template <typename F, typename... Args>
- call_and_possibly_capture_exception(const F & f,
- std::exception_ptr &eptr,
- Args &&...args)
+ call_and_possibly_capture_snes_exception(const F & f,
+ std::exception_ptr &eptr,
+ Args &&...args)
// See whether there is already something in the exception pointer
// variable. There is no reason why this should be so, and
VectorType xdealii(x);
VectorType fdealii(f);
- const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_exception(
+ const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_snes_exception(
user->residual, user->pending_exception, xdealii, fdealii);
AMatrixType Adealii(A);
PMatrixType Pdealii(P);
- const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_exception(
+ const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_snes_exception(
user->jacobian, user->pending_exception, xdealii, Adealii, Pdealii);
user->A = &Adealii;
user->P = &Pdealii;
const int err =
- call_and_possibly_capture_exception(user->setup_jacobian,
- user->pending_exception,
- xdealii);
+ call_and_possibly_capture_snes_exception(user->setup_jacobian,
+ user->pending_exception,
+ xdealii);
// Handle older versions of PETSc for which we cannot pass a MATSHELL
Vec x;
AssertPETSc(SNESGetSolution(snes, &x));
VectorType xdealii(x);
- const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_exception(
+ const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_snes_exception(
user->monitor, user->pending_exception, xdealii, it, f);
real_type v;
VectorType xdealii(x);
- const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_exception(
+ const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_snes_exception(
user->energy, user->pending_exception, xdealii, v);
*f = v;
precond.vmult = [&](VectorBase &indst, const VectorBase &insrc) -> int {
VectorType dst(static_cast<const Vec &>(indst));
const VectorType src(static_cast<const Vec &>(insrc));
- return call_and_possibly_capture_exception(solve_with_jacobian,
- pending_exception,
- src,
- dst);
+ return call_and_possibly_capture_snes_exception(solve_with_jacobian,
+ pending_exception,
+ src,
+ dst);
// Default Krylov solver (preconditioner only)
template <typename F, typename... Args>
- call_and_possibly_capture_exception(const F & f,
- std::exception_ptr &eptr,
- Args &&...args)
+ call_and_possibly_capture_ts_exception(const F & f,
+ std::exception_ptr &eptr,
+ Args &&...args)
// See whether there is already something in the exception pointer
// variable. There is no reason why this should be so, and
VectorType xdotdealii(xdot);
VectorType fdealii(f);
const int err =
- call_and_possibly_capture_exception(user->implicit_function,
- user->pending_exception,
- t,
- xdealii,
- xdotdealii,
- fdealii);
+ call_and_possibly_capture_ts_exception(user->implicit_function,
+ user->pending_exception,
+ t,
+ xdealii,
+ xdotdealii,
+ fdealii);
PMatrixType Pdealii(P);
const int err =
- call_and_possibly_capture_exception(user->implicit_jacobian,
- user->pending_exception,
- t,
- xdealii,
- xdotdealii,
- s,
- Adealii,
- Pdealii);
+ call_and_possibly_capture_ts_exception(user->implicit_jacobian,
+ user->pending_exception,
+ t,
+ xdealii,
+ xdotdealii,
+ s,
+ Adealii,
+ Pdealii);
user->A = &Adealii;
user->P = &Pdealii;
const int err =
- call_and_possibly_capture_exception(user->setup_jacobian,
- user->pending_exception,
- t,
- xdealii,
- xdotdealii,
- s);
+ call_and_possibly_capture_ts_exception(user->setup_jacobian,
+ user->pending_exception,
+ t,
+ xdealii,
+ xdotdealii,
+ s);
VectorType xdealii(x);
VectorType fdealii(f);
- const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_exception(
+ const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_ts_exception(
user->explicit_function, user->pending_exception, t, xdealii, fdealii);
PMatrixType Pdealii(P);
const int err =
- call_and_possibly_capture_exception(user->explicit_jacobian,
- user->pending_exception,
- t,
- xdealii,
- Adealii,
- Pdealii);
+ call_and_possibly_capture_ts_exception(user->explicit_jacobian,
+ user->pending_exception,
+ t,
+ xdealii,
+ Adealii,
+ Pdealii);
auto user = static_cast<TimeStepper *>(ctx);
VectorType xdealii(x);
- const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_exception(
+ const int err = call_and_possibly_capture_ts_exception(
user->monitor, user->pending_exception, t, xdealii, it);
precond.vmult = [&](VectorBase &indst, const VectorBase &insrc) -> int {
VectorType dst(static_cast<const Vec &>(indst));
const VectorType src(static_cast<const Vec &>(insrc));
- return call_and_possibly_capture_exception(solve_with_jacobian,
- pending_exception,
- src,
- dst);
+ return call_and_possibly_capture_ts_exception(solve_with_jacobian,
+ pending_exception,
+ src,
+ dst);
// Default Krylov solver (preconditioner only)