\subsection{xxx something with Manifolds xxx}
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-\subsection{Use of C++11}
+ \subsection{Use of C++11}
+ \label{sec:cxx11}
\dealii{} first offered support for a subset of C++11 features in
version 6.2, released in 2009. The current release is the first to
\emph{require} a C++11 compiler.
\subsection{Incompatible changes}
-The 9.0 release includes around XYZ
-incompatible changes}; see \cite{changes90}. The majority of these changes
+The 9.0 release includes
+ {around 75 incompatible changes}; see \cite{changes90}. The majority of these changes
should not be visible to typical user codes; some remove previously
deprecated classes and functions, and the majority change internal
-interfaces that are not usually used in external applications. However, three
+interfaces that are not usually used in external
+applications. However, some are, such as changes to the interplay between meshes and
+manifolds, as well as the requirement to use a
+C++11 compiler (see Sections~\ref{sec:manifolds} and
+~\ref{sec:cxx11}). In addition, the following
incompatible changes are worth mentioning:
- \item High-order Lagrange elements, both continuous \verb!FE_Q! and
- discontinuous \verb!FE_DGQ! types, now use the nodal points of the
- Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula as support points by default, rather than the
- previous equidistant ones. For cubic polynomials and higher, the point
- distribution has thus changed and, consequently, the entries in
- solution vectors will be different compared to previous
- versions of \dealii{}. Note, however, that using the Gauss-Lobatto points as nodal
- points results in a much more stable interpolation, including better
- iteration counts in most iterative solvers.
- \item
- The library no longer instantiates template classes with \texttt{long
- double}. These were rarely used, but took up a significant
- fraction of compile and link time, as well as library
- size. Application programs can, however, still instantiate all
- template classes with \texttt{long
- double} as long as they include the corresponding \texttt{.templates.h}
- header files.
- \item
- The \texttt{ParameterGUI} has been moved to a separate repository.
+\item The \texttt{BlockDiagonalMatrix},
+ \texttt{InverseMatrixRichardson},
+ \texttt{IterativeInverse},
+ \texttt{ProductMatrix},
+ \texttt{ProductSparseMatrix},
+ \texttt{TransposeMatrix},
+ \texttt{ScaledMatrix},
+ \texttt{SchurMatrix},
+ \texttt{ShiftedMatrix}, and
+ \texttt{ShiftedMatrixGeneralized} classes have been removed. They are now
+ generalized through the \texttt{LinearOperator} concept. Several
+ other, similar classes have been deprecated.
+ \item The default partitioner for the
+ \texttt{parallel::shared::Triangulation} is now the Trilinos
+ package Zoltan. This functionality was previously provided by the
+ METIS partitioner, but the METIS package has not been actively maintained
+ for a long time, and moreover yields subdivisions that depend on
+ system details such as the random number generator and sorting
+ facilities provided by the operating system; consequently, the
+ partition is not consistent across platforms.
+ \item The class \texttt{FE\_DGQHermite} now uses a more stable,
+ ``Hermite-like'' polynomial basis. The change is highly
+ beneficial because it significantly improves the accuracy (in
+ terms of roundoff) for this basis and also reduces iteration
+ counts for some iterative solvers with simple preconditioners.
+ \item Many functions that previously returned a raw, C-style pointer
+ now return a \texttt{std::unique\_ptr} and
+ \texttt{std::shared\_ptr} where possible to make memory management
+ more reliable.