]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
Introduce new function
authorwolf <wolf@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Wed, 9 May 2001 16:11:24 +0000 (16:11 +0000)
committerwolf <wolf@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Wed, 9 May 2001 16:11:24 +0000 (16:11 +0000)
DoFTools::compute_intergrid_transfer_representation. Factor out common
code with existing functions.

git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@4583 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index 8d5222cfeae22c7a6483ca5a3dc7e9f4e6d9813b..ebc867ed5e84976ca7424dae8cc5687bf219aa51 100644 (file)
@@ -807,7 +807,6 @@ class DoFTools
                                      * only need one object of this
                                      * type.
-//TODO:[WB] document last argument    
     template <int dim>
     static void
     compute_intergrid_constraints (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
@@ -815,9 +814,18 @@ class DoFTools
                                   const DoFHandler<dim>              &fine_grid,
                                   const unsigned int                  fine_component,
                                   const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
-                                  ConstraintMatrix                   &constraints,
-                                  std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > *transfer_representation = 0);
+                                  ConstraintMatrix                   &constraints);
+//TODO:[WB] document this function. put it in the news file
+    template <int dim>
+    static void
+    compute_intergrid_transfer_representation (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
+                                              const unsigned int                  coarse_component,
+                                              const DoFHandler<dim>              &fine_grid,
+                                              const unsigned int                  fine_component,
+                                              const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
+                                              std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > &transfer_representation);
                                      * Create a mapping from degree
                                      * of freedom indices to the
@@ -966,6 +974,24 @@ class DoFTools
     DeclException0 (ExcInvalidBoundaryIndicator);
+                                    /**
+                                     * This is a helper function that
+                                     * is used in the computation of
+                                     * integrid constraints. See the
+                                     * function for a thorough
+                                     * description of how it works.
+                                     */
+    template <int dim>
+    static unsigned int
+    compute_intergrid_weights_1 (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
+                                const unsigned int                  coarse_component,
+                                const DoFHandler<dim>              &fine_grid,
+                                const unsigned int                  fine_component,
+                                const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
+                                std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > &weights,
+                                std::vector<int>                   &weight_mapping);
                                      * This is a helper function that
                                      * is used in the computation of
@@ -975,12 +1001,12 @@ class DoFTools
     template <int dim>
     static void
-    compute_intergrid_weights (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
-                              const unsigned int                  coarse_component,
-                              const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
-                              const std::vector<Vector<double> > &parameter_dofs,
-                              const std::vector<int>             &weight_mapping,
-                              std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > &weights);
+    compute_intergrid_weights_2 (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
+                                const unsigned int                  coarse_component,
+                                const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
+                                const std::vector<Vector<double> > &parameter_dofs,
+                                const std::vector<int>             &weight_mapping,
+                                std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > &weights);
                                      * This is a function that is
@@ -994,7 +1020,7 @@ class DoFTools
     template <int dim>
     static void
-    compute_intergrid_weights_1 (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
+    compute_intergrid_weights_3 (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
                                 const unsigned int                  coarse_component,
                                 const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
                                 const std::vector<Vector<double> > &parameter_dofs,
index 7133f80b2d04e76a56c331f2a7039c5f9c51fa2f..97590cf68974d56f9dafecb6142993330cf5c08c 100644 (file)
@@ -1170,8 +1170,331 @@ DoFTools::compute_intergrid_constraints (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coa
                                         const DoFHandler<dim>              &fine_grid,
                                         const unsigned int                  fine_component,
                                         const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
-                                        ConstraintMatrix                   &constraints,
-                                        std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > *transfer_representation)
+                                        ConstraintMatrix                   &constraints)
+                                  // store the weights with which a dof
+                                  // on the parameter grid contributes
+                                  // to a dof on the fine grid. see the
+                                  // long doc below for more info
+                                  //
+                                  // allocate as many rows as there are
+                                  // parameter dofs on the coarse grid
+                                  // and as many columns as there are
+                                  // parameter dofs on the fine grid.
+                                  //
+                                  // weight_mapping is used to map the
+                                  // global (fine grid) parameter dof
+                                  // indices to the columns
+                                  //
+                                  // in the original implementation,
+                                  // the weights array was actually
+                                  // of FullMatrix<double> type. this
+                                  // wasted huge amounts of memory,
+                                  // but was fast. nonetheless, since
+                                  // the memory consumption was
+                                  // quadratic in the number of
+                                  // degrees of freedom, this was not
+                                  // very practical, so we now use a
+                                  // vector of rows of the matrix,
+                                  // and in each row a vector of
+                                  // pairs (colnum,value). this seems
+                                  // like the best tradeoff between
+                                  // memory and speed, as it is now
+                                  // linear in memory and still fast
+                                  // enough.
+                                  //
+                                  // to save some memory and since
+                                  // the weights are usually
+                                  // (negative) powers of 2, we
+                                  // choose the value type of the
+                                  // matrix to be @p{float} rather
+                                  // than @p{double}.
+  std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > weights;
+                                  // this is this mapping. there is one
+                                  // entry for each dof on the fine grid;
+                                  // if it is a parameter dof, then its
+                                  // value is the column in weights for
+                                  // that parameter dof, if it is any
+                                  // other dof, then its value is -1,
+                                  // indicating an error
+  std::vector<int> weight_mapping;
+  const unsigned int n_parameters_on_fine_grid
+    = compute_intergrid_weights_1 (coarse_grid, coarse_component, fine_grid, fine_component,
+                                  coarse_to_fine_grid_map, weights, weight_mapping);
+                                  // global numbers of dofs
+  const unsigned int n_coarse_dofs = coarse_grid.n_dofs(),
+                    n_fine_dofs   = fine_grid.n_dofs();
+                                  // get an array in which we store
+                                  // which dof on the coarse grid is
+                                  // a parameter and which is not
+  std::vector<bool> coarse_dof_is_parameter (coarse_grid.n_dofs());
+  if (true)
+    {
+      std::vector<bool> mask (coarse_grid.get_fe().n_components(),
+                             false);
+      mask[coarse_component] = true;
+      extract_dofs (coarse_grid, mask, coarse_dof_is_parameter);
+    };
+                                  // now we know that the weights in
+                                  // each row constitute a
+                                  // constraint. enter this into the
+                                  // constraints object
+                                  //
+                                  // first task: for each parameter
+                                  // dof on the parameter grid, find
+                                  // a representant on the fine,
+                                  // global grid. this is possible
+                                  // since we use conforming finite
+                                  // element. we take this
+                                  // representant to be the first
+                                  // element in this row with weight
+                                  // identical to one. the
+                                  // representant will become an
+                                  // unconstrained degree of freedom,
+                                  // while all others will be
+                                  // constrained to this dof (and
+                                  // possibly others)
+  std::vector<int> representants(n_coarse_dofs, -1);
+  for (unsigned int parameter_dof=0; parameter_dof<n_coarse_dofs;
+       ++parameter_dof)
+    if (coarse_dof_is_parameter[parameter_dof] == true)
+      {
+                                        // if this is the line of a
+                                        // parameter dof on the
+                                        // coarse grid, then it
+                                        // should have at least one
+                                        // dependent node on the fine
+                                        // grid
+       Assert (weights[parameter_dof].size() > 0, ExcInternalError());
+                                        // find the column where the
+                                        // representant is mentioned
+       std::map<unsigned int,float>::const_iterator i = weights[parameter_dof].begin();
+       for (; i!=weights[parameter_dof].end(); ++i)
+         if (i->second == 1)
+           break;
+       Assert (i!=weights[parameter_dof].end(), ExcInternalError());
+       const unsigned int column = i->first;
+                                        // now we know in which column of
+                                        // weights the representant is, but
+                                        // we don't know its global index. get
+                                        // it using the inverse operation of
+                                        // the weight_mapping
+       unsigned int global_dof=0;
+       for (; global_dof<weight_mapping.size(); ++global_dof)
+         if (weight_mapping[global_dof] == static_cast<int>(column))
+           break;
+       Assert (global_dof < weight_mapping.size(), ExcInternalError());
+                                        // now enter the representants global
+                                        // index into our list
+       representants[parameter_dof] = global_dof;
+      }
+    else
+      {
+                                        // consistency check: if this
+                                        // is no parameter dof on the
+                                        // coarse grid, then the
+                                        // respective row must be
+                                        // empty!
+       Assert (weights[parameter_dof].size() == 0, ExcInternalError());
+      };
+                                  // note for people that want to
+                                  // optimize this function: the
+                                  // largest part of the computing
+                                  // time is spent in the following,
+                                  // rather innocent block of
+                                  // code. basically, it must be the
+                                  // ConstraintMatrix::add_entry call
+                                  // which takes the bulk of the
+                                  // time, but it is not known to the
+                                  // author how to make it faster...
+  std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int,double> > constraint_line;
+  for (unsigned int global_dof=0; global_dof<n_fine_dofs; ++global_dof)
+    if (weight_mapping[global_dof] != -1)
+                                      // this global dof is a parameter
+                                      // dof, so it may carry a constraint
+                                      // note that for each global dof,
+                                      // the sum of weights shall be one,
+                                      // so we can find out whether this
+                                      // dof is constrained in the following
+                                      // way: if the only weight in this row
+                                      // is a one, and the representant for
+                                      // the parameter dof of the line in
+                                      // which this one is is the present
+                                      // dof, then we consider this dof
+                                      // to be unconstrained. otherwise,
+                                      // all other dofs are constrained
+      {
+       const unsigned int col = weight_mapping[global_dof];
+       Assert (col < n_parameters_on_fine_grid, ExcInternalError());
+       unsigned int first_used_row=0;
+       if (true)
+         {
+           std::map<unsigned int,float>::const_iterator col_entry;
+           for (; first_used_row<n_coarse_dofs; ++first_used_row)
+             {
+               col_entry = weights[first_used_row].find(col);
+               if (col_entry != weights[first_used_row].end())
+                 break;
+             };
+           if ((col_entry->second == 1) &&
+               (representants[first_used_row] == static_cast<int>(global_dof)))
+                                              // dof unconstrained or
+                                              // constrained to itself
+                                              // (in case this cell is
+                                              // mapped to itself, rather
+                                              // than to children of
+                                              // itself)
+             continue;
+         };
+                                        // otherwise enter all constraints
+       constraints.add_line (global_dof);
+       constraint_line.clear ();
+       for (unsigned int row=first_used_row; row<n_coarse_dofs; ++row)
+         {
+           const std::map<unsigned int,float>::const_iterator
+             j = weights[row].find(col);
+           if ((j != weights[row].end()) && (j->second != 0))
+             constraint_line.push_back (std::make_pair(representants[row],
+                                                       j->second));
+         };
+       constraints.add_entries (global_dof, constraint_line);
+      };
+template <int dim>
+compute_intergrid_transfer_representation (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
+                                          const unsigned int                  coarse_component,
+                                          const DoFHandler<dim>              &fine_grid,
+                                          const unsigned int                  fine_component,
+                                          const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
+                                          std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > &transfer_representation)
+                                  // store the weights with which a dof
+                                  // on the parameter grid contributes
+                                  // to a dof on the fine grid. see the
+                                  // long doc below for more info
+                                  //
+                                  // allocate as many rows as there are
+                                  // parameter dofs on the coarse grid
+                                  // and as many columns as there are
+                                  // parameter dofs on the fine grid.
+                                  //
+                                  // weight_mapping is used to map the
+                                  // global (fine grid) parameter dof
+                                  // indices to the columns
+                                  //
+                                  // in the original implementation,
+                                  // the weights array was actually
+                                  // of FullMatrix<double> type. this
+                                  // wasted huge amounts of memory,
+                                  // but was fast. nonetheless, since
+                                  // the memory consumption was
+                                  // quadratic in the number of
+                                  // degrees of freedom, this was not
+                                  // very practical, so we now use a
+                                  // vector of rows of the matrix,
+                                  // and in each row a vector of
+                                  // pairs (colnum,value). this seems
+                                  // like the best tradeoff between
+                                  // memory and speed, as it is now
+                                  // linear in memory and still fast
+                                  // enough.
+                                  //
+                                  // to save some memory and since
+                                  // the weights are usually
+                                  // (negative) powers of 2, we
+                                  // choose the value type of the
+                                  // matrix to be @p{float} rather
+                                  // than @p{double}.
+  std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > weights;
+                                  // this is this mapping. there is one
+                                  // entry for each dof on the fine grid;
+                                  // if it is a parameter dof, then its
+                                  // value is the column in weights for
+                                  // that parameter dof, if it is any
+                                  // other dof, then its value is -1,
+                                  // indicating an error
+  std::vector<int> weight_mapping;
+  compute_intergrid_weights_1 (coarse_grid, coarse_component, fine_grid, fine_component,
+                              coarse_to_fine_grid_map, weights, weight_mapping);
+                                  // now compute the requested
+                                  // representation
+  transfer_representation.clear ();
+  transfer_representation.resize (weights.size());
+  const unsigned int n_global_parm_dofs
+    = std::count_if (weight_mapping.begin(), weight_mapping.end(),
+                    std::bind2nd (std::not_equal_to<int> (), -1));
+                                  // first construct the inverse
+                                  // mapping of weight_mapping
+  std::vector<unsigned int> inverse_weight_mapping (n_global_parm_dofs,
+                                                   DoFHandler<dim>::invalid_dof_index);
+  for (unsigned int i=0; i<weight_mapping.size(); ++i)
+    {
+      const unsigned int parameter_dof = weight_mapping[i];
+                                      // if this global dof is a
+                                      // parameter
+      if (parameter_dof != static_cast<unsigned int>(-1))
+       {
+         Assert (parameter_dof < n_global_parm_dofs, ExcInternalError());
+         Assert (inverse_weight_mapping[parameter_dof] == DoFHandler<dim>::invalid_dof_index,
+                 ExcInternalError());
+         inverse_weight_mapping[parameter_dof] = i;
+       };
+    };
+                                  // next copy over weights array
+                                  // and replace respective
+                                  // numbers
+  const unsigned int n_coarse_dofs = coarse_grid.n_dofs();
+  for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_coarse_dofs; ++i)
+    {
+      std::map<unsigned int, float>::const_iterator j = weights[i].begin();
+      for (; j!=weights[i].end(); ++j)
+       transfer_representation[i][inverse_weight_mapping[j->first]] = j->second;
+    };
+template <int dim>
+unsigned int
+DoFTools::compute_intergrid_weights_1 (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
+                                      const unsigned int                  coarse_component,
+                                      const DoFHandler<dim>              &fine_grid,
+                                      const unsigned int                  fine_component,
+                                      const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
+                                      std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > &weights,
+                                      std::vector<int>                   &weight_mapping)
                                   // aliases to the finite elements
                                   // used by the dof handlers:
@@ -1297,74 +1620,19 @@ DoFTools::compute_intergrid_constraints (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coa
              dof_is_interesting[local_dof_indices[i]] = true;
-      n_parameters_on_fine_grid = count (dof_is_interesting.begin(),
-                                        dof_is_interesting.end(),
-                                        true);
-    };
-                                  // get an array in which we store
-                                  // which dof on the coarse grid is
-                                  // a parameter and which is not
-  std::vector<bool> coarse_dof_is_parameter (coarse_grid.n_dofs());
-  if (true)
-    {
-      std::vector<bool> mask (coarse_grid.get_fe().n_components(),
-                             false);
-      mask[coarse_component] = true;
-      extract_dofs (coarse_grid, mask, coarse_dof_is_parameter);
-    };
+      n_parameters_on_fine_grid = std::count (dof_is_interesting.begin(),
+                                             dof_is_interesting.end(),
+                                             true);
+    };  
-                                  // store the weights with which a dof
-                                  // on the parameter grid contributes
-                                  // to a dof on the fine grid. see the
-                                  // long doc below for more info
-                                  //
-                                  // allocate as many rows as there are
-                                  // parameter dofs on the coarse grid
-                                  // and as many columns as there are
-                                  // parameter dofs on the fine grid.
-                                  //
-                                  // weight_mapping is used to map the
-                                  // global (fine grid) parameter dof
-                                  // indices to the columns
-                                  //
-                                  // in the original implementation,
-                                  // the weights array was actually
-                                  // of FullMatrix<double> type. this
-                                  // wasted huge amounts of memory,
-                                  // but was fast. nonetheless, since
-                                  // the memory consumption was
-                                  // quadratic in the number of
-                                  // degrees of freedom, this was not
-                                  // very practical, so we now use a
-                                  // vector of rows of the matrix,
-                                  // and in each row a vector of
-                                  // pairs (colnum,value). this seems
-                                  // like the best tradeoff between
-                                  // memory and speed, as it is now
-                                  // linear in memory and still fast
-                                  // enough.
-                                  //
-                                  // to save some memory and since
-                                  // the weights are usually
-                                  // (negative) powers of 2, we
-                                  // choose the value type of the
-                                  // matrix to be @p{float} rather
-                                  // than @p{double}.
-  std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > weights(n_coarse_dofs);
-                                  // this is this mapping. there is one
-                                  // entry for each dof on the fine grid;
-                                  // if it is a parameter dof, then its
-                                  // value is the column in weights for
-                                  // that parameter dof, if it is any
-                                  // other dof, then its value is -1,
-                                  // indicating an error
-  std::vector<int> weight_mapping (n_fine_dofs, -1);
+                                  // set up the weights mapping
+  weights.clear ();
+  weights.resize (n_coarse_dofs);
-                                  // set up this mapping
+  weight_mapping.clear ();
+  weight_mapping.resize (n_fine_dofs, -1);
   if (true)
       std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices(fine_fe.dofs_per_cell);
@@ -1403,9 +1671,10 @@ DoFTools::compute_intergrid_constraints (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coa
                                   // you want to read more
                                   // information on the algorithm
                                   // used.
-  compute_intergrid_weights (coarse_grid, coarse_component,
-                            coarse_to_fine_grid_map, parameter_dofs,
-                            weight_mapping, weights);
+  compute_intergrid_weights_2 (coarse_grid, coarse_component,
+                              coarse_to_fine_grid_map, parameter_dofs,
+                              weight_mapping, weights);
                                   // ok, now we have all weights for each
                                   // dof on the fine grid. if in debug
@@ -1440,197 +1709,21 @@ DoFTools::compute_intergrid_constraints (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coa
-                                  // if the user wants to have a
-                                  // representation of the transfer
-                                  // matrix, the provide it
-  if (transfer_representation != 0)
-    {
-      transfer_representation->clear ();
-      transfer_representation->resize (weights.size());
-      const unsigned int n_global_parm_dofs
-       = std::count_if (weight_mapping.begin(), weight_mapping.end(),
-                        std::bind2nd (std::not_equal_to<int> (), -1));
-                                      // first construct the inverse
-                                      // mapping of weight_mapping
-      std::vector<unsigned int> inverse_weight_mapping (n_global_parm_dofs,
-                                                       DoFHandler<dim>::invalid_dof_index);
-      for (unsigned int i=0; i<weight_mapping.size(); ++i)
-       {
-         const unsigned int parameter_dof = weight_mapping[i];
-                                          // if this global dof is a
-                                          // parameter
-         if (parameter_dof != static_cast<unsigned int>(-1))
-           {
-             Assert (parameter_dof < n_global_parm_dofs, ExcInternalError());
-             Assert (inverse_weight_mapping[parameter_dof] == DoFHandler<dim>::invalid_dof_index,
-                     ExcInternalError());
-             inverse_weight_mapping[parameter_dof] = i;
-           };
-       };
-                                      // next copy over weights array
-                                      // and replace respective
-                                      // numbers
-      for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_coarse_dofs; ++i)
-       {
-         std::map<unsigned int, float>::const_iterator j = weights[i].begin();
-         for (; j!=weights[i].end(); ++j)
-           (*transfer_representation)[i][inverse_weight_mapping[j->first]] = j->second;
-       };
-    };
-                                  // now we know that the weights in
-                                  // each row constitute a
-                                  // constraint. enter this into the
-                                  // constraints object
-                                  //
-                                  // first task: for each parameter
-                                  // dof on the parameter grid, find
-                                  // a representant on the fine,
-                                  // global grid. this is possible
-                                  // since we use conforming finite
-                                  // element. we take this
-                                  // representant to be the first
-                                  // element in this row with weight
-                                  // identical to one. the
-                                  // representant will become an
-                                  // unconstrained degree of freedom,
-                                  // while all others will be
-                                  // constrained to this dof (and
-                                  // possibly others)
-  std::vector<int> representants(n_coarse_dofs, -1);
-  for (unsigned int parameter_dof=0; parameter_dof<n_coarse_dofs;
-       ++parameter_dof)
-    if (coarse_dof_is_parameter[parameter_dof] == true)
-      {
-                                        // if this is the line of a
-                                        // parameter dof on the
-                                        // coarse grid, then it
-                                        // should have at least one
-                                        // dependent node on the fine
-                                        // grid
-       Assert (weights[parameter_dof].size() > 0, ExcInternalError());
-                                        // find the column where the
-                                        // representant is mentioned
-       std::map<unsigned int,float>::const_iterator i = weights[parameter_dof].begin();
-       for (; i!=weights[parameter_dof].end(); ++i)
-         if (i->second == 1)
-           break;
-       Assert (i!=weights[parameter_dof].end(), ExcInternalError());
-       const unsigned int column = i->first;
-                                        // now we know in which column of
-                                        // weights the representant is, but
-                                        // we don't know its global index. get
-                                        // it using the inverse operation of
-                                        // the weight_mapping
-       unsigned int global_dof=0;
-       for (; global_dof<weight_mapping.size(); ++global_dof)
-         if (weight_mapping[global_dof] == static_cast<int>(column))
-           break;
-       Assert (global_dof < weight_mapping.size(), ExcInternalError());
-                                        // now enter the representants global
-                                        // index into our list
-       representants[parameter_dof] = global_dof;
-      }
-    else
-      {
-                                        // consistency check: if this
-                                        // is no parameter dof on the
-                                        // coarse grid, then the
-                                        // respective row must be
-                                        // empty!
-       Assert (weights[parameter_dof].size() == 0, ExcInternalError());
-      };
-                                  // note for people that want to
-                                  // optimize this function: the
-                                  // largest part of the computing
-                                  // time is spent in the following,
-                                  // rather innocent block of
-                                  // code. basically, it must be the
-                                  // ConstraintMatrix::add_entry call
-                                  // which takes the bulk of the
-                                  // time, but it is not known to the
-                                  // author how to make it faster...
-  std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int,double> > constraint_line;
-  for (unsigned int global_dof=0; global_dof<n_fine_dofs; ++global_dof)
-    if (weight_mapping[global_dof] != -1)
-                                      // this global dof is a parameter
-                                      // dof, so it may carry a constraint
-                                      // note that for each global dof,
-                                      // the sum of weights shall be one,
-                                      // so we can find out whether this
-                                      // dof is constrained in the following
-                                      // way: if the only weight in this row
-                                      // is a one, and the representant for
-                                      // the parameter dof of the line in
-                                      // which this one is is the present
-                                      // dof, then we consider this dof
-                                      // to be unconstrained. otherwise,
-                                      // all other dofs are constrained
-      {
-       const unsigned int col = weight_mapping[global_dof];
-       Assert (col < n_parameters_on_fine_grid, ExcInternalError());
-       unsigned int first_used_row=0;
-       if (true)
-         {
-           std::map<unsigned int,float>::const_iterator col_entry;
-           for (; first_used_row<n_coarse_dofs; ++first_used_row)
-             {
-               col_entry = weights[first_used_row].find(col);
-               if (col_entry != weights[first_used_row].end())
-                 break;
-             };
-           if ((col_entry->second == 1) &&
-               (representants[first_used_row] == static_cast<int>(global_dof)))
-                                              // dof unconstrained or
-                                              // constrained to itself
-                                              // (in case this cell is
-                                              // mapped to itself, rather
-                                              // than to children of
-                                              // itself)
-             continue;
-         };
-                                        // otherwise enter all constraints
-       constraints.add_line (global_dof);
-       constraint_line.clear ();
-       for (unsigned int row=first_used_row; row<n_coarse_dofs; ++row)
-         {
-           const std::map<unsigned int,float>::const_iterator
-             j = weights[row].find(col);
-           if ((j != weights[row].end()) && (j->second != 0))
-             constraint_line.push_back (std::make_pair(representants[row],
-                                                       j->second));
-         };
-       constraints.add_entries (global_dof, constraint_line);
-      };
+  return n_parameters_on_fine_grid;
 template <int dim>
-DoFTools::compute_intergrid_weights (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
-                                    const unsigned int                  coarse_component,
-                                    const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
-                                    const std::vector<Vector<double> > &parameter_dofs,
-                                    const std::vector<int>             &weight_mapping,
-                                    std::vector<std::map<unsigned int,float> > &weights)
+DoFTools::compute_intergrid_weights_2 (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
+                                      const unsigned int                  coarse_component,
+                                      const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
+                                      const std::vector<Vector<double> > &parameter_dofs,
+                                      const std::vector<int>             &weight_mapping,
+                                      std::vector<std::map<unsigned int,float> > &weights)
                                   // simply distribute the range of
                                   // cells to different threads
@@ -1643,7 +1736,7 @@ DoFTools::compute_intergrid_weights (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_
   Threads::ThreadManager thread_manager;
   for (unsigned int i=0; i<multithread_info.n_default_threads; ++i)
     Threads::spawn (thread_manager,
-                   Threads::encapsulate (&DoFTools::template compute_intergrid_weights_1<dim>)
+                   Threads::encapsulate (&DoFTools::template compute_intergrid_weights_3<dim>)
                    .collect_args (coarse_grid, coarse_component,
                                   coarse_to_fine_grid_map, parameter_dofs,
                                   weight_mapping, weights,
@@ -1658,7 +1751,7 @@ DoFTools::compute_intergrid_weights (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_
 template <int dim>
-DoFTools::compute_intergrid_weights_1 (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
+DoFTools::compute_intergrid_weights_3 (const DoFHandler<dim>              &coarse_grid,
                                       const unsigned int                  coarse_component,
                                       const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,dim> &coarse_to_fine_grid_map,
                                       const std::vector<Vector<double> > &parameter_dofs,
@@ -2121,8 +2214,15 @@ DoFTools::compute_intergrid_constraints (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
                                         const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
                                         const unsigned int                   ,
                                         const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,deal_II_dimension> &,
-                                        ConstraintMatrix                    &,
-                                        std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > *);
+                                        ConstraintMatrix                    &);
+DoFTools::compute_intergrid_transfer_representation (const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+                                                    const unsigned int                   ,
+                                                    const DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension> &,
+                                                    const unsigned int                   ,
+                                                    const InterGridMap<DoFHandler,deal_II_dimension> &,
+                                                    std::vector<std::map<unsigned int, float> > &);

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.