ss << indent(indent_level+0) << "<Grid Name=\"mesh\" GridType=\"Uniform\">\n";
ss << indent(indent_level+1) << "<Time Value=\"" << entry_time << "\"/>\n";
ss << indent(indent_level+1) << "<Geometry GeometryType=\"" << (dimension == 2 ? "XY" : "XYZ" ) << "\">\n";
ss << indent(indent_level+1) << "<Topology TopologyType=\"Polyvertex\" NumberOfElements=\"" << num_nodes << "\">\n";
ss << indent(indent_level+1) << "</Topology>\n";
for (it=attribute_dims.begin();it!=attribute_dims.end();++it) {
ss << indent(indent_level+1) << "<Attribute Name=\"" << it->first << "\" AttributeType=\"" << (it->second > 1 ? "Vector" : "Scalar") << "\" Center=\"Node\">\n";
// Vectors must have 3 elements even for 2D models
ss << indent(indent_level+2) << "</DataItem>\n";
ss << indent(indent_level+1) << "</Attribute>\n";
ss << indent(indent_level+0) << "</Grid>\n";
return ss.str();
MPI_Comm comm)
+ // throw an exception, but first make
+ // sure the compiler does not warn about
+ // the now unused function arguments
+ (void)patches;
+ (void)data_names;
+ (void)vector_data_ranges;
+ (void)filename;
+ (void)comm;
AssertThrow(false, ExcMessage ("HDF5 support is disabled."));
int world_size;
unsigned int local_node_cell_count[2], global_node_cell_count[2], global_node_cell_offsets[2];
hsize_t count[2], offset[2], node_ds_dim[2], cell_ds_dim[2];
const unsigned int n_data_sets = data_names.size();
// If HDF5 is not parallel and we're using multiple processes, abort
ExcMessage ("Serial HDF5 output on multiple processes is not yet supported."));
compute_sizes<dim,spacedim>(patches, local_node_cell_count[0], local_node_cell_count[1]);
Table<2,double> data_vectors (n_data_sets, local_node_cell_count[0]);
void (*fun_ptr) (const std::vector<Patch<dim,spacedim> > &, Table<2,double> &) = &DataOutBase::template write_gmv_reorder_data_vectors<dim,spacedim>;
Threads::Task<> reorder_task = Threads::new_task (fun_ptr, patches, data_vectors);
// Create file access properties
plist_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
AssertThrow(plist_id != -1, ExcIO());
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// Overwrite any existing files (change this to an option?) and close the property list
h5_file_id = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, plist_id);
AssertThrow(h5_file_id >= 0, ExcIO());
status = H5Pclose(plist_id);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// Compute the global total number of nodes/cells
// And determine the offset of the data for this process
global_node_cell_offsets[0] = global_node_cell_offsets[1] = 0;
// Write the nodes/cells to the HDF5 "stream" object. Record the process offset
// so that node reference indices are correctly calculated
HDF5MemStream hdf5_data(local_node_cell_count, global_node_cell_offsets, dim);
write_nodes(patches, hdf5_data);
write_cells(patches, hdf5_data);
// Create the dataspace for the nodes and cells
node_ds_dim[0] = global_node_cell_count[0];
node_ds_dim[1] = dim;
node_dataspace = H5Screate_simple(2, node_ds_dim, NULL);
AssertThrow(node_dataspace >= 0, ExcIO());
cell_ds_dim[0] = global_node_cell_count[1];
cell_ds_dim[1] = GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
cell_dataspace = H5Screate_simple(2, cell_ds_dim, NULL);
AssertThrow(cell_dataspace >= 0, ExcIO());
// Create the dataset for the nodes and cells
#if H5Gcreate_vers == 1
node_dataset = H5Dcreate(h5_file_id, "nodes", H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, node_dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
cell_dataset = H5Dcreate(h5_file_id, "cells", H5T_NATIVE_UINT, cell_dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
AssertThrow(cell_dataset >= 0, ExcIO());
// Close the node and cell dataspaces since we're done with them
status = H5Sclose(node_dataspace);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
status = H5Sclose(cell_dataspace);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// Create the data subset we'll use to read from memory
count[0] = local_node_cell_count[0];
count[1] = dim;
offset[1] = 0;
node_memory_dataspace = H5Screate_simple(2, count, NULL);
AssertThrow(node_memory_dataspace >= 0, ExcIO());
// Select the hyperslab in the file
node_file_dataspace = H5Dget_space(node_dataset);
AssertThrow(node_file_dataspace >= 0, ExcIO());
status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(node_file_dataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, count, NULL);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// And repeat for cells
count[0] = local_node_cell_count[1];
count[1] = GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell;
AssertThrow(cell_file_dataspace >= 0, ExcIO());
status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(cell_file_dataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, count, NULL);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// Create the property list for a collective write
plist_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
AssertThrow(plist_id >= 0, ExcIO());
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// And finally, write the node data
status = H5Dwrite(node_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, node_memory_dataspace, node_file_dataspace, plist_id, hdf5_data.node_data());
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// And the cell data
status = H5Dwrite(cell_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, cell_memory_dataspace, cell_file_dataspace, plist_id, hdf5_data.cell_data());
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
reorder_task.join ();
// when writing, first write out
// all vector data, then handle the
// scalar data sets that have been
for (n_th_vector=0,data_set=0;data_set<n_data_sets;) {
// Advance n_th_vector to at least the current data set we are on
while (n_th_vector < vector_data_ranges.size() && std_cxx1x::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) < data_set) n_th_vector++;
// Determine the dimension of this data
if (std_cxx1x::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) == data_set) {
// Multiple dimensions
pt_data_vector_dim = std_cxx1x::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) - std_cxx1x::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector])+1;
// Ensure the dimensionality of the data is correct
AssertThrow (std_cxx1x::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) >= std_cxx1x::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]),
ExcLowerRange (std_cxx1x::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]), std_cxx1x::get<0>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector])));
AssertThrow (std_cxx1x::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]) < n_data_sets,
ExcIndexRange (std_cxx1x::get<1>(vector_data_ranges[n_th_vector]), 0, n_data_sets));
// Determine the vector name
// Concatenate all the
// component names with double
pt_data_vector_dim = 1;
vector_name = data_names[data_set];
// Allocate space for the point data
// Must be either 1D or 3D
mem_vector_dim = (pt_data_vector_dim>1?3:1);
pt_data = new double[local_node_cell_count[0]*mem_vector_dim];
// Create the dataspace for the point data
node_ds_dim[0] = global_node_cell_count[0];
node_ds_dim[1] = mem_vector_dim;
pt_data_dataspace = H5Screate_simple(2, node_ds_dim, NULL);
AssertThrow(pt_data_dataspace >= 0, ExcIO());
#if H5Gcreate_vers == 1
pt_data_dataset = H5Dcreate(h5_file_id, vector_name.c_str(), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, pt_data_dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT);
pt_data_dataset = H5Dcreate(h5_file_id, vector_name.c_str(), H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, pt_data_dataspace, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
AssertThrow(pt_data_dataset >= 0, ExcIO());
// Create the data subset we'll use to read from memory
count[0] = local_node_cell_count[0];
count[1] = mem_vector_dim;
offset[1] = 0;
pt_data_memory_dataspace = H5Screate_simple(2, count, NULL);
AssertThrow(pt_data_memory_dataspace >= 0, ExcIO());
// Select the hyperslab in the file
pt_data_file_dataspace = H5Dget_space(pt_data_dataset);
AssertThrow(pt_data_file_dataspace >= 0, ExcIO());
status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(pt_data_file_dataspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, offset, NULL, count, NULL);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// Write point data to the memory array
r = 0;
for (i=0;i<local_node_cell_count[0];++i) {
// Write 0 for the remainder of entries in 2D
for (;n<mem_vector_dim;++n) pt_data[r++] = 0;
// And finally, write the data
status = H5Dwrite(pt_data_dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, pt_data_memory_dataspace, pt_data_file_dataspace, plist_id, pt_data);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
delete pt_data;
// Close the dataspaces
status = H5Sclose(pt_data_dataspace);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// Close the dataset
status = H5Dclose(pt_data_dataset);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// Advance the current data set
data_set += pt_data_vector_dim;
// Close the file dataspaces
status = H5Sclose(node_file_dataspace);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
status = H5Sclose(cell_file_dataspace);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// Close the memory dataspaces
status = H5Sclose(node_memory_dataspace);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
status = H5Sclose(cell_memory_dataspace);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// Close the datasets
status = H5Dclose(node_dataset);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
status = H5Dclose(cell_dataset);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// Close the parallel access
status = H5Pclose(plist_id);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());
// Close the file
status = H5Fclose(h5_file_id);
AssertThrow(status >= 0, ExcIO());