Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
return Point<3>();
- template <int dim, int spacedim>
- void
- compute_shape_function_values_general(
- const unsigned int n_shape_functions,
- const std::vector<Point<dim>> &unit_points,
- typename dealii::MappingQGeneric<dim, spacedim>::InternalData &data)
- {
- const unsigned int n_points = unit_points.size();
- // Construct the tensor product polynomials used as shape functions for
- // the Qp mapping of cells at the boundary.
- const TensorProductPolynomials<dim> tensor_pols(
- Polynomials::generate_complete_Lagrange_basis(
- data.line_support_points.get_points()));
- Assert(n_shape_functions == tensor_pols.n(), ExcInternalError());
- // then also construct the mapping from lexicographic to the Qp shape
- // function numbering
- const std::vector<unsigned int> renumber =
- FETools::hierarchic_to_lexicographic_numbering<dim>(
- data.polynomial_degree);
- std::vector<double> values;
- std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>> grads;
- if (data.shape_values.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_values.size() == n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- values.resize(n_shape_functions);
- }
- if (data.shape_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- grads.resize(n_shape_functions);
- }
- std::vector<Tensor<2, dim>> grad2;
- if (data.shape_second_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_second_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- grad2.resize(n_shape_functions);
- }
- std::vector<Tensor<3, dim>> grad3;
- if (data.shape_third_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_third_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- grad3.resize(n_shape_functions);
- }
- std::vector<Tensor<4, dim>> grad4;
- if (data.shape_fourth_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_fourth_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- grad4.resize(n_shape_functions);
- }
- if (data.shape_values.size() != 0 ||
- data.shape_derivatives.size() != 0 ||
- data.shape_second_derivatives.size() != 0 ||
- data.shape_third_derivatives.size() != 0 ||
- data.shape_fourth_derivatives.size() != 0)
- for (unsigned int point = 0; point < n_points; ++point)
- {
- tensor_pols.evaluate(
- unit_points[point], values, grads, grad2, grad3, grad4);
- if (data.shape_values.size() != 0)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_shape_functions; ++i)
- data.shape(point, i) = values[renumber[i]];
- if (data.shape_derivatives.size() != 0)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_shape_functions; ++i)
- data.derivative(point, i) = grads[renumber[i]];
- if (data.shape_second_derivatives.size() != 0)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_shape_functions; ++i)
- data.second_derivative(point, i) = grad2[renumber[i]];
- if (data.shape_third_derivatives.size() != 0)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_shape_functions; ++i)
- data.third_derivative(point, i) = grad3[renumber[i]];
- if (data.shape_fourth_derivatives.size() != 0)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_shape_functions; ++i)
- data.fourth_derivative(point, i) = grad4[renumber[i]];
- }
- }
- void
- compute_shape_function_values_hardcode(
- const unsigned int n_shape_functions,
- const std::vector<Point<1>> & unit_points,
- dealii::MappingQGeneric<1, 1>::InternalData &data)
- {
- (void)n_shape_functions;
- const unsigned int n_points = unit_points.size();
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_points; ++k)
- {
- double x = unit_points[k](0);
- if (data.shape_values.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_values.size() == n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- data.shape(k, 0) = 1. - x;
- data.shape(k, 1) = x;
- }
- if (data.shape_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- data.derivative(k, 0)[0] = -1.;
- data.derivative(k, 1)[0] = 1.;
- }
- if (data.shape_second_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_second_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[0][0] = 0;
- }
- if (data.shape_third_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_third_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- Tensor<3, 1> zero;
- data.third_derivative(k, 0) = zero;
- data.third_derivative(k, 1) = zero;
- }
- if (data.shape_fourth_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_fourth_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- Tensor<4, 1> zero;
- data.fourth_derivative(k, 0) = zero;
- data.fourth_derivative(k, 1) = zero;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- compute_shape_function_values_hardcode(
- const unsigned int n_shape_functions,
- const std::vector<Point<2>> & unit_points,
- dealii::MappingQGeneric<2, 2>::InternalData &data)
- {
- (void)n_shape_functions;
- const unsigned int n_points = unit_points.size();
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_points; ++k)
- {
- double x = unit_points[k](0);
- double y = unit_points[k](1);
- if (data.shape_values.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_values.size() == n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- data.shape(k, 0) = (1. - x) * (1. - y);
- data.shape(k, 1) = x * (1. - y);
- data.shape(k, 2) = (1. - x) * y;
- data.shape(k, 3) = x * y;
- }
- if (data.shape_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- data.derivative(k, 0)[0] = (y - 1.);
- data.derivative(k, 1)[0] = (1. - y);
- data.derivative(k, 2)[0] = -y;
- data.derivative(k, 3)[0] = y;
- data.derivative(k, 0)[1] = (x - 1.);
- data.derivative(k, 1)[1] = -x;
- data.derivative(k, 2)[1] = (1. - x);
- data.derivative(k, 3)[1] = x;
- }
- if (data.shape_second_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_second_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[0][1] = 1.;
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[0][1] = -1.;
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[0][1] = -1.;
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[0][1] = 1.;
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[1][0] = 1.;
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[1][0] = -1.;
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[1][0] = -1.;
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[1][0] = 1.;
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[1][1] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[1][1] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[1][1] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[1][1] = 0;
- }
- if (data.shape_third_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_third_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- Tensor<3, 2> zero;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- data.third_derivative(k, i) = zero;
- }
- if (data.shape_fourth_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_fourth_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- Tensor<4, 2> zero;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- data.fourth_derivative(k, i) = zero;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- compute_shape_function_values_hardcode(
- const unsigned int n_shape_functions,
- const std::vector<Point<3>> & unit_points,
- dealii::MappingQGeneric<3, 3>::InternalData &data)
- {
- (void)n_shape_functions;
- const unsigned int n_points = unit_points.size();
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_points; ++k)
- {
- double x = unit_points[k](0);
- double y = unit_points[k](1);
- double z = unit_points[k](2);
- if (data.shape_values.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_values.size() == n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- data.shape(k, 0) = (1. - x) * (1. - y) * (1. - z);
- data.shape(k, 1) = x * (1. - y) * (1. - z);
- data.shape(k, 2) = (1. - x) * y * (1. - z);
- data.shape(k, 3) = x * y * (1. - z);
- data.shape(k, 4) = (1. - x) * (1. - y) * z;
- data.shape(k, 5) = x * (1. - y) * z;
- data.shape(k, 6) = (1. - x) * y * z;
- data.shape(k, 7) = x * y * z;
- }
- if (data.shape_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- data.derivative(k, 0)[0] = (y - 1.) * (1. - z);
- data.derivative(k, 1)[0] = (1. - y) * (1. - z);
- data.derivative(k, 2)[0] = -y * (1. - z);
- data.derivative(k, 3)[0] = y * (1. - z);
- data.derivative(k, 4)[0] = (y - 1.) * z;
- data.derivative(k, 5)[0] = (1. - y) * z;
- data.derivative(k, 6)[0] = -y * z;
- data.derivative(k, 7)[0] = y * z;
- data.derivative(k, 0)[1] = (x - 1.) * (1. - z);
- data.derivative(k, 1)[1] = -x * (1. - z);
- data.derivative(k, 2)[1] = (1. - x) * (1. - z);
- data.derivative(k, 3)[1] = x * (1. - z);
- data.derivative(k, 4)[1] = (x - 1.) * z;
- data.derivative(k, 5)[1] = -x * z;
- data.derivative(k, 6)[1] = (1. - x) * z;
- data.derivative(k, 7)[1] = x * z;
- data.derivative(k, 0)[2] = (x - 1) * (1. - y);
- data.derivative(k, 1)[2] = x * (y - 1.);
- data.derivative(k, 2)[2] = (x - 1.) * y;
- data.derivative(k, 3)[2] = -x * y;
- data.derivative(k, 4)[2] = (1. - x) * (1. - y);
- data.derivative(k, 5)[2] = x * (1. - y);
- data.derivative(k, 6)[2] = (1. - x) * y;
- data.derivative(k, 7)[2] = x * y;
- }
- if (data.shape_second_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_second_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 4)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 5)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 6)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 7)[0][0] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[1][1] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[1][1] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[1][1] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[1][1] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 4)[1][1] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 5)[1][1] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 6)[1][1] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 7)[1][1] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[2][2] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[2][2] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[2][2] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[2][2] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 4)[2][2] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 5)[2][2] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 6)[2][2] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 7)[2][2] = 0;
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[0][1] = (1. - z);
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[0][1] = -(1. - z);
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[0][1] = -(1. - z);
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[0][1] = (1. - z);
- data.second_derivative(k, 4)[0][1] = z;
- data.second_derivative(k, 5)[0][1] = -z;
- data.second_derivative(k, 6)[0][1] = -z;
- data.second_derivative(k, 7)[0][1] = z;
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[1][0] = (1. - z);
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[1][0] = -(1. - z);
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[1][0] = -(1. - z);
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[1][0] = (1. - z);
- data.second_derivative(k, 4)[1][0] = z;
- data.second_derivative(k, 5)[1][0] = -z;
- data.second_derivative(k, 6)[1][0] = -z;
- data.second_derivative(k, 7)[1][0] = z;
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[0][2] = (1. - y);
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[0][2] = -(1. - y);
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[0][2] = y;
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[0][2] = -y;
- data.second_derivative(k, 4)[0][2] = -(1. - y);
- data.second_derivative(k, 5)[0][2] = (1. - y);
- data.second_derivative(k, 6)[0][2] = -y;
- data.second_derivative(k, 7)[0][2] = y;
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[2][0] = (1. - y);
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[2][0] = -(1. - y);
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[2][0] = y;
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[2][0] = -y;
- data.second_derivative(k, 4)[2][0] = -(1. - y);
- data.second_derivative(k, 5)[2][0] = (1. - y);
- data.second_derivative(k, 6)[2][0] = -y;
- data.second_derivative(k, 7)[2][0] = y;
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[1][2] = (1. - x);
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[1][2] = x;
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[1][2] = -(1. - x);
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[1][2] = -x;
- data.second_derivative(k, 4)[1][2] = -(1. - x);
- data.second_derivative(k, 5)[1][2] = -x;
- data.second_derivative(k, 6)[1][2] = (1. - x);
- data.second_derivative(k, 7)[1][2] = x;
- data.second_derivative(k, 0)[2][1] = (1. - x);
- data.second_derivative(k, 1)[2][1] = x;
- data.second_derivative(k, 2)[2][1] = -(1. - x);
- data.second_derivative(k, 3)[2][1] = -x;
- data.second_derivative(k, 4)[2][1] = -(1. - x);
- data.second_derivative(k, 5)[2][1] = -x;
- data.second_derivative(k, 6)[2][1] = (1. - x);
- data.second_derivative(k, 7)[2][1] = x;
- }
- if (data.shape_third_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_third_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
- for (unsigned int l = 0; l < 3; ++l)
- if ((i == j) || (j == l) || (l == i))
- {
- for (unsigned int m = 0; m < 8; ++m)
- data.third_derivative(k, m)[i][j][l] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- data.third_derivative(k, 0)[i][j][l] = -1.;
- data.third_derivative(k, 1)[i][j][l] = 1.;
- data.third_derivative(k, 2)[i][j][l] = 1.;
- data.third_derivative(k, 3)[i][j][l] = -1.;
- data.third_derivative(k, 4)[i][j][l] = 1.;
- data.third_derivative(k, 5)[i][j][l] = -1.;
- data.third_derivative(k, 6)[i][j][l] = -1.;
- data.third_derivative(k, 7)[i][j][l] = 1.;
- }
- }
- if (data.shape_fourth_derivatives.size() != 0)
- {
- Assert(data.shape_fourth_derivatives.size() ==
- n_shape_functions * n_points,
- ExcInternalError());
- Tensor<4, 3> zero;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
- data.fourth_derivative(k, i) = zero;
- }
- }
- }
} // namespace
} // namespace MappingQ1
} // namespace internal
-template <>
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
-MappingQGeneric<1, 1>::InternalData::compute_shape_function_values(
- const std::vector<Point<1>> &unit_points)
+MappingQGeneric<dim, spacedim>::InternalData::compute_shape_function_values(
+ const std::vector<Point<dim>> &unit_points)
- // if the polynomial degree is one, then we can simplify code a bit
- // by using hard-coded shape functions.
- if (polynomial_degree == 1)
- internal::MappingQ1::compute_shape_function_values_hardcode(
- n_shape_functions, unit_points, *this);
- else
+ const unsigned int n_points = unit_points.size();
+ // Construct the tensor product polynomials used as shape functions for
+ // the Qp mapping of cells at the boundary.
+ const TensorProductPolynomials<dim> tensor_pols(
+ Polynomials::generate_complete_Lagrange_basis(
+ line_support_points.get_points()));
+ Assert(n_shape_functions == tensor_pols.n(), ExcInternalError());
+ // then also construct the mapping from lexicographic to the Qp shape
+ // function numbering
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> renumber =
+ FETools::hierarchic_to_lexicographic_numbering<dim>(polynomial_degree);
+ std::vector<double> values;
+ std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>> grads;
+ if (shape_values.size() != 0)
- // otherwise ask an object that describes the polynomial space
- internal::MappingQ1::compute_shape_function_values_general<1, 1>(
- n_shape_functions, unit_points, *this);
+ Assert(shape_values.size() == n_shape_functions * n_points,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ values.resize(n_shape_functions);
+ }
+ if (shape_derivatives.size() != 0)
+ {
+ Assert(shape_derivatives.size() == n_shape_functions * n_points,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ grads.resize(n_shape_functions);
-template <>
-MappingQGeneric<2, 2>::InternalData::compute_shape_function_values(
- const std::vector<Point<2>> &unit_points)
- // if the polynomial degree is one, then we can simplify code a bit
- // by using hard-coded shape functions.
- if (polynomial_degree == 1)
- internal::MappingQ1::compute_shape_function_values_hardcode(
- n_shape_functions, unit_points, *this);
- else
+ std::vector<Tensor<2, dim>> grad2;
+ if (shape_second_derivatives.size() != 0)
- // otherwise ask an object that describes the polynomial space
- internal::MappingQ1::compute_shape_function_values_general<2, 2>(
- n_shape_functions, unit_points, *this);
+ Assert(shape_second_derivatives.size() == n_shape_functions * n_points,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ grad2.resize(n_shape_functions);
-template <>
-MappingQGeneric<3, 3>::InternalData::compute_shape_function_values(
- const std::vector<Point<3>> &unit_points)
- // if the polynomial degree is one, then we can simplify code a bit
- // by using hard-coded shape functions.
- if (polynomial_degree == 1)
- internal::MappingQ1::compute_shape_function_values_hardcode(
- n_shape_functions, unit_points, *this);
- else
+ std::vector<Tensor<3, dim>> grad3;
+ if (shape_third_derivatives.size() != 0)
- // otherwise ask an object that describes the polynomial space
- internal::MappingQ1::compute_shape_function_values_general<3, 3>(
- n_shape_functions, unit_points, *this);
+ Assert(shape_third_derivatives.size() == n_shape_functions * n_points,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ grad3.resize(n_shape_functions);
-template <int dim, int spacedim>
-MappingQGeneric<dim, spacedim>::InternalData::compute_shape_function_values(
- const std::vector<Point<dim>> &unit_points)
- // for non-matching combinations of dim and spacedim, just run the general
- // case
- internal::MappingQ1::compute_shape_function_values_general<dim, spacedim>(
- n_shape_functions, unit_points, *this);
+ std::vector<Tensor<4, dim>> grad4;
+ if (shape_fourth_derivatives.size() != 0)
+ {
+ Assert(shape_fourth_derivatives.size() == n_shape_functions * n_points,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ grad4.resize(n_shape_functions);
+ }
+ if (shape_values.size() != 0 || shape_derivatives.size() != 0 ||
+ shape_second_derivatives.size() != 0 ||
+ shape_third_derivatives.size() != 0 ||
+ shape_fourth_derivatives.size() != 0)
+ for (unsigned int point = 0; point < n_points; ++point)
+ {
+ tensor_pols.evaluate(
+ unit_points[point], values, grads, grad2, grad3, grad4);
+ if (shape_values.size() != 0)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_shape_functions; ++i)
+ shape(point, i) = values[renumber[i]];
+ if (shape_derivatives.size() != 0)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_shape_functions; ++i)
+ derivative(point, i) = grads[renumber[i]];
+ if (shape_second_derivatives.size() != 0)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_shape_functions; ++i)
+ second_derivative(point, i) = grad2[renumber[i]];
+ if (shape_third_derivatives.size() != 0)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_shape_functions; ++i)
+ third_derivative(point, i) = grad3[renumber[i]];
+ if (shape_fourth_derivatives.size() != 0)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_shape_functions; ++i)
+ fourth_derivative(point, i) = grad4[renumber[i]];
+ }
namespace internal
namespace MappingQGenericImplementation