// We also include some widely used operators.
namespace AdditionalTools
-// The extract_submatrix function
-// takes specific entries from a matrix,
-// and copies them to a sub_matrix.
-// The copied entries are defined by the
-// first two parameters which hold the
-// row and columns to be extracted.
-// The matrix is automatically resized
-// to size $ r \times c $. At the beginning we
-// check the size of the input vectors
- template <typename MatrixType>
- void extract_submatrix (const std::vector<unsigned int> &row_index_set,
- const std::vector<unsigned int> &column_index_set,
- const MatrixType &matrix,
- FullMatrix<double> &sub_matrix)
- {
- const unsigned int n_rows_submatrix = row_index_set.size();
- const unsigned int n_cols_submatrix = column_index_set.size();
- Assert(n_rows_submatrix > 0, ExcInternalError());
- Assert(n_cols_submatrix > 0, ExcInternalError());
- sub_matrix.reinit(n_rows_submatrix, n_cols_submatrix);
- for (unsigned int sub_row = 0; sub_row < n_rows_submatrix; ++sub_row)
- {
- const unsigned int row = row_index_set[sub_row];
- Assert(row<=matrix.m(), ExcInternalError());
- for (unsigned int sub_col = 0; sub_col < n_cols_submatrix; ++sub_col)
- {
- const unsigned int col = column_index_set[sub_col];
- Assert(col<=matrix.n(), ExcInternalError());
- sub_matrix(sub_row, sub_col) = matrix(row, col);
- }
- }
- }
-// As above, but to extract entries from
-// a <code> BlockSparseMatrix </code>.
- template <>
- void
- extract_submatrix<dealii::BlockSparseMatrix<double> >
- (const std::vector<unsigned int> &row_index_set,
- const std::vector<unsigned int> &column_index_set,
- const dealii::BlockSparseMatrix<double> &matrix,
- FullMatrix<double> &sub_matrix)
- {
- const unsigned int n_rows_submatrix = row_index_set.size();
- const unsigned int n_cols_submatrix = column_index_set.size();
- Assert(n_rows_submatrix > 0, ExcInternalError());
- Assert(n_cols_submatrix > 0, ExcInternalError());
- sub_matrix.reinit(n_rows_submatrix, n_cols_submatrix);
- for (unsigned int sub_row = 0; sub_row < n_rows_submatrix; ++sub_row)
- {
- const unsigned int row = row_index_set[sub_row];
- Assert(row<=matrix.m(), ExcInternalError());
- for (unsigned int sub_col = 0; sub_col < n_cols_submatrix; ++sub_col)
- {
- const unsigned int col = column_index_set[sub_col];
- Assert(col<=matrix.n(), ExcInternalError());
- if (matrix.get_sparsity_pattern().exists(row, col) == false)
- continue;
- sub_matrix(sub_row, sub_col) = matrix(row, col);
- }
- }
- }
-// The replace_submatrix function takes
-// specific entries from a sub_matrix,
-// and copies them into a matrix.
-// The copied entries are defined by the
-// first two parameters which hold the
-// row and column entries to be replaced.
-// The matrix expected to be of the correct size.
- template <typename MatrixType>
- void
- replace_submatrix(const std::vector<unsigned int> &row_index_set,
- const std::vector<unsigned int> &column_index_set,
- const MatrixType &sub_matrix,
- FullMatrix<double> &matrix)
- {
- const unsigned int n_rows_submatrix = row_index_set.size();
- Assert(n_rows_submatrix<=sub_matrix.m(), ExcInternalError());
- const unsigned int n_cols_submatrix = column_index_set.size();
- Assert(n_cols_submatrix<=sub_matrix.n(), ExcInternalError());
- for (unsigned int sub_row = 0; sub_row < n_rows_submatrix; ++sub_row)
- {
- const unsigned int row = row_index_set[sub_row];
- Assert(row<=matrix.m(), ExcInternalError());
- for (unsigned int sub_col = 0; sub_col < n_cols_submatrix; ++sub_col)
- {
- const unsigned int col = column_index_set[sub_col];
- Assert(col<=matrix.n(), ExcInternalError());
- matrix(row, col) = sub_matrix(sub_row, sub_col);
- }
- }
- }
-// Now we define some frequently used
+ // Now we define some frequently used
// second and fourth-order tensors:
template <int dim>
class StandardTensors
// extract $\mathsf{\mathbf{k}}$
// for the dofs associated with
// the current element
- AdditionalTools::extract_submatrix(data.local_dof_indices,
+ data.k_orig.extract_submatrix_from(tangent_matrix,
- tangent_matrix,
- data.k_orig);
+ data.local_dof_indices);
// and next the local matrices for
// $\mathsf{\mathbf{k}}_{ \widetilde{p} \mathbf{u}}$
// $\mathsf{\mathbf{k}}_{ \widetilde{p} \widetilde{J}}$
// and
// $\mathsf{\mathbf{k}}_{ \widetilde{J} \widetilde{J}}$:
- AdditionalTools::extract_submatrix(element_indices_p,
- element_indices_u,
- data.k_orig,
- data.k_pu);
- AdditionalTools::extract_submatrix(element_indices_p,
- element_indices_J,
- data.k_orig,
- data.k_pJ);
- AdditionalTools::extract_submatrix(element_indices_J,
- element_indices_J,
- data.k_orig,
- data.k_JJ);
+ data.k_pu.extract_submatrix_from(data.k_orig,
+ element_indices_p,
+ element_indices_u);
+ data.k_pJ.extract_submatrix_from(data.k_orig,
+ element_indices_p,
+ element_indices_J);
+ data.k_JJ.extract_submatrix_from(data.k_orig,
+ element_indices_J,
+ element_indices_J);
// To get the inverse of
// $\mathsf{\mathbf{k}}_{\widetilde{p} \widetilde{J}}$,
// \mathsf{\mathbf{k}}_{\widetilde{p} \mathbf{u}}
// $
data.k_pu.Tmmult(data.k_bbar, data.C);
- AdditionalTools::replace_submatrix(element_indices_u,
- element_indices_u,
- data.k_bbar,
- data.cell_matrix);
+ data.k_bbar.scatter_matrix_to(element_indices_u,
+ element_indices_u,
+ data.cell_matrix);
// Next we place
// $\mathsf{\mathbf{k}}^{-1}_{ \widetilde{p} \widetilde{J}}$
// that we need to remove the
// contribution that already exists there.
data.k_pJ_inv.add(-1.0, data.k_pJ);
- AdditionalTools::replace_submatrix(element_indices_p,
- element_indices_J,
- data.k_pJ_inv,
- data.cell_matrix);
+ data.k_pJ_inv.scatter_matrix_to(element_indices_p,
+ element_indices_J,
+ data.cell_matrix);
// @sect4{Solid::output_results}