using SparsityPatternBase::reinit;
- /**
- * Define a value which is used to indicate that a certain value in the
- * #colnums array is unused, i.e. does not represent a certain column number
- * index.
- *
- * Indices with this invalid value are used to insert new entries to the
- * sparsity pattern using the add() member function, and are removed when
- * calling compress().
- *
- * You should not assume that the variable declared here has a certain
- * value. The initialization is given here only to enable the compiler to
- * perform some optimizations, but the actual value of the variable may
- * change over time.
- */
- static const size_type invalid_entry = SparsityPatternBase::invalid_entry;
* @name Construction and setup Constructors, destructor; functions
* initializing, copying and filling an object.
__declspec(selectany) // Weak extern binding due to multiple link error
- const SparsityPattern::size_type SparsityPattern::invalid_entry;
-const SparsityPatternBase::size_type SparsityPatternBase::invalid_entry;
+ const SparsityPatternBase::size_type SparsityPatternBase::invalid_entry;