const AdditionalParameters &prm)
std::string base_name = prm.output_base_name;
- FILE *tmp_file = nullptr;
+ char dir_template[] = "ctfbc-XXXXXX";
if (base_name == "")
- tmp_file = std::tmpfile();
- AssertThrow(tmp_file != nullptr, ExcMessage("Creating temporary file failed!"));
+ const char *temp = mkdtemp(dir_template);
+ AssertThrow(temp != nullptr,
+ ExcMessage("Creating temporary directory failed!"));
+ base_name = temp;
+ base_name += "tmp";
const std::string iges_file_name = base_name+".iges";
<< "Plane Surface (3) = {2};" << std::endl
<< "Characteristic Length { 1 } = " << prm.characteristic_length << ";" << std::endl
<< "Mesh.RecombineAll = 1;" << std::endl
- << "Mesh.SubdivisionAlgorithm=1;" << std::endl;
+ << "Mesh.SubdivisionAlgorithm = 1;" << std::endl;
std::stringstream command;
- command << DEAL_II_GMSH_EXECUTABLE_PATH << " -2 "
- << geo_file_name << " 1> "
- << log_file_name << " 2> "
- << warnings_file_name;
+ command << DEAL_II_GMSH_EXECUTABLE_PATH << " -2 " << geo_file_name
+ << " 1> " << log_file_name
+ << " 2> " << warnings_file_name;
const auto ret_value = std::system(command.str().c_str());
AssertThrow(ret_value == 0,
if (base_name != prm.output_base_name)
- // clean up if the filenames are temporary ones
- AssertThrow(tmp_file != nullptr, ExcInternalError());
- const int ret = std::fclose(tmp_file);
- AssertThrow(ret == 0, ExcInternalError());
- {
- const auto ret_value = std::remove(iges_file_name.c_str());
- AssertThrow(ret_value == 0, ExcMessage("Failed to remove "+iges_file_name));
- }
- {
- const auto ret_value = std::remove(geo_file_name.c_str());
- AssertThrow(ret_value == 0, ExcMessage("Failed to remove "+geo_file_name));
- }
- {
- const auto ret_value = std::remove(msh_file_name.c_str());
- AssertThrow(ret_value == 0, ExcMessage("Failed to remove "+msh_file_name));
- }
- {
- const auto ret_value = std::remove(log_file_name.c_str());
- AssertThrow(ret_value == 0, ExcMessage("Failed to remove "+log_file_name));
- }
+ for (const auto &filename: {iges_file_name,geo_file_name,msh_file_name,log_file_name,warnings_file_name})
- const auto ret_value = std::remove(warnings_file_name.c_str());
- AssertThrow(ret_value == 0, ExcMessage("Failed to remove "+warnings_file_name));
+ const auto ret_value = std::remove(filename.c_str());
+ AssertThrow(ret_value == 0, ExcMessage("Failed to remove "+filename));
+ const auto ret_value = std::remove(dir_template);
+ AssertThrow(ret_value == 0,
+ ExcMessage("Failed to remove "+std::string(dir_template)));
--- /dev/null
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\ No newline at end of file