# endif
# endif
- // The "exponentiation by squaring" algorithm used below has to be
- // compressed to one statement due to C++11's restrictions on constexpr
- // functions. A more descriptive version would be:
- //
- // <code>
- // if (iexp <= 0)
- // return 1;
- //
- // // avoid overflow of one additional recursion with pow(base * base, 0)
- // if (iexp == 1)
- // return base;
- //
- // // if the current exponent is not divisible by two,
- // // we need to account for that.
- // const unsigned int prefactor = (iexp % 2 == 1) ? base : 1;
- //
- // // a^b = (a*a)^(b/2) for b even
- // // a^b = a*(a*a)^((b-1)/2 for b odd
- // return prefactor * dealii::Utilities::pow(base*base, iexp/2);
- // </code>
static_assert(std::is_integral_v<T>, "Only integral types supported");
- return iexp <= 0 ?
- 1 :
- (iexp == 1 ? base :
- (((iexp % 2 == 1) ? base : 1) *
- dealii::Utilities::pow(base * base, iexp / 2)));
+ // The "exponentiation by squaring" algorithm used below has to be expressed
+ // in an iterative version since SYCL doesn't allow recursive functions used
+ // in device code.
+ if (iexp <= 0)
+ return 1;
+ int exp = iexp;
+ T x = base;
+ T y = 1;
+ while (exp > 1)
+ {
+ if (exp % 2 == 1)
+ y *= x;
+ x *= x;
+ exp /= 2;
+ }
+ return x * y;