* only above the diagonal blocks (e.g. the matrices one gets by the
* DG method with downstream numbering) @p BlockSOR is a direct
* solver.
- *
+ *
* This first implementation of the @p PreconditionBlock assumes the
* matrix has blocks each of the same block size. Varying block sizes
* within the matrix must still be implemented if needed.
* Value type for inverse matrices.
typedef inverse_type value_type;
* Parameters for block preconditioners.
* Relaxation parameter.
double relaxation;
* Block size.
bool same_diagonal;
* Constructor.
* Destructor.
* Replacement of
* invert_diagblocks() for
* permuted preconditioning.
- */
+ */
void invert_permuted_diagblocks(
const std::vector<unsigned int>& permutation,
const std::vector<unsigned int>& inverse_permutation);
value_type el(unsigned int i,
unsigned int j) const;
* Use only the inverse of the
* first diagonal block to save
* diagonal block?
bool same_diagonal () const;
* Stores the inverse of the
* diagonal blocks in
const Vector<number2> &prev,
const Vector<number2> &src,
const bool transpose_diagonal) const;
* Perform one block relaxation
* step in backward numbering.
const Vector<number2> &prev,
const Vector<number2> &src,
const bool transpose_diagonal) const;
* Return the size of the blocks.
* matrix.
unsigned int n_blocks() const;
* Determine an estimate for the
* memory consumption (in bytes)
DeclException0 (ExcDiagonalsNotStored);
* Access to the inverse diagonal
* blocks.
const FullMatrix<inverse_type>& inverse (unsigned int i) const;
* Access to the diagonal
* blocks.
const FullMatrix<inverse_type>& diagonal (unsigned int i) const;
* Size of the blocks. Each
* The permutation vector
std::vector<unsigned int> permutation;
* The inverse permutation vector
std::vector<unsigned int> inverse_permutation;
* Flag for diagonal compression.
* @ref set_same_diagonal()
* Storage of the inverse
* matrices of the diagonal
* Used by the blocked SSOR method.
std::vector<FullMatrix<inverse_type> > var_diagonal;
bool var_same_diagonal;
* @note Instantiations for this template are provided for <tt>@<float@> and
* @<double@></tt>; others can be generated in application programs (see the
* section on @ref Instantiations in the manual).
- *
+ *
* @author Ralf Hartmann, Guido Kanschat, 1999, 2000, 2003
template<class MATRIX, typename inverse_type = typename MATRIX::value_type>
* Define number type of matrix.
typedef typename MATRIX::value_type number;
* STL conforming iterator.
* Value of this matrix entry.
inverse_type value() const;
* The matrix accessed.
* for further reference.
unsigned int bs;
* Current block number.
* End of current block.
typename FullMatrix<inverse_type>::const_iterator b_end;
* Make enclosing class a
* friend.
friend class const_iterator;
* Constructor.
- */
+ */
const_iterator(const PreconditionBlockJacobi<MATRIX, inverse_type>* matrix,
const unsigned int row);
* Prefix increment.
* publicly available.
PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::initialize;
* Make function of base class public again.
* Make function public.
PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::invert_diagblocks;
* Make function public.
PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::block_size;
* Make function public.
* Make function accessible.
PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::set_permutation;
* Execute block Jacobi
* preconditioning.
template <typename number2>
void step (Vector<number2>& dst, const Vector<number2>& rhs) const;
* Perform one step of the Jacobi
* iteration.
template <typename number2>
void Tstep (Vector<number2>& dst, const Vector<number2>& rhs) const;
* STL-like iterator with the
* first entry.
* Final iterator.
const_iterator end () const;
* STL-like iterator with the
* first entry of row @p r.
* Final iterator of row @p r.
const_iterator end (const unsigned int r) const;
* arbitrarily.
* See PreconditionBlock for requirements on the matrix.
- *
+ *
* Optionally, the entries of the source vector can be treated in the
* order of the indices in the permutation vector set by
* #set_permutation (or the opposite order for Tvmult()). The inverse
* @note Instantiations for this template are provided for <tt>@<float@> and
* @<double@></tt>; others can be generated in application programs (see the
* section on @ref Instantiations in the manual).
- *
+ *
* @author Ralf Hartmann, Guido Kanschat, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
template<class MATRIX, typename inverse_type = typename MATRIX::value_type>
* Define number type of matrix.
typedef typename MATRIX::value_type number;
* Make type publicly available.
- PreconditionBlock<MATRIX,inverse_type>::AdditionalData;
+ using PreconditionBlock<MATRIX,inverse_type>::AdditionalData;
* Make initialization function
* publicly available.
- PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::initialize;
+ using PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::initialize;
* Make function of base class public again.
- PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::clear;
+ using PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::clear;
* Make function of base class public again.
- PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::empty;
+ using PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::empty;
* Make function of base class public again.
- PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::el;
+ using PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::el;
* Make function of base class public again.
- PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::set_same_diagonal;
+ using PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::set_same_diagonal;
* Make function of base class public again.
- PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::invert_diagblocks;
+ using PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::invert_diagblocks;
* Make function accessible.
- PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::set_permutation;
+ using PreconditionBlock<MATRIX, inverse_type>::set_permutation;
* Execute block SOR
template <typename number2>
void step (Vector<number2>& dst, const Vector<number2>& rhs) const;
* Perform one step of the
* transposed SOR iteration.
template <typename number2>
void Tstep (Vector<number2>& dst, const Vector<number2>& rhs) const;
* Implementation of the forward
* class requires storage of the diagonal blocks and their inverses.
* See PreconditionBlock for requirements on the matrix.
- *
+ *
* @note Instantiations for this template are provided for <tt>@<float@> and
* @<double@></tt>; others can be generated in application programs (see the
* section on @ref Instantiations in the manual).
- *
+ *
* @author Ralf Hartmann, Guido Kanschat, 1999, 2000
template<class MATRIX, typename inverse_type = typename MATRIX::value_type>
* Make type publicly available.
* Make initialization function
* publicly available.
* Make function of base class public again.
template <typename number2>
void Tvmult (Vector<number2>&, const Vector<number2>&) const;
* Perform one step of the SOR
* iteration.
template <typename number2>
void step (Vector<number2>& dst, const Vector<number2>& rhs) const;
* Perform one step of the
* transposed SOR iteration.
const unsigned int bs = blocksize;
const unsigned int nb = i/bs;
const FullMatrix<inverse_type>& B = inverse(nb);
const unsigned int ib = i % bs;
return 0.;
return B(ib, jb);
Assert (a_block < matrix->n_blocks(),
return bs * a_block + b_iterator->row();
Assert (a_block < matrix->n_blocks(),
return bs * a_block + b_iterator->column();
Assert (a_block < matrix->n_blocks(),
return b_iterator->value();
PreconditionBlockJacobi<MATRIX, inverse_type>::const_iterator::operator++ ()
Assert (*this != accessor.matrix->end(), ExcIteratorPastEnd());
if (accessor.b_iterator == accessor.b_end)
if (accessor.a_block < accessor.matrix->n_blocks())
accessor.b_iterator = accessor.matrix->inverse(accessor.a_block).begin();
if (accessor.a_block != other.accessor.a_block)
return false;
return (accessor.row() == other.accessor.row() &&
accessor.column() == other.accessor.column());