"Refine all the cells times times.",
boost::python::args("self", "times"))
+ .def("execute_coarsening_and_refinement",
+ &TriangulationWrapper::execute_coarsening_and_refinement,
+ "Execute both refinement and coarsening of the Triangulation.",
+ boost::python::args("self"))
+ .def("write",
+ &TriangulationWrapper::write,
+ "Write grid to the output file according to the given data format. The possible formats are: none, dx, gnuplot, eps, ucd, xfig, msh, svg, mathgl, vtk, and vtu.",
+ boost::python::args("self", "filename", "format"))
"Write the Triangulation to a file.",
#include <deal.II/python/cell_accessor_wrapper.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
cells.push_back(CellAccessorWrapper(triangulation_wrapper, cell->level(),
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ void write(const std::string &filename,
+ const std::string &format,
+ void *triangulation)
+ {
+ dealii::Triangulation<dim,spacedim> *tria =
+ static_cast<dealii::Triangulation<dim,spacedim>*>(triangulation);
+ dealii::GridOut::OutputFormat output_format;
+ if (format.compare("dx") == 0)
+ output_format = dealii::GridOut::OutputFormat::dx;
+ else if (format.compare("gnuplot") == 0)
+ output_format = dealii::GridOut::OutputFormat::gnuplot;
+ else if (format.compare("eps") == 0)
+ output_format = dealii::GridOut::OutputFormat::eps;
+ else if (format.compare("ucd") == 0)
+ output_format = dealii::GridOut::OutputFormat::ucd;
+ else if (format.compare("xfig") == 0)
+ output_format = dealii::GridOut::OutputFormat::xfig;
+ else if (format.compare("msh") == 0)
+ output_format = dealii::GridOut::OutputFormat::msh;
+ else if (format.compare("svg") == 0)
+ output_format = dealii::GridOut::OutputFormat::svg;
+ else if (format.compare("mathgl") == 0)
+ output_format = dealii::GridOut::OutputFormat::mathgl;
+ else if (format.compare("vtk") == 0)
+ output_format = dealii::GridOut::OutputFormat::vtk;
+ else if (format.compare("vtu") == 0)
+ output_format = dealii::GridOut::OutputFormat::vtu;
+ else
+ output_format = dealii::GridOut::OutputFormat::none;
+ dealii::GridOut mesh_writer;
+ std::ofstream ofs(filename);
+ mesh_writer.write(*tria, ofs, output_format);
+ ofs.close();
+ }
- TriangulationWrapper::iterator TriangulationWrapper::begin()
+ void TriangulationWrapper::execute_coarsening_and_refinement()
- // Build the vector containing all the CellAccessorWrapper when the iterator
- // is called. This way, we don't need to keep track of the changes on the
- // Triangulation.
- build_cells_vector();
- return cells.begin();
+ if ((dim == 2) && (spacedim == 2))
+ {
+ dealii::Triangulation<2,2> *tria =
+ static_cast<dealii::Triangulation<2,2>*>(triangulation);
+ tria->execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ }
+ else if ((dim == 2) && (spacedim == 3))
+ {
+ dealii::Triangulation<2,3> *tria =
+ static_cast<dealii::Triangulation<2,3>*>(triangulation);
+ tria->execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dealii::Triangulation<3,3> *tria =
+ static_cast<dealii::Triangulation<3,3>*>(triangulation);
+ tria->execute_coarsening_and_refinement();
+ }
- TriangulationWrapper::iterator TriangulationWrapper::end()
+ void TriangulationWrapper::write(const std::string &filename,
+ const std::string format) const
- // Python seems to call end() before begin() so call build_cells_vector in
- // both begin() and end(). The updated flag makes sure that the vector of
- // CellAccessorWrapper is only build once.
- build_cells_vector();
- return cells.end();
+ if ((dim == 2) && (spacedim == 2))
+ internal::write<2,2>(filename, format, triangulation);
+ else if ((dim == 2) && (spacedim == 3))
+ internal::write<2,3>(filename, format, triangulation);
+ else
+ internal::write<3,3>(filename, format, triangulation);
+ TriangulationWrapper::iterator TriangulationWrapper::begin()
+ {
+ // Build the vector containing all the CellAccessorWrapper when the iterator
+ // is called. This way, we don't need to keep track of the changes on the
+ // Triangulation.
+ build_cells_vector();
+ return cells.begin();
+ }
+ TriangulationWrapper::iterator TriangulationWrapper::end()
+ {
+ // Python seems to call end() before begin() so call build_cells_vector in
+ // both begin() and end(). The updated flag makes sure that the vector of
+ // CellAccessorWrapper is only build once.
+ build_cells_vector();
+ return cells.end();
+ }
void TriangulationWrapper::setup(const std::string &dimension,
const std::string &spacedimension)