- /*
- * Internally used in orthogonal_equality
- *
- * A lookup table to transform vertex matchings to orientation flags of
- * the form (face_orientation, face_flip, face_rotation)
- *
- * See the comment on the next function as well as the detailed
- * documentation of make_periodicity_constraints and
- * collect_periodic_faces for details
- */
- template <int dim>
- struct OrientationLookupTable
- {};
- template <>
- struct OrientationLookupTable<1>
- {
- using MATCH_T =
- std::array<unsigned int, GeometryInfo<1>::vertices_per_face>;
- static inline std::bitset<3>
- lookup(const MATCH_T &)
- {
- // The 1d case is trivial
- return 1; // [true ,false,false]
- }
- };
- template <>
- struct OrientationLookupTable<2>
- {
- using MATCH_T =
- std::array<unsigned int, GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_face>;
- static inline std::bitset<3>
- lookup(const MATCH_T &matching)
- {
- // In 2d matching faces (=lines) results in two cases: Either
- // they are aligned or flipped. We store this "line_flip"
- // property somewhat sloppy as "face_flip"
- // (always: face_orientation = true, face_rotation = false)
- static const MATCH_T m_tff = {{0, 1}};
- if (matching == m_tff)
- return 1; // [true ,false,false]
- static const MATCH_T m_ttf = {{1, 0}};
- if (matching == m_ttf)
- return 3; // [true ,true ,false]
- Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
- // what follows is dead code, but it avoids warnings about the lack
- // of a return value
- return 0;
- }
- };
- template <>
- struct OrientationLookupTable<3>
- {
- using MATCH_T =
- std::array<unsigned int, GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_face>;
- static inline std::bitset<3>
- lookup(const MATCH_T &matching)
- {
- // The full fledged 3d case. *Yay*
- // See the documentation in include/deal.II/base/geometry_info.h
- // as well as the actual implementation in source/grid/tria.cc
- // for more details...
- static const MATCH_T m_tff = {{0, 1, 2, 3}};
- if (matching == m_tff)
- return 1; // [true ,false,false]
- static const MATCH_T m_tft = {{1, 3, 0, 2}};
- if (matching == m_tft)
- return 5; // [true ,false,true ]
- static const MATCH_T m_ttf = {{3, 2, 1, 0}};
- if (matching == m_ttf)
- return 3; // [true ,true ,false]
- static const MATCH_T m_ttt = {{2, 0, 3, 1}};
- if (matching == m_ttt)
- return 7; // [true ,true ,true ]
- static const MATCH_T m_fff = {{0, 2, 1, 3}};
- if (matching == m_fff)
- return 0; // [false,false,false]
- static const MATCH_T m_fft = {{2, 3, 0, 1}};
- if (matching == m_fft)
- return 4; // [false,false,true ]
- static const MATCH_T m_ftf = {{3, 1, 2, 0}};
- if (matching == m_ftf)
- return 2; // [false,true ,false]
- static const MATCH_T m_ftt = {{1, 0, 3, 2}};
- if (matching == m_ftt)
- return 6; // [false,true ,true ]
- Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
- // what follows is dead code, but it avoids warnings about the lack
- // of a return value
- return 0;
- }
- };
template <typename FaceIterator>