Other contributors, in alphabetical order, are:
- <LI><em>Ralf Hartmann:</em>
+ <li><em>John Burnell:</em>
+ Configuration on Microsoft Windows systems.
+ <li><em>Ralf Hartmann:</em>
SolutionTransfer class;
discontinuous finite elements;
SolverSelector class.
- <LI><em>Stefan Nauber:</em>
+ <li><em>Stefan Nauber:</em>
postscript output.
- <LI><em>Thomas Richter:</em>
+ <li><em>Thomas Richter:</em>
Povray output;
multi-threading work;
MinRes linear solver.
- <LI><em>Jan Schrage:</em>
- parts of the tutorial.
- <LI><em>Franz-Theo Suttmeier:</em>
+ <li><em>Jan Schrage:</em>
+ initial parts of the tutorial.
+ <li><em>Michael Stadler:</em>
+ reading 3d data in UCD, accepting boundary data in 3d.
+ <li><em>Franz-Theo Suttmeier:</em>
initial parts of the linear algebra.