+$compiler_table{"gcc295"} = "gcc 2.95";
+$compiler_table{"gcc30"} = "gcc 3.0";
+$compiler_table{"icc50"} = "Intel ICC 5.0";
# first read in list of test results
while (<>)
+ # first extract from the data an alternative text, so that if you hover
+ # over the image with the mouse you'll see a text describing which
+ # compiler was used, which date and time.
+ $system = $name; $system =~ s/\+.*//g;
+ $compiler = $name; $compiler =~ s/.*\+//g;
+ $alt = "System=$system; Compiler=$compiler_table{$compiler}; Date=$date; Time=$time";
if ($result eq '+') {
- = '<img src="pictures/ok.gif" size="1">';
+ = "<img src=\"pictures/ok.gif\" size=\"1\" alt=\"$alt\">";
- # TODO: the result is actually the name of a file with logs
- # in it. Use that and cross-link to that file so that
- # one can see what has gone wrong
+ # $result contains the minus to indicate failure, but then also filename
+ # in which the logs are stored of that failed build. Cross-link with
+ # the red cross symbol to a copy of that file. For this, get filename only
+ $result =~ s/^- //;
+ $result =~ s#.*/##g;
- = '<img src="pictures/fail.gif" size="1">';
+ = '<a href="build-reports/' .
+ $result .
+ '" target="_top"><img src="pictures/fail.gif" size="1"' .
+ " alt=\"$alt\"" .
+ '></a>';
$test_system =~ s/\+.*//;
$test_compiler = $name;
$test_compiler =~ s/.*\+//g;
- $compiler_table{"gcc295"} = "gcc 2.95";
- $compiler_table{"gcc30"} = "gcc 3.0";
- $compiler_table{"icc50"} = "Intel ICC 5.0";
if (defined $compiler_table{$test_compiler} ) {
$test_compiler = $compiler_table{$test_compiler};