# Makefile,v 1.14 2002/09/19 13:53:47 wolf Exp
# Common Makefile for all test directories
+include Makefile.paths
+include $D/common/Make.global_options
-all: nofail fail
-nofail: base lac fe deal.II multigrid bits hp
- @-if grep -q 'define HAVE_LIBUMFPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- cd umfpack ; $(MAKE) ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @-if grep -q 'define HAVE_LIBLAPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- cd lapack ; $(MAKE) ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @-if grep -q 'define DEAL_II_USE_PETSC' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- cd petsc ; $(MAKE) ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- cd base ; $(MAKE)
- cd lac ; $(MAKE)
+# first define the directories we should work on
+nofail-dirs=base lac fe deal.II multigrid bits hp
- cd fe ; $(MAKE)
+ifeq ($(USE_CONTRIB_PETSC),yes)
+ nofail-dirs += petsc
- cd bits ; $(MAKE)
+ifeq ($(USE_CONTRIB_UMFPACK),yes)
+ nofail-dirs += umfpack
- cd deal.II ; $(MAKE)
+ifneq ($(shell grep 'define HAVE_LIBLAPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h),)
+ nofail-dirs += lapack
- cd multigrid ; $(MAKE)
- cd hp ; $(MAKE)
+# now define the targets that actually do something
+all: $(addprefix do-,$(nofail-dirs) fail)
+ cd $(@:do-%=%) && $(MAKE)
- cd fail ; $(MAKE)
- @for i in base lac fe deal.II multigrid bits hp fail all-headers ; do \
+ @for i in $(nofail-dirs) fail all-headers ; do \
echo =======Report: $$i ======= ; \
cd $$i ; $(MAKE) report ; cd .. ; \
- @if grep -q 'define HAVE_LIBUMFPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- echo =======Report: umfpack ======= ; \
- cd umfpack ; $(MAKE) report ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @if grep -q 'define HAVE_LIBLAPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- echo =======Report: lapack ======= ; \
- cd lapack ; $(MAKE) report ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @if grep -q 'define DEAL_II_USE_PETSC' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- echo =======Report: petsc ======= ; \
- cd petsc ; $(MAKE) report ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @for i in base lac fe deal.II multigrid bits hp fail all-headers ; do \
+ @for i in $(nofail-dirs) fail all-headers ; do \
echo =======Report: $$i ======= ; \
cd $$i ; $(MAKE) report+mail ; cd .. ; \
- @if grep -q 'define HAVE_LIBUMFPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- echo =======Report: umfpack ======= ; \
- cd umfpack ; $(MAKE) report+mail ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @if grep -q 'define HAVE_LIBLAPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- echo =======Report: lapack ======= ; \
- cd lapack ; $(MAKE) report+mail ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @if grep -q 'define DEAL_II_USE_PETSC' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- echo =======Report: petsc ======= ; \
- cd petsc ; $(MAKE) report+mail ; cd .. ; \
- fi
# compilation of tests only, no execution of tests
-build: build-base build-lac build-fe build-deal.II build-multigrid build-bits build-hp build-fail
- @if grep -q 'define HAVE_LIBUMFPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- cd umfpack ; $(MAKE) build ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @if grep -q 'define HAVE_LIBLAPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- cd lapack ; $(MAKE) build ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @if grep -q 'define DEAL_II_USE_PETSC' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- cd petsc ; $(MAKE) build ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- cd base ; $(MAKE) build
- cd lac ; $(MAKE) build
- cd fe ; $(MAKE) build
- cd bits ; $(MAKE) build
- cd deal.II ; $(MAKE) build
- cd multigrid ; $(MAKE) build
- cd hp ; $(MAKE) build
- cd fail ; $(MAKE) build
+build: $(addprefix build-,$(nofail-dirs) fail)
+ cd $(@:build-%=%) && $(MAKE) build
# compilation and execution of tests only, no comparison with
# reference values
-output: output-base output-lac output-fe output-deal.II output-bits output-hp output-fail
- @if grep -q 'define HAVE_LIBUMFPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- cd umfpack ; $(MAKE) output ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @if grep -q 'define HAVE_LIBLAPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- cd lapack ; $(MAKE) output ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @if grep -q 'define DEAL_II_USE_PETSC' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- echo =======Report: petsc ======= ; \
- cd petsc ; $(MAKE) output ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- cd base ; $(MAKE) output
- cd lac ; $(MAKE) output
- cd fe ; $(MAKE) output
- cd bits ; $(MAKE) output
- cd deal.II ; $(MAKE) output
- cd multigrid ; $(MAKE) output
- cd hp ; $(MAKE) output
- cd fail ; $(MAKE) output
+output: $(addprefix output-,$(nofail-dirs) fail)
+ cd $(@:output-%=%) && $(MAKE) output
# update/generate references
+refs: $(addprefix output-,$(nofail-dirs))
+ cd $(@:refs-%=%) && $(MAKE) refs
-refs: refs-base refs-lac refs-fe refs-deal.II refs-bits refs-hp
- @if grep -q 'define HAVE_LIBUMFPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- cd umfpack ; $(MAKE) refs ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @if grep -q 'define HAVE_LIBLAPACK' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- cd lapack ; $(MAKE) refs ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- @if grep -q 'define DEAL_II_USE_PETSC' $D/base/include/base/config.h ; then \
- echo =======Report: petsc ======= ; \
- cd petsc ; $(MAKE) refs ; cd .. ; \
- fi
- cd base ; $(MAKE) refs
- cd lac ; $(MAKE) refs
- cd fe ; $(MAKE) refs
- cd bits ; $(MAKE) refs
- cd deal.II ; $(MAKE) refs
- cd multigrid ; $(MAKE) refs
- cd hp ; $(MAKE) refs
+# clean up output files
+clean: $(addprefix clean-,$(nofail-dirs) fail)
+distclean: $(addprefix clean-,$(nofail-dirs) fail)
+ cd $(@:clean-%=%) && $(MAKE) clean
+ cd $(@:distclean-%=%) && $(MAKE) distclean
-clean: clean-base clean-lac clean-deal.II clean-fe clean-bits clean-hp clean-fail \
- clean-umfpack clean-lapack clean-petsc clean-multigrid
-distclean: distclean-base distclean-lac distclean-deal.II distclean-fe distclean-bits distclean-hp distclean-fail \
- distclean-umfpack distclean-lapack distclean-petsc distclean-multigrid
- cd base ; $(MAKE) clean
- cd base ; $(MAKE) distclean
- cd lac ; $(MAKE) clean
- cd lac ; $(MAKE) distclean
- cd fe ; $(MAKE) clean
- cd fe ; $(MAKE) distclean
- cd deal.II ; $(MAKE) clean
- cd deal.II ; $(MAKE) distclean
- cd multigrid ; $(MAKE) clean
- cd multigrid ; $(MAKE) distclean
- cd bits ; $(MAKE) clean
- cd bits ; $(MAKE) distclean
+.PHONY : all do-% report report+mail build build-% refs refs-% \
+ clean clean-% \
+ distclean distclean-% \
+ resultname
- cd hp ; $(MAKE) clean
- cd hp ; $(MAKE) distclean
- cd fail ; $(MAKE) clean
- cd fail ; $(MAKE) distclean
- cd umfpack ; $(MAKE) clean
- cd umfpack ; $(MAKE) distclean
- cd lapack ; $(MAKE) clean
- cd lapack ; $(MAKE) distclean
- cd petsc ; $(MAKE) clean
- cd petsc ; $(MAKE) distclean
-.PHONY : all base lac fe deal.II multigrid bits hp fail\
- clean clean-base clean-lac clean-fe \
- clean-deal.II clean-multigrid clean-bits clean-hp clean-fail \
- distclean distclean-base distclean-lac distclean-fe \
- distclean-deal.II distclean-multigrid distclean-bits distclean-hp distclean-fail
-include Makefile.paths
-include $D/common/Make.global_options