// Generate a random solution and then compute the rhs
dealii::Vector<double> sol_ref(size);
- std::default_random_engine generator;
- std::normal_distribution<> distribution(10., 2.);
for (auto &val : sol_ref)
- val = distribution(generator);
+ val = random_value(5.,15.);
dealii::Vector<double> rhs(size);
matrix.vmult(rhs, sol_ref);
rhs_dev.import(rhs_host, VectorOperation::insert);
LinearAlgebra::CUDAWrappers::Vector<double> solution_dev(size);
+ const std::array<std::string,3> solver_names {"Cholesky", "LU_dense", "LU_host"};
- for (auto solver_type: {"Cholesky", "LU_dense", "LU_host"})
+ for (auto solver_type: solver_names)
// Solve on the device
CUDAWrappers::SolverDirect<double>::AdditionalData data(solver_type);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
AssertThrow(std::abs(solution_host[i] - sol_ref[i]) < 1e-12,
- std::cout<<solver_type<<std::endl;
+ deallog << solver_type << std::endl;
DEAL::Starting value 0.00000
DEAL::Convergence step 0 value 0.00000
DEAL::Starting value 0.00000
DEAL::Convergence step 0 value 0.00000
-DEAL:cg::Starting value 0.000
+DEAL::Starting value 0.00000
DEAL::Convergence step 0 value 0.00000
-DEAL:cg::Starting value 0.000